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Joseph Guirguis and Sameh Mehanny

How Effective Are EC8 and Recommended AASHTO-LRFD Criteria for Regular Seismic Behavior of Ductile Bridges with Unequal Height Piers?

Mike Mota, Franklin Moon, Ahmet

Shake Table Acceleration Tracking Performance Impact on Dynamic Similitude Preliminary Findings

Seyed Rohollah Hoseini Vaez, Hosein Naderpour, S. M. Kalantari, P. Fakharian Proposing the Optimized Combination of Different Isolation Bearings Subjected to Near-Fault Ground Motions
V. T. Badari Narayanan, Amlan K. Sengupta, S. R. Satish Kumar Seismic Retrofit of Beams in Buildings for Flexure Using Concrete Jacketing
Andrew Chanerley, Nicholas A. Alexander Recovering Displacements and Transients from Strong Motion Records Using the Wavelet Transform
Xiaoli Chen, B. J. Zhou, Qing Zhou, Hongliu Ran Improvement of Methods for Earthquake-induced Landslides Assessment
Tapan K Sen Engineering Analysis of an Offshore Pipeline on an Escarpment in a Seismically Active Zone a Case Study in the Caspian
Marjan Popovski, Erol Karacabeyli Seismic Behaviour of Cross-Laminated Timber Structures
Yingcai Han, S. T. Wang Nonlinear Soil - Pile - Structure Interaction in Dynamic or Seismic Response
Víctor Schmidt Diaz Soil Amplification Based on Regressions for Costa Rica Dataset
Bing Li Initial Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Columns and Walls
Vijay Kumar Kanaujia, Ramanathan Ayothiraman, Vasant Matsagar Influence of Superstructure Flexibility on Seismic Response Pile Foundation in Sand
Hari Nurjaman, Binsar Hariandja, Lutfi Faizal, Christ Marbun, Hasiholan Sidjabat, Ryanto Rivky, Sondang Simanjuntak, Prijasambada, Yosua Situmorang, A. K. Manik, Dedi Putra Design, Testing and Strengthening of Soft Storey of Multi-storey Low Cost Housing in Indonesia with Precast Concrete Frame System
Mario Paparoni, Osdaly Paz, Oscar Peña, I. Carbonell The Cullman Ellipse as a Strategic Tool for Seismic Grading of Structural Configurations
Farzad Naeim, Lauren Carpenter, Tony Ghodsi, Gary Hart, Marshall Lew, Michael Mehrain, Thomas A. Sabol, J. W. Wallace An Alternative Procedure for Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
Julian Carrillo, Sergio Alcocer, José A. Pincheira Shaking Table Tests of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Walls for Housing
Julian Carrillo, Sergio Alcocer Performance Indicators for Seismic Design of Concrete Walls for Housing
Rui Barros, Seyed Mohammad Khatami Seismic Response Effect of Shear Walls in Reducing Pounding Risk of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Subjected to Near-Fault Ground Motions
Seyed Mohammad Khatami, Alireza Mortezaei, Rui Barros Comparing Effects of Openings in Concrete Shear Walls under Near-Fault Ground Motions
Mehmet Baykal, Hiroe Miyake, Toshiaki Yokoi Source Model of the 2010 Elazığ Kovancılar Earthquake (Mw 6.1) for Broadband Ground Motion Simulation
Ait Belkacem Mounir, Bourahla Nouredine Implication of the Seismic Code on the Seismic Design of Bridges in Algeria
Junju Xie, Zengping Wen, Xiaojun Li Characteristics of Strong Motion Duration from the Wenchuan Mw 7.9 Earthquake
Paul Thenhaus, Kenneth W. Campbell, Nitin Gupta, David Smith, Mahmoud Khater A Consistent Cross-Border Seismic Hazard Model for Loss Estimation and Risk Management in Canada
Ali Nour, Abdelhalim Cherfaoui, Vladimir Gocevski, Pierre Léger CANDU 6 Nuclear Power Plant: Reactor building floor response spectra considering seismic wave incoherency
Faramarz Rahiminia, Hisashi Namba Joint panel shear yielding in steel moment
Murty Cvr, Durgesh C. Rai, Hari Kumar, Keya Mitra, Amit Bose, H. B. Kaushik, Arvind Jaiswal, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla A Methodology for documenting Housing Typologies in the Moderate-Severe Seismic Zones
Qian Li, Abdeldjelil Belarbi Damage Characteristics of RC Bridge Columns with Interlocking Spirals under Combined Cyclic Loading Including Torsion
Rina Farhat, Nicolae Gluck, Rami Eid, Uri Tzadka On detailing of reinforced-concrete frame structures for robustness and for earthquake resistance
Ali Jalaeefar, Behruz Asgarian Seismic Assessment of Innovative Hybrid Bracing System Equipped with Shape Memory Alloy
Katsuichiro Goda Peak Ductility Demand of Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences for Japanese Earthquakes
Tae-Hoon Kim Inelastic Behavior of Hollow Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
Maria Bostenaru Dan The economic impact of seismic retrofit on heritage buildings with historic reinforced concrete skeleton structure of the interwar time
Mohammad Khandan Bakavoli, Ebrahim Haghshenas, Jafar Bolouri Bazaz, Majid Khandan Bakavoli Effect of Nearby Topography on Amplification of Seismic Motion in Topographic Irregularities: The Case of a Hilly Site in Tehran
Hector Sánchez Sánchez, Edgar Lugo Espino, Carlos Cortés Salas Inelastic Response of 3D RC Frames of a Urban Viaduct Considering the Interaction Soil-Structure Effect by Numerical Simulation
Taylor Rawlinson, Justin Marshall Multi-Phase Passive Control Systems for Performance-Based Design
Kumars Zandparsa High Rise Building Retrofitting in a High Risk Earthquake Zone
Kumars Zandparsa How Important Are the New Factors in the Recent Earthquake Code for Concrete Structures
Tatsuya Itoi, Tsuyoshi Takada Inter-Period Correlation of Acceleration Response Spectra in Observed and Simulated Ground Motions
Irmela Zentner Conditional simulation of spatially incoherent seismic ground motion using Gaussian process models.
Ardeshir Deylami, Mahdieh Aminifar Seismic Retrofitting of Moment-Resisting Connections Using Beam Web Opening
Masoud Nekooei, Mansour Ziyaeifar Vertical Seismic Isolated Structures with Semi-Active Control System
Yuji Koetaka, Keita Matsumoto,Yasushi Yano Seismic response of single-story steel moment frame with isolated floor system
Efthymis Lekkas, Emmanuel Andreadakis, Vassiliki Alexoudi, Eleni Kapourani, Irene Kostaki The Mw=9.0 Tohoku Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011) Tsunami Impact on Structures and Infrastructure
Enrico Da Lozzo, Ferdinando Auricchio, Gian Michele Calvi Added mass model for vertical circular cylinder partially immersed in water
Darell James Mendoza, Eric Augustus Tingatinga Development of Artificial Earthquake Records in the Philippines using Specific Barrier Model Considering Local Site Conditions
Ming-Hsiang Shih, Wen-Pei Sung Experimental Study of Semi-Active Device as Active Interaction Control Device
Mallikharjuna Rao Manepalli, Tushar Kanti Datta Predictive Safe Control of on-Linear Seismic Response of Building Frames Using euro-Modal Controllers
Hosein Naderpour Empirical Approach Using ANN for Determining Confined Compressive Strength in FRP-Strengthened Concrete Members
Masumi Yamada, Masayuki Yamada, Yui Fukuda, Yoshinori Fujino, Koji Hada, Christine Smyth, Estimation of Strong Motion during the 2011 Northern Nagano Earthquake and an Associated Building Damage Survey
Ali Fakhreddini, Javad Salajegheh Optimum Automated Direct Displacement Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames
D. Shanker, H. N. Singh, A. Kumar, V. N. Neelakandan, V. S. Kumar Local site effect and microzonation in assessing and managing earthquake risk
Takao Nishizawa, Kazuhiro Yoshihara, Nobuo Fukuwa, Yasuhiro Suzuki Design of base isolated buildings built right above a fault
J. C. Ramirez-Cisneros, J. Lozano, H. O. Ferrer-Toledo, J. Rojas-Palacios, R. Vázquez-Rosas, H. Mijares-Arellano Dynamic Behavior of Puebla City Cathedral
Hamid Zafarani A Hybrid Empirical-Stochastic Method for Ground Motion Simulation; a Sample Study: The 22 February 2005 (MW 6.4) Zarand (Central Iran) Earthquake
Beyhan Bayhan, J. P. Moehle, Soheil Yavari, K. J. Elwood, S. H. Lin, C. L. Wu, S. J. Hwang An Experimental and Analytical Study in Reinforced Concrete Frames with Weak Beam-Column Joints
Nicola Tarque Ruiz, Guido Camata, Enrico Spacone, Marcial Blondet, Humberto Varum The use of continuum models for analyzing adobe structures
Aida Azari Sisi, Behzad Rafezy, Paul Howson Exact Stiffness and Frequency Relationships for a Doubly Asymmetric Bending-Torsion Thin-Walled Beam
Seiji Yamada, Katsuyuki Shimizu, Yasushi Takei Seismic Retrofitting Effects of Reinforcing Over-Track Buildings with Knee-Brace Dampers
Prahlad Prasad, Manish Shrikhande, Pankaj Agarwal Damage Indices using Energy Criterion for Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frame Buildings
Prahlad Prasad, Manish Shrikhande, Pankaj Agarwal Number of Yield Excursion Cycles versus Performance Based Seismic Design
Athanasia Kazantzi, Dimitrios Vamvatsikos A study on the correlation between dissipated hysteretic energy and seismic performance
Yoshifumi Sugimura, Wataru Goto, Hirokazu Tanizawa, Kenjiro Saito, Toshifumi Ninomiya, Tomoya Nagasaku, Kenji Saito Response Control Effect of Steel Building Structure Using Tuned Viscous Mass Damper
Katsuichiro Goda, Siau Chen Chian, Stuart Fraser, Joshua Macabuag, Mark Offord, Antonios Pomonis, Keiko Saito, Alison Raby, Peter Sammonds EEFIT Field Observations and Lessons from the 11th March 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake: Ground Motion and Shaking Damage
Javad Jalili, Mohammad Kazem Jafari, Ali Shafiee Inclusion Effect on Heterogeneity of Excess Pore Water Pressure Distribution in Composite Clay
Longjun Xu, Yujian Xie, Lili Xie An Exploration on Characteristics of Ground Motion Containing Harmonic Waves
Tapan K Sen Magnitude-Recurrence Relationship and its Effect on Uniform Hazard Spectra: A Current Assessment
Floriana Pergalani, Massimo Compagnoni, Antonio Colombi Evaluation of site effects: development of the semiquantitative abacuses in Lazio Region (Italy)
Takashi Fujinaga, Yuping Sun Structural Performance of Damaged Open-web Type SRC Beam-columns after Retrofitting
Gholamreza Abdollahzadeh, Mohammad Reza Banihashemi, Sdegh Elkaee, Mojtaba Esmaeelnia Amiri Response Modification Factor of Dual Moment-resistant Frame with Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB)
Sofia Efraimiadou, George Hatzigeorgiou, Dimitri Beskos Structural pounding between adjacent buildings: The effects of different structures configurations and multiple earthquakes
Mario Andres Salgado Galvez, Daniela Zuloaga Romero, Gabriel Andres Bernal Granados, Luis Eduardo Yamin Lacouture, Omar Cardona Strong ground motion signal selection consistent with Local seismic hazard levels. Applications in 3 cities in Colombia
Jianwen Cui, Jianguo Zhang, Dong Gao, Jianxin Duan, Tun Wang The Ground Motion Attenuation Relation for the Mountainous Area in Sichuan and Yunnan
Nikos Pnevmatikos Structural control for asymmetric buildings subjected to to earthquake excitations
Stephen Rutledge, Mervyn J. Kowalsky, Rudolf Seracino, James M. Nau Repair of Damaged Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns By Plastic Hinge Relocation
Chris Pantelides, Domingo Moran Design of FRP jackets for Confinement of Plastic Hinges in Reinforced Concrete Columns using Displacement Ductility
Feng Liu, Lai Wang, Xilin Lv Experimental Investigations on the Seismic Performance of Un-Retrofitted and Retrofitted RC Frames
Mohammad Nooraie, Farhad Behnamfar A New Procedure for Selection and Modification of Strong Ground Motion for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
Dimitrios Konstantinidis, Nicos Makris, James M. Kelly Experimental Investigation on the Health Monitoring of Fluid Dampers for Bridges
Priyanka Shirsat, Michael Engelhardt Preliminary Analysis of Doubler Plate Attachment Details for Steel Moment Frames
G. A. Bernal, Mario G. Ordaz, Mario Andrés Salgado, Luis Eduardo Yamín, Omar Cardona Calibration of a source spectrum model and construction of spectral strong motion attenuation relationships from accelerogram records
M. C. Gómez-Soberón, O. Santillán-Nieves, J Manuel Gómez-Soberón, Luis A Gómez-Soberón Design and elastic behaviour influence of recycled RC buildings subjected to earthquakes.
Kazushi Shimazaki Evaluation of Seismic Torsional Response of Base Isolated Buildings
Lisa Holliday, Thomas Kang Earthquake Performance of Non-engineered Construction in Nicaragua
Phaiboon Panyakapo Seismic Displacement Demands of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Cyclic Pushover Analysis
Tatsuo Narafu, Hiroshi Imai, Yuji Ishiyama, Dyah Kusumastuti, Wahyu Wuryanti, Kazushi Shirakawa, Makoto Kinoshita Experimental Study on Confined Brick Masonry in Indonesia
Wan-Kai Zhang, Xiao Lu, Xin-Zheng Lu, Lie-Ping Ye, Jia-Ru Qian Collapse Simulation for a Super-Tall Mega-braced Frame Core-tube Building
Ahm Muntasir Billah, M. Shahria Alam Development of fragility curves for retrofitted multi-column bridge bent subjected to near fault ground motion
Roger Borcherdt VS30 – a Site-Characterization Parameter for Use in Building Codes, Simplified Earthquake Resistant Design, GMPEs, and ShakeMaps
Daisuke Takabatake, Yoshiharu Shumuta, Takashi Miyako Development of seismic damage estimation index for service lines with seismic resistant spring
George Hatzigeorgiou, George Papagiannopoulos Evaluation of maximum velocity for inelastic structures with supplementary dampers
David Bonneville Progress Report on the Technical Development of the 2014 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions
L. Teresa Guevara-Perez “Soft Story” and “Weak Story” in Earthquake Resistant Design: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Steven Fulmer, Mervyn J. Kowalsky, James M. Nau Seismic Performance of Steel Bridge Piers Containing Composite Connections
Kazushi Sadasue, Katsuya Akamatsu, Koichi Minami Ultimate Strength and Restoring Force Characteristics of Unembedded Type Column Bases in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures
Li Lin, Wen Ruizhi, Zhou Baofeng, Shi Dacheng The selection and scaling of ground motion records for great scenario earthquakes based on the condition mean spectrum
Viktor Hristovski, Marta Stojmanovska, Bruno Dujic Full-Scale Shaking Table Tests of XLam Panel Systems - Correlation with Cyclic Quasi-Static Tests
Mojtaba Heidari, Meisam Heidari A Sensitivity Analysis of Amplification Factor of Peak Ground Acceleration by means of Neural Network and Time History Analysis: A Case Study
Panagiotis Carydis, Efthymis Lekkas, Theodosios Kritikos The Mw 7.1 Sept 4 2010 and Mw 6.3 Febr 22 2011, New Zealand Eqs. Comparison of EMS1998 and ESI2007 Data
B. Huang, L. Li, Dao-Sheng Ling, M. X. Shi Influence of Additional Attenuation of Small Strain Shear Modulus Gmax on Site Seismic Response
Jiri Naprstek, Cyril Fischer Auto-Parametric Stability and Post-Critical Behavior of a Non-Linear Continuous System Under Random Seismic Excitation
Christoph Adam, Thomas Furtmüller, Günther Achs Seismic Assessment of Historical Brick-Masonry Buildings in Vienna
Steven French Modeling Nonstructural Damage for Metropolitan Building Stocks
Easa Khan, Mervyn J. Kowalsky, James M. Nau Comparison of the Seismic Performance of Equivalent Straight and Curved Bridges due to Transverse Seismic Excitation
Behzad Hassani, Hamid Zafarani, Jamshid Farjoodi Determination of Site Amplification in East-Central Iran from Inversion of Strong-Motion Records
S. Vahid Khonsari, Mahmoud Moradi, Dawoud Zarei, Hossein Farahani, George L. England Experimental Study of the Behaviour of a New Replaceable Bracing System (BBBS)
S. Vahid Khonsari, Hamed Seyf, Saman Mehryar, M. Shahsavar-Gargari Experimental Study of a New Steel Shear Wall with an Embedded Special Damping Mechanism (SSWAF)
S. Vahid Khonsari, Soorena Poorzandpoosh, M. Shahsavar-Gargari Experimental Investigation into the Behaviour of a Beam-to-Column Connection with Improved Initial Stiffness
Adel Abdelnaby, A. S. Elnashai Response of Degrading Reinforced Concrete Systems Subjected to Replicate Earthquake Ground Motions
Tran Tuan Nam, Kasai Kazuhiko Study on Shaking-Table Experiment of a Full-Scale Four-Story Steel Building
Gary Prinz, Paul Richards Dynamic Performance Comparison between Buckling Restrained Braced Frames in Concentric and Eccentric Configurations
Takahiro Matsumoto, Satoshi Akita, Takashi Amasaki Seismic Performance Improvement of the Existing High-rise Building by Connecting to its High-rise Extension Using Viscous Dampers
R. T. Severn, David Stoten, Yasutaka Tagawa The Contribution of Shaking Tables to Earthquake Engineering
Constantine Stamatopoulos, Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arezou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi Laboratory tests and numerical simulations giving the effect of preloading on the cyclic liquefaction strength
Fernando Lopez-Caballero, Arezou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi, Constantine Stamatopoulos, P. Peridis Field test measuring the effect of preloading on soil properties affecting the seismic response and numerical simulation
Marshall Lew, Lan-Anh Tran Case History of Observed Liquefaction-Induced Settlement Versus Predicted Settlement
Cheng Chen, Juli Leong, Olga Mendez Robustness Analysis of an Structure Dependent Explicit Integration Algorithm for Real-Time Structural Testing
Nobuyuki Okuma, Kouichi Ikeda, Taiji Mazda, Kenji Kanazawa, Seiji Nagata Structural Monitoring Test for an Aged Large Arch Dam Based on Ambient Vibration Measurement
Kazuhiro Kitayama, Ryuto Yajima Earthquake Resistant Performance of Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblages Forming Beam Yield Mechanism
Hiroki Kashiwa, Hideki Naito, Motoyuki Suzuki Vibration and Buckling Characteristics of I-Shaped Steel Column Corroded on Boundary with Concrete
Youcef Mehani, H. Bechthoula, Abderrahmane Kibboua, Mounir Naili Seismic vulnerability assessment of strategic buildings in Algeria: methodology and case study
Abderrahmane Kibboua, Mounir Naili, Fouad Kehila, Hakim Bechtoula, Youcef Mehani, Djillali Benouar Seismic vulnerability functions of existing reinforced concrete bridge piers
Jason Goodnight, Mervyn J. Kowalsky, James M. Nau Experimental Observations on the Effect of Load History on Performance Limit States of Circular Bridge Columns
Amrouche Mohamed, Yamanaka Hiroaki Determination of 2D shallow S wave velocity profile using waveform inversion of P-SV refraction data
S. Van Ballegooy, P. J. Malan, Michael Jacka, V. I. M. F. Lacrosse, J. R. Leeves, J. E. Lyth, O. Cowan Methods for characterising effects of liquefaction in terms of damage severity
J. R. Leeves, Timothy Sinclair, M. C. Stannard, David Brunsdon, N. J. Traylen, G. J. Beattie Building in Resilience for Remediated Residential Housing
Jiseok Byeon Economics on Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Low-rise Building in Korea
Hidenori Kida, Kohju Ikago, Norio Inoue Applicability of Force-Restricted Tuned Viscous Mass Dampers to High-Rise Buildings Subjected to Long-Period Ground Motions
Hiroyuki Kimata, Pongwit Rungbanaphan, Yutaka Fujita, Hideyuki Horii, Mahmoud Yazdani Influence of Jointed Rock Foundation on Propagation Behavior of Earthquake induced Crack in Concrete Gravity Dam
Huajia Zhu, Yuping Sun, Takashi Fujinaga, Takashi Takeuchi Development of a New Type of Earthquake Energy-absorption Device
Shinsaku Zama, Haruki Nishi, Ken Hatayama, Minoru Yamada, Hiroshi Yoshihara, Yoshio Ogawa On Damage of Oil Storage Tanks due to the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake (Mw9.0), Japan
Kehila Fouad, Zerzour Ali, Remki Mustapha Strucural Analyses with Flexiblility Effect of the Floor Slabs
Rafik Taleb, Farid Bouriche, A. Remas, Mehdi Boukri, Fouad Kehila Use of Ambient and Forced Vibration Tests to Evaluate Seismic Properties of an Unreinforced Masonry Building Rehabilitated by Dampers
Mustapha Remki, Fouad Kehila, Djillali Benouar Seismic Vulnerability Functions of Strategic Buildings in the City of Algiers
Clemens Jaeger, Christoph Adam Seismic collapse assessment of non-deteriorating frames with irregular structural properties vulnerable to P-delta
Mohamed Al Harash, Nader Panahshahi Inelastic Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Symmetric and Unsymmetric Floor Diaphragm Openings
A. K. Abd El-Aal, A. Hsony, K. Omar Updating Seismic Hazard Approach: Application to New Metropolitan Area
Jorge Varela-Rivera, Luis Fernandez-Baqueiro, Silvestre Chan-Esquivel Overstrength factors for the seismic design of AAC structures
Samer Jabbour, D. J. Carson Seismic Evaluation of the Historic East-Memorial Building Retrofitted with Friction Dampers, Ottawa, Canada
Nozomu Yoshida, Yosuke Ohya On Two Dimensional Liquefaction Analysis
Kenzo Taga, Motohide Tada, Yoshie Shirasawa, Yasuo Ichinohe, Tomoyuki Hashida Use of Ultra-high Strength Steel in Building Frames Aiming at Major Countermeasure for Huge Earthquakes
Hiroshi Noguchi, Takashi Kashiwazaki, Hiroto Takatsu, Hideki Kimura Analytical Study on Shear Resistance of Beam-Column Joints Composed of Ultra High Strength Concrete Containing Steel Fiber
Xin Feng, Eusebe Dandjekpo, Jing Zhou Post-earthquake Damage Detection Using Embedded Electro-mechanical Impedance Sensors for Concrete Dams
Davide Forcellini, Angelo Marcello Tarantino, Ahmed Elgamal, Jinchi Lu, Kevin Mackie Performance – Based Seismic Assessment of Isolated Bridge configurations on deformable soils
Takuma Saeki, Saburoh Midorikawa, Masaki Fujioka, Hiroyuki Miura Citizen-oriented Web-based Seismic Hazard and Risk Maps for Promoting Seismic Retrofitting of Housing
Kabir Shakya, Koji Matsumoto, Junichiro Niwa, K. Watanabe Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Steel Fibers to Reduce Steel Rebars in Beam-Column Joints of Railway Bridges
Yi-Hsuan Tu, Lai-Cheng Ao, Wen-Yu Jean Study on the Earthquake Damage Evaluation Procedure for RC and Confined Masonry Buildings
Jerod Johnson, Chris Pantelides, Lawrence Reaveley Nonlinear Rooftop Tuned Mass Damper Frame
George Manos, Stergios Mitoulis, G. Koidis Utilization of an Expert System for the Preliminary Design of Seismically Isolated Bridges
Jose Benjumea, Gustavo Chio Effect of the type of connection used between the deck and the piers on seismic response of extradosed bridges
Quincy Ma, Jonathan Watkin, M. R. Cutfield, John O'Hagan, Dmitry Volynkin, Liam M. Wotherspoon Blind Prediction on the Seismic Response of a 5 Storey Steel Frame Building on Triple Friction Pendulum Isolators
Hideaki Tanahashi, Yoshiyuki Suzuki Embedment Mechanism and Formulation of Major Types of Traditional Wooden Joints in Japan
Nanako Miura, Masayuki Kohiyama Vibration Reduction of a Building–Elevator System Considering the Intensity of Earthquake Excitation
Tetsushi Kurita, Sei'Ichiro Fukushima Development of Probabilistic Liquefaction Hazard Maps by Ground Settlement
Yuping Sun, Takeshi Takeuchi, Yuki Funato, Takashi Fujinaga Earthquake-Resisting Properties and Evaluation of High Performance Concrete Columns with Low Residual Deformation
Himanshu Mittal, Ashok Kumar, Arjun Kumar, Kamal Estimation of Ground Motion in Delhi using 7th September 2011 Earthquake
Shuli Fan, Xiaoqiong Zheng, Jianyun Chen Seismic Analysis of Ground Surface after Subway Station Excavation
Maria Pina Limongelli The Interpolation Method for damage localization in an instrumented steel frame structure
Rajaram Satish Kumar, J. L. Srinivasan Performance Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Open Ground Storey Buildings
Styliani Tsantaki, Clemens Jäger, Christoph Adam Improved Seismic Collapse Prediction of Inelastic Simple Systems Vulnerable to the P-delta Effect Based on Average Spectral Acceleration
Mohammadreza Ebrahimi, Mohammad Tatar Induced Seismicity Around Masjed Soleyman Dam, South West of Iran
Mark Klyachko, German Shestoperov, Aleksander Strom About regional standard “Macroseismic scale”
Mehmet Celebi, Izuru Okawa, Toshihide Kashima, Shin Koyama, Masanori Iiba Response of a tall building far from the epicenter of the March 11, 2011 M=9.0 Great East Japan Earthquake
Mehmet Celebi, Izuru Okawa, Toshihide Kashima March 11, 2011 M=9.0 Great East Japan earthquake: The story of a retrofitted building damaged and repaired
Kumars Zandparsa, Kumars Zandparsa Elastic Rebound Theory and Pile Re-Tapping
Kumars Zandparsa Pre-Stressed Concrete Box Girder Bridge Hinge Vertical Restrainer Under Vertical Earthquake
Rakesh Goel, N. E. Saeedy Plastic Hinge Length and Depth for Piles in Marine Oil Terminals Including Nonlinear Soil Properties
Mahmood Majd, Mahmood Hosseini, Amir Moein Amini Developing Fragility Curves for Steel Building with X-Bracing by Nonlinear Time History Analyses
Amir Moein Amini, Mahmood Majd, Mahmood Hosseini A Study on the Effect of Bracing Arrangement in the Seismic Behavior Buildings with Various Concentric Bracings by Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Analyses
Constantine Stamatopoulos Effect of preloading on the amplification of sand layers
Alireza Haji Soltani, Anooshiravan Ansari Association of Earthquakes and Faults using Distance-Based Weighting Method
Alireza Mortezaei Seismic Behavior of Flanged Shear Wall Buildings Subjected to Near-Fault Earthquakes Having Forward Directivity
Alireza Mortezaei Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of the Historical Masonry Structure of Arg Gate in Semnan
Tonia Sophocleous, Marios Phocas Bracing Design in Dual Systems for Earthquake Resistance
Qing Zhou, Xiancheng Chen Asymmetrical Disaster Distribution and its Cause Analysis of the Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
Hyungoo Kang, Joonho Lee, Jinkoo Kim Seismic Performance of Residential Buildings with Staggered Walls
Joonho Lee, Jieun Kong, Jinkoo Kim Seismic Performance Evaluation of Tall Buildings with Axi-symmetric Plans
Xin Li, Bin Wang, Jing Zhou Analytical Method of Submarine Buried Steel Pipelines Under Strike-slip Faults
Kambod Amini Hosseini, Solmaz Hosseinioon A Survey on the Parameters Affecting the Vulnerability of Urban Fabrics to Earthquake in Tehran
Loizos Papaloizou, Petros Komodromos The effect of earthquakes’ vertical components on ancient multi-drum structures
Kambod Amini Hosseini, Maziar Hosseini Feasibility Study on Using Community Based Approaches for Earthquake Risk Reduction in Tehran
Laouami Nasser, Slimani Abdennasser Local vs. Regional Spectral Ground-Motion Predictive Equation for Algeria
Kambod Amini Hosseini A Review on Challenges in Mitigation the Impacts of Geological Hazards Associated with Earthquake in Iran
Niel Van Engelen, Michael Tait, Dimitrios Konstantinidis Horizontal Behaviour of Stable Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators (SU-FREIs) with Holes
Niel Van Engelen, Dimitrios Konstantinidis, Michael Tait Investigation of Base Isolated Structures Utilizing Stable Unbonded Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators
Kiyoshi Shingu, Kiyotoshi Hiratsuka, Kazuo Mitsui, Takayuki Kawashima, Norio Kondo, Kiyoshi Ogawa, Toshihiro Irie, Masaki Yukawa, Tadashi Otsuka Study on Vibration Damping Characteristics of a Spherical Shell and Damping Tendency of Shell and Spatial Structures
Inna Kuznetsova, Alexander Uzdin, Tatiana Zgutova, Stanislav Shulman, Wan Haibin Seismic Protection of Railway Bridges in Sochi
Maria Bogdanova, Svetlana Ogneva, Oleg Sakharov, Kiril Sergin, Vladimir Sigidov, Alexander Uzdin Developing Vulnerability and Risk Theory for seismic risk management
Gokhan Ozdemir, Ozgur Avsar, Beyhan Bayhan Lead-Core Heating Effect in Response of Bridges Isolated with LRBs
Amir Gilani, Shakhzod Takhirov, Lee Tedesco Seismic Evaluation Procedure for Suspended Ceilings and Components New Experimental Approach
Kit Miyamoto, Amir Gilani, Akira Wada The Effectiveness of Viscous Dampers for Structures Subjected to Large Earthquakes
Kit Miyamoto, Amir Gilani Urban Earthquake Damage Assessment and Reconstruction: 2010 Haiti Earthquake
Amir Gilani, Kit Miyamoto Base Isolation Retrofit Challenges in a Historical Monumental Building in Romania
Kit Miyamoto, Amir Gilani, Akira Wada The 2011 Eastern Japan Earthquake: Facts and Reconstruction Recommendations
Wu Congxiao, Zhou Yun, Tong Jianguo, Han Jiajun Study on the seismic performance of X-added damping and stiffness energy dissipation device
Haiyun Wang, Lili Xie, Bingjie Chen, Xuetao Zhang, Fanyu Kong, Suyang Wang, Peng Ye Effects of soil sites on ground motions in the Qionghai basin in the Wenchuan great earthquake
Phuong Truong Vertical and Horizontal Seismic Impedance Moments, and Corner Frequencies
Phuong Truong Wave-Propagation Velocity, Tsunami Speed, Amplitudes, Dynamic Water-Attenuation Factors
Phuong Truong Dynamic Site-Amplification Factors and Dynamic Attenuation Factors by Dynamic Soil Mass
Phuong Truong Principles and Equipment to Reduce Earthquake Effects on Liquefaction and Tsunamis
Yukihide Kajita, Hisanori Otsuka, Yuki Fujiyoshi A horizontal test and its simulation analysis of the abutment model with backfill soil
Hideji Kawakami Observed and Simulated Damage to Wooden Houses in Japan due to Recent Earthquakes
Farhad Mohammadi Darani, Abdoreza Sarvghad Moghadam Analytical Study on the Effect of Boundary Element Characteristics on the Behavior of Low-Rise Concrete Shear Walls 
Efthymis Lekkas, Emmanuel Andreadakis, Irene Kostaki, Eleni Kapourani A New Tsunami Intensity Scale proposed after the Tsunamis of 11 Mar. 2011, Japan & 26 Dec. 2004, Indian Ocean
Hakim Bechtoula, Y. Meoani, Abderrahmane Kibboua, Mounir Naili, Susumu Kono, Fumio Watanabe Seismic Behavior of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Reversed Cyclic Loading
 Shuichi Shimomura,Toshio Adachi, Ryota Asaeda, Noriaki Sako Study on Applicability of Ground Settlement Prediction Method in Liquefaction Based on Energy Balance
Adrian Dinca, George Popescu, Rodica Popescu Design of the Unreinforced Masonry Shear Wall Resistance in the High Seismic Areas. Case Study.
Javad Vaseghi Amiri, M. Khadem, G. Jalali Assessment of current nonlinear static procedures for seismic evaluation of special moment-resisting frames
Elia Voyagaki, Ioannis Psycharis, George Mylonakis Rocking Response and Overturning Criteria for Free Standing Blocks to Single – Lobe Pulses
Corinne Lacave, Benjamin Sadier, Jean-Jacques Delannoy, Carole Nehme, Juan-Jose Egozcue The use of speleothems to better constrain long return period seismic hazard in Lebanon
George Manos, Konstantinos Katakalos, Christos Papakonstantinou, G. Koidis Enhanced Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Utilizing External Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets and Novel Anchoring Devices
Youcef Bouhadad Earthquakes- induced landslides in Algeria: The Laalam, March 20th (Mw=5.2), 2006 earthquake
Franklin Cheng, Jeffrey Ger Performance of Seismic Design Aids for Nonlinear Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Bridges
Hamdache Mohamed, Talbi Abdel Hak, Peláez Jose Antonio, M. T. García Hernández, Carlos Lopez Casado  Relationships between computed ground-motion values for Northern Algeria
Pablo Heresi, Ricardo Herrera, María Ofelia Moroni Behavior of Shape Memory Cu-Zn-Al Alloy Plates for Use in Energy Dissipators
Yue Li, Ruiqiang Song, J. W. Van De Lindt, Negar Nazari, Nicolas Luco Assessment of Wood and Steel Structures Subjected to Earthquake Mainshock-Aftershock
Craig A. Davis, T. D. O'Rourke, M. L. Adams, M. A. Rho Case Study: Los Angeles Water Services Restoration Following the 1994 Northridge Earthquake
Juan Carlos Vielma Pérez, Yolsanie Martínez, Alex H. Barbat, Sergio Oller The Quadrants Method: A procedure to evaluate the seismic performance of existing buildings
Wael Hassan, J. P. Moehle A Cyclic Nonlinear Macro Model for Numerical Simulation of Beam-Column Joints in Existing Concrete Buildings
Aris Aryanto, Yasuji Shinohara Bond Behavior between Steel and Concrete in Low Level Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel
J. Paul Smith-Pardo, John C Bardi, Carlos E Ospina Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of a Container Wharf and Container Yard Following the 27 February 2010 Chile Earthquake
Takashi Hirai, Nobuo Fukuwa Estimation of Crustal Deformation and Magnitude of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake Using Strong Ground Motion Records
America Bendito, Jesse Rozelle, Douglas Bausch Developing Seismic Risk Maps for Mérida State, Venezuela
Hideyuki Kinugasa, Tomohisa Mukai, Koichi Morita, Seitaro Tajiri, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Hitoshi Shiohara Index for Reparability Evaluations of Buildings Based on Engineering Factors in Repair Cost Increases
Asami Sawahara, Sho Masumoto, R. Murata, Kouichi Harada, Minoru Yamanari New Steel Structural Design Tools Based on Knowledge Processing for Introductory Education
Francisco Javier Molina, Anna Bosi, Pierre Pegon, Georges Magonette, Artur Pinto Error study of a hybrid testing system of structures through a state-space model
Corneliu Cismasiu, Filipe P. Amarante dos Santos Towards a semi-active vibration control solution based on superelastic shape memory alloys
Takashi Hirai, Kazumi Kurata, Nobuo Fukuwa, Masafumi Mori Synthesis of Earthquake Sound Using Seismic Motion Record and its Application to Audiovisual Earthquake Experience System
Hong Zhong, Gao Lin, Hongjun Li, Xiaoyan Li Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of a Gravity Dam Based on Typical Failure Modes
Blaise Duvernay State and development of earthquake risk mitigation in Switzerland
Sebastian Crijanovschi, Gabriela M. Atanasiu Improving Seismic Structural Performance of an Underdesigned R.C. Building
Maysam Samadi, Hasan Moghaddam, Mohammad Fallah Tafti Prediction of the Ultimate deformation capacity of RC columns
Moshe Danieli, Jacob Bloch Principle, Practice and Experience of Rehabilitation of the Historical Buildings in Seismic Regions
Angelika Dolgaya, Maxim Freze, Indalip Iliasov, Galina Davidova, Alexander Uzdin, Sergey Travin Soil Structure Interaction for structures to be erected in complex geological conditions
Shamsedin Hashemi, Mohammad Mehdi Saadatpour, Reza Kianoush Dynamic Behavior of Flexible Rectangular Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Seismic Ground Motion
Alessandro Martelli, Massimo Forni, Paolo Clemente Recent Worldwide Application of Seismic Isolation and Energy Dissipation and Conditions for Their Correct Use
Reza Saleh Jalali, Masoumeh Bahari Jokandan, Mihailo D. Trifunac Out-of-Plane Response of Three-span Bridges with Midspans Supported by Pins or by Isolators and Excited by Fault-parallel Ground Motion
Reza Saleh Jalali, Ala Ameryan, Mihailo D. Trifunac Drifts in Simple Buildings Subjected to Near Field Fault-Parallel and Fault-Normal Displacements
Edelis Marquez, William Lobo-Quintero, Juan C. Vielma  Assessment of the energy dissipation capacity of Steel buildings with eccentrically braces
Shrey Shahi, Jack Baker Preliminary NGA-West 2 models for ground-motion directionality
Mineo Takayama, Keiko Morita Seismic Response Analysis of Seismically Isolated Buildings using Observed Records due to 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
Yoshinori Sakai, Daisuke Ehara, Minoru Yamanari, Koji Ogawa Seismic Response of Three-dimensional Multi-story Steel Moment Frames with Eccentricity
 Irmela Zentner, Fabrice Poirion Simulation of Correlated Horizontal Seismic Ground Motion Time Histories for a Given Scenario
Satoru Nagai, Yoshikazu Takaine, Motomi Takahashi, Norio Suzuki, Makoto Maruta Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Using 200N/mm2 Concrete
Amellal Omar, Bensaibi Mahmoud, Grine Khaled Seismic Vulnerability Index Method for Steel Structures
Mitsuyoshi Ishimura, Kazushi Sadasue, Yasuyoshi Miyauchi, Tsuyoshi Yokoyama, Toshiki Fujii, Koichi Minami Seismic Performance Evaluation for Retrofitting Steel Brace of Existing RC Building with Low-Strength Concrete
Mostafa Thabet Numerical Simulation of SH Seismic Waves Propagation Above Fault Zones – Application at Wadi Natash Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Brendon A Bradley 3-D Seismic Response of Liquefaction-Susceptible Improved-Soil Deposits
Brendon A Bradley A Summary of Strong Ground Motions Observed in the Canterbury, New Zealand earthquake Sequence
Marta Stojmanovska, Viktor Hristovski, Bruno Dujic Experimental Research of XLam Wooden System Specimen KLH2-Preliminary Results
Chenna Rajaram, Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar Study on Impact Between Adjacent Buildings: Comparison of Codal Provisions
Sanaz Rezaeian, Yousef Bozorgnia, I. M. Idriss, N. A. Abrahamson, Kenneth W. Campbell, Walter Silva Damping Scaling of Response Spectra for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Active Tectonic Regions
Amir Gilani, Kit Miyamoto, S. A. Mahin, Robert Nigbor Seismic Retrofit of the Lax Theme Building with Mass Damper: Analysis and Experimentation
Cornel Doniga, Gabriela M. Atanasiu Improving Seismic Safety of RC Elements by Using Advantages of Rectangular Spiral Stirrups
Jazalyn Dukes, Reginald Desroches, Jamie E. Padgett Sensitivity Study of Design Parameters Used to Develop Bridge Specific Fragility Curves
Aizhen Liu Seismic Design of Hillside Light Timber Frame Buildings
Aizhen Liu, Greg Baker Integrated Design for Achieving Building Seismic Resilience
Takahiro Iwatate, Yoshiya Oda, Nobuyuki Naito, Koji Ando The seismic characteristics of surface ground of Zushisite during the 2011 East Japan Great Earthquake
Ramesh Guragain, Amod Mani Dixit, Kimiro Meguro Development of Fragility Functions for Low Strength Masonry Buildings in Nepal using Applied Element Method
Li Ping, Bo Jingshan, Xiao Ruijie, Sun Youwei, Men Ni, Zhao Jinxin, Wan Wei The Analysis of Abnormal Intensity in Hanyuan During Wenchuan Earthquake Based on Seismic Responses Analysis
Daisuke Kato, Katsushi Yoshizawa, Tetsuo Nagahashi, Yukiko Nakamura Failure Mechanism of Columns of Existing R/C Building Damaged during the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake
Demin Feng, Takafumi Miyama, Wenguang Liu, Qiaorong Yang, Tian-Chyuan Chan A New Design Procedure for Seismically Isolated Buildings Based on Seismic Isolation Codes Worldwide
Yi Ouyang, Hoat-Joen Pam, Sai-Huen Lo, Yuk-Lung Wong, Jing Li Preliminary Study of Masonry – RC Hybrid Structure Behavior under Earthquake Loading
Shigeyuki Okada, Noriyuki Nachi, Tomoya Endo Seismic Assessment Method for Indoor Injury Risk and  its Application
Kenji Fujii, Tomonori Ikeda Shaking Table Test of Irregular Buildings under Horizontal Excitation Acting in an Arbitrary Direction
Koshiro Nishimura, Yasuaki Goto, Shintaro Murai, Atsunori Kitano Experimental Study on Stress Transfer in Reinforced Concrete Corner Column and Beam Joints
Hossein Parvini Sani, Mehdi Banazadeh Decision Analysis for Seismic Retrofit Based on Loss Estimation
Jiuk Shin, Kihak Lee, Seong-Hoon Jeong, Han-Seon Lee Experimental Study on Buckling-Restrained Knee Brace with Steel Channel Sections
Koichi Sugioka, Nobuhiro Mashima, Hiroaki Matsushita, Takehiko Himeno, Masahide Matsumura Seismic Retrofit for a Network Arch Bridge with Slit-Type Knock-Off Bearings
Mert Tolon, Derin N. Ural Liquefaction Analysis in 3D based on Neural Network Algorithm
Jacob Eisenberg, Vladimir Smirnov Development of Earthquake Protection Structural Systems Based on Response Control
Samah Al Hafian, Ian May Seismic Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures
Denis Davi, David Criado, Christian Thibault, Etienne Bertrand, Aurélie Vivier, Pierre Marchand, Pascal Charles A Global Methodology for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofit of Existing Bridges adapted to the French Context
Yasuhiro Mori, Sayo Kojima, Yuki Kawasaki Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model of Inelastic Oscillator Based on Equivalent Linearization Technique
Kenji Fujii Prediction of Largest Peak Seismic Response at Flexible-Side Frame of Asymmetric Buildings
Luis Domingo Decanini, Laura Liberatore, Fabrizio Mollaioli The influence of openings on the seismic behaviour of infilled framed structures
Mohamed Belazougui Msila Algeria Earthquake of May 14, 2010: Main Features and Building Damage Analysis
Eftychia Mavronicola, Petros Komodromos The effect of non-linear parameters on the modeling of multi-storey seismically isolated buildings
Alfred Mueller, Peter Knoedel, Boris Koelle Critical Filling Levels of Silos and Bunkers in Seismic Design
Varnavas Varnava, Petros Komodromos Analysis, design and techno-economic assessment of a base isolated steel building
Taronne Tabucchi, Patricia Grossi 2011 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake Catastrophe Modeling Response
Takashi Nagao, Masayuki Yamada, Atsushi Nozu Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis with Focus on Fourier Amplitude and Group Delay Time
Murat Melek, Huseyin Darama, Aysegul Gogus, Thomas Kang Effects of Modeling of RC Flat Slabs on Nonlinear Response of High Rise Building Systems
Haruhito Nakamura, Takayuki Ninomiya, Takeshi Sakaguchi, Yoshiaki Nakano, Kazuo Konagai, Mineo Takayama, Yoshiaki Hisada, Matsutaro Seki, Tsutomu Ota, Yoshitoshi Yamazaki, Shigehito Mochizuki, Toshiyuki Yanagi, Takeshi Ohishi, Ai Takahashi Seismic Isolation Retrofit of Susono City Hall Situated above Lava Tubes
Kenneth Ogorzalek, S. A. Mahin Implementation of Lock-Up Guides for Segmental Displacement Control Design of Seismically Isolated Bridges
Katsuhiko Goto Damage Limit of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Frame under Strong Ground Motion
Xiaozhe Zhang, Luis Taoranzo, Aaron Reynolds, Franklin Cheng, Bin Xu, Victor Langhaar Seismic Performance Assessment of Active/Hybrid Controlled Building by Response Probability Approach
Endong Guo, Guanglei Hong, Yufei Meng, Zhi Liu, Gao Lin Research on Threshold Value of Seismic Urgent Handling System of High-speed Railway Train
Daisuke Ehara, Minoru Yamanari, Koji Ogawa, Yoshinori Sakai Simplified Dynamic Model for 3-dimensional Multi-story Steel Moment Frames with Eccentricity
Kazuhiro Ito, Jiro Takagi, Susumu Minami Seismic Reinforcement of Existing Japanese Wooden Houses Using External Galvanized Thin Steel Plates
Wooja Kang, Hidehiro Koyamada, Minoru Kyoumure, Hiroki Tsutsumi, Hiroyuki Kawamoto Development of a Method for Casting Formworks Using Small Size Precast Concrete Panels for Resource Saving and Durability
Shiyun Xiao, Wenbo Cao, Haohao Pan Experiment of Reinforce Concrete Beams at Different Loading Rates
Yasmin Bhattacharya, Andrew Charleson Seismic Vulnerability-reduction via Integration of Passive Thermal Technologies
Tomomi Fujita, Naoki Funaki Effect on Mass Eccentricity of Superstructure on Seismic Performance of Rocking Pillar Base Isolation System
Tatiana Goded, Elisa Buforn, Janira Irizarry, Albert Macau A seismic risk study in Málaga city’s historical centre (Southern Spain)
Shigeki Nakaminami, Kohju Ikago, Norio Inoue, Hidenori Kida Response Characteristics of a Base-Isolated Structure Incorporated with a Force-Restricted Viscous Mass Damper
Jiro Takagi, Susumu Minami, Kazuhiro Kitayama Seismic Behavior of Existing Wall-type Precast Reinforced Concrete Residential Buildings with New Openings
Yoshiaki Hisada, Masayuki Nagano, Atsushi Nozu, Ken Miyakoshi, Kimiyuki Asano, Toshiaki Matsumoto, Taro Nakagawa Benchmark Tests for Strong Ground Motion Prediction Methods using Theoretical Methods
Tadashi Mikoshiba, Yasushi Niitsu, Toshikazu Hanazato, Chikahiro Minowa National Heritage Five Story Wooden Pagoda Response in 2011 East Japan Earthquake By Using Image Processing
Akira Maekawa Consideration of a Method to Estimate Seismic Response Reduction Coefficient for Liquid Storage Tanks
Young-Sun Choun Sloshing Response of Liquid Storage Tanks Subjected to Earthquakes with Different Peak Acceleration to Velocity Ratios
Felice Colangelo Fuzzy-Random Fragility Model to Estimate Non-Structural Damage to Reinforced-Concrete Frames
Hiroto Nakagawa, Haruhiko Suzuki, Hideki Saito Extended CCA Method for Estimating Phase Velocity Using Arbitrarily Shaped Arrays
Izumi Miyashita, Minoru Yamanari, Koji Ogawa, Hiroyuki Hayashida Effect of Conventional Braces on Seismic Response of Steel Frames
Naida Ademovic, D. V. Oliveira Seismic Assessment of a Typical Masonry Residential Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Naghmeh Pakdel Lahiji, Gholamreza Ghodrati Amiri, Ehsan Darvishan Assessment of the effect of in-cycle degradation in behavior of mid-rise steel moment frames
Danilo Galluzzo, Francesca Bianco, Paola Cusano, Horst Langer, Luciano Scarfi, Giusy Tusa, Gaetano Zonno, Alexandra Carvalho, Símon Ólafsson, Rajesh Rupakhety, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson Calibration of input parameters in volcanic areas and an enlarged dataset by stochastic finite-fault simulations
Muhammad Umair Saleem, Muneyoshi Numada, Kimiro Meguro In Plane Behavior of Polypropylene and FRP Retrofitted Brick Masonry Wallets under Diagonal Compression Test
Rosella Nave, Susanna Falsaperla, Gemma Musacchio, Fabio Sansivero, Gaetano Zonno, Mónica Amaral Ferreira, H. O'Neill, J. C. Nunes, Maria Luísa Sousa, S. Raposo An interactive travelling educational path on earthquakes and volcanoes
Takuya Egawa, Satoshi Nishimoto, Koichi Tomisawa Experimental Study on the Seismic Assessment of Pile Foundation in Volcanic Ash Ground
Mabel Cristina Marulanda Fraume, Alex H. Barbat, Omar Cardona, Miguel G. Mora Design and Implementation of a Collective Insurance Program Based on Cross Subsidies for Recovery of Low Income Homeowners
Kenichi Kato, Atsushi Morikawa, Yoshiaki Hisada, Susumu Ohno, Arihide Nobata, Yu Yamamoto, Atsushi Nozu, Hidenori Kawabe Benchmark Tests for Strong Ground Motion Prediction Methods Using Stochastic Green'S Function Method
Bin Wu, Z. Wang, Oreste S. Bursi Nearly-perfect Compensation for Time Delay in Real-time Hybrid Simulation
Julian M Londono Monsalve, David Wagg, Simon A. Neild Estimating the overall damping ratio in structures with brace–damper systems
Ersan Yildiz, Fikret Gurdil Seismic Design of a Hydraulic Fill Dam by Nonlinear Time History Method
Ersan Yildiz, Fikret Gurdil Review on Seismic Design of Concrete Gravity or RCC Dams with Design Examples
Ersan Yildiz, Rüstü Guner Seismic Hazard Assessment for Çetin Dam
Mirko Kosic, Peter Fajfar Default Dispersion Measures for Simplified Probabilistic Assessment of RC Frames
Changhai Zhai, Weiping Wen, Shuang Li, Lili Xie The influences of seismic sequence on the inelastic SDOF systems
Yan-Guo Zhou, Yong-Gang Li, Dao-Sheng Ling, Yun-Min Chen Attenuation of Seismic Wave Energy and Liquefaction Limit during the Great Wenchuan Earthquake
Helene Tischer, Ghyslaine McClure, Denis Mitchell Development of a Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Method for Schools in Eastern Canada
Miguel Branco, L. M. C. Guerreiro, James M. Kelly Validation of constitutive model for NiTi alloy based on Experimental Results
Siau Chen Chian, Antonios Pomonis, Keiko Saito, Stuart Fraser, Katsu Goda, Joshua Macabuag, Mark Offord, Alison Raby, Peter Sammonds Post Earthquake Field Investigation of the Mw9.0 Tōhoku Earthquake of 11th March 2011
Miguel Branco, L. M. C. Guerreiro, Alfredo Campos Costa, Paulo Candeias Shake Table Test of Structure Reinforced with Superelastic Dampers
Vladimir Graizer Effect of Low-Pass Filtering and Re-Sampling on Spectral and Peak Ground Acceleration in Strong-Motion Records
Yogendra Singh, Vijay Khose, Dominik Lang A Comparative Study of Code Provisions for Ductile RC Frame Buildings
Roxane Foulser-Piggott, Robin Spence, Keiko Saito, D. M. Brown, R. Eguchi The use of remote sensing for post-earthquake damage assessment: lessons from recent events, and future prospects
David Jesús Dominguez, Francisco López-Almansa, Amadeo Benavent-Climent Seismic vulnerability analysis of wide-beam buildings in Spain
Miguel Ángel Montaña, Francisco López-Almansa Seismic vulnerability analysis of steel buildings in Bogotá, Colombia
Francisco López-Almansa, Ahmet Utku Yazgan, Amadeo Benavent-Climent Design Energy Spectra for Turkey
Jorge A. Avila, J. C. Manzano, L. A. Villegas Non-linear static analysis (Push-over) and inelastic analysis of 3-story, 6-story, 9-story and 17-story RC buildings of ductile frames designed in Mexico City for different permissible lateral deformation levels
Anooshiravan Ansari A New Method for Reducing Dimensionality of Finite Fault Inverse Problem in Time Domain
James M. Kelly, Andrea Calabrese, Giorgio Serino Design criteria for Fiber Reinforced Rubber Bearings
Shakhzod Takhirov, Amir Gilani, E. Fujisaki, Philip Mo, Kaolyn Mannino, Cary Ahrano An Evaluation of Experimental Requirements for Seismic Qualification of Substation Components and Recommendations for New Edition of Test Standard
Amir reza Ghaemmaghami, Reza Kianoush, J. Mardukhi Numerical Study on Annular Tuned Liquid Dampers for Controlling the Response of Wind Towers Subjected to Seismic Loads
Jian Wang, Hui Li Experimental investigation on seismic performance of nonlinear soil-structure system using MR dampers
Suresh R Dash, Subhamoy Bhattacharya Mechanism of failure of three pile-supported structures during three different earthquakes
Osamu Murao, S. Isoyama Transition of Housing Location in the Damaged Coastal Areas before the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Bin Zhao, Juan He, Xilin Lu, B. Zhou, L. Yu On Seismic Design of Composite High-rise Buildings with SRC Column, Steel Beam and RC Core Tube
Stergios Mitoulis Seismic design of bridges with seat-type abutments considering the participation of the abutments during earthquake excitation
Chiaki Yoshimura, Masayuki Nagano, Yoshiaki Hisada, Shin Aoi, Asako Iwaki, Takashi Hayakawa, Seckin Ozgur Citak, Shinichi Matsushima, Hidenori Kawabe, Hirotoshi Uebayashi, Yoshihiro Onishi Benchmark Tests for Strong Ground Motion Prediction Methods Using Numerical Methods
Behzad Hassani, Hamid Zafarani, Jamshid Farjoodi Stochastic Finite-Fault Simulation of 22 February 2005 (Mw 6.4) Zarand Earthquake (Iran), based on Dynamic Corner Frequency
Qingli Meng, Jian Ye The study on the anti-pounding damper used in the high-piers bridge
Mohamed Sobaih, Batool Wahba Proposed Earthquake Emergency Management Plan for Giza City, Egypt
Ke Ke, Yiyi Chen Design Method of Steel Plate Shear Wall with Slits Considering Energy Dissipation
Mohamed Sobaih, Mohamed Ismaeil A Proposed Methodology for Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing School Buildings in the Sudan
Mitsumasa Midorikawa, Tetsuhiro Asari, Mamoru Iwata, Masatoshi Murai, Yasutaka Tanaka  Cyclic Behaviour of Buckling-restrained Braces Using Steel Mortar Planks Buckling Mode Number and Strength Ratio
Carlos Llopiz, Francisco Crisafulli, Eduardo Vega Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams with External Steel Bars and with CRFP
Gonzalo Torrisi, Francisco Crisafulli, Alberto Pavese An innovative Model for the In-Plane Nonlinear Analysis of Confined Masonry and Infilled Frame Structures
Erfan Alavi, Fariborz Nateghi Experimental Study on Diagonally Stiffened Steel Plate Shear Walls with Central Opening
Hossein Kayhani, Alireza Azarbakht, Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany Estimating the Annual Probability of failure Using Improved Progressive Incremental Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems
Changjiang Wu, Hideaki Tsutsumi, Hongjun Si, Yusuke Saijo Rupture Process of the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake and Strong Motion Simulation from the Viewpoint of NPP Seismic Design
Adrian Iordachescu, Eugeniu Iordachescu Seismic Rehabilitation of Bucharest City Hall Building Through Base Isolation Method
Bora Gencturk, A. Attar, Cenk Tort Optimal Design of Lattice Wind Turbine Towers
Antone Dabeet, Dharma Wijewickreme, P. M. Byrne Simulation of Cyclic Direct Simple Shear Loading Response of Soils Using Discrete Element Modeling
Payam Dindar, Mahmood Hosseini, Hossein Mohammadirad Introducing Building Casketing as a new Technique for Seismic Retrofit of Existing Buildings with Endurance Time Method
Mohamed Beneldjouzi, Nasser Laouami, Abdennasser Slimani Design site characterization via stochastic transfer functions
Biao Feng, Riqing Lan Earthquake Disaster Scene Simulation System for Buildings Based on 3DGIS Technology
Mohammad Mehdi Kashani, Adam J. Crewe, Nicholas A. Alexander Stress-Strain Response of Corroded Reinforcing Bars under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
Mohammad Mehdi Kashani, Adam J. Crewe, Nicholas A. Alexander Durability Considerations in Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of Deteriorated RC Bridges
Shaolin Chen, C. Zhen A New Method for Dynamic Impedance of Foundation on Saturated Poroelastic Soil
Maysam Samadi, Hasan Moghaddam, K. Pilakoutas Seismic Retrofit of RC Columns with Inadequate Lap-Splice Length By External Post-Tensioned High-Strength Strips
Toshikazu Hanazato, Daisuke Ayaki, Yukio Ogiwara, Ryuichiro Uchida, Nobuo Sato, Motoki Misu, Mineo Takayama, Isao Sakamoto Seismic Design and Construction of a Traditional Timber-Made Five-Storied Pagoda by Applying Coupled Vibration Control
Kiyoaki Hirakawa, Toshimoto Maeno, Kazuhiro Saburi Performance based design of 300 meter high building
Nobuyuki Izumi, Tomofusa Akita, Mariko Yasui, Kazuki Arai, Kazuma Sugasawa Structural Characteristics of Existing High-Rise RC Buildings in Japan
Zengyan Cao, Atsushi Saotome Analytic Method of 3-D Foundation-Structure System with the Viscous Boundaries Considering the Vertical Motion
Zhengru Tao, Xiaxin Tao, A. P. Cui Seismology based Strong Ground Motion Attenuation relationship for Tohoku area in Japan
Vahid Gholami, Hosseyn Hamzehloo, Mohammad Reza Ghayamghamian, Andrea Magrin, Franco Vaccari, Giuliano Francesco Panza Simulation of 2009, Mw=4 Tehran earthquake using a hybrid method of modal summation and finite difference.
S. Humayun Basha, H. B. Kaushik Evaluation of Shear Demand on Columns of of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames
Vahid Gholami, Cristina La Mura, Hosseyn Hamzehloo, Giuliano Francesco Panza 3- Dimensional Modal Summation simulation of 2003 Mw=6.6 Bam Earthquake South Eastern Iran
Oguz C. Celik, Michel Bruneau Bidirectional-Resistant Ductile End Diaphragms with Buckling Restrained Braces for Skewed Steel Bridges
Kalle Lampela Theory of Tsunami Multi Drawback and Inundation on the Coastline
Haoyu Zhang, Baitao Sun, Quansheng Huang, Hongfu Chen Discussion of the protection retrofit principle of the earthquake damaged building site and introduction of an example
A. M. Mwafy Classification and Idealization of the Building Stock in the UAE for Earthquake Loss Estimation
A. M. Mwafy, Nadeem Hussain, Khaled El-Sawy Seismic Assessment and Cost-Effectiveness of High-Rise Buildings with Increasing Concrete Strengths
Pedro Guerreiro, Stavroula Kontoe, D. M. G. Taborda Comparative Study of Stiffness Reduction and Damping Curves
Masoud Jabary, Ali Nabizadeh, Mohammad Hassan Baziar Evaluation of Fault–Foundation Interaction, Using Numerical Studies
Mehdi Boukri, Mohamed Naboussi Farsi, Mohamed Belazougui, Omar Amellal, N. Guessoum, Ahmed Mebarki, Brahim Mezazigh Seismic risk assessment of Constantine City (Algeria)
Imane Djafar Henni, Abdelkader Bougara, Amar Kassoul Nonlinear Analysis of the Seismic Response of a Reinforced Concrete Structure Built in High Seismic Region in Algeria
Amar Kassoul, Benyoucef Bensaid, Abdelkader Bougara Analysis of Seismic Behavior of a Few Reinforced Concrete Bridge's Columns of the East-West Highway in Algeria
Mohamed Draidi Bensalah, Mahmoud Bensaibi, Arezou Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi Assessment of the Torsion Effect in Asymmetric Buildings Under Seismic Load
Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu, Ioan Sorin Borcia Damage Index vs. Instrumental Intensity: A Comparison of Two Different Approaches in Seismic Damage Assessment
A. R. Vijaya Narayanan, Rupen Goswami, C. V. R. Murty Performance of RC Buildings along Hill Slopes of Himalayas during 2011 Sikkim Earthquake
Hasan Moghaddam, Mohammad Fallah Tafti, Maysam Samadi An Efficient Parameter for Prediction of the Nonlinear Lateral Behavior of Deformation-Controlled RC Columns
Arun Menon, Rupen Goswami, A. R. Vijaya Narayanan, C. V. R. Murty, Arvind Jaiswal, Alpa Sheth Buddhist Monasteries in Grave Danger in Himalayan Region
 C. V. R. Murty, Arun Menon, Rupen Goswami, A. R. Vijaya Narayanan, S. R. Gandhi, K. N. Satyanarayana, S. T. G. Raghukanth, Arvind Jaiswal, Alpa Sheth Observations from Damages Sustained in India during 2011 (India-Nepal) Sikkim Earthquake
Shaham Atashband, Mehran Esfahanaizadeh Effects Evaluation of Ambient Vibration Recording Conditions on HVTFA Results
Mehran Esfahanaizadeh, Shaham Atashband Vibro-Probe Technique Evaluation in Soil Improvement against Liquefaction
Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu An Assessment of the Relevance of Parameters Used for Ground Motion Frequency Content Characterization with Application to Vrancea Subcrustal Earthquakes
R. Charan, Rupen Goswami Connection Rotation Demand in Special Moment Frame Buildings under Seismic Actions
Ima Tavakkoli Avval, Reza Kianoush, Amirreza Ghaemmaghami Effect of Three-Dimensional Geometry on the Sloshing Behavior of Rectangular Concrete Tanks
T. L. Karavasilis, A. I. Dimopoulos, E. Hale Seismic design and evaluation of a minimal-damage steel frame equipped with steel yielding devices and viscous dampers
Wael Hassan, J. P. Moehle Experimental Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability of Corner Beam-Column Joints in Older Concrete Buildings
Ronnie F. Barrera, Víctor I. Fernández-Dávila Simplified Model to Evaluate the Seismic Elastic Response of Large Reinforced Concrete Domes
Junwu Dai, Yongqiang Yang, Duozhi Wang Field Test of Damaged Building Structures in China Yushu Ms7.1 Earthquake
Junwu Dai, Yongqiang Yang, Xuran Weng Shake Table Test for Large Indirect-Air-Cooling Tower Structure of Fire Power Plant—Part I
Martin Wieland Seismic Design and Performance Criteria for Large Storage Dams
Martin Wieland Seismic Design and Safety Aspects of Bottom Outlets, Spillways and Intake Structures of Large Storage Dams
Guoxin Wang, Zhaozhao Wang Coherency Variation with Depth at Different Strong Ground Motion Arrays
Robert Dowell Nonlinear Time-History Seismic Analysis of Bridge Frame Structures
Takeshi Iida, Daekyun Lim, Kenji Kawano Seismic Performance Evaluations of Bridge-Pier System under Aging Structural Properties
Carlos A. Blandon, Jose Fernando Rave Arango, Albert Ricardo Ortiz, J. Paul Smith-Pardo Seismic Displacement Capacity of Vulnerable Shallow Foundations
Sung-Gul Hong, Eo-Jin Lee Response Modification Factor for Lightweight Steel Panel-Modular Structures
Yoshio Ikeda, Yukio Shimomura, Noriaki Sako, Tomoki Fujikawa, Masashi Kawamura Development of a New Geomaterial Damping Block with Suitable Characteristics for Use in Planting Basemats
Rushan Liu, Meijing Zhang, Yubin Wu Vulnerability Study of Electric Power Grid in Different Intensity Area in Wenchuan Earthquake
Zhinan Xie, Zhenpeng Liao Analytical Approach to Eliminate High Frequency Instability Caused by Multi Transmitting Formula
Akira Yamada, Sanshiro Suzuki A Study on Simplified Evaluation Method for Seismic Retrofit of Existing Wooden Houses
Tadaharu Nagao, Hiroshi Kagano, Keisei Hamaguchi Full-Scale Shaking Table Test on Furnitures subjected to Long-Period Earthquake Motions
Masayuki Nagano, Takenori Hida, Takehiko Tanuma, Kazuhiro Watanabe Dynamic Nonlinear Response of Super High-Rise Residential Buildings in Urbanized Area During the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Arturo Tena-Colunga, Luis Andrés Martínez Becerril Lateral Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frames with Haunched Beams
Jung-Yoon Lee, Hanbyeol Choi, Ji-Young Lim Bond Deformability of Reinforced Concrete Members
Hongjun Xiang, Yilung Mo, Tomas Tc Hsu Seismic Simulation of RC Wall-type Structures using Softened Shell Model
Hongjun Xiang, Zhifei Shi, Shiangjung Wang, Yilung Mo Vibration Attenuation and Frequency Band Gaps in Layered Periodic Foundation: Theory and Experiment
Yukihiro Harada, Kazumasa Ebato, Sayuri Honma, Tetsuya Takimoto Experimental Study on Seismic Retrofit by Using Supplemental Knee Braces Attached to Steel Members with Semi-Rigid Bolted Connections
Kimiyuki Asano, Tomotaka Iwata, Haruko Sekiguchi Application of Seismic Interferometry in the Osaka Basin for Validating the Three-dimensional Basin Velocity Structure Model
Pierre Labbe Epistemic Uncertainty versus Aleatory Variability in Seismic Response of Soil Profiles
Kazuhiko Kawashima, Syota Ichikawa, Mohamed Elgawady, Tomohiro Sasaki, Hiroshi Matsuzaki, S. Yamanobe Effect of UFC Segments for Enhancing the Seismic Performance of Bridge Columns
Takashi Kashiwazaki, Chengze Jin, Hiroshi Noguchi Analytical Study on Input Shear Forces and Bond Conditions of Beam Main Bars of RC Interior Beam-Column Joints
Giovanni Bongiovanni, Giacomo Buffarini, Paolo Clemente, Fernando Saitta Building in seismic areas: towards a new prevention policy
Alessandro Vittorio Bergami, Camillo Nuti Seismic Upgrading of Structures: A Design Procedure for Dissipative Buckling Restrained Braces
Cristina Cantagallo, Guido Camata, Enrico Spacone The Effect of the Earthquake Incidence Angle on Seismic Demand of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Fabio Neri, Manuela Marino A simplified procedure for the evaluation of the energy dissipation in out of plane mechanisms of masonry building
Luis G. Quiroz Assessment of the Applicability of Drucker-Prager Model with Cap to Adobe
Gaetano Zonno, Renata Rotondi, Carlos Sousa Oliveira, Alexandra Carvalho, Mariano Garcia-Fernandez, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson, Dario Albarello Urban Disaster-Prevention Strategies Using Macroseismic Fields and Fault Sources
Cristina Cantagallo, Guido Camata, Enrico Spacone Sensitivity of Structural Demand to Ground Motion Selection and Modification Methods
Cristina Cantagallo, Guido Camata, Enrico Spacone, Ross Corotis Seismic Demand Uncertainty provided by Ground Motion Intensity Measure
Akaki Nakatani, Toshikazu Hanazato, Natsumi Oyaizu, Yasufumi Uekita, Chikahiro Minowa, Kunihiko Ono, Siswousukarto Suprapto, Pramumijyo Subagio Seismic Structural Performance of the Prambanan World Heritage Temple Damaged by the Central Java Earthquake of 2006 in Indonesia
A. R. Gião, Válter Lúcio, Carlos Chastre Seismic Strengthening of RC Beam-Column Connections
Kazuhiko Kawashima, Hiroshi Matsuzaki Damage of Road Bridges by 2011 Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake
J M Miranda, Josep Batlló, Helder Ferreira, L. M. Matias, M. A. Baptista The 1531 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami
Stefano De Santis, Gianmarco De Felice Seismic analysis of masonry arches
Teruyuki Ueshima, M. Shibuya, Kenji Kanazawa, Hiroo Shiojiri, Masataka Nakamura System Identification, Detection of Proper Frequency Variation of an Aged Arch Dam and its Dynamic Behavior during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Elisa Buforn, Marta Carranza, Agustin Udías, Jose Martín Dávila, Antonio Pazos, Xavier Goula, Yolanda Colom, Antoni Roca, Aldo Zollo, Lucia Lozano, Carmen Pro, Fernando Carrilho, Winfried Hanka, Raul Madariaga, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Mimoun Harnafi The ALERT-ES Project: an Earthquake Early Warning System for S. Iberia
Nader Hoveidae, Behzad Rafezy Overall Buckling Behavior of All-Steel Buckling Restrained Braces
Mehdi Boukri, Mohamed Naboussi Farsi, Mohamed Belazougui, Ahmed Mebarki, Sandra Jerez Development of a seismic damage assessment methodology for building in Algeria
Choung-Yeol Seo, T. L. Karavasilis, James Ricles, Richard Sause  Assessment of the Collapse Resistance of Steel MRFs Equipped with Fluid Viscous Dampers
Arjun Kumar, Ashwani Kumar, Ashok Kumar, S. C. Gupta, A. K. Jindal, Himanshu Mittal Source Parameters of Uttarkashi Earthquake of 21st Sept 2009
Rakhi Bhardwaj, Ashok Kumar, Mukat Lal Sharma Analysis of Tauc (τc ) and Pd attributes for Earthquake Early Warning in India
Moritz Urban, Lothar Stempniewski Comparison of different earthquake strengthening methods for masonry buildings
Lin Junqi, Chen Yongsheng, Liu Jinlong Study on post-earthquake network connectivity and reliability of electric power system
Vlado Micov, Marija Vitanova, Marta Stojmanovska Investigation of Existing State and Assessment of Seismic Stability of Reinforced-Concrete Chimney
Iztok Perus, Peter Fajfar Prediction of Soil Factors By a Non-Parametric Approach Parametric Approach
Carlos Bhatt, Rita Bento An Extension of the CSM-FEMA440 to Plan Irregular Buildings
Sayaka Igarashi, Masaki Maeda Evaluation of Seismic Reparability Limit State of R/C Frame Structure Based on the Damage of Columns and Beams
Srdjan Kostic, Nebojsa Vasovic, Igor Franovic, Kristina Todorovic Time-Delay in Spring-Block Model for Aperiodicity in Earthquakes
Masaru Okutsu, Naoyuki Ishida, Nobuhiro Segawa, Yasushi Yamazaki, Shin Katagiri, Takanobu Suzuki Aseismic Capacity of Telecommunication Conduit Repaired with Linings
Lizhe Jia, Hui Li, Zhongdong Duan Convex Model for Peak Velocity Uncertainty Analysis of Low Seismicity Area
Jorge Gramaxo Engineering judgement on the use of American’s anchor performance provisions along with the European seismic action definition
Isa Shooshpasha, Hossein Molaabasi Prediction of Liquefaction Induced Lateral Displacements Using Plynomial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Paolo Clemente, Alessandro De Stefano Seismic isolation in existing complex structures
Mei-Gen Cao, Yong-Feng Cheng, Ze-Bing Dai, Fu-Lin Zhou, Ping Tan Parameter Analysis and Shaking Table Test on Seismic Isolation System of Transformer with Bushings
N. R. Vineetha, Arun Menon, Ravindra Gettu Seismic Response of Hybrid Buildings
Sujan Malla, Bastian Otto Seismic Strengthening of an Arch-Gravity Dam
Ibrahim Almufti, Carlos Molina Hutt, Michael Willford, G. G. Deierlein Seismic Assessment of Typical 1970s Tall Steel Moment Frame Buildings in Downtown San Francisco
Zhou Yun, Guo Yangzhao, Zhu Yong Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on the Performance of Viscous Energy Dissipation Systems
Reza Movahed Asl, Mohammad Reza Ghayamghamian, Z. Lotfi An Investigation on 2D Site Response of Small-Scale Basins
Yuhao Feng, Mervyn J. Kowalsky, James M. Nau Fiber-Based Modeling for Investigating the Effect of Load History on the Behavior of RC Bridge Columns
Rita Peres, Rita Bento, Miguel Castro Performance Based Seismic Design and Assessment of Irregular Steel Structures
Omar D. Cardona, Mario G. Ordaz, Eduardo Reinoso, Luis Eduardo Yamín, Alex H. Barbat CAPRA - Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment: International Initiative for Risk Management Effectiveness
Vladimir Vukobratovic, Peter Fajfar A Method for Direct Determination of Inelastic Floor Response Spectra
Maurizio Indirli, Paolo Corvaglia, Riccardo Angiuli, Luis Filippo Lanza, M. Merlin, Raffaella Rizzoni, Andrea Chiozzi, Antonio Tralli, Silvia Briccoli Bati, Mario Fagone Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) strips in series with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires: theory, application and experimental results of a prototypal anti-seismic device in the framework of the MAMAS project
Juan Oviedo-Amezquita, Mitsumasa Midorikawa, Tetsuhiro Asari Performance of Story-Drift-Controlled R/C Frames Equipped with Hysteretic Dampers Subjected to Earthquake Motions
Putul Haldar, Yogendra Singh, D. K. Paul Estimation of Capacity Curve Parameters for Indian RC Buildings with URM Infills
Mahtab Ghafari Osgoie, Ghyslaine McClure, Xiao Hong Zhang, Daniel Gagnon Assessing the variability of seismic response analysis of a tall guyed telecommunication tower with ambient vibration measurements
Hamid Reza Ahmadi, Farhad Daneshjoo The Assessment and Comparison of Three TFRs for Extraction of Dynamic Properties from Truss Deck of Firoozeh Railroad Bridge Using Seismic Response
Hamid Reza Ahmadi, Farhad Daneshjoo A New Algorithm for Damage Detection in Simple Span Bridge Piers, Based on Power Spectral Density Function and Cosh Spectral Distance
Antonio Di Cesare, Felice Carlo Ponzo, Gianluca Auletta, M. Di Giacomo Q-factors of reinforced concrete structures retrofitted  with hysteretic energy dissipating bracing system
Alireza Moradi, Masoud Soltani, Abbas Ali Tasnimi A Simplified Constitutive Model for Reinforced Concrete Interfaces under Cyclic Loading
Arturo Quiroz-Ramirez, Danny Arroyo, Amador Téran-Gilmore, Mario G. Ordaz Evaluation of the intensity measure approach in PBEE through the use of simulated ground motions
Sara Paganoni, Dina D'Ayala Numerical Simulation of Dissipative Anchor Devices in Historic Masonry
Tracy Becker, Eric Keldrauk, Mike Mieler, S. A. Mahin, Bozidar Stojadinovic Effect of Mass Offset on the Torsional Response in Friction Pendulum Isolated Structures
Zheng Li, Sandra Escoffier, Panagiotis Kotronis Centrifuge Modelling of Inclined Pile Foundations under Seismic Actions
Adam Rendon, Cole McDaniel, Graham Archer Assessing the Accuracy of Computational Modeling of Buildings
Mehrdad Aghagholizadeh, Ali Massumi Relation between Dynamic Characteristics and Damage Index of RC-MRFs Using Non-Linear Incremental Dynamic Analyses
Graham Archer, Cole McDaniel Classroom-Based Forced-Vibration Testing
Adam Rendon, Graham Archer, Cole McDaniel Ultra-Low Forced-Vibration Testing of a Large Building
Afsoon Nicknam, Andre Filiatrault Seismic Design and Testing of Propped Rocking Wall Systems
Shiyan Song, T. H. Heaton Predicting Collapse of Steel and Reinforced-Concrete Frame Buildings in Different Types of Ground Motions
Liang Chang, G. L. Molas, Nilesh Shome Analysis of Ground Motions From the 2010-2011 New Zealand Earthquakes
Daniela Zuloaga, Mario Andrés Salgado, Omar Cardona, Luis Eduardo Yamín Implications on seismic risk assessment for Bogotá as a result of the consideration of a new seismic-tectonic source interpretation for Colombia.
Zhenghua Wang, Jamie E. Padgett, Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio Influence of soil structure interaction on the fragility of an isolated bridge-soil-foundation system
Nicholas Herskedal, Peter Laursen, Daniel Jansen, Bing Qu Interlocking Compressed Earth Block Walls: Out-Of-Plane Structural Response
Ken Hatayama, Erol Kalkan Long-period (3 to 16 s) Ground Motions in and around the Los Angeles Basin during the Mw 7.2 El MayorCucapah Earthquake of April 4, 2010
Sherif Beskhyroun, Quincy Ma Low-Cost Accelerometers for Experimental Modal Analysis
Shiyan Song, T. H. Heaton Prediction of Collapse from PGV and PGD
Tsutomu Usami, Jyunki Funayama, Fumiaki Imase, Chun-Lin Wang Experimental Evaluation on Seismic Performance of Steel Trusses with Different Buckling-restrained Diagonal Members
Andrew Charleson Tyre Strap Seismic Reinforcement for Adobe Houses
Zheng-Zheng Wang, Zhe Zhang, Bo Gao The seismic behavior of the tunnel across active fault
Henrik Kristiansen Design of Piles for Electric Substation with Soil Liquefaction and Lateral Soil Movement due to Seismic Loading Conditions
Won-Jik Yang, Han-Beom Song, Waon-Ho Yi, Han-Sik Kwak, Hyun-Jong Yoon, Dong-Seorp Park, Byung-Ick Yoon Development of Composite Beam for Productivity
Satoshi Nishimoto, Takuya Egawa, Takaaki Ikeada An Examination of Seismic Responses of Soft Grounds and a Highway Embankment in 2003Tokachi-Oki Earthquake
Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Nobuyuki Morikawa, Toshihiko Okumura, Yutaka Ishikawa, Nobuoto Nojima Revision of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Japan after the 2011 Tohoku-oki Mega-thrust Earthquake (M9.0)
Maosheng Gong, Lili Xie, Jing Sun Assessment of Site Amplification Effect from Input Energy Spectra of Strong Ground Motion
Xiuying Wang, Gaozhong Nie, Song Wang Analysis of Landslide Hazards in the Beichuan County Town Induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake Using Strong Motion Data
Haiping Ding, Yanyan Yu, G. C. Luo, Jian Liao 3D Finite-element Method of Ground Motion Simulation
Minho Kwon, Wooyoung Jung, Choonwook Park, Chihong Joo Improving Seismic Performance of Deficient Columns with Reinforced RC using Fiber-Reinforced Composite
Hayden Bowen, Peter Millar Field Testing of Ground Improvement Techniques for Liquefaction Mitigation
Phuong Truong Natural Frequencies of Oscillations of Oceans Frequencies of Tsunamis
Rakesh Goel, Bing Qu, Osmar Rodriguez Analysis of Curved Bridges Crossing Fault Rupture Zones
Masato Sakurai, Hiroshi Kuramoto, Tomoya Matsui Shear Strength Evaluation for RC Shear Walls with Multi-Openings Based on FEM Analysis
Bing Qu, Xuhua Guo, Michael Pollino, Haoyan Chi Effect of Column Stiffness on Infill Plate Yielding Distribution in Steel Plate Shear Walls
Hayato Asada, Yao Cui, Satoshi Yamada, Shoichi Kishiki Strength Evaluation on Interface Weld of Gusset Plate under Pure Tension
Bing Qu, Bradley Stirling, Peter Laursen, Daniel Jansen, David Bland Interlocking Compressed Earth Block Walls: In-plane Structural Response of Flexure-dominated Walls
Eric Augustus Tingatinga, Roland Wilson Arriesgado Earthquake Response Analysis and Simulation of Sensitive Hospital Equipment in the Philippines
Javad Vaseghi Amiri, M. Naeej Assessment of Current Nonlinear Static Procedures for Seismic Evaluation of Buckling-Restraint Braced Frames
Mahdi Faraji, Junji Kiyono Seismic Reliability Analysis of Lifeline Systems
Takao Kagawa, Anatoly Petukhin, Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroe Miyake, Satoko Murotani Source Modeling for Long-Period Ground Motion Simulation of the 1946 Nankai Earthquake, Japan
Fang-Yao Yeh, C. Kuo-Chun Chang, Kuang-Yen Liu, Hsiao-Hui Hung, Chung-Che Chou, Tony Liu, Pi-Fan Sun, Wei-Yiu Pan, Yu-Chi Sung, Shih-Hsun Yin, Yi-Tsung Chiu, Chun-Ying Wang A Novel Composite Emergency Bridge for Disaster Rescue
Junji Shi, Hiroshi Kuramoto, Juan Jose Castro, Tomoya Matsui, Toshiaki Fujimoto Structural Performance of Concrete Encased Steel Columns with H-shaped Steel
Takeaki Koshikawa, H. Kadowaki, Makoto Matsumora Energy Dissipation Efficiency of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast Concrete Beam-Column Connections with Beam-End Dampers
Wencong Li, Tatsuo Inada, Fumiya Esaki Seismic Performance of Frame Retrofitted Utilizing Lateral Active Confinement Technique Together with Steel Braces
Resat Oyguç, Hasan Boduroglu Seismic Capacity Assessment of Existing Irregular Reinforced Concrete (RC) Buildings By an Adaptive Three - Dimensional Pushover Procedure
Yoshiaki Ariga, Yukio Fujinawa, Naoto Ohbo, Hiroyuki Asaka, Masahiro Yoda Rationalization of Emergency Inspection for Hydraulic Structure by combining Earthquake Early Warning and 3D Dynamic Analysis
Sabrina Simonini, Raluca-Tereza Constantin, Avigdor Rutenberg, Katrin Beyer Pushover analysis of multi-storey cantilever wall systems
Satoshi Tanaka, Kishie Shigekawa Analysis of the Building Damage Evaluation for the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Yoshiaki Ariga, Keinosuke Inoko, Mikio Takeuchi, Akira Oguro, Hiroyuki Asaka, Masahiro Yoda, Kazuo Takehara Mutual Effects between High Buildings and Underground Shopping Arcade during Earthquake
Deping Guo Theoretical Analysis on Dynamic Responses of Single Surface Slope During Earthquake
Zheng Lu, Xilin Lu, Wensheng Lu, Weiming Yan An Experimental Investigation into the Use of Buffered Particle Dampers
Ryota Nakamura, Kohei Ozasa, K. Ogawa, Minoru Yamanari Dynamic Behavior of Multi-storied Steel Frame with Passive Friction Dampers under Earthquake
Matsutaro Seki, Osamu Yoshida, Hideo Katsumata Behavior of Rikkyo Univ. Chapel Building Retrofitted by Seismic Isolation in the 3.11, 2011 Earthquake, Japan
Naoko Tsutsumi, Tatsuya Itoi, Tsuyoshi Takada Correction of Ground Motion Prediction Equation Using Aftershock Observation Records of the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Hiroshi Imai, Hiroshi Inoue, Chikahiro Minowa, Angelito G. Lanuza, Henremagne C. Penarubia, Ishmael C. Narag, Renato U. Solidum, Kenji Okazaki, Tatsuo Narafu, Junzo Sakuma, Koichi Kusunoki, Toshikazu Hanazato Shaking Table Experiment for Philippine Full-Scale Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) Masonry Houses
Yun Zhou, Shaoming Lin, Congxiao Wu, X. S. Deng Analysis of High-rise Building with Energy-dissipation Story System
Tatsuya Noguchi, Masao Adachi, Ryohei Nishida Determination of the Bedrock Structure of Plain in the Central Part of Shan'in District, the West Japan Based on Observation Data of Microtremor and Gravity
Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Amornchai Jaiyong Estimation of Peak Roof Displacement of Degrading Structures
Haluk Sucuoğlu, Ahmet Yakut, Joseph Kubin, Aydan Özmen Seismic Risk Prioritization of RC Public Buildings in Turkey
Daniel Celarec, Matjaž Dolšek Probabilistic seismic performance assessment of infilled RC frame buildings
Soner Alici, Kaan Kaatsiz, Haluk Sucuoğlu Practical Implementation of Generalized Pushover Analysis
Fadzli Mohamed Nazri, Nicholas A. Alexander Predicting the Collapse Potential of Structures
He Huang, Haruyuki Yamamoto Aseismic Reinforcement Method for Existing Pile Foundation with Improvement Soil
Jie Tian, Zhichao Yan Seismic Control Research of the Multi-Ribbed Slab Structure Using the Ultra Low Yield Strength Steel
Jie Tian, Wei Huang, Junlong Lu Experimental Investigation and Numerical Analysis of New Multi-Ribbed Slab Structure
Izumi Suzuki, Satoshi Sasaki, Daisuke Katsura, Kenichi Tahara Experimental Study on the Structural Performance of Shear Panel Dampers Under Constant Vertical Deformation
George Saad, Freddy Saddik, Shadi Najjar Impact of Soil Structure Interaction on the Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Underground Stories
Pralhad Uprety, Fumio Yamazaki Building Damage Detection using SAR Images in the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
Yoshiya Hata, Koji Ichii, Atsushi Nozu Preliminary Study on Variation of Ground Motion Indices within Very Small Distance
Ichiro Nagashima, Hiroshi Hibino, Ryota Maseki, Hiroyuki Narihara, Eiji Sato, Masanori Iiba, Haruyuki Kitamura, Yuji Yamano, Nobutaka Kashimoto Multi-cyclic Dynamic Loading Experiment of Full-scale Devices for Seismic Isolation against Long-Period Earthquake Motions -Preliminary study
Behrang Sarrafi, Sassan Eshghi Experimental Study on Lateral Strength of Confined Masonry Walls
Lidija Krstevska, Ljubomir Tashkov, Vlatka Rajcic, R. Zarnic Shaking Table Test of Innovative Composite Panel Composed of Glued Laminated Wood and Bearing Glass
Hayden Bowen, Michael Jacka, S. Van Ballegooy, Tim Sinclair, H. A. Cowan Lateral spreading in the Canterbury earthquakes Observations and empirical prediction methods
Lyan-Ywan Lu, Tzu-Ying Lee, Chia-Chiea Hsu Experimental Verification of Variable-Frequency Rocking Bearings for Near-fault Seismic Isolation
Lidija Krstevska, Ljubomir Tashkov, Veronika Sendova Ambient Vibration Testing of Historical Monuments within Monastery Complex "St. Marry Perivleptos" in Ohrid
Yu Yamamoto, Chiaki Yoshimura Long-Period Ground Motion Simulation of Tokai-Tonankai-Nankai Coupled Earthquake Based on Large-Scale 3D FEM
Yael Daniel, Oren Lavan, Robert Levy Optimal seismic retrofitting of frame structures using hysteretic dampers
Ljubomir Tashkov, Lidija Krstevska, Erdal Safak, Eser Cakti, Ajse Edincliler, Mustafa Erdik Comparative Study of Large and Medium Scale Mosque Models Tested on Seismic Shaking Table
Ljubomir Tashkov, Lidija Krstevska, Matija Gams, Miha Tomaževič Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Seismic Base-Isolation System Based on the Concept of “Floating-Sliding” Structure ( ALSC)
Akira Inoue Proposed Damage Function for Existing RC Residential Buildings in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Hiroe Miyake, Minoru Sakaue, Kazuki Koketsu, Yasuo Izutani Borehole Strong Motion Observation along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line
Natalia Poiata, Hiroe Miyake, Kazuki Koketsu Generation Mechanism of Near-Fault Ground Motion Pulses for Dip-Slip Faulting
Kishie Shigekawa, Satoshi Tanaka Analysis of the Process of Building Damage Inspection Due to Liquefaction During the Great East Japan Earthquake
Renzo Medeot Re-centring Capability of Seismic Isolation Systems: A controversial matter moving scarcely towards its settlement
Biswajit Basu, Nguyen Van Dinh, Ronald B. J. Brinkgreve Spatially-varying Non-stationary Subsurface Motions in Multi-Layered Soil Medium
Mohamed Naboussi Farsi, Assia Bouchelouh, Jean-Luc Chatelain Dynamic Analysis of a Strengthened Two Story Concrete Building
Jack Wen Wei Guo, Constantin Christopoulos Performance-Spectra Base Method for the Seismic Design of Structures with Supplemental Dampers
Ilaria Ricci, Giada Gasparini, Stefano Silvestri, Tomaso Trombetti, Dora Foti, Salvador Ivorra Chorro Design of a shaking table test on a 3-storey building composed of cast-in-situ concrete walls
Jianguo Nie, Yuhang Wang, Jiansheng Fan A Fiber Beam-Column Element for Circular Concrete Filled Steel Tube under Torsion
Jafar Asgari Marnani, Negar Gharahshir, Amin Ghafooripour Seismic Behavior Studies of Welded Flange Plate in Steel Structures Connections
Ilaria Venanzi, Annibale Luigi Materazzi A hybrid control strategy for the seismic retrofitting of irregular RC buildings
Halil Firat Ozel, Yalin Arici Comparison of 2D vs. 3D Modeling Approaches for the Analyses of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dams
Bülent Akbaş, Onur Seker, Jay Shen, Narathip Sutchiewcharn, R. Wen, Thomas A. Sabol Span Length Effect on Seismic Demand on Column Splices in Steel Moment Resisting Frames
Sachin Kadam, Yogendra Singh Mechanical Properties of Externaly Strengthened Masonry
Luis Montejo, Luis Velazquez, Ricardo Ramirez, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Richard Christenson Frequency Content Effect on the Efficiency of Wavelet and Hilbert-Huang Transforms for Health Monitoring
Viacheslav Koval, Constantin Christopoulos, Robert Tremblay Isolation and Damping Mitigation Strategies for Bridges in Western and Eastern North America
Luis Montejo, Luis Velazquez, Ricardo Ramirez, Shinae Jang Wavelet and HHT Based Identification of Different Levels of Inelastic Action in RC Structures
Pouria Bahmani, J. W. Van De Lindt, T. N. Dao Performance-Based Seismic Retrofit Procedure for Soft-Story Woodframe Buildings with Excessive Torsion
Elaina Jennings, J. W. Van De Lindt Shape Memory Alloy Dampers for Response Modification of Light-Frame Wood Buildings
Yin Gu, Hua Zhong, Weidong Zhuo Seismic Risk Analysis of Low-Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge
Rene Tinawi, Martin Leclerc, Denis Mitchell, Antoine Massad Seismic Evaluation of a 1930 Steel Bridge with Lightly Reinforced Concrete Piers
Kunihiko Uno, Masaaki Mitou, Hisanori Otsuka Effect of Countermeasures for Pile Foundation Using Seismic Isolation Rubber during Liquefaction
Jeffrey Erochko, Constantin Christopoulos, Robert Tremblay Design and Testing of an Enhanced-Elongation Telescoping Self-Centering Energy-Dissipative (T-SCED) Brace
Jong-Su Jeon, Reginald Desroches, Ioannis Brilakis, Laura Lowes Aftershock Fragility Curves for Damaged Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Fernando Sanchez-Flores, Akira Igarashi Displacement-based seismic design of base-isolated bridges with viscous dampers
J. Ben Deaton, Kenneth M. Will Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Seismically Deficient Reinforced Concrete Exterior Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading
Gerard O'Reilly, Jamie Goggins, S. A. Mahin Behaviour and Design of a Self-Centering Concentrically Braced Steel Frame System
Gerard O'Reilly, Jamie Goggins, S. A. Mahin Performance-Based Design of a Self-Centering Concentrically Braced Frame using the Direct Displacement-Based Design Procedure
Mehdi Ashtiani, A. Ghalandarzadeh Embedment Depth Effect on the Shallow Foundation - Fault Rupture Interaction
Mahmoud R Maheri, Sahar Zarandi, A. Niroomandi Seismic Performance of RC Frames Retrofitted By FRP at Joints
Mahmoud R Maheri, Armin Abdollahi Corrosion Effects on the Buckling of Steel Tanks Under Seismic Loading
Mahmoud R Maheri, Mohammad A Najafgholipour In-Plane Shear and Out-Of-Plane Bending Capacity Interaction in Brick Masonry Walls
J. W. Van De Lindt, Michael Symans, Weichiang Pang, Xiaoyun Shao, Mikhail Gershfeld The NEES-Soft Project: Seismic Risk Reduction for Soft-Story Woodframe Buildings
Xavier Romão, Raimundo Delgado, Aníbal Costa A risk- and cost-related approach for the global seismic safety assessment of existing buildings
Nicholas Trombetta, T. C. Hutchinson, Ben Mason, Josh Zupan, Jonathan D. Bray, Chandrakanth Bolisetti, Andrew Whittaker, Zhiqiang Chen, B. L. Kutter Centrifuge modeling of structure-soil-structure interaction: Seismic performance of inelastic building models
Isak Idrizi, Uwe Dorka, Zekirija Idrizi Application of HYDE structural control system for RC buildings
Yasuhiro Hayashi, Atsushi Nakagawa, Noriko Takiyama, Shinichi Hirosue Experimental Study on Two Storied Traditional Wooden Houses in Japan
Aidcer L. Vidot-Vega Shear Displacements as Function of Ductility Levels for Squat Reinforced Concrete Walls
Arben Pitarka, Shin'Ichi Matsuzaki, Takahide Watanabe, Nancy Collins, R. W. Graves, P. G. Somerville Rupture Model for a Characterized Intraslab Earthquake
Kimiyuki Asano, Tomotaka Iwata Broadband Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, Earthquake
Takeyasu Suzuki Seismic Seiche Occurred at Lake Saiko Due to the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Koichi Kusunoki, Akira Tasai, Masaomi Teshigawara Development of Building Monitoring System to Evaluate Residual Seismic Capacity after an Earthquake
Ajit Khanse, Eric Lui Effects of Pulse-Like NFGM Spectral Contents on Deflection Amplification
Saburoh Midorikawa, Hiroyuki Miura, Hongjun Si Preliminary Analysis for Characteristics of Strong Ground Motion from Gigantic Earthquakes
Elkhayam Dorra, P. J. Stafford, Ahmed Y. Elghazouli Seismic Vulnerability of Lifelines in Greater Cairo
Xiaojing Liu, Huiyan Wang, Zhiwei Li, Jiang-Shan Bo, Liwei Wang, Fanchao Meng Estimation of Earthquake-Disaster Direct Economic Losses for Industrial Enterprises
Junjie Sun, Shunhua Xu, Lanmin Wang, Qian Wang, Jun Wang Critical Influence Parameters of Dynamic Deformation of Unsaturated Loess and its Application in Magnitude Estimation of Residual Strain
Mahdi Faraji, Junji Kiyono, T. Koike Risk Assessment of Lifelines Subjected to Spatial Correlated Seismic Intensities
Yasushi Sanada, Hiroshi Takahashi, Homare Toyama Seismic Strengthening of Boundary Columns in R/C Shear Walls
John O'Hagan, Quincy Ma Experimental assessment of PID control for a uniaxial shake table
Junjie Sun, W. Tian, Kun Xia, Lanmin Wang, Shunhua Xu, Rendong Qiu Analysis of Energy Features of Strong Ground Motion Induced by Short Delay Blasting in Unsaturated Loess Field
E. M. Thompson, D . J. Wald Developing Vs30 Site-Condition Maps by Combining Observations with Geologic and Topographic Constraints
Yo Hibino, Shota Suzuki, Yasuji Shinohara, Shizuo Hayashi Influence of axial load on behavior of belled pile reinforced with high-strength steel bars
Taojun Liu, Hanping Hong Simulation of Spatially Correlated Ground Motion Records Using Stochastic Point-Source Model
D . J. Wald, K. S. Jaiswal, K. D. Marano, D. Garcia, Emily So, Michael Hearne Impact-Based Earthquake Alerts with the U.S. Geological Survey’s PAGER System: What's Next?
Amit Kanvinde, David Grilli, Kyle Marshall A Framework for Forensic Examination of Earthquake Induced Steel Fracture Based on the Field Failures in the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake
Dae-Han Jun, Ho-Guen Kang Nonlinear Response Analysis of Multistory Buildings Subjected to Synthetic Motions Compatible with Design Spectrum
Suguru Suzuki, Tomoya Matsui, Hiroshi Kuramoto A Fundamental Study on Structural Performance of CES Shear Walls with Different Anchorage Condition of Wall Reinforcing Bars
Kazuta Hirata, Masato Nakajima, Y. Ootori Proposal of a simplified method for estimating seismic risk of structures
Seiji Nagata, Yoshinori Miyagawa, Kenji Kanazawa Reduction of Natural Frequency due to Flexural Cracks or Shear Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Members
Munemasa Tokunaga, Masamichi Sogabe Effect of Dynamic Interaction between Train Vehicle and Structure on Seismic Response of Structure
Yoshinori Shigihara, Koji Fujima Development of tsunami model integrating several different grid systems
Nobuyoshi Yamaguchi, Masato Nakao, Tomoki Furuta, Tadashi Mikoshiba Development of Cylindrical Passive Damper using High Damping Rubber
Maki Koyama, Akiko Yoshimura, Junji Kiyono, Norimitsu Ishii, Satoko Mitani, Shoken Koh An analysis of the circumstances of death in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Tadayoshi Nakashima, Shigeyuki Okada, Maki Koyama Development of Active Evacuation System through Computer Vision Technology
Tomoki Furuta, Masato Nakao Earthquake Resistant Performance of New Brace Fastener for Post-and-beam Wooden Houses
Stephen Wu, James Beck, T. H. Heaton Decision criteria for Earthquake Early Warning applications
Toshimi Satoh Inversion of Source Model of the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake Using Empirical Green's Function Method
Ming Hei Cheng, T. H. Heaton, R. W. Graves Seismic Intensity Estimation of Tall Buildings in Earthquake Early Warning System
Ichiro Ichihashi, Akira Sone, Arata Masuda, Tatsuki Noma A Study on Variance of Maximum Responses of Elastoplastic Structure Subjected to Artificial Earthquake Ground Motions
Yayoi Ishii, Kazuo Dan, Hirohito Takahashi, Jun'Ichi Miyakoshi, Masafumi Mori, Nobuo Fukuwa Source modeling of hypothetical Tokai-Tonankai-Nankai, Japan, earthquake and strong ground motion simulation using the empirical Green’s functions
Yasuaki Goto, Koshiro Nishimura, Hironobu Yamazaki, Atsunori Kitano Anchorage Failure and Shear Failure of RC Exterior Beam-Column Joint
Jiji Varughese, Devdas Menon, A. Meher Prasad Simplified Procedure for Displacement-based Design of Stepped Buildings
Ekin Ozer, Serdar Soyoz, Maria Feng Damage Detection and Reliability Estimation Using Earthquake Response Measurement
Shinji Kishida, Shizuo Hayashi, Ishikawa Kazuma Experimental Study on Seismic Performance Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Interior Pile Cap Joint with Precast Pile
Ekin Ozer, Serdar Soyoz, Mehmet Celebi Effect of Strong Ground Motion Duration on Structural Damage
Hideo Araki, Takatoshi Tokunaga Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns Retrofitted with FRP and Steel Plates
Günther Achs, Christoph Adam A Rapid-Visual-Screening Methodology for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Historic Brick-Masonry Buildings in Vienna
Dimitrios Konstantinidis, James M. Kelly Two Low-Cost Seismic Isolation Systems
Aiwen Liu, Xiaohui Jia Response Analysis of a Buried Pipeline Considering the Process Fault Movement
Artur Cichowicz Assessment of the Dynamic Response of the Soil to Strong Ground Motion at a Wind Farm
Benazouz Cheikh, Moussa Leblouba, Ali Zerzour, Youcef Mehani Inelastic Response and Ductility Demand of Structures
Dimitrios Konstantinidis, T. Y. Yang, James M. Kelly Effect of Bearing Behaviour on the Response of Anchored Equipment in Seismically Isolated Buildings
Se Woon Choi, Y. S. Kim, Hyo Seon Park The Effect of Panel Zone on the Column-To-Beam Strength Ratio Required to Prevent the Soft Story of Steel Moment Frames
Zaheer Abbas Kazmi, Kazuo Konagai, Takaaki Ikeda Physical and Numerical Study of Debris Flows from Dolomite Slopes Exposed in the 2005 Kashmir Earthquake, Pakistan
Lei Wang, Feng Gao, Jiwu Wei Development of Strong Motion Seismograph based on TMS320F2812 Control
Samira Marzban, Mehdi Banazadeh, Alireza Azarbakht Seismic Performance of RC Shear Wall Frames Considering Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction
Kenji Kabayama, Yurika Iwama Viscous Damping Properties of Small Scaled Structures during Dynamic Experiments
Maria Polese, Marco Di Ludovico, Andrea Prota, Gaetano Manfredi Residual capacity of earthquake damaged buildings
Elise Delavaud, F. Cotton, Céline Beauval, D. Sinan Akkar, Frank Scherbaum, Laurentiu Danciu Construction of a ground-motion logic tree for PSHA in Europe within the SHARE project
Satoshi Harada, Katsuhiro Kamae, Hidenori Kawabe, Hirotoshi Uebayashi Source modeling of the off Miyagi Intraslab Earthquake (MJMA = 7.1) occurred on April 7, 2011
C. H. Cuadra Seismic Vulnerability of Santo Domingo Church, Cusco, Peru
Lukas Moschen, Christoph Adam Simplified Seismic Response Prediction for Vibration Prone Non-Structural Components in Inelastic Frame Structures
Kyung-Jae Shin, Dong-Baek Kim, Hee-Du Lee, Swoo-Heon Lee Seismic-Resistance Performance Evaluation and Strengthening Effect of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame
Rafik Taleb, Hakim Bechtoula, Masanobu Sakashita, Susumu Kono, Nouredine Bourahla Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Walls with Different Opening Locations: Experiment and FEM Analysis
Youcef Mehani, Rafik Taleb, Tahar Boukhemacha Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Building Retrofitted with RC Wing Walls
Radovan Marjanovic Kavanagh, Matthias Becker, Damir Medak Geodynamics Observing Techniques at the Observatory Hvar (Croatia)
C. Kuo-Chun Chang, Jenn-Shin Hwang, Shiang-Jung Wang, Bo-Han Lee, Ying-Hsuan Chen Seismic Behavior of Structures with Building Mass Damper Design
Xiaohan Han, Kusnowidjaja Megawati, Hiroaki Yamanaka Shear-Wave Velocity Structure underneath the City of Padang, Indonesia
Wataru Goto, Toshiya Motohi, Yoshifumi Sugimura, Shigeto Nagashima, Hiroshi Dohi, Mikio Suzuki, Kenji Saito A Study on Seismic Response of Buildings in Sendai during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Olga Markogiannaki, I. A. Tegos Seismic retrofit of bridges through the external installation of a new type restraining system
Koji Fujima, Yoshinori Shigihara Damage of Sewage Plant by Tsunami
Peter Nawrotzki, Traian Popp, Daniel Siepe Seismic Retrofitting of Structures with Tuned-Mass Systems
Friederike Braune Need for action in earthquake mitigation of nonstructural elements in Switzerland – Regulations, responsibilities & implementation
Shiang-Jung Wang, Chung-Han Yu, Jia-Yi Hsiao, Jenn-Shin Hwang, C. Kuo-Chun Chang, M. S. Tsai Development of Sloped Rolling-Type Isolation Devices for Seismic Protection of Important Equipment and Facilities
Yuuta Kikunaga, Toshiharu Arakawa The Evaluation of Dynamic Characteristics for a Middle Rise Building Made of Steel Based on Measurement Data
Sven Heunert Earthquake mitigation of infrastructures in Switzerland. Need for action, evaluation and implementation of measures
Tariq Mahdi, Vahid Bahreini Pushover Analysis of Asymmetrical Infilled Concrete Frames
Toshio Matsumoto, Hiroshi Nishihara, Masato Nakao, Juan Jose Castro Experimental Study on Shear Strength of Eccentric Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Seismic Loading in Super High Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Junji Kiyono, Aiko Furukawa, Kenzo Toki Seismic Assessment of Stone Arched Bridges
Faouzi Gherboudj, Nasser Laouami Sensitivity Analysis of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard to Ground Motion Models: Case of Algiers Region and Conditional Mean Spectrum
An-Chien Wu, Pao-Chun Lin, Keh-Chyuan Tsai A Type of Buckling Restrained Brace for Convenient Inspection and Replacement
Alexandru Aldea, Cristian Neagu, Andrei Udrea Site response assessment using ambient vibrations and borehole-seismic records
Nourredine Mezouer, H. Airouche, Abderrahmane Kibboua, Mohamed Hadid Sensitivity analysis of site response effect on stochastic response of the Oued Dib cable stayed bridge
Makoto Maruta, Jinhua Fu Shaking Table Tests on Three Story Precast Prestressed Concrete Frame
Aiko Furukawa, Junji Kiyono, Masatoshi Tatsumi, Kenzo Toki, Hitoshi Taniguchi, Hari Parajuli Earthquake Risk Evaluation of Historic Masonry Buildings in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Akila Messaoudi, Nasser Laouami, Nourredine Mezouer Topographic effects on the seismic responses of slopes
Muneyoshi Numada, Miho Ohara, Yasunori Hada, Kimiro Meguro Development and Application of IT Triage System (TRACY) for Sharing Disaster Medical Information During Large-Scale Disasters
Hidenori Ishigaki, Tadahiro Uotsu Study on Seismic Performance of Bearing Wall System Composed of Timber Lattice and Panel
Paolo Negro, Dionysios Bournas, Francisco Javier Molina Seismic Testing of the SAFECAST Three-Storey Precast Building
L. Kanagarathinam, Gouda Dodagoudar, A. Boominathan Evaluation of Acceleration Time-Histories for Design of Nuclear Facilities at Kalpakkam (India)
Ohashi Tadashi, Sugito Masata A Countermeasure for Slope Safety Focusing on Earthquake Motion Amplification in Filling Valleys
Dionysios Bournas, Paolo Negro Seismic Performance of Mechanical Connections in the SAFECAST Precast Building
Mohammad Reza Ghayamghamian, Afrooz Rajool Dezfooli Long-period Ground Motion Simulation for NTF Fault Scenario in Tabriz City
Wen Liu, Fumio Yamazaki, H. Gokon, Shunichi Koshimura Damage Detection of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake from High-resolution SAR Intensity Images
Satoshi Iwai Fill-Depths Estimation of Developed Hill Area Using GIS and the Predominant Frequency of the Ground Caused Housing Damage
Panayiotis Polycarpou, Petros Komodromos A methodology for an efficient three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation of earthquake-induced pounding of buildings
Virendra Kumar, Umesh Kumar Sharma, Bhupinder Singh, Pradeep Bhargava, Yogendra Singh, Praveen Kamath, Asif Usmani, Jose Torero, Martin Gillie, Pankaj Pankaj Behaviour of Full-Scale Reinforced Concrete Frame Under Simulated Post-Earthquake Fire
Leyla Kalani Sarokolayi, Bahram Navayi Neya, Hamid Reza Tavakoli Rotational Components Generation of Earthquake Ground Motion Using Translational Components
Amin Mirzaee, H. E. Estekanchi Advances in Performanc Based Design by Endurance Time Method
Wei Huang, Jiang Qian, Qiushi Fu Damage Assessment of RC Frame Structures under Mainshock-Aftershock Seismic Sequences
Toru Takeuchi, R. Matsui, T. Tada, K. Nishimoto Out-of-plane stability of buckling-restrained braces including their connections
Shoma Kitayama, Ken Ishii, Masaru Kikuchi Response Modification Factor for the Design of Seismically Isolated Buildings
Cheng Hong, Hideo Araki Bond Characteristics between Low Strength Concrete and Plain Round Bar under Reversal Loading
Nataliya Vorontsova Strengthening of Historical Monuments in Seismic Regions
Sergey Churilov, Elena Dumova-Jovanoska Analysis of masonry walls strengthened with RC jackets
Nuno Monteiro Azevedo, Eduardo Bretas, J. V. Lemos Shear Sliding of Gravity Dams for Maximum Design Earthquake Analysis
Mohammad Jamshidi Avanaki, H. E. Estekanchi Application of Endurance Time method in Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Infilled Steel Frames
Sepideh Karimiparidari, Mehdi Zaré, H. Memarian The Statistics of Earthquakes in Iran
Lars Abrahamczyk, Jochen Schwarz, Tobias Langhammer, M. Cemal Genes, Murat Bikçe, Selcuk Kacin, Ahmet Yakut, Murat Altuğ Erberik, Polat Gülkan Empirical and Analytical Vulnerability Assessment of the Masonry Building Stock in Antakya (Hatay/ Turkey)
Marcelo Rubinstein, Oscar Möller, Juan Pablo Ascheri, Alejandro Giuliano Methodology for the Seismic Design of Structural Systems, Including Passive Control
Archanaa Dongre, Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar Inelastic Response of RC Moment Resisting Frames with URM Infills
Naohiro Nakamura Earthquake Response Analysis Using Nonlinear Energy Transmitting Boundary
Jinjun Hu, Lili Xie Characteristics of ground motion parameters in the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake
Wei Lin, G. M. Zhang, A. Qi Seismic Behavior of Long-span Connected Structures under Multi-supported and Multi-dimensional Earthquake excitations
Berrak Teymur, O. T. Yakar Behaviour of Sandy Slopes under Earthquake Loadings
Petros Sideris, Amjad J. Aref, Andre Filiatrault Hybrid Sliding-Rocking Post-Tensioned Segmental Bridges: Large-Scale Quasistatic and Shake Table Testing
Abdelhamid Hebbouche, Mahmoud Bensaibi, Hussein Mroueh Behavior of Concrete Dam under Seismic Load
Tristan Lloyd, Tiziana Rossetto A comparison between existing tsunami load guidance and large-scale experiments with long-waves.
Eugene Gordin, Bozidar Stojadinovic Transportation Infrastructure System Resilience Through Performance-Based Decision-Making in Post-Earthquake Highway Bridge Repair
Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany, Behnam Adhami, Karen Khanlari Identification of Structural Systems with Full Characteristic Matrices under Single Point Excitation
Shang-Hong Chen, Wei Lin, Ai Qi Shaking Table Test of Long-span Connected Structure under Multi-supported Excitation
Wenxiang Jiang, Haiying Yu, Li Li, Lei Huang A Robust Algorithm for Earthquake Detector
Kyohei Ueda, Susumu Iai, Tetsuo Tobita, Osamu Ozutsumi Applicability of Multi-spring Model Based on Finite Strain Theory to Seismic Behavior of Embankment on Liquefiable Sand Deposit
Nathalie Glinsky, Etienne Bertrand Topographical site amplifications investigation by combining numerical and field experiments : The case of Rognes, south east France
Haiying Yu, Wenxiang Jiang, Yongqiang Yang, Quancai Xie, Lei Huang, Pingyu Tan, Li Li Data Processing and Analysis of Strong Motion Records from the Ms8.0 Wenchuan, China Earthquake
Gerardo De Canio, M. L. Mongelli, Ivan Roselli Semi passive antiseismic devices for systems and components of strategic infrastructures
Gonçalo Caiado, Carlos Sousa Oliveira, Mónica Amaral Ferreira, Francisco Mota de Sá Assessing Urban Road Network Seismic Vulnerability: An Integrated Approach
Nuša Lazar, Matjaž Dolšek Risk-based seismic design – An alternative to current standards for earthquake-resistant design of buildings
Donatello Cardone, Amedeo Flora, Giuseppe Gesualdi Inelastic behavior of base-isolated RC frame buildings
Luís Martins, Raimundo Delgado, Rui Camposinhos Spider Glass Behaviour Under Seismic Action
Hamid Reza Tavakoli, Ali Rashidi Alashti, Gholamreza Abdollahzadeh 3-D Nonlinear Static Progressive Collapse Analysis of Multi-story Steel Braced Buildings
Donatello Cardone, Salvatore Sofia, Giuseppe Perrone Direct Displacement-Based Assessment of bridges: A case study
Vesile Hatun Akansel, Ahmet Yakut, Polat Gülkan Fragility of Shear Wall Buildings with Torsional Irregularity
Gustavo Cortes, Gary Prinz, Alain Nussbaumer, Martin Koller Cyclic Demand at the Shell-Bottom Connection of Unanchored Steel Tanks
Claudiu-Sorin Dragomir, Emil-Sever Georgescu, Ioan Sorin Borcia A system for interdisciplinary assessment of earthquake effects on buildings and infrastructures
Ebrahim Haghshenas, Mohsen Fazlavi Deep subsurface shear wave velocity investigation in south of Tehran, using large aperture ambient noise array measurement
Ozgur Avsar, Ahmet Yakut, Alp Caner Development of Analytical Seismic Fragility Curves for Ordinary Highway Bridges in Turkey
Paula Teves-Costa, Edgar Barreira Damage scenarios in Lisbon using RISK-UE approach
Gary Prinz, Alain Nussbaumer, Gustavo Cortes Fatigue Analysis of Unanchored Steel Liquid Storage Tank Shell-to-Base Connections during Earthquake Induced Uplift
Yuntian Wu, Kaixuan Jiang, P. Yang, L. P. Liu, Yingmin Li Seismic Collapse Resistant Capacities of RC Special Moment Frames Considering Effects of Infilled Masonry Walls
Katsutoshi Kita Seismic properties of surface layers in Shimizu by microtremor observations
Sorin Demetriu, Alexandru Aldea, Andrei Udrea Modal parameters of a RC frame structure identified from ambient vibration measurements
Ali Bakhshi, Meysam Jahangiri Alikamar Evaluation of Foundation Flexibility on Seismic Performance of Anchored and Unanchored Aboveground Cylindrical Steel Tanks
Cedric Desprez, Jacky Mazars, Panagiotis Kotronis, Patrick Paultre Stress-Strain Model for FRP-Confined Concrete Columns Under Cyclic and Seismic Loading
Dionysis Biskinis, Michael N. Fardis Effective Stiffness and Cyclic Ultimate Deformation of Circular RC Columns Including Effects of Lap-Splicing and FRP Wrapping
Ali Bakhshi, Leila Zebarjad Performance Evaluation of Semi-Active Equipment Isolation for Seismic Protection Using MR Dampers
Reza Karami Mohammadi, Zahra-Assadat Moussavi Nadoushani Optimum Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Endurance Time Method
T. J. Lin, G. Y. Liu, L. L. Chung, C. H. Chou, C. W. Huang Verification of Numerical Modeling in Buried Pipelines under Large Fault Movements by Small-Scale Experiments
Ali Bakhshi, Behrooz Keshavarzi A New Approach for Consideration of Earthquake Low Cycle Fatigue Phenomena on Reinforced Concrete Frames
Etienne Bertrand, Julie Régnier, F. Vinatier, Philippe Langlaude, Michel Pernoud Seismological Measurements for Site Effect Investigation in Nice, France
Marcial Blondet, Julio Vargas, Robert Groenenberg Evaluation of the Efficacy of Mud Injection to Repair Seismic Cracks on Adobe Structures via Full-Scale Shaking Table Tests
Abdennasser Slimani, Nasser Laouami, Ratiba Slimani-Aouali, Mohamed Hadid, Mounir Khaled Berrah The non homogeneous soil profile effect on the dynamic response of structures
Honeyeh Ramezan Sefat, Ali Akbar Aghakouchak, Sharif Shahbeyk Behavior of Steel Intermediate Moment Frames Designed According to Iranian National Building Code under Lateral Load
Ioan Movila, Gabriela M. Atanasiu, Franz A. Zahn Modelling of the Lateral Load behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Walls using the software Atena 2D
Matthew R. Leborgne, Wassim M. Ghannoum Modeling Lateral Strength Degradation of Reinforced Concrete Columns
Chuanguo Jia, Yingmin Li, L. Liu, P. Yang, Y. Wu Rosenbrock-based L-stable Real-Time Method and its partitioned form for Structural dynamic problems
Muhammad Shahid Siddique, Jochen Schwarz Multi-hazard approach to assess vulnerability of the building stock in Pakistan
Ilker Kazaz, Polat Gülkan, Ahmet Yakut Examination of code performance limits for shear walls
Josué García-Solano, Ramsés Rodríguez-Rocha, L. R. Fernández-Sola Improvement of damage assessment in buildings eliminating SSI effects using Signal Deconvolution
Fabio M. Upegui-Botero, Carlos I. Huerta-Lopez, J. A. Caro-Cortes, Jose A. Martinez-Cruzado, Luis E. Suarez-Colche Joint Time-Frequency Analysis of Seismic Records
Yoichi Mukai, Eiko Tanaka Performance Evaluation for Traditional Japanese Wooden Pagodas based on Micro-tremor Measurement and Numerical Frame Model Analysis
Abdelghani Meslem, Dina D'Ayala Toward Worldwide Guidelines for the Development of Analytical Vulnerability Functions and Fragility Curves at Regional Level
Abdelghani Meslem, Fumio Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Dina D'Ayala, Mounir Naili, Djillali Benouar Effect of Topographic Reliefs on Building Damage Distribution in Boumerdes City during the 2003 Algeria Earthquake
Danesh Nourzadeh, Shiro Takada 3-D Longitudinal Performance of Rehabilitated Sewer Pipelines Based on Experiments of Actual Pipes and Finite Elements Analysis
Emily So, Antonios Pomonis Derivation of Globally Applicable Casualty Rates for use in Earthquake Loss Estimation Models
Roberto Franco-Anaya, Athol James Carr, Karl Ulrich Schreiber Laboratory and in-situ measurements of structural rotations using fibre-optic gyroscopes
Pierre Jehel, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Pierre Léger Efficient Inelastic Fiber Frame Element and Consistent Damping Model for Seismic Time-History Analyses
Yildiz Dak Hazirbaba, Jale Tezcan, Qiang Cheng Maximum Direction to Geometric Mean Spectral Response Ratios using the Relevance Vector Machine
Majid Ghasemi, Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany Damage Detection Method by Using Inverse Solution of Equations of Motion in Frequency Domain
Ilker Kazaz, Vesile Hatun Akansel, Polat Gülkan, Emriye Kazaz Seismic behavior of a four-legged masonry minaret
Catarina Fernandes, José Melo, Humberto Varum, Aníbal Costa Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Cyclic Behaviour of RC Beam-Column Connections with Plain Reinforcing Bars
Gregory Cole, Rajesh P. Dhakal, Athol James Carr, Des Bull 3D Modelling of Building Pounding Including Diaphragm Flexibility
Gregory Cole, Rajesh P. Dhakal, Nawawi Chouw Building Pounding Damage Observed in the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake
Mohammad R Zolfaghari, Shima Jahanbakhsh Development of Seismic Fragility Curves for Hospital Equipment
Selene Quispe, Zenón Aguilar, Fernando Lazares, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Fumio Yamazaki Evaluation of Local Site Effects in Lima City, Peru From Ground Motion Data
Lucas S. Hogan, Liam M. Wotherspoon, Sherif Beskhyroun, Jason M. Ingham Vibration Testing of an in Situ Bridge Pier to Determine Soil-Structure Interaction Effects
Qianwei Sun, Wei Liu, Jie Li Analysis Model of Buried Pipeline Network under Multi-Support Seismic Excitations
Abdeldjelil Belarbi, Qian Li Ductility and Damage Characteristics of RC Bridge Columns under Cyclic Pure Torsion
Janise Rodgers Why Schools are Vulnerable to Earthquakes
Jelena Milosevic, Rita Bento, Antonio Sousa Gago, Mário Lopes Shear Tests on Rubble Stone Masonry Panels - Diagonal Compression Tests
Jelena Milosevic, Antonio Sousa Gago, Mário Lopes, Rita Bento Experimental Tests on Rubble Masonry Specimens – Diagonal Compression, Triplet and Compression Tests
Jelena Milosevic, Mário Lopes, Rita Bento, Antonio Sousa Gago Triplet Test on Rubble Stone Masonry Panels
Miguel A. Jaimes, Eduardo Reinoso, Luis Esteva Seismic vulnerability of building contents for a given occupancy due to multiple failure modes
Gilbert Francisco Torres, S. Castillo, I. Mora, M. Leonardo, F. Hernández, Raymundo Dávalos Sotelo, J. L. Álvarez, Miguel Rodríguez González Maps of Seismic Intensity in the Metropolitan Area Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
Key Seng Goh, Kusnowidjaja Megawati, Tso-Chien Pan Seismic Performance of Typical Tall Buildings in Singapore
Naoto Ohbo, Shinsaku Zama, Tomohiko Tsuchida, Fumitoshi Takada Development and verification of tank damage evaluation system using Earthquake Early Warning information
Jose Sanchez, Luis Toranzo-Dianderas, Tony Nixon Seismic Performance Evaluation of an Existing Precast Concrete Shear Wall Building
Xiaoguang Cai, Jiang-Shan Bo, Youwei Sun, Jianyi Zhang, Yudong Zhang Comparison of Seismic Fortification Criterion of Eight Asian Countries
Luis Toranzo-Dianderas, Shaw Zhang, Gonzalo Roberts, Aaron Reynolds Performance Based Seismic Retrofit of a Pre-Northridge Steel Moment Frame Building in California
Manika Maharjan, Akihiro Takahashi Liquefaction Centrifuge Modeling in Non-homogeneous Soil Deposits
Yoshihito Watanabe, Kohju Ikago, Norio Inoue, Hidenori Kida, Shigeki Nakaminami, Hisaya Tanaka, Yoshifumi Sugimura, Kenji Saito Full-Scale Dynamic Tests and Analytical Verification of a Force-Restricted Tuned Viscous Mass Damper
Qifang Liu, Tianyun Wang Waveform inversion of the rupture process of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake based on the near field strong motions and surface rupture data
Jong-Keol Song, Kee-Jeung Hong Inelastic Displacement Ratios of Smooth Hysteretic Behavior Systems subjected to Near-Fault and Far-Fault Earthquakes
Peilei Yan, Baitao Sun The Analysis of Non-Linear Seismic Response between a Collapsed and a serious damage Infilled Frame Structure in Yingxiu Town-the Heavy Disaster Areas of Wenchuan 8.0 Earthquake
Behnoud Ganjavi, Hong Hao Ductility Reduction Factor for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems with Soil-Structure Interaction
Behnoud Ganjavi, Hong Hao An Optimization Technique for Uniform Damage Distribution in Inelastic Shear Buildings Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effects
Nam Yi Yun, Masanori Hamada A Study on Evacuation Behaviors in the 2011 Great Japan Earthquake
Rildova, Dyah Kusumastuti, Made Suarjana, K. S. Pribadi Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Plastered Confined Masonry Wall under Lateral Cyclic Load
Xin-Rui Zhang, Hitoshi Morikawa An Approach to Estimate Layered Medium by Applying Green’s Function to SPAC Method
Shunhua Xu, Kun Liu, Lanmin Wang, Junjie Sun Seismic Response Analysis of Typical Rammed Earth House in Disaster Areas of Chinese Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake using Finite Element Method
Wang Dongsheng, Sun Zhiguo, Zhai Xubin, Guo Xun Lessons Learned from the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Recent Research on Seismic Design of Highway Bridges
Ha-Young Choi, Jungyoon Lee Strength Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints
Ryota Matsui, Toru Takeuchi Cumulative Deformation Capacity of Buckling Restrained Braces Taking Buckling of Core Plates into Account
Ji-Hun Park, Mi-Kyeong Kim Effects of Added Damping Systems on Infilled RC Frames
Yadab Prasad Dhakal, Hiroaki Yamanaka Validation of the Deep Velocity Models of the Kanto Basin based on Long-Period Ground Motion Simulations for Moderate Earthquakes
Kazuo Konagai, Takashi Kiyota, Toru Asakura, S. Suyama, Hiroyuki Kyokawa, Kenichi Shibuya, Chikako Eto Subsidence Map of Tokyo Bay Area Liquefied in the March 11th Great East Japan Earthquake
Matthew Cutfield, Q. T. Ma Probability Distributions of Cumulative Losses Caused by Earthquakes
Ji-Hun Park, Ki-Ho Lee Cyclic Loading Tests of Steel Dampers Utilizing Flexure-Analogy of Deformation
Cem Haydaroglu, Oguz C. Celik Experimental Investigation of Partially CFRP Wrapped Steel HSS Braces for Seismic Performance Improvement
Hajime Shinkai, Yoshito Hastuda, Nobuhisa Suzuki Seismic Design Guidelines to Mitigate Upheaval Buckling of Small Diameter Pipes
Bin Wang, Huanjun Jiang, Xilin Lu Seismic Performance of Steel Plate-Reinforced Concrete Composite Shear Wall
Dyah Kusumastuti, Made Suarjana, K. S. Pribadi, Rildova, Lie Ting Hwie Experimental Study on Typical Confined Masonry Structure under Cyclic Lateral Load
Marco Broccardo, Armen Der Kiureghian Multi-Component Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic Analysis Using Tail-Equivalent Linearization Method
Azlan Adnan, Reza Vafaei, Abdul Karim Mirasa Linear and Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of a Tall Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower
Adane Gebreyohaness, Charles Clifton, John Butterworth Finite element modeling of non-ductile RC walls
Hitoshi Morikawa, Hiroko Matsuo, Satoshi Tokue, Yumiko Ogura, Shigeo Matsuda, Masao Komazawa, Shigekazu Kusumoto A Basic Study to Develop Shipboard and Airborne Gravimeter using a Force-Balanced-Type Accelerometer
Chuhan Zhang, Yanjie Xu, S. Lin, M. X. Wu, C. H. He The Performance of High Dams in Wenchuan 5-12 Earthquake and Follow-up Analysis of the Shapai Arch Dam during the Event
Ryota Tokunaga, Tadaharu Nakachi Experimental Study on Edge Confinement of Reinforced Concrete Core Walls
Trevor Zhiqing Yeow, Gregory A. MacRae, Rajesh P. Dhakal, Brendon A Bradley Seismic Sustainability Assessment of Structural Systems: Frame or Wall Structures?
Congzhen Xiao, Chunyu Tian, Tao Chen, Dongqi Jiang Compression-bending Behavior of Steel Plate Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls with High Axial Compression Ratio
Goro Miwada, Takeshi Sano, Hideo Katsumata, Jumpei Komaki, Noriko Takiyama, Yoshihiro Onishi, Yasuhiro Hayashi Experimental Study on Hysteresis Characteristics of the Retaining Wall of the Base-Isolated Building
Maki Kure, Saruul Dorjpalam, Kazuo Dan, Haruyuki Kitamura Effects of Difference of Source Spectrum Modeling for Medium-Sized Earthquake on Synthetic Motions of Empirical Green’s Function Method
Rajesh Rupakhety, Sigurður Unnar Sigurðsson, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson Response spectral model for forward-directivity ground motion in the near-fault area
Hidekazu Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi Saito Precise distribution of seismic intensity at the southern area of Iwate Prefecture, Japan, by a high density questionnaire survey - Results of the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008, the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and the aftershock occurred at April 7, 2011
Snehal Mevada, R. S. Jangid Seismic Response of Asymmetric Building with Semi-Active Stiffness Dampers
Chia-Han Chen, Tzou-Shin Ueng Shaking Table Tests on Model Pile in Saturated Sloping Ground
Jianyi Zhang, Jiang-Shan Bo, Jingyi Huang, Xiaobo Li, Tao Lu Research on Setback of Surface-Fault-Rupture with Statistical Analysis
Kuniyoshi Sugimoto, Hideo Katsumata, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Taiki Saito, Toshikazu Kabeyasawa Earthquake Resistant Performance of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings under Long-Period Ground Motions
C. S. Huang, J. Y. Liu, W. C. Su Damage Diagnosis of a Building via Sub-Structural TVARX
Takuya Suzuki, Hirofumi Kaneko, Masaki Kanchi, Yasushi Nukui, A. Imamura, T. Terayama Study on Ultimate Limit of Steel Roof Truss at Nuclear Power Plant
Tianli She Brief Introduction of the Close Loop Feedback Methods of the Low Frequency Vibration Tables
Tetsuya Tomizawa, Osamu Takahashi, Hiromasa Aida, Junji Suhara, Masaaki Saruta, Keiichi Okada, Yasuo Tsuyuki, Takio Suzuki, Takafumi Fujita Vibration test in a Building named "Chisuikan" using Three-dimensional Seismic Isolation System
Dionysius Siringoringo, Yozo Fujino Response Analysis of Yokohama Bay Bridge under the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake
Yong Huang, C. J. Yan, Q. Xu On the difference between empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert vibration decomposition for earthquake motion records
Boominathan Adimoolam, M. G. Vikshalakshie, Subramanian Rm Site specific seismic study for a power plant site at Samalkot, Godavari rift basin in Peninsular India
Chiun-Lin Wu, Ching-Chiang Chuang Application of an Innovative Precise Integration Method in Solving Equilibrium Equations of Motion for Structural Dynamic Problems
Chisa Matsui, Akira Nishitani, Yoshihiro Nitta, Tomohiko Hatada, Ryuta Katamura, S. Miura, M. Oshio, Y. Suzuki, M. Takahashi, Takashi Tanii, Shuichi Shoji, K. Kanekawa, Iwao Ohdomari, I. Matsuya Structural Monitoring Scheme Based on Directly Measured Inter-story Drift Displacement Response Information
Taichiro Okazaki, K. Sato, Eiji Sato, Tomohiro Sasaki, Koichi Kajiwara, Keri L. Ryan, S. A. Mahin NEES/E-Defense Base Isolation Tests: Performance of Triple-Pendulum Bearings
Hadi Salehi, Touraj Taghikhany Application of Robust-Optimum Algorithms in Semi-Active Control Strategy for Seismic Protection of Equipment
Koji Hiroishi, Hideo Fujitani, Yoichi Mukai Seismic evaluation of reinforced concrete building retrofitted with energy absorbing devices
Nuno Pereira, Xavier Romão, Raimundo Delgado Epistemic uncertainty of the structural response of reinforced concrete members under cyclic loading due to different material modelling choices
Gao Lin, Yong Zhang, Yi Wang, Z. Q. Hu A time-domain coupled scaled boundary isogeometric approach for earthquake response analysis of dam-reservoir-foundation system
Keshav K. Sangle. , K. M. Bajoria, Vikas Malgunmkar Seismic Analysis of High Rise Steel Frame with and Without Bracing
Shahin Atashband, Shaham Atashband Representation of Micropile Parameters Relations in Pre-Designing
C. H. Cuadra, Junya Meguro Evaluation of the dynamic characteristics of a base-isolated low-rise RC building after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Takahiro Fujii, Hideo Fujitani, Yoichi Mukai Preliminary Study of Response Prediction of Semi-active Controlled Structures
Michio Miyano, Eisuke Ikuta, Takayoshi Takahashi, Tadashi Doi, Sachi Ito, Mika Omichi, Tomoko Shigaki, Rie Nobuhara, Hiroyuki Kitamoto, Yusuke Kawakatsu, Kazuyo Kamita  Human Casualty and Behavior due to the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011
Raffaele Azzaro, Salvatore D'Amico, Vera D'Amico, Fabrizio Meroni, Tiziana Tuvè, Gaetano Zonno, Dario Albarello, Mónica Amaral Ferreira, Francisco Mota de Sá, Carlos Sousa Oliveira, Renata Rotond Urban seismic risk assessment using the Disruption Index: The case of the volcanic region of Mt. Etna (Italy)
Susumu Yasuda, Keisuke Ishikawa, Mamoru Watanabe, Masaki Yoshida Study on the Mechanism of the Damaged Housing Lots during the 2011 Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake in Japan
C. H. Cuadra, Wakana Fujisawa, Taiki Saito Collapse simulation of unreinforced masonry walls
Lingxin Zhang, Lin Li, Jieping Liu Seismic Response Analysis of Single-Story Factory Buildings with Reinforced Concrete Columns
Ezio Faccioli, Manuela Vanini, Manuela Villani Ground motion attenuation for volcanic zones in Europe
Qi Liang, Takahiro Matsuzawa, Akinori Tani, Yuichiro Yamabe Fundamental Tests on Structural Performance Monitoring System of Building Structures Using Gyro Sensor
M. Sinan Acikgoz, Matthew J. Dejong Characterizing the Vulnerability of Flexible Rocking Structures to Strong Ground Motions
Alessandro Pagliaroli, Massimiliano Moscatelli, Gian Paolo Cavinato, Mauro Dolce, Giuseppe Naso, F. Sabetta, Sergio Castenetto, Pia Petrangeli, Roberto Cecchi Seismic microzonation of Palatine Hill, Roman Forum and Coliseum (Rome, Italy)
Matthew J. Dejong, Elias G. Dimitrakopoulos Equivalent rocking systems: Fundamental rocking parameters
Mohammad Yekrangnia, Alireza Mahdizadeh, Hamed Seyri, Morteza Raissi Seismic Performance Improvement of Masonry Buildings by WSBI Method
M. Hesari, Mehdi Mousavi, Alireza Azarbakht Seismic Risk Assessment of 3rd Azerbaijan Gas Pipeline
Anastasia Eleftheriadou, Athanasios Karabinis, A. D. Baltzopoulou Fundamental Period versus Seismic Damage for Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Jun Teng, Zuohua Li, A. Li, Y. B. Han, Z. Cai Accurate inelastic structural analysis schemes for high-rise structures under earthquake excitations base on ABAQUS platform
Noriko Kodama, Kazuhito Komiya Numerical Modelling of Dynamic Earth Force Transmission to Underground Structures
Tomohiko Hatada, Ryuta Katamura, Hajime Hagiwara, Motoichi Takahashi, Yishihiro Nitta, Akira Nishitani Experimental Verification of Damage Monitoring and Evaluation Method for Building Structures based on Measurement of Relative Story Displacements
Mohammad Soleymani Ashtiani, Rajesh P. Dhakal, Allan Scott Seismic Performance of High-Strength Self-Compacting Concrete in Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints
A. D. Baltzopoulou, Anastasia Eleftheriadou, Athanasios Karabinis Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of the Building Stock of Attica (Greece) and Correlation to the Actual Repair Cost
Toshiaki Fujimoto, Hiroshi Komatsu, Tomoyuki Sakurada, Noritaka Morohashi Seismic performance of New Steel Concrete Composite Beam-Columns
Shuang Li, Shengping Liu, Changhai Zhai, Lili Xie Unified Analysis on Progressive and Seismic Collapses of RC Frame Structure: The Effect of Masonry-infill Walls
Iakov Iskhakov, Yuri Ribakov Using friction dampers for improving earthquake response of self-variable stiffness RC framed buildings
Tetsuya Arakawa, Masahito Kobayashi A Study on Damping Correction of Response Spectrum for Long Period and High Damping Range
Atsushi Ohta, Fusanori Miura Parametric Study on Pile-Soil Interaction Analyses By Overlaying Mesh Method
Mohammad Soleymani Ashtiani, Rajesh P. Dhakal, Allan Scott, D. K. Bull Cyclic Beam Bending Test for Assessment of Bond-Slip Behavior
Jitendra Bothara, Svetlana Brzev A Tutorial on Improving the Seismic Performance of Stone Masonry Dwellings: A Compendium of Worldwide Experiences
Mobin Ojaghi, Matt Dietz, Ignacio Lamata Martinez, Martin Williams, Anthony Blakeborough Current Capabilities and Future Roles for Internet Distributed Large Scale Real-Time Seismic Testing
Hwasung Roh, Jong Seh Lee, Andrei M. Reinhorn Equivalent viscous damping of SMA bar connectors in post-tensioned segmental bridge Piers
Chin-Tung Cheng, Chih-Hong Hsu, Ker-Chun Lin Seismic Behavior of Self-centering Designed Eccentrically Braced Frames
Alessandro Scodeggio, Ricardo Monteiro, Filippo Dacarro, Helen Crowley, Rui Pinho Finite Element Model Updating of Buildings using Dynamic Identification Measurements
Tomohiro Kawanishi, Junji Kiyono, Seiji Nishiyama A Study on the Accuracy of a Static Analysis Method for Cut and Cover Tunnels
Chul-Young Kim, Young Suk Park, Kwang-Ki Ahn, Dae Sung Jung, Jongwook Han Development of Large Scale Testing Facilities and Cyber Infrastructure in Korea by KOCED Program
Keiichi Nishimura, Junpei Akamatsu, Masao Komazawa 3D bedrock structure of Okayama plain, west Japan, as inferred from gravity anomalies and its relation to damage distribution during the 1946, M8.0, Nankai earthquake
Ülgen Mert Tugsal, Beyza Taskin Proposed Vulnerability Functions to Estimate the Real Damage State of RC Buildings After Major Turkish Earthquakes
Céline Chesnais, Claude Boutin, Stéphane Hans Effects of the bending resonance of the floors on the vertical vibrations of buildings
Panagiotis E. Mergos, Katrin Beyer Modelling shear-flexure interaction in equivalent frame models of slender RC walls
Yu Ping Yuen, Jun Shang Kuang Nonlinear response and failure mechanism of infilled RC frame structures under biaxial seismic excitation
Mircea Pastrav, Carol Enyedi Hybrid Moment Frame Joints Subjected to Seismic Type Loading
Xunqiang Yin, Jianbo Li, Gao Lin, Hong Zhong Damage Simulation of Large-Scale Concrete Structures Subjected to Earthquake Excitation Based on an Equivalent Damage Element Method
Takeshi Mori, Yoji Tsunasawa, Nobuhisa Suzuki Fast Simulation Method for Seismic Diagnosis of Extensive Gas Networks
Atsushi Sekine, Yoshimi Ogawa Efficient Restoration Strategy against Seismic Damage to Highway Traffic Network in Tokyo Area
Yaser Jafarian, Ali Ghorbani, Omid Ahmadi Evaluating Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Deformation of Earth Slopes using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Jose A. Pelaez, Mohamed Hamdache, C. Sanz de Galdeano A spatially smoothed seismicity forecasting model for MW ≥ 5.0 earthquakes in northern Algeria and Morocco
Susumu Nakamura, Yoshiya Hata, Keita Abe,Masahiro Sinoda, Noriaki Sento, Atsushi Nozu Study for clarifying the failure mechanism of reclaimed land at Fukushima city by use of the estimated strong earthquake motion during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Adam J. Crewe Generation of Improved Artificial Earthquakes for Seismic Qualification Testing
Beyza Taskin, Kadir Guler, Ülgen Mert Tugsal, Mustafa Gencoglu, Mecit Celik, Zeki Hasgur, Metin Aydogan, Ahmet Saygun A Novel Post-Earthquake Damage Survey Sheet: Part I- RC Buildings
Kadir Guler, Beyza Taskin, Ülgen Mert Tugsal, Mustafa Gencoglu, Mecit Celik, Zeki Hasgur, Metin Aydogan, Ahmet Saygun A Novel Post-Earthquake Damage Survey Sheet: Part II- Masonry Buildings
Haruhiko Kurino, Naoki Kano Response Control by Damper Tube System utilizing Torsional Vibration
Parisara Thiravechyan, Kazuhiko Kasai, Troy Morgan Response of Base Isolated Structures Considering Inelastic Behavior of Superstructure
Damian N. Grant Preservation of Velocity Pulses in Response Spectral Matching
Toshikazu Kabeyasawa, Yasuo Okuda, A. Fukai, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Hiroto Kato, Tadashi Ishihara, Seitaro Tajiri, Masanori Tani Evaluation of Lateral and Buoyant Forces on Reinforced Concrete Buildings By the Tsunami of the 2011 East Japan Earthquake
Yuko Shimada, Yu Jiao, Joo Ho Kim, Satoshi Yamada Effects of Strain-rate on the Hysteretic behavior of Structural Steels
Viviana Iris Novelli, Dina D'Ayala LOG-IDEAH: LOGic trees for Identification of Damage due to Earthquakes for Architectural Heritage
Soshi Nakamura, Naohiro Nakamura, Takuya Suzuki, Koji Inoda, Kazuhiro Kosaka Study on the Influence of Irregular Ground and Adjacent Building on the Seismic Response of Nuclear Power Plant Building
Jiang-Shan Bo, Youwei Sun, Ping Li, Ni Men, Xiaobo Li, Wenhao Qi Study on Intensity Anomaly of Great Earthquake in China
Mahmood Yahyai, Banafshe Hasanpour Ghamsari Behaviour of Continuous Beam to Column Connections in Post Earthquake Fire
Shigenobu Mori, Junji Suhara, Itaru Kurosawa, Masaaki Saruta, Keiichi Okada, Tetsuya Tomizawa, Yasuo Tsuyuki, Takafumi Fujita Simulation Analysis of Free Vibration Test in a Building “Chisuikan” using Three-dimensional Seismic Base Isolation System
Hiroshi Hibino, Ryota Maseki, Aiko Nii, Shigeo Minewaki, Masashi Yamamoto, Harumi Yoneda, Mineo Takayama, Masaru Kikuchi, Masanori Iiba Safety Verification of Seismic Isolation System using Sliding Bearings against Long Period Earthquake Motions
Mukat Sharma, Ashish Harbindu, Kamal Kamal Strong Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Northwest Himalayan Region based on Stochastic Approach
Chinnappa Srinivasan, Willy Anoch Yesurathanam, Ashish Herbindu, Mukat Sharma Strong Ground Motion Prediction Equation for low Magnitude and Near-field Earthquake data for Shield region in India
Yu-Chun Lin, Ja-Shian Chang, To-Nan Chen, Chung-Hsien Shih Seismic Assessment of Traditional Masonry-Wooden Building in Taiwan
Huseok Lee, Hwasung Roh, J. Youn, Jong Seh Lee Frequency Adaptive Lumped-Mass Stick Model and its Application to Nuclear Containment Structure
Hideto Kanno, Tetsuya Nishida, Jun Kobayashi Estimation Method of Seismic Response Based on Momentary Input Energy Considering Hysteresis Shapes of a Building Structure
M. Noorizadeh, Mehdi Mousavi Selection of Ground Motion Prediction Models for Seismic Hazard Analysis in the Zagros Region, Iran
Giandomenico Toniolo SAFECAST Project: European research on seismic behaviour of the connections of precast structures
Sarah Petry, Katrin Beyer Testing unreinforced masonry structures at reduced scale
Yuriy Rutman, Enrique Simbort The Choice of the Seismic-Load Reduction Coefficient Based on the Analysis of the Plastic Resource of Structure taking into account the Low-Cycle fatigue
A. R. Vijaya Narayanan, Durgesh C. Rai Fragility Estimates for RC and PT Flat Slab-Column Connections Subjected to Lateral Drifts
Murat Altuğ Erberik, Hasan Burak Ceran Seismic Safety Evaluation of Turkish URM Buildings by Considering Both In-Plane and Out-Of-Plane Behavior
Peipei Zhao, Zhenyu Wang, Tao Lu, Yulin Lu Improved Extended Kalman Filter for Parameters Identification
Youwei Sun, Jiang-Shan Bo, Ni Men, Ping Li, Tao Zhang, Tao Bo, Bo Liu Earthquake Damage Prediction Assessment for Xichang Urban Bridge Engineering
Akira Fukukita, Masaki Takahashi Semi-Active Control Design for Base Isolated Structure Using Variable Damping Device Considered with Characteristic of Earthquake Motion and Sensor Placement
Hongwang Ma Seismic analysis for wind turbines including soil-structure interaction combining vertical and horizontal earthquake
Jun Liu, Fuhai Liu, Xianjing Kong Large-scale Shaking Table Test on Seismically Induced Failure of Earth-core Rockfill Dam
Ufuk Yazgan A New Approach to Building Stock Vulnerability Modeling based on Bayesian Analysis
Abdul Qadir Bhatti, Humberto Varum Comparison between the visco-elastic dampers and Magnetorheological dampers and study the Effect of temperature on the damping properties
Peter Huber, Oliver Benicke The Testing Campaign on Seismic and Wind Protection Systems of the World´s Largest Cable Stayed Bridge: The Russkij Bridge at Vladivostok
Xu Weixiao, Jingjiang Sun, Ke Du, Weisong Yang A Real-time Correction Method in Rapid Assessment of Seismic Intensity Distribution
Zhenyu Wang, Peipei Zhao, Yulin Lu, Tao Lu Numerical Study on Covariance-driven Stochastic Subspace Method in Modal Parameters Identification
Fabien Giraudeau, Michel Fogli, Irmela Zentner, Cyril Feau Construction of seismic fragility curves using the Karhunen-Loève expansion
Abdul Qadir Bhatti, Humberto Varum Application of Performance Based Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis for Seismic Design of RC Buildings
Hongsong Hu, Jianguo Nie, Jiansheng Fan Seismic behavior of steel plate - concrete composite shear walls
Ali Valaei Developing an innovative approach for retrofitting the existing cylindrical liquid tanks
Abdul Qadir Bhatti, Humberto Varum, Zeeshan Alam Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Evaluation of High Rise Buildings in Islamabad
Farrokh Fazileh, Jag Mohan Humar Displacement Based Seismic Design of Torsionally Unbalanced Shear Wall Structures
Zejun Han, Gao Lin, Jianbo Li Dynamic response of footings on stratified soil using the Precise Integration Method
Ali Valaei A survey in finding relations in order to calculate natural impulsive and convective mode frequencies in above-ground cylindrical steel storage tanks
Akenori Shibata, Hidemasa Masuno Relations between Elastic/Inelastic Earthquake Response of SDOF Systems by Equivalent Linear Analysis
Asif Shah, A. R Dar, Gouseya Shahnaaz Reliability and Experimental Study on the Seismic Resistance Capabilities of Brick Nogged Timber Frame Construction (Dhajji-Dewari)
Xiaogang Liu, Jiansheng Fan, Muxuan Tao, J. F. Hajjar Comparison and Analysis of Design Procedures for CFST-to-Steel Girder Connection Panel Zone Shear
Sang-Hoon Oh, Kwang Yong Choi, Hyoung Joon Kim, Chang Hoon Kang Experimental Validation on Dynamic Response of RC Shear Wall Systems Coupled with Hybrid Energy Dissipative Devices
Masoud Shafiei, Naser Khaji An adaptive physics-based method for the solution of wave motion problem in two dimensions
Xiaowen Yao, A. S. Elnashai, Jianqun Jiang Analytical Seismic Fragility Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams
Peizhen Li, Xiaoying Hou, Y. M. Liu, Xilin Lu Shaking Table Model Tests on Dynamic Structure-SoilStructure Interaction during Various Excitations
Alexandra Papailia, Georgios Tsionis, Michael N. Fardis Effects of Design to EN-Eurocodes on the Seismic Fragility of Concrete Buildings
Nelson Angel, Hernán Santa María, Carl Luders A Precast Concrete Roof Bracing System for Industrial Buildings
Felipe Leyton, Sergio Ruiz, Maximiliano Astroza Correlation between seismic intensity for the Maule 2010 earthquake (Mw 8.8) and microtremors’ HVSR
Mehdi Mousavi, Alireza Azarbakht, M. Noorizadeh The robust conditional mean spectrum
Elena Dumova-Jovanoska, Sergey Churilov, Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Roberta Apostolska Drafting of Macedonian NDPs for EN 1998 - Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 3: Assessment and retrofitting of buildings
Keisuke Kitade, Yoshinori Takahashi, Hiroki Kinoshita, Koji Ichii An FEM simulation on the seismic induced deformation of SCP improved ground considering the inter-pile ground conditions.
Yingmin Li, Zheqian Wu, Yinfeng Dong, Chuanguo Jia, Huiguo Chen A Body-Fitted Coordinates Based Method for Simulation Earthquake with Inhomogeneous Feature in Space
Victor Salinas, Sonia Santos-Assunçao, Oriol Caselles, Vega Pérez-Gracia, Lluis G. Pujades, Jaume Clapés Effects on the predominant periods due to abrupt lateral soil heterogeneities
Alper Aldemir, Ugur Akpinar, Yalin Arici, Baris Binici Seismic Design and Performance of an High RCC Dam
Georgi Varbanov, Marin Kostov, Anton Andonov, Kiril Apostolov, Alexander Iliev Seismic Risk Assessment of Large Dams
Ahmad Naderzadeh, Ramin Madani Time-Predictable Earthquake Modeling on a Segment of Zagros Mountain Front Fault (Pol-e-Zahab Region) West of Iran
Mingkui Xiao, Jingmeng Zhu, Zhengying Li A simplified method for analyzing structural hysteretic energy based on multiplex modal pushover analysis
Mohsen Zarrabi, Roger Bartosh, Avtar Pall Seismic Rehabilitation of Les Jardins Westmount, Montreal (Quebec), Canada
Igor Nudner, Mark Klyachko, Vasily Maximov, Vladislav Filkov About Regional Standard “Buildings, Structures, and Safety Requirements Under Tsunami Impact”
Masahiro Ikenaga, Kohju Ikago, Norio Inoue Shaking table test of seismic control system using tuned mass viscous damper with force restriction mechanism
Gabriele Ameri, Francesca Pacor, Frantisek Gallovic Broadband ground-motion modeling and shaking scenarios for the 2009 L’Aquila (Central Italy) earthquake 
Mathieu Perrault, Philippe Guéguen Assessment of the variability of the buildings response due to the variability of ground motion from a database of earthquakes recorded within buildings
Juan Manuel Espinosa-Aranda, Armando Cuellar-Martinez, Gerardo Ibarrola, Roberto Islas, Armando Garcia, F. Humberto Rodriguez, B. Frontana The Seismic Alert System of Mexico (SASMEX) and their Alert Signals broadcast results.
Kuo-Wan Lin, D . J. Wald Developing ShakeCast Statistical Fragility Analysis Framework for Rapid Post-Earthquake Assessment
Pia Hannewald, Katrin Beyer Plastic hinge models for the seismic assessment of reinforced concrete wall-type piers with detailing deficiencies
Nattapat Wongpakdee, Sutat Leelataviwat, Subhash Goel, Wen-Cheng Liao Performance-Based Seismic Design and Evaluation of Buckling Restrained Knee Braced Truss Moment Frames
Imad Mualla, Leif Otto Nielsen, Mitsuru Sugisawa, Yasuhiro Suzuki Large Capacity Dampers for Buildings and Structures
Jaime García-Pérez The value of risk reduction in optimum seismic design
Saeed Zaman, Teraphan Ornthammarath, Pennung Warnitchai Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for Pakistan
Fabio Biondini, B. Dal Lago, Giandomenico Toniolo Seismic behaviour of precast buildings with cladding panels
Fabio Biondini, Andrea Titi, Giandomenico Toniolo Pseudodynamic Tests and Numerical Simulations on a Full-Scale Prototype of a Multi-Storey Precast Structure
Clotaire Michel, Carlo Cauzzi, Donat Fäh, John Clinton, Peter Zweifel, Philipp Kästli The Swiss strong-motion network: high-quality strong-motion monitoring in a region of low-to-moderate seismicity
N. M. Syed, B. K. Maheshwari Nonlinear Dynamic SSI Analysis with Coupled FEM-SBFEM Approach
Massimo Forni, Silvia De Grandis Seismic-Initiated events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors: The SILER Project
Pu Yang, Chenghua He, Yuntian Wu, Xiaoou Liu, Shuyan Ji A Comparative Study on Seismic Behavior of Existing Single-span RC Frames Strengthened by Different Methods
Vitor Sousa, Nuno Almeida, Maria Luísa Sousa, Alfredo Campos Costa, José Saldanha Matos A methodology to couple vulnerability and condition of buried pipes in seismic risk assessment: Application to a subsystem of the Lisbon wastewater system
Ali A. Moinfar, Ahmad Naderzadeh, Mohammad H. Nabavi New Iranian Seismic Hazard Zoning Map for New Edition of Seismic Code and its Comparison with Neighbor Countries
Viswanath Kammula, Jeffrey Erochko, Oh-Sung Kwon, Constantin Christopoulos Performance Assessment of the Self Centering Energy Dissipative (SCED) Bracing System using Hybrid Simulation
Bablu Kirar, B. K. Maheshwari, Ravi Shankar Jakka Dynamic Properties of Solani Sand Reinforced with Coir Fibers
Viacheslav Glagovsky Estimation of seismic stability of gravity base substructure for fixed offshore platform
Pradeep Muley, B. K. Maheshwari, D. K. Paul Effect of Fines on Liquefaction Resistance of Solani Sand
Massimo Forni, Alessandro Poggianti, Alberto Dusi Seismic Isolation of Nuclear Power Plants
Ning Ma, Jinping Ou, Hui Li Experimental Study of Low-yield Strength Steel Buckling Restrained Brace
Nader Fanaie, Shahab Shamloo Studying seismic behavior of mixed structures in height
Jamie Goggins, Suhaib Salawdeh Comparison of DDBD with FBD procedures for concentrically braced steel frame
Luisa Sousa, Mónica Amaral Ferreira, Francisco Mota de Sá, Carlos Sousa Oliveira, S. Raposo, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson, Rajesh Rupakhety, Gaetano Zonno, Fabrizio Meroni, Francesca Bianco, Salvatore D'Amico Quantitative seismic risk evaluation and mapping: cases of schools and residential facilities in Lisbon and Algarve
Igor Gjorgjiev, M. A. Garevski Replacement of the Old Rubber Bearings of the First Base Isolated Building in the World
Daiki Sato, Yu Shimada, Hayato Ouchi, Yusaku Oshita, Haruyuki Kitamura, Takuya Nagae, Kunio Fukuyama, Kouich Kajiwara, Takahito Inoue, Masayoshi Nakashima, Taiki Saito, Nobuo Fukuwa E-Defense Shaking Table Tests on a Steel High-rise Building Retrofitted by Dampers against Long-period Ground Motions
Yuki Norito, Wataru Inomata Result of SUPREME(Super-dense real time monitoring Earthquake system for city gas supply) in “Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake”
Yasuko Kuwata, Daisuke Ikejiri Liquefaction Hot-Spot Based on Pipeline Damage and Topographical History in the Kashima Region during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Mohammad R Zolfaghari, Meysam Mogheisi Probabilistic Seismic Damage Assessment for Urban Transportation Network
Ehsan Dehghani Sanij, Reza Alaghebandiyan Nonlinear earthquake response analysis of RC frames with masonry infills
Reza Karami Mohammadi, Mohammad Mohammadi Estimating floor acceleration in nonlinear multi-story moment-resisting frames
Kazuto Matsukawa, Masaki Maeda, Hamood Al-Washali, Kanako Takahashi Research for Collapse of R/C Frame Composed of Shear and Flexure Column
Amin Karbassi, Pierino Lestuzzi,Benyamin Mohebi Development and Application of Damage Spectra for RC Buildings in Europe
Enrico Tubaldi, Andrea Dall'Asta, Luigino Dezi Seismic assessment of isolated bridges with abutment transverse restraint
Kleidi Islami, Federico Carturan, Carlo Pellegrino, Claudio Modena Reliability analysis and deterministic validation with experimental data of a historical r.c. bridge.
Nader Fanaie, Saeid Aghajani, Shahab Shamloo Theoretical Assessment of Wire Rope Bracing System with Soft Central Cylinder
Christopher Motter, J. W. Wallace, Ron Klemencic, John Hooper, David Fields Large-Scale Testing and Analysis of Concrete Encased Steel Coupling Beams under High Ductility Demands
Shigeto Nagashima, Kenichi Yoshida, Hiroyasu Nishii, Mikio Suzuki, Kouzou Toyota, Mutsuhiro Yoshizawa, Takuya Nagae, Kunio Fukuyama, Takahito Inoue, Koichi Kajiwara Seismic Loss of Functionality in High-Rise and Low-Rise Office Buildings: Server Room Damage of E-Defense test
Tiejun Liu, Dujian Zou, Jun Teng, Lili Sui Experimental investigation on the dynamic properties of RC structures affected by reinforcement corrosion
Ali Khosravian, Abdollah Hosseini Effect of the Optimal Number of Metallic Dampers on the Seismic Response of Frame Structures
Raluca-Tereza Constantin, Katrin Beyer Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Core Walls Under Bi-directional Loading
Christian Málaga-Chuquitaype, Ahmed Y. Elghazouli Evaluation of Fatigue and Park and Ang damage indexes in steel structures
João M. C. Estêvão, Carlos Sousa Oliveira Ground motion simulation for dynamic structural analysis: pros and cons
Guillermo Aldama-Bustos, P. J. Stafford On the use of Arias Intensity as a lower bound in the hazard integration process of a PSHA
Stéphane Hans, Claude Boutin, Antoine Rallu, Quoc Bao Bui, Céline Chesnais From ambient mechanical noise to the structural functioning of regular buildings
Bahram Beheshti Aval, Mehrangiz Mohammadzadeh The Adequacy of Pushover Analysis to Evaluate Vulnerability of Masonry Infilled Steel Frames Subjected to Bi-Directional Earthquake Loading
Nicole Gluck, Rina Farhat, Uri Tzadka, Rami Eid, E. Leibovitz Preparedness for the next Earthquake of Reinforced Concrete Residential Buildings in Israel
Alessandro Paparo, Katrin Beyer Pushover analyses of mixed RC-URM wall structures
Bento Caldeira, José F. Borges, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Vladimir Bushenkov, Gueorgui Smirnov Extended Seismic Source Characterisation using Linear Programming Inversion in a Dual Formulation
Mónica Amaral Ferreira, Francisco Mota de Sá, Carlos Sousa Oliveira DI: The Concept of Disruption index in Urban Systems
Abbas Moustafa, Sayed Mahmoud Damage Assessment of Adjacent Buildings with Fixed Bases under Earthquake Loads
Ahmad Abo-El-Ezz, Marie-José Nollet, Miroslav Nastev Seismic Risk Assessment of Existing Buildings in Old Quebec City, Canada
Abdollah Hosseini, Mohammad Sadegh Marefat, Ali Arzeytoon, Jalil Shafaei Analytical Investigation of Seismic Performance of Exterior RC Beam-Column Joints Rehabilitated with New Scheme
Justin Marshall, Nathan Gould The Performance of Low-Rise Industrial Facilities in the 2010 Haiti and 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquakes
Carlos Arteta, Hugo Esquivel, J. P. Moehle, H. Carlosana Seismic Response of Two Building Structures Designed for High Seismic Hazard
Jeong Min Han, Clark Fenton Development of Intraplate Macroseismic Intensity Attenuation Relationship for the Korean Peninsula
Alexandre Girard, Frédéric Légeron, Nathalie Roy A Model for Seismic Performance Assessment of Bridge Piers
Hartanto Wibowo, D. M. Sanford, I. G. Buckle, D. H. Sanders Evaluation of Vehicle-Bridge Interaction during Earthquakes
Shamus Wallace, Amy Macdonald Macro and micro scale assessment and quantification of Ground damage following the Canterbury 2010/2011 Earthquake sequence
Narutoshi Nakata High-Fidelity Model-Based Acceleration Control of Shake Tables
Maryam Firoozi Nezamabadi, Fariborz Yaghoobi Vayeghan Developing a Quick Seismic Risk Assessment Model (QSRA) for Intercity Road Systems :A case study, IRAN
Terrence F. Paret, Kelly Cobeen, Owen A. Rosenboom, K. T. Nasi, Kaustubh Pandya Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of a Non-conforming Structure Using Scenario Spectra
Terrence F. Paret, Owen A. Rosenboom, Jeffrey Rautenberg, Gary R. Searer Calibration of Various Nonlinear Analysis Procedures with Earthquake Damage in a Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Building
Owen A. Rosenboom, Terrence F. Paret, Gary R. Searer Chronological Construction Sequence, Creep, Shrinkage, and Pushover Analysis of an Iconic 1960s Reinforced Concrete Building
W. Leonardo Cortés-Puentes, Dan Palermo Towards Design of Shear Walls Retrofitted with Shape Memory Alloys
 Renée Mackay-Lyons, Constantin Christopoulos, Michael Montgomery Enhancing the Seismic Performance of RC Coupled Wall High-Rise Buildings with Viscoelastic Coupling Dampers
Kohju Ikago, Yoshifumi Sugimura, Kenji Saito, Norio Inoue Simple Design Method for a Tuned Viscous Mass Damper Seismic Control System
Craig A. Davis, Jianping Hu Near Source Affects and Engineering Observations of Mw6.1 February 22, 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake
Maryam Firoozi Nezamabadi, Fariborz Yaghoobi Vayeghan Developing the UHS and Iranian Seismic Code design spectrum for 1 Important Residential Building in Tehran
Mehdi Torbat Esfahani, Esmaeil Izadi Zamanabadi, Fariborz Nateghi Alahi, Mehrtash Motamedi Experimental and Analytical Study of Multilayer Accordion Metallic Damper
Efraín Ovando-Shelley, Mario Flores-Guzmán, Celestino Valle-Molina Laboratory Measurement of Compression and Shear Wave Velocities of Mexico City Clay with Piezoelectric Crystals
S. J. Dyke, Bozidar Stojadinovic, Pedro Arduino, Maria Garlock, Nicolas Luco, Julio Ramirez, Solomon Yim, W. Song Community Workshop: 2020 Vision for Earthquake Engineering Research in the USA
Giuliana Somma, Alessandro Pieretto, Tiziana Rossetto, Damian N. Grant A new approach to evaluate failure behavior of reinforced concrete beam-column connections under seismic loads
Alireza Lohrasbi, Moharram Dolatshahi Pirooz, Alireza Lavaei Plunging breaker model of tsunami with  Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian approach 
Hitomi Murakami, Koichi Takimoto, Antonios Pomonis Tsunami Evacuation Process and Human Loss Distribution in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake - a Case Study of Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture
Suikai Lu, Andreas Jäger, Hervé Degée, Veronika Sendova, Zoran Rakicevic, Miha Tomaževič, Paulo Candeias, Alfredo Costa, Ema Coelho Full scale testing of modern unreinforced thermal insulation clay block masonry houses
Salar Manie, Abdolreza Sarvghad-Moghadam Experiences Acquired through Nonlinear Modeling and Analyzing three-Dimensional Structure Models for Collapse Safety Assessment
Abdelhalim Cherfaoui, Ali Nour, Vladimir Gocevski, Pierre Léger Seismic fragility analyses of a CANDU 6 reactor building nuclear power plant
Ivan Wong, Mark Dober, Mark Hemphill-Haley, Fabia Terra Seismic Hazard Along the Southern Coast of Ecuador
Mojtaba Moosavi, Mohammad Kazem Jafari Investigation of the Surface Fault Rupture Hazard Mitigation by Geosynthetics
Emanuele Gandelli, Paolo Dubini, M. Bocciarelli, Virginio Quaglini Numerical Assessment of the Seismic Performance of Sliding Pendulum Isolators
Akwasi F. Mensah, Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio, I. Prowell, M. A. Asareh Probabilistic Combination of Earthquake and Operational Loads for Wind Turbines
D. Ferroni, Giacomo Vazzana, Daniele Cuminetti, Virginio Quaglini, Paolo Dubini, Carlo Poggi Certification of anti-seismic devices according to the European Standard EN 15129:2009: Tasks for manufacturers and notified bodies
Ehsan Dezhdar, Perry Adebar Estimating Seismic Demands on High-rise Concrete Shear Wall Buildings
Edgar Tapia-Hernández, Arturo Tena-Colunga Lateral Demands of Steel Moment Resisting Concentrically Braced Frames in Soft Soils
Shingo Kuroda, Saburoh Midorikawa, Shigeo Hirose, Minoru Yoshida Development of portable earthquake simulator for enlightenment of disaster preparedness
Lucie Chever Use of seismic assessment methods for planning vulnerability reduction of existing building stock
Emily So, Antonios Pomonis, Regina Below, Omar Cardona, Andrew King, Can Zülfikar, Maki Koyama, Charles Scawthorn, Simon Ruffle, Daniel Garcia An Introduction to the Global Earthquake Consequences Database (GEMECD)
A. Gustavo Ayala, Marco A. Escamilla Influence of modal regularity in the evaluation of reinforced concrete structures using simplified nonlinear methods
Juan C. Reyes, Erol Kalkan Relevance of Fault-Normal/Parallel and Maximum Direction Rotated Ground Motions on Nonlinear Behavior of Multi-Story Buildings
Sharlie Huffman, D. G. Gillespie, Donald Anderson Performance-based Design (PBD) of British Columbia Bridges
Juan C. Reyes, Oscar A. Quintero, Anil K. Chopra Modal pushover-based scaling of records for nonlinear RHA of one-story unsymmetric-plan buildings
Mhmoud Sauod, Hideo Araki, Akira Yasojima, Syohei Itano, Tatsuya Tokugawa Seismic Performance of an Actual Member in an Existing RC Building
Polat Gülkan Expecting the Expected: 1 g Peak Motions in the İstanbul Metropolitan Area
Masato Saitoh, A. Kotake Modal Lumped Parameter Models for Representing Frequency-Dependent Impedance Functions of Soil-Foundation Systems
Darío Rivera Vargas A procedure of displacement-based seismic design Applied to urban bridges of Mexico City
Melanie Walling, N. A. Abrahamson Non-Ergodic Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses
Saúl López, A. Gustavo Ayala, R. Hernández Performance based seismic design method considering incremental collapse prevention
Kazunori Wada, Hiroyuki Goto Generation Mechanism of Surface and Buried Faults Considering the Effect of Plasticity in a Shallow Crust Structure
Kenji Yonezawa, Takuya Anabuki, Shunichi Higuchi, Joji Ejiri Centrifuge Shaking Table Tests and FEM Analyses of RC Pile Foundation and Underground Structure
Ken Ishii, Masaru Kikuchi, Kazutaka Shirai Seismic Response Analysis of Seismically Isolated Buildings with Multilayered Elastomeric Bearings Considering Rocking Behavior
Julio Ramirez The George E. Brown, Jr., Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES): Reducing the impact of EQs and Tsunamis
Jaime Jr Hernandez, Marc Caesar Talampas, Christian To, Jose Mari Balanay Development of a Low-cost Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring of Earthquakes in Developing Countries
Koichi Hayashi, Deborah Underwood Microtremor Array Measurements and Three-component Microtremor Measurements in San Francisco Bay Area
Narutoshi Nakata, S. Combs Substructure Effective Force Testing: A Force-Based Real-Time Hybrid simulation
Cuiqiang Zhang, Ying Zhou, Xilin Lu Comparative Experimental Study on the Seismic Performance of Reinforced Totally-Recycled Concrete Frame and Semi-recycled Concrete Frame
Fang-Yao Yeh, C. Kuo-Chun Chang, Tsung-Wu Chen Smart Viscous Dampers utilizing Shear Thickening Fluids with Silica Nanoparticles
Ikumasa Yoshida Development of MPS method for Earthquake Response Analysis Considering Collapse
Wen-Cheng Liao, Subhash C. Goel An Energy Spectrum Method for Collapse Evaluation of RC Moment Frame Structures
Tomohisa Mukai, Taiki Saito, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Tony Yang Response of high rise RC structure with weak beam considering the deterioration due to cyclic behavior under long period earthquake
Makiko Hikita, Eiji Takaoka, Akihiro Kondo, Takuya Nishimura, S. Yamamoto, Mineo Takayama, Masaru Kikuchi, Masanori Iiba Safety Verification of Seismic Isolation System Using Rubber Bearing Against Long-Period Earthquake Motion.
S. Yamamoto, Takuya Nishimura, K. Nakanishi, Makiko Hikita, Y. Takenaka, Mineo Takayama, Masaru Kikuchi, Masanori Iiba Safety Verification of Seismic Isolation Systems Using Elasto-plastic Dampers against Long-period Earthquake Motions
Xu Bin, Zou Degao, Kong Xianjing Static and Dynamic Analysis of a 200 m High Concrete Faced Dam Based on a Generalized plasticity Model
Chung-Che Chou, Ying-Chuan Chen Development and Seismic Performance of Steel Dual-Core Self-Centering Braces
Wataru Suzuki, Shin Aoi, Haruko Sekiguchi, Takashi Kunugi Source rupture process of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake derived from the strong-motion records
Keisuke Ishikawa, Susumu Yasuda Study of Sand Boiling Characteristics Along Tokyo Bay During the 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake
Da-Gen Weng, Chao Zhang, Jing-De Xia, Xi-Lin Lu, Shi-Ming Zhang Experimental and Numerical Study on RC Frame Joint Strengthened with Enveloped Steel Plates
Jongwook Park, Dae-Hoon Kim, Seok-Gwang Yoon, Jung-Yoon Lee Shear Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints
Kiyomine Terumoto The Design and Implementation of a Practical Tsunami Evacuation Drill
Kangmin Lee, Rui Li, Liuyi Chen, Kyoung Hwan Oh, Hee Taek Jung Cyclic Testing of the Column-tree Type and the WUF-B Weak-axis Steel Moment Connections
Yong-Wan Kim, Jin-Sun Park, Yongjei Lee, Taejin Kim Performance Evaluation of FR welded connections to Inclined Column
Nina Zheng, Jing Zhou, Yuanyuan Yin, Jun Oan, Shuyan Ji Non-linear Time History Response Analysis of Low Masonry Structure with tie-columns
Shinichi Matsushima, Hiroshi Kawase, Takanori Hirokawa, Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma Directional Dependence of H/V Spectral Ratio of Microtremors Caused by Lateral Heterogeneity
Sachi Furukawa, Eiji Sato, Yundong Shi, Masayoshi Nakashima Structural and Equipment Performance of Base-isolated Medical Facility subjected to Strong Vertical Ground Motions
Purnachandra Saha Seismic Control of Benchmark Cablestayed Bridge Using Variable Friction Pendulum Systems
Ke Du, Jingjiang Sun, Weixiao Xu Evaluation of Section and Fiber Integration Points in Fiber Model
Chung-Che Chou, Jia-Hau Liu Seismic Tests of Steel Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames for Evaluating Effects of Free-Edge Stiffeners and Frame Action Forces on Corner Gusset Connections
Yangbing Liu, Yuanxin Liao, Nina Zheng, Jingbo Liu Analysis of Strong Column and Weak Beam Behavior of Steel-concrete Mixed Frames
Liu Yuejun, Tang Aiping The Present Research Situation and Earthquake Damage Defensive Measures of the Transmission Lines
Ichiro Nagashima, Ryota Maseki Study on feed-forward control of base-isolated buildings using predicted propagation of seismic waves
Angelo Marinilli, Norberto Fernandez, Oscar A. Lopez, Gustavo Coronel Inspection of School Buildings in Seismic Prone Areas in Venezuela
Bill Tremayne, Fred Turner, Alistair Russell, Stuart Oliver, H. Derakhshan Proposed Update to Masonry Provisions of ASCE/SEI 41: Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings
Hadi Ghofrani, Katsuichiro Goda, Gail M. Atkinson Ground Motions and Site Effects from the 2011, M9.0 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake
Takaaki Ikeda, Kazuo Konagai, Toshihiko Katagiri, Takashi Kiyota Earthquake record from down-hole array observation in Tokyo bay area during the 2011 off the pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake
Duozhi Wang, Junwu Dai Collapse-resistant Capacity of Masonry Building with Framed-Shear Walled Lower Floor with Different Protection Levels
Tasuku Okamoto, Yasuko Kuwata Influence to Water Outage due to Damage to Regional Water Supply during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Kuo-Liang Wen, Jyun-Yan Huang Dense Microtremor Survey for Site Effect Study in Taiwan
Yi Wang, Gao Lin, Zhiqiang Hu Dam-Reservoir interaction analysis based on Scaled Boundary Finite Method and Finite Element Method
Arun M. Puthanpurayil, Rajesh P. Dhakal, Athol James Carr Choice of in-structure Damping Model: Do we have an answer?
Shu-Lin Ma, Feng Gao Research on the Transient Response and Measure Method of Engineering Vibration Sensors
Masaru Kikuchi, Ian Aiken, Amarnath Kasalanati Simulation analysis for the ultimate behavior of full-scale lead-rubber seismic isolation bearings
Eiichi Sato, Hiroyuki Yamada, Hideto Taoka, Kyoko Sano, Katsumi Ebisawa, Ichiro Abe, Tomohiko Sato, Tsuyoshi Takada Study on Understandability of Seismic Information on Nuclear Power Plant
Chen Xueliang, Gao Mengtan, Li Tiefei, Yan Zhaolun Study on Dynamic Hysteretic Nonlinear Property in time-domain of Site Soil from Site strong Response During March 11, 2011 Japan M9.0 Earthquake
Mustafa Mashal, Andre Filiatrault Quantification of Seismic Performance Factors for Buildings Incorporating Three-Dimensional Construction System
Asako Iwaki, Shin Aoi Estimation of Three-Dimensional Basin Boundary Shape Using a Random Search Method
Kenji Okazaki, K. S. Pribadi, Dyah Kusumastuti, Taiki Saito Comparison of Current Construction Practices of Non-Engineered Buildings in Developing Countries
Hiroyuki Kitamoto, Michio Miyano, Sayumi Hagino Proposal of constructing new tsunami shelter buildings at Mimase in Kochi City
Takumi Toshinawa Mid period strong motion observed in the western part of Tokyo during large magnitude events
Dyi-Wei Chang, Yew-Tsang Lin, C. H. Peng, C. Y. Liou, Tzu-Ying Lee Design of Isolated Bridges from the Viewpoint of Collapse under Extreme Earthquakes
Kenji Okazaki, Taiki Saito Seismic Risk Perception Concerning Non-engineered Houses
Panagiotis Galanis, J. P. Moehle Development of Collapse Indicators for Older-Type Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Galo Valdebenito, Angel Aparicio, Jesús Alvarez Seismic Response of Cable-Stayed Bridges for Different Layout Conditions: A Comparative Analysis
Qi-Wu Fan, Yong-Jiu Qian, Zhen-Xing Feng Seismic Collapse Analysis for Xiaoyudong Bridge Axial-Shear-Flexural Interaction
Yuta Yamada, C. H. Cuadra, Takashi Doko, Naota Miyahara Vulnerability of traditional wooden shrines located at Yurihonjo, Japan
Hsiao-Hui Hung, Kuang-Yen Liu, P. H. Wang, Yu-Chi Sung, C. Kuo-Chun Chang Large-scale Cyclic Loading Test on a Steel and Reinforcement Composite Bridge Pier Constructed by Automated Method
Yong Jiu Qian, Qi Wu Fan, Xiao-Qian Zeng Making Retrofit Decision with Multi-criteria Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation System for Girder Bridges in Wenchuan Earthquake
Zhe Qu, Yusuke Maida, Hiroyasu Sakata, Akira Wada, Shoichi Kishiki, Toshio Maegawa, Makoto Hamada Numerical Assessment of Seismic Performance of Continuously Buckling Restrained Braced RC Frames
Takanori Harada, Masaki Nakamura, Noriyuki Kanai, Tetsuya Nonaka, Yoshihide Kodama, Hideki Motohashi Analysis of Vertical Ground Motion / Phase Motion Near Fault Records in JAPAN and its Application to Simulation of Vertical Ground Motion
Yuta Yamada, N. Shimoi, C. H. Cuadra, Naota Miyahara, Takashi Doko Forced vibration test on wooden model to simulate the seismic behavior of traditional Japanese wooden shrines
Ryo Minatogawa, Yoshinori Sakai, Daisuke Ehara, Minoru Yamanari, Koji Ogawa Yield Surface of Each Story for Inelastic Analysis of Frames under Horizontal Force and Torsion
Maritess Tandingan, Amod Mani Dixit Experiences on Implementing Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER) in Six Countries of South East Asia
Yutaka Yuzawa, Hideki Nagumo, Kazuyoshi Kudo Empirical shake map for long-period (1-15 sec) ground motion in Japan
K. M. Murahidy, Chris Soutar, R. A. Phillips, Tony Fairclough Post Earthquake Recovery – Development of a Geotechnical Database for Christchurch Central City
K. M. Murahidy, Scott Sutherland, Michael Jacka, Stuart Palmer Performance and Post Earthquake Assessment of CFA Pile Ground Improvement – 22 February 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake
Yihuan Liu, Hitoshi Shiohara, Takuya Nagae, Taizo Matsumori A Simulation of Three Dimensional Shaking Table Tests on a Full-Scale Four-Story Reinforced Concrete Building
Ali Sahin Tasligedik, Stefano Pampanin, Alessandro Palermo In-Plane Cyclic Testing of Non-Structural Drywalls Infilled Within RC Frames
Joseph Laird, Thomas Reynoldson, Kenneth Stokoe, Minjae Jung, John North, D. J. Weinacht, M. A. Denlinger, J. R. Schrandt Laboratory Design Program for Seismic Ground Response Improvement with Mass Concrete Fill
Florent Boyer, Gregoire Labrosse, Geoff Chase, Geoffrey Rodgers, Gregory A. MacRae Effects of Co-efficient of Restitution, Structural Yielding and Gap Ratios on the Impact Mechanics of Building Pounding
A. T. Myers, Amit Kanvinde, L. F. Ibarra Maximum likelihood based parameter estimation of constitutive models for earthquake engineering simulation
Vincent Simon, Chloe Labise, Geoffrey Rodgers, Geoff Chase, Gregory A. MacRae Inclusion of a Sacrificial Fuse to Limit Peak Base-Shear Forces During Extreme Seismic Events in Structures with Viscous Damping
Kenji Kanazawa, Haruyuki Kitamura, Takuya Nagae Health Monitoring of High-Rise Steel Building Specimen During the E-defense Shake Test
Abolfazl Eslami, Hamid Reza Ronagh Improving the Seismic Performance of an 8-storey RC Frame Using GFRP
Makoto Yoshida, Masaaki Mitou, Osamu Kiyomiya, Soichi Tashiro, Kazuya Gouda Effect of Seismic Reinforcement of Sheet Pile Quay Wall Using Ground Anchor
Ying Zhou, Rui Li, Xilin Lu Earthquake-resilient Tall Buildings Using Rocking Walls
Perla R. Santa-Ana, Jose Baez, Lucia G. Santa-Ana Steel Rigid Frame Structural Behaviour at El Mayor Cucapah (Baja California) Earthquake April 4, 2010.
Kazuhiko Sasaki, Mitsuru Miyazaki, Takeshi Sawada Characteristics of Viscous Wall Damper of Intense Oscillation Test against Large Earthquakes
Tomohiro Higashide, Takahiro Yabuguchi, Toshio Imai, Takeshi Koike Seismic Performance Assessment of Expansion Joints for Water Lifelines
Shuichi Matsumoto, Tsutomu Komuro, Hiroyuki Narihara, Shinichiro Kawamoto, H. O. Hosozawa, Koji Morita Structural Design of an Ultra High-rise Building Using Concrete Filled Tubular Column with Ultra High Strength Materials
Julio Vargas-Neumann Principles for the Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage in Seismic Areas
Reo Sumi, Koji Ichii, Yoshiya Hata, Yuki Mori A trial of quantitative evaluation on the difference in estimated seismic ground motions using microtremor measurements
Sandeep Sengar, S. K. Ghosh, Hans Raj Wason, Anil Kumar Liquefaction Identification Using IRS-1D Temporal Indices Data By Soft Computing Approach
Abolfazl Eslami, Hamid Reza Ronagh, Ali Dalalbashi Seismic Evaluation of an 8-storey FRP Retrofitted RC Frame
Mai Ito, Yudai Taniguchi, Noriko Tsuboyama, Kazuaki Hoki, Masayoshi Nakashima Stiffening Methods for Enhancement of Hysteretic Performance of Slitted Steel Shear Walls
Shin'Ichi Kajitori, Satoshi Nishimoto, Hirochika Hayashi, Hijiri Hashimoto A Centrifugal Model Test on Seismic Reinforcement for Embankments on Peaty Ground
Sushma Pulikanti, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla Numerical Modeling of Interface Between Soil and Pile to Account for Loss of Contact during Seismic Excitation
Masashi Yamamoto, Shigeo Minewaki, Naoto Kamoshita, Masaru Kikuchi, Ken Ishii, Osamu Kochiyama, Takahito Nakamura Behavior of Sliding Rubber Bearings under Horizontal Bidirectional Loadings
Dong-Hun Lee, E. S. Kim, Dae-Eon Kang, Taejin Kim Seismic Performance Evaluation of Twisted Outrigger System
Toshio Imai, Takeshi Koike Seismic Performace of Arc-Welded Steel Pipes for Water Lifelines
M. B. Javanbarg, Charles Scawthorn UILLIS: Urban Infrastructure and Lifelines Interactions of Systems
Tao Lu, Jiang-Shan Bo, Jian-Yi Zhang, Jing-Yan Huo, Zhen-Yu Wang 1 D Nonlinear Analysis in Time Domain of Hanyuan City Site Amplification Effect in 2008 Mw8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake
Koji Ichii, Yohei Murakami, Yoshihisa Maruyama, Yoshiya Hata, Yasuhiro Fukushima An attempt on the fragility curves for expressway embankments considering the difference in various conditions
Jianzhong Li, Lichu Fan, Aijun Ye State-of-the-Art of Seismic Research and Practice on Major Bridges in China
Amir Hossein Hassanieh, Panam Zarfam, Masood Mofid Assessment of Seismic Behavior of 3D Asymmetric Steel Buildings Retrofitted with TADAS Device Based on Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA)
N. U. Mate, S. V. Bakre, O. R. Jaiswal Comparative Study of Impact Simulation Models for Linear Elastic Structures in Seismic Pounding
Atsuo Takino, Atsushi Kunugi, Yuji Miyamoto, Yasuhiko Tashiro, Yoshiyuki Suzuki Analytical and Experimental Study on Structural Behavior of Traditional Wooden Frame Including Kumimono
Hsen-Han Khoo, Charles Clifton, John Butterworth, Gregory A. MacRae Developments on the Sliding Hinge Joint
Satoshi Mori, Kazumoto Chiba, Takeshi Koike Seismic Performance Analysis of the Transmission Gas Pipeline in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Toshihide Kashima, Shin Koyama, Izuru Okawa, Masanori Iiba Strong Motion Records in Buildings from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Ken Xiansheng Hao, Tomokazu Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Yifan Yuan Rapid assessment of heavy damage areas of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake using satellite SAR data
Zhong Jiangrong, Yu Shizhou, Zhao Zhendong The application of the Fault Tree Analysis Principle in the Seismic Secondary Fires Disaster of Storage Tanks
Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroe Miyake, Haruhiko Suzuki Japan Integrated Velocity Structure Model Version 1
Takashi Sato, Hiroaki Nishi, Takaaki Ikeda, Yuya Takase Damage Estimation of the Road Bridge Structure Using the Seismic Hazard map for BCM in Hokkaido, Japan
Craig Muir, Stefano Pampanin, Des Bull Background, design and construction of a two-storey, two-by-one bay, reinforced concrete slotted beam superassembly
N. J. Gregor, N. A. Abrahamson, Kofi Addo, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek Vertical to Horizontal (V/H) Ratios for Large Megathrust Subduction Zone Earthquakes
Naoyuki Minami, Tadaharu Nakachi Compressive Properties of Panels in Reinforced Concrete Core Walls
Francisco Galvis, Mauricio Bahamon, Edgar Muñoz, J. Paul Smith-Pardo, Jorgle Alberto Rodriguez Dynamic Characterization of a Seismic Isolated Viaduct Based on Vibration Measurements
Craig Muir, Stefano Pampanin, Des Bull Experimental method and results from seismic testing of a two-storey, two-by-one bay, reinforced concrete slotted beam superassembly
Takahiro Chiba, Tsukasa Tomabechi, Toru Takahashi, Takeyoshi Uematsu Study on Seismic Damage Conditions of Wood-frame Houses in Snowy Region Considering Dynamic Behavior of Roof Snow
Takashi Furuya, Reo Kimura, Munenari Inoguchi, Keiko Tamura, Haruo Hayashi Geospatial Information Improves the Decision-Making Process during the Disaster Response: The Experience of the Emergency Mapping Team in the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Keiichi Inoue, Katsumi Kobayashi, Masafumi Araishi Structural characteristics of column with precast wing walls as energy absorption elements
Atsuko Oana, Haruyuki Kitamura, Keisuke Yoshie, Toshiaki Sato Evaluation of the Relationship between Maximum Responses and Input Energies in Long-Period Ground Motions for Design Earthquake Motions
G. J. Beattie The Response of Houses to the Canterbury Earthquake Series 2010-2011
Tomofusa Akita, Nobuyuki Izumi, Mariko Yasui, Masafumi Kawamura, Masatoshi Sakamoto Seismic Response of Framed Model for High-Rise RC Buildings in Japan
Eriko Moriizumi, Masahito Kobayashi A Study on Earthquake Response Considered Vibration Characteristics of Superstructure and Substructure of Seismically Isolated Buildings
Maidiawati, Thandar Oo, Yasushi Sanada A Simple Approach for Determining Contact Length between Frame and Infill of Brick Masonry Infilled R/C Frames
Abbas Senouci, Pierre-Yves Bard, Mohamed Naboussi Farsi, Elise Beck, Stéphane Cartier Comparison of vulnerability methods at urban scale in of view of their application to the city of Oran (Algeria)
Dionysios Bournas, Gonzalo Torrisi, Francisco Crisafulli, Alberto Pavese Experimental Investigation and Analytical Modeling of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Sandwich Panels
Pei-Ching Chen, Keh-Chyuan Tsai A Combined Phase and Force Compensation Method for Real-time Hybrid Testing
Claudiu-Lucian Matei Characteristics of Masonry in Romania in Correlation with the European Codes
Hussam Eldein Zaineh, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Yadab Prasad Dhakal, Rawaa Dakkak, Mohamad Daoud Simulation of Near Fault Ground Motion of the Earthquake of November 1759 with magnitude of 7.4 along Serghaya Fault, Damascus City, Syria
Tetsuo Abiru, Takashi Hashimoto, Etsushi Ochiai, Hiroyuki Sugita, Yasutsugu Suzuki, Kenji Iwamoto, Hiroya Murakami Embedment Effects By Forced Vibration Tests and Analysis of a Large-Scale Building Model on the Actual Ground
Takashi Hoshina, Satoru Ohtsuka, Koichi Isobe Development of slice method based residual deformation analysis of slopes against earthquake
Kazuhiro Hayashi, Shuji Tamura, Masayoshi Nakashima, Yu-Lin Chung, Kazuaki Hoki Evaluation of Tsunami Load and Building Damage Mechanism Observation in the 2011 off Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Yu Shizhou, Zhang Lingxin, Zhao Zhendong Study on Assessment Method of Buried People after Destructive Earthquake
Zhongying He, Aijun Ye The Seismic Structural System of a Long-Span Single Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge
Akie Hisagi, Takashige Ishikawa, T. Saito Survey on Awareness and Knowledge of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation: Focus on High-rise Condominium Residents in TOKYO, Japan
Mohammad R Zolfaghari, Shima Mahboubi, Elnaz Peyghaleh Estimation of Financial Added Value for Retrofitted Buildings
Hiroyuki Miura, Saburoh Midorikawa, Hui Chen Soh Building Damage Detection of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake Based on Texture Analysis of High-Resolution Satellite Images
Akira Asaoka, Yoshihiro Sawada, Toshihiro Noda, Shotaro Yamada, R. Shimizu An Attempt to Replicate the So-Called “Trampoline Effect” in Computational Geomechanics
Ioan Sorin Borcia, Daniela Dobre Recorded Accelerograms During Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and the P 100-1/2006 Romanian Seismic Design Code
Xintao Yang, Dongsheng Li, Liang Ren, Hongnan Li Investigations on Key Issues of Seismic Data Processing Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
Mohammad R Zolfaghari, Kenneth W Campbell Insurance-Based Seismic Loss Model for Portugal and Spain
Shoichi Ando International Comparison of Recent Large-scale Disasters and Recovery Process from Building & Housing Safety and Urban Planning View Points
Qiang Ma, Xing Jin, Shanyou Li Ground Shaking Prediction for Earthquake Early Warning
Li Tongchun, Liu Xiaoqing, Zhao Lanhao, J. Q. Yao  Mixed Algorithm for Contact Problem between Rock Blocks under Static and Dynamic Conditions
Navid Jamali, Ehrfried Kölz, Blaise Duvernay Seismic Risk Assessment for Typical Swiss Buildings Based on Mechanical and Empirical Approaches
Jorge Miguel Proença, Antonio Sousa Gago, Ana Costa, António Morgado André Strengthening of masonry wall load bearing structures with reinforced plastering mortar solution
Min-Taek Yoo, In-Woo Jung, S. Y. Kwon, Myoung-Mo Kim Evaluation of Inertial and Kinematic Forces on Pile Foundations Under Seismic Loading by Centrifuge Tests
Liu Xiaoqing, Li Tongchun, Zhao Lanhao, Hu Jigang Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Arch Dams with Consideration of Contact Situations of Contraction Joints
Sukumar Baishya, Anoy Sarkar, Amit Dey Evaluation of Seismic Active Earth Pressure Using Horizontal Slice Method and Log-Spiral Failure Surface
Michito Shoji, Takeshi Fujimori A Study on Seismic Evaluation for Pile-Supported Building with Reusing Existing Piles
Seyed Sina Kourehli, Gholamreza Ghodrati Amiri, Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany, Abdollah Bagheri Structural damage detection based on imperfect static responses by means of pattern search algorithm
Munenori Hatanaka, Masataka Tani, Yukinari Egawa Preliminary Report on Disasters Observed in Narashino City due to Liquefaction During Great East Erthquake Japan Earthquake
Yang Yang, Hui Ma, Zheng He Optimal Topology Design for Replaceable of Reticulated Shell Based on Sensitivity Analysis
Nirmalendu Debnath, Sajal Kanti Deb, Anjan Dutta System Identification of the Saraighat Bridge using Ambient Vibration Data: A Case Study
Yao Cui, Shoichi Kishiki, Satoshi Yamada Hysteretic Behavior of Exposed Column Bases in Buckling Restrained Braced Frames
Ken Harayama, Takanori Kawamoto, Eiichi Inai, Yusuke Matsukane An Experimental Study of a Seismic Retrofitting Method with Framed Steel Brace Systems Partially and Concentrically Jointed with Anchors
Rajeev Sachdeva, Ashok Kumar, Mukat Sharma Estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration Using Artificial Neural Network
Luo Kaihai, Wang Yayong Researches about the conversion relationships among the parameters of ground motions in the seismic design codes of China, America and Europe
Hongmei Zhang, Xilin Lu, Jianbao Li Seismic Behavior of the Partially Prefabricated Laminated RC Walls Under Different Axial Ratios
Sarun Chimamphant, Kazuhiko Kasai, Troy Morgan Continued Functionality Performance for Base Isolated Structures Subjected to Earthquakes
Azlan Adnan, Patrick L. Y. Tiong, A. B. A. Rahman, Abdul Karim Mirasa, N. H. A. Hamid Ductility Factor of RC Building Frames with Different Infill Wall Configurations under Low Intensity Far Field Earthquake Effects
Animesh Das, Anjan Dutta, Sajal Kanti Deb Modeling of Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Base Isolators
Yesim Biro, Philippe Renault Importance and Impact of Host-to-Target Conversions for Ground Motion Prediction Equations in PSHA
Tongxiang An, Osamu Kiyomiya, Thanh Trung Nguyen Seismic Performance of Steel Pipe Sheet Pile Foundation on Soft Ground
Marko Brozovic, Matjaž Dolšek Displacement-based selection of ground motion records for efficient seismic response analysis
Takeshi Morii, Jun’Ichi Miyakoshi, Kazuhiro Yoshida, Nana Toyama Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Vulnerability Function for Reinforced Concrete Structure Building
Ion Vlad, Mihnea Vlad In Situ Measurements for the Structural Assessment of Existing Tall Industrial Chimneys
I. A. Tegos, Ilias Papadopoulos An Innovative Friction-based Seismic Restrainer Utilizing Bridge Approach Embankments
Sung Hei Luk, Jun Shang Kuang Seismic Behaviour of RC Exterior Wide Beam-Column Joints
Atsushi Shimamura, Hisatoshi Kashiwa, Yuji Miyamoto Study on Earthquake Response Reduction of Direct Foundation Using Composite Geomaterial
Kazuhiro Somei, Ken Miyakoshi Source characterization of induced earthquakes by the 2011 off Tohoku, Japan, earthquake based on the strong motion simulations
Pinar Teymur, Sumru Pala, Ercan Yüksel Improvement of Earthquake Performance of Low Rise RC Buildings using Shotcrete Panels
Yu Shizhou, Zhang Lingxin, Zhong Jiangrong Risk Analysis of Secondary Disaster of Earthquake
 Tetsuo Santou, Jiro Saitou, Koichi Masuda Transition and Recent Knowledge of Bridge Bearings in Japan
Hongyi Wei, Hao Wang, Tiantian Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Feng Liu, Ning Zhao Research on seismic performance of design detailing based segmental prestressed concrete bridge pier
Yusuke Maida, Zhe Qu, Hiroyasu Sakata, Akira Wada, Shoichi Kishiki, Toshio Maegawa, Makoto Hamada Subassemblage Test of Continuously Buckling Restrained Braced RC Frames
Noriyuki Takahashi, Yoshiaki Nakano, Yoichi Ito A Quantification Model for Crack Propagation of R/C Members under Earthquake Loading
David Schäfer, Fritz Kopf, Stefano Renna Verifications of various improvements to the vibration behavior of old masonry buildings in Vienna
Pher Errol Quinay, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Muneo Hori, Akemi Nishida, S. Yoshimura An Integrated Geologic- and Engineering-Length Scale Forward Modeling for Response Estimation of Nuclear Power Plant due to the Rupture of a Nearby Fault
Hisashi Taniyama DEM Analysis of Sandbox Experiments on Strike-slip Faulting
Taiki Saito, Kouichi Morita, Toshihide Kashima, Takashi Hasegawa Performance of High-rise Buildings during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Askin Özocak, M. Akif Kanbur Pore Geometry Influence on the Liquefaction Potential of Silts
Takahito Nakamura, Osamu Kochiyama, Masaru Kikuchi Behaviors of lead rubber bearing under horizontal bi-directional loading test
Ryo Kaminaka, Yasuko Kuwata Damage Mechanism of the Nakagawa Water-pipe Bridge during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Evangelos Katsanos, A. G. Sextos, A. S. Elnashai Period Elongation of Nonlinear Systems modeled with Degrading Hysteretic Rules
Adrian Marchis, Mircea Botez, Adrian Ioani Vulnerability to Progressive Collapse of Seismically Designed Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures in Romania
Nagahide Kani, N. Ogino, Y. Kitamura, Haruyuki Kitamura Effects of Seismically-Isolated Buildings during the Huge 2011 Earthquake in Japan
George C Yao, Wei-Chung Chen, Yi-Chiao Chen A Study of Seismic Strengthening Behavior for the Dry-wall with Mortar-filling System in Taiwan
Yundong Shi, Yiyi Chen Weak Panel Zone Design in Steel Gabled Frames
Hiroyuki Yamada, Kouichi Tsujimura, Hideto Taoka, Kyoko Sano, Hidefumi Kawauchi, Eiichi Sato Development of Multi-functional Seismic Information System for the Public Communication on Nuclear Safety
Toshikazu Kabeyasawa, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Deng Xuan, Toshimi Kabeyasawa, Hideo Katsumata, Kuniyoshi Sugimoto Static Cyclic Loading Test on Moment Resisting Frame with Slab Simulating Seismic Performance of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Yu Wenzheng, Tao Zhong, Luan Liwen, Zhu Ying, Chen Mingming Numerical simulation analyses of the collapse response of masonry structures under earthquake
Jianbo Li, Xunqiang Yin, Gao Lin An Efficiency Substructure Method for Nonlinear SSI Analysis of Large-scale Concrete Structures in Time Domain on the ANSYS Platform
Nilay Celik, Yuri Petryna Seismic damage measures for moment RC frames
To-Nan Chen, Ja-Shian Chang, Han-Hsiang Huang Performance of URM Wall with Opening Under In-plane Horizontal Loading
Dario Rinaldis, Guido Martini, V. Verrubbi Cerreto di Spoleto (Umbria-Italy): Topographic amplification at the ENEA local array stations.
Fangtao Sun, Seizo Tanaka, Muneo Hori, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Lalith Wijerathne Basic Study on Seismic Performance Analysis of RC Tunnel Junction Using Large-scale Finite Element Method
Emeline Maufroy, Pierre-Yves Bard, Emmanuel Chaljub, Fabrice Hollender, Jozef Kristek, Peter Moczo, Nikos Theodoulidis Validation of site-effect numerical predictions: New results from the Euroseistest Verification and Validation Project (E2VP)
Jose Chanchi Golondrino, Gregory A. MacRae, Geoffrey Chase, Geoffrey Rodgers, Charles Clifton Clamping Force Effects on the Behaviour of Asymmetrical Friction Connections (AFC)
Hiroaki Harada, Tatsumi Shinohara, Keita Sakakibara A Study on Dynamic Behavior of Nikken Sekkei Tokyo Building Equipped with Energy Dissipation Systems when Struck by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
To-Nan Chen, Ja-Shian Chang, P. L. Chen Compressive Bracing Model for Panel Wall Used to Infill Traditional Wooden Frames
Susumu Kurahashi, Kojiro Irikura Estimation of extended source area from vertical PGA saturation during a great earthquake for upgrading the EEW system
Teodora Moldovan, Lucian Bredean, Adrian Ioani Earthquake and Progressive Collapse Resistance based on the Evolution of Romanian Seismic Design Codes
Limin Sun, Jun Wei, Wen Xie Experimental Investigation on Energy Dissipation Subsidiary Piers for Long Span Cable-Stayed Bridges
Seira Owa, Yasutoshi Yamamoto, Tatsuya Kondo, Christian Fogstad Study on Strength and Ductility of Post-installed Adhesive Anchoring System –Comparison and analysis of experimental values, various values in ultimate strength and design strength-
Ferran Obón Santacana, Uwe E. Dorka Effects of Large Numerical Models in Continuous Hybrid Simulation
Liping Liu, Wenjing Gou, Qiang Xie, Lili Bi, Yingmin Li, Yuntian Wu Analysis of Elasto-plastic Soil-Structure Interaction System Using Pushover Method
Miguel G. Mora, Mario G. Ordaz, Luis Eduardo Yamín, Omar Cardona Probabilistic Cost-Benefit Ratio of Risk Mitigation Measures
Daniel Monfort, Caterina Negulescu, Bastien Colas Seismic vulnerability inventory of existing building stock and prioritization criteria. Application to High Schools buildings of  Pyrénées-Orientales  (France).
Yoshiya Oda, Tomohisa Ishiyama, Shinya Yokono Travel Time Tomography using Neural Networks
Jose Chanchi Golondrino, Geoffrey Chase, Geoffrey Rodgers, Gregory A. MacRae, Charles Clifton Velocity Effects on the Behaviour of High-Force-to-Volume Lead Dampers (HF2V) Using Different Shaft Configurations
Angela Santos, N. Fonseca, Susana Pereira, Jose Luis Zezere, Shunichi Koshimura Tsunami risk assessment at Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Sujith Mangalathu, Katrin Beyer Numerical analysis of Masonry Spandrels with Shallow Arches
Mehmet Akif Hamarat, Ülkü Hülya Çalik Karaköse, Engin Orakdögen Seismic Analysis of Structures Resting on Two Parameter Elastic Foundation
Shunichi Higuchi, Kenichi Miki, Yasushi Nakamura, Morikawa Yoshiyuki, Takahiro Sugano, Yoshiaki Kikuchi, Hoshino Masami, Kazuhiro Higashiyama Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Dual Anchored Sheet Pile Wall
Degao Zou, Bin Xu, Xianjing Kong, Yang Zhou Numerical Simulation on Slabs Dislocation of Zipingpu Concrete Face Dam During Wenchuan Earthquake Based on a Generalized Plasticity Model
Axel Muehlhausen, Uwe E. Dorka, Anselm Smolka, Marco Stupazzini Seismic Risk Assessment for Masonry Buildings based on Discriminant Analysis of a Virtual Database
Claudiu-Sorin Dragomir, Mariana Catalina Calin Dynamic Response Parameters and Damage Assessment of Educational Building located in Earthquake Prone Area
J. W. Pappin, Nina Jirouskova, Iris Yim, M. M. L. So, Hui Jiang, Y. B. Yu, Banghua Lou, Ken Ho, Raymond Koo, J. S. H. Kwan Liquefaction Assessment in Hong Kong
Zhang Lei, Goh Siang Huat, Chew Soon Hoe, Subhadeep Banerjee Centrifuge Modeling of Seismic Response of Pile-Raft System Subjected to a Long Duration Earthquake
Yuji Tajima, Kazuhiro Kitayama Estimation of Equivalent Viscous Damping Ratio for Flexural Beam in Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Frame
Miguel Augusto Diaz Figueroa, Koichi Kusunoki, Akira Tasai Analytical Study of Residual Seismic Performance by Estimation of Response Reduction Ratio and Equivalent Damping for Aftershocks
J. W. Pappin, Nina Jirouskova, M. M. L. So, Hui Jiang, Yanbo Yu, Ken Ho, Raymond Koo, Julian Kwan, Lawrence Shum Seismic Microzonation Assessment in Hong Kong
Alireza Azarbakht, Mohamadreza Shahri, Mehdi Moosavi The Conditional Mean Spectrum Based on Eta Indicator
Yuichiro Yamabe, Yusuke Nakano, Akinori Tani A Simulation on Tsunami Evacuation Using a Multi Agent System -The Relationship between Evacuation Behavior and Tsunami Victims
Junji Hamada, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Sadatomo Onimaru, Kiyoshi Yamashita Seismic Observations on Piled Raft Foundation with Ground Improvement Supporting a Base-Isolated Building
Juin-Fu Chai, Tsung-Jen Teng Seismic Design Force for Buildings in Taiwan
Emanuele Brunesi, Davide Bolognini, Roberto Nascimbene Evaluation of the Shear Strength Capacity of Precast-Prestressed Hollow Core Floor Slabs – Part 2: Code Comparisons and Design Method
Jorge Miguel Proença, Antonio Sousa Gago, Teresa Heitor Overview of seismic strengthening interventions in school buildings in Portugal
Tatsuya Azuhata, Tadashi Ishihara, Mitsumasa Midorikawa Multi-dimensional Earthquake Response of Self-Centering Building Structural System Using Uplift Mechanism
Naoyasu Iwata, Shunroku Yamamoto, Kimitoshi Ashiya Quantitative Evaluation of Damage Mitigation on Running Trains by Earthquake Early Warning
Sato Tomoaki, Igarashi Akira, Shiraishi Haruko, Mazda Taiji, Adachi Yukio, Uno Hiroshige Fundamental Study on Energy Transformation in Dynamic Systems Controlled by Uplifting Slide Shoe
Radu Vacareanu, Dan Lungu, Cristian Arion Seismic fragility functions for masonry buildings in Romania
Talbi Abdelhak, Nanjo Kazuyoshi, Satake Kenji, J. Zhuang, Hamdache Mohamed Testing Inter-event Times Moments as Earthquake Percursory Signals
Egle Raineri, Gianni Marchini, Andrea Balbi, Sonia Resemini, Daria Ottonelli The safety verification plan in Genoa province (Italy): seismic assessment of public buildings in a low seismicity area
Maryam Poursharify, Yashar Yasrebi Nia, Zahra Poursharify Assessment of Normal Strength Concrete and High Strength Concrete on Prefabricated Cage Systems in Near-Field Earthquakes
João Carvalho, Carlos C. Pinto, Manuela Costa, Henrique Duarte, Pedro Terrinha, Taha Rabeh, José F. Borges, Rui Dias, Bento Caldeira Improving the Knowledge on Seismogenic Sources in Lower Tagus Valley for Seismic Hazard Purposes
Jin Man Kim, Su Won Son, Khalid Mahmood, Jeong Ho Ryu Site Response and Shear Behavior of Stone Column-Improved Ground under Seismic Loading
Masahito Kobayashi, Shingo Matsuda A Study on Vertical Distribution of Shear Force Coefficient for Seismic Design of Seismically Isolated Buildings
Oriol Caselles, Jaume Clapes, Pere Roca, Ahmed Elyamani Approach to Seismic Behavior of Mallorca Cathedral
Samuele Biondi Seismic Improvement of an Existing Building with Relevant Vertical Slope due to Foundations
Shigeo Minewaki, Masashi Yamamoto, Harumi Yoneda, Ryota Maseki, Ichiro Nagashima, Aiko Nii, Mineo Takayama, Masaru Kikuchi, Masanori Iiba Safety Verification of Seismic Isolation System using Oil and Viscous Dampers against Long Period Earthquake Motions
Andrew Baird, Alessandro Palermo, Stefano Pampanin Experimental and numerical validation of seismic interaction between cladding systems and moment resisting frames
Rafael Rodriguez Ochoa, Farrokh Nadim, Amir M. Kaynia Sensitivity Analyses for Submarine Slopes under Seismic Loading
Marco Massa, Sara Lovati, Gianlorenzo Franceschina, Paolo Augliera Real time acquisition and processing of strong motion data in Northern Italy: The RAIS network.
Melina Bosco, Edoardo M. Marino, Pier Paolo Rossi Behavior Factor of Dual Concentrically Braced Systems Designed by Eurocode 8
Atsushi Takeda Shaking Table Tests of Bridge Models with Friction Slip Dampers
Yashar Yasrebi Nia, Maryam Poursharify Investigation the 3D-Pushover Analysis of Unsymmetrical Concrete Structures
Fumio Kusuhara, Hitoshi Shiohara Joint Shear? or Column-to-Beam Strength Ratio? Which is a key parameter for seismic design of RC Beam-column joints - Test Series on Exterior Joints
Elisa Zuccolo, Maria Rota, C. G. Lai, Lorenzo Taverna, Mirko Corigliano, Andrea Penna Definition of Spectrum-Compatible Natural Records for the Italian Territory
D. N. Ristic, Viktor Hristovski, J. D. Ristic Advanced Method for Seismic Upgrading of Bridges Based on CET Bridge Diagnosis Concept–Initial Phase 1
Soheil Soroushnia, Nader Fanaie, M. H. Mamaghani, Sajad Soroushnia Investigation on Eccentrically Braced Frames with Tubular Links Using Non-Linear Time History Analysis
Dan Lungu, Cristian Arion Seismic Risk and/or Real Estate Risk for the Bucharest Heritage Buildings
Keita Abe, Masahiro Shinoda, K. Watanabe, T. Sanagawa, Susumu Nakajima, Susumu Nakamura, Tadashi Kawai, Masaaki Murata, Hidetaka Nakamura Numerical simulation of landslides after slope failure using MPM with SYS Cam-clay model in shaking table tests
Hideo Fujitani, Yoichi Mukai, Tetsuya Tomizawa, Keiko Hirata, Yuki Mazuka, H. Fujii Response Reduction of Base-Isolation System Against Near-Fault Pulse and Long-Period Ground Motions
Yuji Toyosaki, Yoshifumi Nariyuki, Sou Mitsuya, Toshihiro Konishi Identification of Damage to Beam Structures using Modal Data
Takashi Masui, Yasutaka Hiroishi Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Japanese Masonry Walls of Castles Considering Seismic Energy Absorption Capacity
Carolina Aranda, Francisco Vidal, Gerardo Alguacil, Manuel Navarro, Jorge Federico Carvallo Damage analysis due to 2010 Chilean earthquake in Viña del Mar residential buildings
Akihiro Shibayama, Susumu Ohno, Tohru Okamoto Development of Immediate Earthquake Intensity Information Aggregation System Using Various Sensors and IP Multicast
Hima Shrestha, Suman Pradhan, Ramesh Guragain Experiences on Retrofitting of Low Strength Masonry Buildings by Different Retrofitting Techniques in Nepal
René Zemp, Juan Carlos de La Llera, Felix Weber Control of tuned masses using MR dampers and a new real time feedback signal and physical controller
Hitoshi Shiohara, Fumio Kusuhara Joint Shear? or Column-to-Beam Strength Ratio? Which is a key parameter for seismic design of RC Beam-column joints - Test Series on Interior Joints
Amita Sinvhal, Hans Raj Wason, Pratima Bose, Amit Bose, Vijay K Minocha Impact of Tsunami and Earthquake on Traditional Huts of Car Nicobar Island
Okubo Yosuke, Eiji Kohama, Kengo Kusunoki Damping Factor for Pseudo-Static Method on Seismic Design of Pile Supported Wharves
Toshiyuki Hirai, Sumio Sawada Application of the energy index of seismic wave for the prediction of structural earthquake damages
Masakazu Terai, Koichi Minami Research and Development on Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Structure
M. A. Garevski, Igor Gjorgjiev, Kemal Edip, Vlatko Sesov, Julijana Cvetanovska Effects of Soil Medium on Response of Base Isolated Multistory Frame Structures
R. K. L. Su, T. O. Tang, C. L. Lee Evaluation of Local & Global Ductility Relationships for Low-Rise Masonry-Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures
Dai Kawai, Yuji Koetaka, Keiichiro Suita, Kazuo Inoue, Nobuyoshi Uno, Yasuyuki Fukuchi Mechanical behavior and design method of weld-free steel structure with knee brace damper using square tube column
J. E. Daniell, Armand Vervaeck, Bijan Khazai, Friedemann Wenzel Worldwide CATDAT Damaging Earthquakes Database in conjunction with - Presenting Past and Present Socio-Economic Earthquake Data
J. E. Daniell, Friedemann Wenzel, Bijan Khazai The Normalisation of socio-economic losses from historic worldwide earthquakes from 1900 to 2012
Masanori Iiba, Tsutomu Hanai, Takayuki Minagawa, Takeharu Shizume, Shinji Nakata Experimental verification of passively variable oil damper applied to seismically isolated houses for response reduction
Hiroshi Nakazawa, Takahiro Sugano, Eiji Kohama Case Studies on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance in terms of Combination of Surface Wave Exploration and Electrical Prospecting
Cristian Arion, Cristian Neagu, Radu Vacareanu, Elena Calarasu In Situ Investigation for Microzonation of Bucharest Surface Geology
Asthildur Elva Bernhardsdottir, Solveig Thorvaldsdóttir, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson, Gemma Musacchio, Rosella Nave, Susanna Falsaperla, Fabio Sansivero, Gaetano Zonno, Maria Luísa Sousa, Alexandra Carvalho, S. Raposo, Mónica Amaral Ferreira, J. C. Nunes, M. J. Jiménez Disaster prevention strategies, based on an education information system
Chao-Hsien Li, Hung-Chi Lee, Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Chih-Han Lin Experimental Investigations on Seismic Behavior and Design of Bottom Boundary Column in Steel Plate Shear Walls
Byunghyun Choi, Tatsuya Itoi, Tsuyoshi Takada Probabilistic aftershock occurrence model based on the 2011 Tohoku earthquake data
J. E. Daniell, Bijan Khazai, Friedemann Wenzel, Armand Vervaeck The worldwide economic impact of historic earthquakes
Tsunehisa Matsuura, Toshio Matsumoto, Kazushi Shimazaki Experimental Study on 3-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Core Wall for Super High Rise Buildings
Marco Di Ludovico, Maria Polese, Marco Gaetani D'Aragona, Andrea Prota Plastic Hinges Modification Factors for Damaged RC Columns
Glenda Besana-Ostman, Susana Vilanova, Ana Falcao-Flor, Sandra Heleno, Helder Ferreira, E. S. Nemser, Joao Narciso, A. Domingues, Patricia Pinheiro, J. F. B. D. Fonseca The Lower Tagus Valley Fault Zone: Overview, New Insights and Future Challenges
J. E. Daniell, Armand Vervaeck Earthquake Report – a worldwide earthquake and volcano real-time reporting platform
Shodo Akita, Satoru Miyazaki, Yoshikatsu Imazuka, Koshiro En, Y. Miyamoto Reduction in High-Frequency Component of Foundation Input Motion Caused by Spatial Variation of Earthquake Ground Motion
Akihiko Obata, Tetsuya Nishida, Jun Kobayashi, Naofumi Teramoto Experimental Study on Steel Structural Frame Connected by Beam-Column Joints by Nonlinear Elastic Hysteresis Hinge
Katsumi Ebisawa, Hideharu Sugino, Yoko Iwabuchi, Masahide Nishio Usability of Tsunami Pra Based on Accidents of Fukushima Dai-Ichi NPP Under 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
Ahmet Anil Dindar, Cem Yalcin, Ercan Yüksel, Hasan Ozkaynak, Oral Buyukozturk Inelastic Seismic Demand Mapping of the Regions Using Energy Balance Formulation
Cristian Neagu, Cristian Arion Dynamic laboratory investigation for soil seismic response
Karen Khanlari, Ehsan Naderzadeh, Behnam Adhami Evaluation of P-Δ Dynamic Effects in Steel Frames with Eccentric Braced System by Second Order Dynamic Analysis
Tomohiro Sasaki, Eiji Sato, Keri L. Ryan, Taichiro Okazaki, S. A. Mahin, Koichi Kajiwara NEES/E-Defense Base-Isolation Tests: Effectiveness of Friction Pendulum and Lead-Rubber Bearings Systems
Antonio Aretxabala, Cristina Sanz Reconsidering Urban Planning in Spain after the Lorca Earthquake (11th May 2011)
Yoshitaka Murono, Hiroki Motoyama Calculation Techniques to Acquire Displacement from Seismic Acceleration Records
Roxane Foulser-Piggott, P. J. Stafford, Washington Y. Ochieng Quantifying the epistemic uncertainty in ground-motion maps
Kimitoshi Sakai, Yoshitaka Murono, Sumio Sawada A New Seismic Design Method for Railway Structures Considering Total Cost
Naofumi Teramoto, Akihiko Obata, Hideto Kanno, Tetsuya Nishida, Jun Kobayashi Experimental studies on side columns of a RC frame with soft 1st story designed on the assumption of different failure modes
Atsunori Kitano, Yasuaki Goto, Koshiro Nishimura Experimental Study on Shear Resistance of Steel Beams and SC Column Joints Constructed by Simplified Method
Surya Bhakta Sangachhe, Surya Narayan Shrestha, Bhubaneswari Parajuli, K. S. Oli, Amod Mani Dixit Urban Regeneration: A Tool for Urban Seismic Risk Reduction in City Core Areas of Kathmandu
Yoshinori Furumoto, A. Miyazawa, Masata Sugito Site Amplification Evaluation in the Case of Non-Horizontal and Nonlinear Stratification
Tomohiro Sasaki, Richelle Zafra, Kazuhiko Kawashima Effect of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Enhancing the Seismic Performance of Bridge Columns
I. A. Tegos, K. T. Psarras, Dimitrios Kalkinis, Ilias Papadopoulos, Nikos Legbelos Experimental Evaluation of Transverse Reinforcement Configurations of Earthquake – resistant R/C Shear Walls
Yoshihiro Yamazaki, Kazuhiko Kasai, Hiroyasu Sakata Reduced Expression for Timber Structure with Flexible Horizontal Diaphragm and Seismic Response Evaluation Method
George Manos, Vasilios Soulis, Nikos Karamitsios The Performance of Post-Byzantine churches during the Kozani-1995 Earthquake – Numerical Investigation of their Dynamic and Earthquake Behavior.
Vasudha Gokhale, Deepa Joshi Vulnerability Assessment of Building Stock at Historic City of Pune , India. with Reference to Pounding Hazard
Tomohiro Sasaki, Kazuhiko Kawashima, Koichi Kajiwara An Analytical Idealization of Longitudinal Bar Pull-out Effect for Seismic Response Analysis of Bridges
Jun Izawa, Yoshitaka Murono, Kazuya Tanoue Soil Liquefaction due to Long Duration Earthquakes with Low Acceleration
Didier Bertil, Jordi Roviró, Jose-Antonio Jara, Teresa Susagna, Eduard Nus, Xavier Goula, Bastien Colas, G. Dumont, Luis Cabañas, R. Antón, Marie Calvet ShakeMap implementation for Pyrenees in France-Spain border: regional adaptation and earthquake rapid response process
Julijana Cvetanovska, Vlatko Sesov, Igor Gjorgjiev, Kemal Edip The Role of Local Site Conditions in the Seismic Assessment of Historical Monuments
Tushar K. Padhy, A. Meher Prasad, Devdas Menon, P. Robin Davis Seismic Performance Assessment of Open Ground Storey Buildings
Lianfa Wang, Aiping Tang Collaborative Optimization Design of Bridge System Using Two Decomposition Methods Considering Aseismic Requirements
Haibo Wang, Deyu Li, Huichen Yang Seismic Analyses of Concrete Gravity Dam with 3D Full Dam Model
Vasile Meita, Daniela Dobre, Emil-Sever Georgescu, Cristian Paul Stamatiade, Luminita Valceanu Earthquake Education, Learning and Training for Risk Reduction in Romania. Case Study of a Special Platform and Facility
Ahmer Ali, Dookie Kim, Yinfeng Dong, Sung Gook Cho Seismic Performance of Base Isolated Nuclear Power Plants under Real & Simulated Long-Period Seismic Excitations
Nobuoto Nojima Restoration Processes of Utility Lifelines in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, 2011
Van Tu Nguyen, Dookie Kim, Sung Gook Cho Influence of incident angles of earthquakes on dynamic responses of base isolated building with mass asymmetries in the superstructure
Masoud Khazaei-Poul, Fariborz Nateghi-Alahi Characteristics of Steel Plate Shear Walls with Infill Plates Strengthened by GFRP Laminates: Experimental Investigation
Janira Irizarry, Albert Macau, Sara Figueras, Xavier Goula, Nieves Lantada, Silvia Vendrell, Lluis G. Pujades, Antoni Blázquez Seismic risk assessment for the city of Girona, Spain
Dimitris Pitilakis, Anna Karatzetzou Performance - based design of soil – foundation – structure systems
Masafumi Mori, Nobuo Fukuwa, Jun Tobita, Tsuguyoshi Suzuki Simplified Evaluation Methods for Impedance and Foundation Input Motion of Embedded Foundation
Youhao Zhou, Kohji Tokimatsu, Hiroko Suzuki, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Yasushi Nukui Numerical Study of Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Behavior of Soil-Pile-Structure System under Strong Input Motion
Mustafa Erdik, Karin Sesetyan, Mine B. Demircioglu, Cuneyt Tuzun, Domenico Giardini, Levent Gulen, D. Sinan Akkar, Mehdi Zare Assessment of Seismic Hazard in the Middle East and Caucasus: EMME (Earthquake Model of Middle East) Project
S. D. Fotopoulou, S. T. Karapetrou, K. D. Pitilakis Seismic vulnerability of RC buildings considering SSI and aging effects
T. J. Lin, James M. Lafave Experimental Behavior and Modeling of Wall-Diaphragm Connections for Older Masonry Buildings
Bijan Khazai, J. E. Daniell, Paolo Franchin, Francesco Cavalieri, Bjorn Vangelsten, Iunio Iervolino, Simona Esposito A New Approach to Modeling Post-Earthquake Shelter Demand: Integrating Social Vulnerability in Systemic Seismic Vulnerability Analysis
H. Li, N. Xue, X. Li, Z. Li An In-situ Experimental Study on Buried Pipelines with Internal Pressure Subject to a Simulated Reverse-slip Fault Movement
B. Ghosh, J. W. Pappin, M. M. L. So, K. M. O. Hicyilmaz Seismic Hazard Assessment in India
Vivier Aurélie, Sekkat Dayae, Montens Serge  Application of the pushover method to the Warth bridge
D. Burkacki, Robert Jankowski, Tomasz Falborski Experimental study on the behaviour of cylindrical steel tanks under moderate earthquakes and rockburst-induced ground motions
Vivier Aurélie, Sekkat Dayae, Montens Serge Influence of cracked inertia and moment-curvature curve idealization on pushover analysis
Roberta Apostolska, Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, J. Bojadziev, M. Fischinger, T. Isaković, M. Kramar Analytical Investigations of Beam-Column Connections in Precast Buildings under Seismic Loads 
Mine B. Demircioglu, Karin Sesetyan, Mustafa Erdik Seismic Risk Assessment for the Prioritization of High Seismic Risk Provinces in Turkey
Tomasz Falborski, Robert Jankowski Shaking table experimental study on the base isolation system made of polymer bearings
M. Fischinger, K. Rejec, T. Isaković Modeling Inelastic Shear Response of RC Walls
Timothy J. Sullivan Formulation of a direct displacement-based design procedure for steel eccentrically braced frame structures
Emil-Sever Georgescu, Antonios Pomonis Building Damage vs. Territorial Casualty Patterns during the Vrancea (Romania) Earthquakes of 1940 and 1977
F. de Martin, H. Kawase, Luis Fabian Bonilla, Shinichi Matsushima  Inversion of equivalent linear soil parameters during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan 
M. Sh. Israilov Seismodynamics of an Underground Pipeline
Carlo Cauzzi, L. A. Dalguer Near-field spectral displacements from observed and synthetic data: an attempt at merging two complementary approaches 
M. Fischinger, B. Zoubek, M. Kramar, T. Isaković Cyclic Response of Dowel Connections in Precast Structures
C. Beschi, Paolo Riva, A. Meda Corner Beam-Column Joints Seismic Retrofitting with High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Jacketing
Mustafa Erdik, Karin Sesetyan, Mine B. Demircioglu, Cuneyt Tuzun, Domenico Giardini, Babak Mansouri, Sarosh Hashmat Lodi, Hanan Al-Nimry, Nino Tseretelli, Gohar Hovhannisyan, Christis Z. Chrysostomou, Ramy El-Khoury, R. Helou Seismic Risk Assessment in the Middle East EMME (Earthquake Model of Middle East) Project
P. Franchin, Francesco Cavalieri, P. E. Pinto Validating IM-based methods for probabilistic seismic performance assessment with higher-level non-conditional simulation
Vlatko Sesov, Kemal Edip, Julijana Cvetanovska Evaluation of the Liquefaction Potential by In-situ Tests and Laboratory Experiments in Complex Geological Conditions
K. Bi, H. Hao, W. Ren Non-linear 3D FEM Pounding Analysis of a Bridge Structure to Multi-Component Spatially Varying Ground Motions
C. Özkan, M. S. Ökten, Mustafa Gencoglu, K. Güler Experimental Investigation of Infill Walls Strengthened By Cementitious Matrix-Fabric Compsites
Yoshiaki Shiba Source process of the 2011 Tohoku great earthquake and following triggered events inferred from strong-motion records
K. Bi, H. Hao, W. Ren Seismic Response Analysis of a Concrete Filled Steel Tubular (CFST) Arch Bridge
M. Hrasnica, S. Medic Seismic strengthening of historical stone masonry structures in Bosnia Herzegovina
J. Iyama Estimation of probability distribution of the residual displacement of bilinear SDOF systems after earthquake ground motions
Ioanna Ioannou, Tiziana Rossetto, Damian N. Grant Use of regression analysis for the construction of empirical fragility curves
Amir Hosein Salmanpour, Nebojsa Mojsilovic, Joseph Schwartz Deformation Capacity of Structural Masonry: A Review of Theoretical Research
Tatsuru Suda, Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Kyosuke Mukaibou, Yasuhiko Tasiro Seismic Performance Evaluation of Temple Traditional Building Reinforced by Restoring Force due to Column Rocking
Golubka Necevska-Cvetanovska, Roberta Apostolska Methodology for Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of RC Building Structures
Satoru Ishiyama, C. H. Cuadra Behavior of RC Structures Under Tsunami Triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake
B. Massena, B. Massena, Hervé Degée Assessment of Direct Displacement –Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames
J. Tanjung, M. Kawamura Large Deformation Analysis of Waterfront Structure Port of Kobe during Hyogo-Ken Nanbu Earthquake by using 3D Nonlinear Parallel FEM
T. H. Lin, S. L. Hung, C. S. Huang, T. K. Lin Identification of Damage Location using a Novel Substructure-Based Frequency Response Function Approach with an Imote2.NET-Based Wireless System
Marco Domaneschi, Luca Martinelli, F. Perotti The effect of rocking excitation on the dynamic behaviour of a Nuclear Power Plant reactor building with base isolation
Shoichi Nakai, H. Nakagawa Effect of Three-Dimensional Configuration of a Ground-Structure System on the Elastic Wave Propagation
Dragi Dojchinovski, Tatjana Olumceva, Biserka Dimiskovska, Lazo Pekevski, Wang Guoxin Estimating Reservoir Induced Seismicity RIS Potential. Case Study - Kozjak Dam
V. B. Zaalishvili, D. A. Melkov, I. L. Gabeeva Topography Site Effects on Numerical and Experimental Data
Seitaro Tajiri, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Haruhiko Suwada, Fumio Kusuhara, Hitoshi Shiohara Energy Dissipation of RC Interior Beam-column Connection Confined by Lateral Reinforcements, Axial Force, and Column Longitudinal Reinforcements
Kiyoshi Hirotani, Yoshihiro Ogata, Hiroshi Otake, Jun Iida Simulation Analysis of Earthquake Response of Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant to the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
M. Fischinger, M. Kramar, T. Isaković Seismic Risk Assessment of Multi-Storey Precast Structures
Behzad Amir-Faryar, M. Sherif Aggour Dynamic Properties of Fiber Reinforced Clay
Gerardo Diaz, Amador Téran-Gilmore, Carlos Reyes Displacement-Based Design of Essential Facilities
Marco Preti, Ezio Giuriani Full Scale Experimental Investigation on Seismic Structural Walls
Muneyoshi Numada, Kimiro Meguro Analysis of the concentration of TV news coverage to the specific municipalities on the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Y. Takeda, S. Takada, M. B. Javanbarg Allied Performance of Hospital Lifelines and Emergency Actions during East Japan Earthquake
N. Bagır, G. Yazici  Parametric Investigation of the Effect of Ground Motion Characteristics on the Response of a Seismically Isolated Structure
Guillermo Coeto, Amador Téran-Gilmore Stiffness-Based Sizing of Bracing Systems for Tall and Slender Buildings
Muneyoshi Numada, Kazuo Konagai Numerical Study of Relationship Between Landslide Geometry and Run-out Distance of Landslide Mass
Makoto Fujiu, Miho Ohara, Kimiro Meguro Development of remote building damage assessment System during large-scale earthquake disaster
Robin Spence, Roxane Foulser-Piggott, Antonios Pomonis, Helen Crowley, Philippe Guéguen, Angelo Masi, Leonardo Chiauzzi, G. Zuccaro, F. Cacace, Can Zülfikar, M. Markus, D. Schaefer, Maria Luísa Sousa, Andreas J. Kappos The European building stock inventory: creating and validating a uniform database for earthquake risk modelling
Oscar Zuñiga, Amador Téran-Gilmore Basis for Acceleration-Based Conceptual Design of Low-Height Base-Isolated Systems
Iu. Nemchynov, P. Kryvosheyev, A. Khavkin, N. Maryenkov, K. Babik, V. Dorofyeyev, K. V. Yegupov, A. Murashko, I. Zolotaryov, V. Kukunayev, N. Ilyashenko Seismic Hazards in Ukraine, Investigation Experience and Earthquake Engineering Development Tasks
Tomoya Matsui, Suguru Suzuki, Hiroshi Kuramoto Experimental Study on Structural Performance of Precast CES Shear Walls
C. Ustundag, H. Sesigur, Feridun Cili, G. Yazici Finite Element Analysis of the Seismic Performance of a Historical Masonary Cistern
Kimiro Meguro, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Kotaro Sakurai, Muneyoshi Numada Shaking Table Test of Two-Story Masonry House Model Retrofitted by PP-band Mesh
Angelo Masi, G. Santarsiero, D. Nigro Experimental Evaluation of the Ultimate Capacity of External RC Beam-Column Joints
P. Bazzurro, I. Gomez, J. Park, D. Duggan Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment for Pacific Island Countries
Kimiro Meguro, Rajendra Soti, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Muneyoshi Numada Dynamic Behavior of Masonry Houses Retrofitted by Bamboo Band Meshes
Angelo Masi, G. Santarsiero, Leonardo Chiauzzi Vulnerability assessment and seismic risk reduction strategies of hospitals in Basilicata region (Italy)
A. M. Mwafy, S. El-Kholy Comparative Vulnerability Assessment of Retrofit Techniques for Pre-Code RC Structures
Kimiro Meguro, Naoki Sorimachi, Muneyoshi Numada Development of Promotion Systems for PP-Band Retrofitting of Non-Engineered Masonry Houses
Iu. Nemchynov, A. Khavkin, N. Maryenkov, K. Babik Design Procedure of Seismic Structures with Assigned Category of Plasticity Taking Into Account the Requirements of European Standards (EN 1998-1)
F. Nagashima, H. Kawase, Shinichi Matsushima, Francisco J. Sánchez-Sesma, Takashi Hayakawa, Toshimi Satoh, M. Oshima Application of the H/V Spectral Ratios for Earthquake Ground Motions and Microtremors at K-NET sites in Tohoku Region, Japan to Delineate Soil Nonlinearity
F. Zhou, M. Mori, Nobuo Fukuwa A New Uplift Foundation Analysis Model to Simulate Dynamic Nonlinear Soil-Structure-Interaction
Y. Okumura, R. Kato, F. Oka Liquefaction Analysis of Sandy Ground due to Tsunami
Kimiro Meguro, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Kotaro Sakurai, Muneyoshi Numada Shaking Table Tests on 1/4 Scaled Shapeless Stone Masonry Houses with and without Retrofit by Polypropylene Band Meshes
Sh. A. Khakimov, B. S. Nurtaev Assessment of Seismic Risk of Areas with Diverse Site Development with Account of Influence Development of Local Factors and Ways of it Reduction
Akira Tasai, K. Kusunoki, T. Kiyohara, T. Adachi Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Roof Exterior Beam Column Joint with Headed Bars
Norio Maki Long Term Recovery from the 3.11 East Japan Earthquake Disaster: Evaluating Resettlement Projects after Tsunami Disasters
T. Ishida, S. Yamada, Y. Shimada Bi-axial Bending Behavior of RHS-columns Including Post-buckling and Deterioration Range
Daniel Monfort, Caterina Negulescu, Agathe Roullé, Bastien Colas, Nieves Lantada, J. A. Valcárcel, J. Rodriguez, Lluis G. Pujades, Alex H. Barbat, Janira Irizarry, Teresa Susagna, Albert Macau, Sara Figueras, Xavier Goula Seismic risk scenarios in a cross-border zone of the Pyrenees
Javed Iqbal, Emmanuel Chaljub, Philippe Guéguen, Pierre-Yves Bard Multichannel singular spectral analysis of strong ground data record of Chi-Chi earthquake
Zygmunt Lubkowski, B. Aluisi Deriving SS and S1 Parameters from PGA Maps
N. C. Kyriakides, Christis Z. Chrysostomou Framework for the derivation of fragility curves for deficient buildings using EC8 damage levels and Risk Mitigation for Cyprus.
Y. Seko, M. Masaki, T. Sakanoue, Hideki Motohashi Seismic Performance of Gas Distribution Pipelines Renovated by Hose Lining Method
N. C. Kyriakides, K. Pilakoutas, S. Ahmad Vulnerability curves for RC substandard buildings
Javed Iqbal, Emmanuel Chaljub, Philippe Guéguen, Pierre-Yves Bard Soil-structure interaction simulations of 2D & 3D block model with spectral element methods.
F. Oliveira, P. Morais, A. Suleman Semi-active control of a fluid viscous damper for vibration mitigation
Munenari Inoguchi, Keiko Tamura, Reo Kimura, Takashi Furuya, Haruo Hayashi Structure of Web-Based Victims Master Database of the Life Rebuilding Process -A Study of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011
A. Dolati, Touraj Taghikhany, A. R. Rahai Seismic Demands of the Case Study Highway Bridge under Near Fault Pulse-Like Ground Motion
H. J. Jiang, X. L. Lu, B. Fu, L. Z. Chen Constant-damage Yield Strength Spectra
S. Auclair, A. Lemoine, Bastien Colas, Xavier Goula, Yolanda Colom, Teresa Susagna Exploring the feasibility of an early warning system in a moderate seismicity context: case study of Pyrenees
D. G. Lu, X. H. Yu, M. M. Jia Analytical Formulations of Fragility Functions with Applications to Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis
R. Garcia, Y. Jemaa, Y. Helal, K. Pilakoutas, M. Guadagnini FRP Strengthening of Seismically Deficient Full-Scale RC Beam-Column Joints
M. Mucciarelli, M. Vona, R. Ditommaso, M. R. Gallipoli Experimental measurement of fundamental periods of damaged R.C. buildings
S. Maarif, S. Pranoto, Fauzan, Salman Karimi Lesson Learned From 2009 Sumatera Earthquake Housing Reconstruction
A. Rossi, C. Menna, D. Asprone, F. Jalayer, Gaetano Manfredi  Socio-Economic Resilience of the L’Aquila Community in the Aftermath of the 2009 Earthquake
I. Senaldi, Guido Magenes, Jason M. Ingham The seismic performance of unreinforced stone masonry buildings during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence
J. W. Pan, F. Jin, Y. J. Xu, C. H. Zhang, Y. T. Feng Seismic Damage-Cracking Analysis of Concrete Dams Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
A. Rønnquist, S. Remseth, Conrad Lindholm Earthquake engineering design practice in Norway: Implementation of Eurocode 8
J. Snoj, M. Österreicher, Matjaž Dolšek Experimentally supported modelling of an existing masonry building by measuring ambient and forced vibrations
Renata Rotondi, C. Brambilla, E. Varini, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson Probabilistic analysis of macroseismic fields: Iceland case study
Elena Candigliota, Francesco Immordino, Lorenzo Moretti, Maurizio Indirli, Dante Abate, Graziano Furini, Samuele Pierattini, Augusto Screpanti, Matteo Angelini, Teresa Gambatesa, Chiara Massaia, Antonio Formisano, Gilda Florio, Roberta Fonti, Anna Marzo Remote Sensing, Laser Scanner survey and GIS integrated method for assessment and preservation of historic centers: The example of Arsita
Andrea Belleri, M. Torquati, Paolo Riva Displacement Based Assessment for precast concrete structures: application to a three story plane frame
Mounir Naili, Z. Maaraf Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of the Old Casbah of Mostaganem City – Algeria-
C. Menna, D. Asprone, F. Jalayer, Andrea Prota, Gaetano Manfredi A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Ecological and Social Sustainability of a RC Building Accounting for Seismic Risk
Maria Cristina Arango, Zygmunt Lubkowski Seismic Hazard Assessment and Design Requirements for Beirut, Lebanon
Eiji Kohama, M. Takenobu, Takahiro Sugano, Yosuke Ohya Field Experiment on a Damping Characteristic of Actual Container Cranes
J. Soubestre, Claude Boutin, Stéphane Hans, M. Dietz, Luiza Dihoru, Erdin Ibraim, Colin A. Taylor Dynamic behaviour of reinforced soils and deep foundations. Theoretical analysis and experiments
M. B. Romero, A. P. Giuliano, A. C. Zaragoza Methodological Strategies for Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation
X. D. Sun, X. X. Tao Stochastic Simulation of Ground Motion Using Analytical Phase Spectrum
Masato Tsurugi, Takao Kagawa, Kojiro Irikura Study on High Frequency Cut-off Characteristics of Ground Motions for Intra-Slab Earthquakes Occurred in Southwest Japan
B. Simpson, A. B. Matamoros Criteria for Evaluating the Effect of Displacement History and Span-to-Depth Ratio on the Risk of Collapse of R/C Columns
Hyung-Joon Kim, Kyung-Suk Choi, Sang-Hoon Oh, Chang-Hoon Kang Comparative Study on Seismic Performance of Conventional RC Coupling Beams and Hybrid Energy Dissipative Coupling Beams used for RC Shear Walls
David Murià-Vila, A. R. Sánchez-Ramírez, C. H. Huerta-Carpizo, L. R. Fernández-Sola In-Situ Test of a Precast Pier of an Elevated Viaduct in Mexico City
Made Suarjana, Dyah Kusumastuti, K. S. Pribadi, Rildova, T. H. Lie Structural Analysis of Typical Confined Masonry Structure
M. Shahria Alam, A. Rahman Bhuiyan Use of Shape Memory Alloys with Laminated Rubber Bearings in Seismic Isolation of Multi-Span Continuous Moderate to Strong Seismic Zones
J. Shafaei, A. Hosseini, Mohammad Sadegh Marefat, Ali Arzeytoon Experimental Evaluation of New Technique for Seismic Retrofitting of External RC Beam-Column Joint with Non Seismic Detailing
R. Jünemann, M. A. Hube, J. C. de La Llera, E. Kausel Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Buildings Damaged During 2010 Chile Earthquake
Nicka Keipour, Elyar Zafarkhah, Masood Mofid Effect of Height of Buildings and Arrangement of Braces on RC Buildings Retrofitted with Steel Knee Braces Based on Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA)
Elyar Zafarkhah, Nicka Keipour, Masood Mofid Exerting Modal Incremental Dynamic Analysis (MIDA) in Surveying Seismic Behavior of Structures Equipped by Self-Centering Viscoelastic Damper
Made Suarjana, D. Kusumastut, K. S. Pribadi, Rildova An Experimental Study on the Effect of Opening on Confined Masonry Wall under Cyclic Lateral Loading
M. Sever, Y. Garb, D. Pearlmutter Exploring Barriers to the Integrated Design and Production of Resilient Buildings in Israel
A. Rønnquist, T. Karlson, S. Remseth  Earthquake Design Practice of Traditional Norwegian Buildings According to Eurocode 8
A. K Dutta, Anjan Dutta, Sajal Kanti Deb Challenges of Active Seismic Control of Cable-stayed bridge: A case study
V. B. Zaalishvili, D. A. Melkov Nature of Nonlinear-Inelastic Phenomena in Nano-Sized Medium Under Intensive Impacts
Jyh-Chau Wang, Yung-Fen Lin, Ming-Jen Hsieh, Chin-Lien Tsai, George C Yao, Pin-Hong Chen, Keng-Chang Kuo, Wei-Ting Chen Seismic Experiments and SAP2000 Analytical Study on the Aseismic Footing of Precision Machinery in Hi-tech Factories
Hervé Degée, L. Lascar, L. Vasseur Seismic performance of thin-bed layered masonry Walls made of clay blocks and comprising a door Opening
Vladimir Sigmund, Dj. Matosevic Testing of confined masonry walls with different connection details
Eduardo Reinoso, Miguel A. Jaimes, M. A. Torres Evaluation of the Building Code Application in Mexico City
Bruno Briseghella, Tobia Zordan, Alessandra Romano, Lamberto Zambianchi, Gianluigi Simone, Tao Liu Lift-up and Base Isolation as a Retrofit Technique for R.C. Existing Building
Akira Igarashi, H. Shiraishi, Y. Adachi, H. Uno, T. Sato Seismic Response Control of Bridges Using UPSS Combined with Energy Dissipation Devices
A. Rahman Bhuiyan, M. Shahria Alam Seismic Fragility Assessment of a Multi-span Continuous Highway Bridge Isolated by Shape Memory Alloy Restrainer and Lead Rubber Bearing
C. S. Vieira, M. L. Lopes, L. M. Caldeira A Proposal for Seismic Design of Geosynthetic Reinforced Steep Slopes
Naghdali Hosseinzadeh, Mohammad Reza Davoodi, Ebrahim Rayat Roknabadi Shake Table Study of Soil Structure Interaction Effects in Surface and Embedded Foundations
J. M. Jara, M. Jara, B. A. Olmos, D. Villanueva Strength and stiffness parameters of isolation systems for bridges with irregular pier heights
V. B. Zaalishvili, A. B. Lolaev, B. A. Dzeboev Fuzzy Logic in Engineering Seismology Problems
S. Youance, Marie-José Nollet, Ghyslaine McClure Post-earthquake functionality of critical facilities: A hospital case study
Zhiqiang Wang, Wei Song, Tiantian Li Combined fragility surface analysis of earthquake and scour hazards for bridge
R. Guidotti, I. Mazzieri, Marco Stupazzini, P. Dagna 3D numerical simulation of the Site-City Interaction during the 22 February 2011 MW 6.2 Christchurch earthquake
Hirotoshi Uebayashi, Hidenori Kawabe, Katsuhiro Kamae Temporal Variation and Reproduction of Microseism H/V Spectral Features in the Osaka Sedimentary Basin with an Irregular-Shaped Interface
L. D’Amico, Irmela Zentner, P. Cacciola Simulation of spectral-acceleration correlated and response-spectrum-compatible ground motion accelerograms
Mauro Sartori Seismic Protection of Railway Bridges with Special Sliding Materials
Jie Li, Yong-Bo Peng Modeling of Phase Spectrum and Simulation of Nonstationary Earthquake Ground Motions
Mauro Sartori Seismic Protection of Railway Bridges with Sliding Pendulum and High Friction Special Sliding Materials
J. A. López-Comino, F. Mancilla, J. Morales, D. Stich Source parameters of the 2011, Mw 5.2 Lorca earthquake (Spain)
K. Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Muneo Hori, M. L. L. Wijerathne, S. Tanaka High resolution tsunami simulation in urban areas using detailed city model and three dimensional fluid analysis methods
M. Araújo, J. M. Castro, Xavier Romão, R. Delgado Comparative Study of the European and American Seismic Safety Assessment Procedures for Existing Steel Buildings
E. R. Thorhallsson, P. V. Bjarnason Test of Rectangular Confined Concrete Columns for Strength and Ductility
S. M. Valenzuela, M. B. Romero, A. Scognamillo Socioeconomic Vulnerability and Seismic Risk
Svetlana Brzev, Roberto Meli International Guideline for Seismic Design of Low-Rise Confined Masonry Buildings in Regions of High Seismic Risk
B. Dal Lago, A. Dal Lago Precast Structures with Adaptable Restraints
John Douglas, F. Cotton, C. Di Alessandro, D. M. Boore, N. A. Abrahamson, D. Sinan Akkar Compilation and critical review of GMPEs for the GEM-PEER Global GMPEs Project
J. Zovkić, Vladimir Sigmund, I. Guljaš Testing of R/C frames with masonry infill of various strength
Mauro Sartori Seismic Protection of the Basarab Overpass in Bucharest
Yong-Bo Peng, Jie Li, Roger Ghanem Integrated Design of Damper Placement and Parameters for Passive Control of Randomly Base-Excited Structures
Abbas Senouci, M. A. Taibi, D. Nedjar, A. Ramdane, Pierre-Yves Bard, Mohamed Naboussi Farsi, Elise Beck, Stéphane Cartier Classification of Buildings of Oran City (Algeria) Based on Their Seismic Vulnerability
H. H. Hung, P. H. Wang, Y. L. Yin, J. C. Wang, K. C. Chang Large-scale Cyclic Loading Test on a Multi-Spiral Stirrup Bridge Pier Constructed by Automated Method
Tadashi Hara, Hirofumi Toyota, Susumu Takada, Kouichi Nakamura Liquefaction characteristic of intermediate soil including gravel
G. A. Weatherill, Marco Pagani, Damiano Monelli The Hazard Component of the GEM Modeller's Toolkit: A Framework for the Preparation and Analysis of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard (PSHA) Input Tools
J. P. Stewart, John Douglas, C. Di Alessandro, Yousef Bozorgnia, N. A. Abrahamson, D. M. Boore, Kenneth W. Campbell, Elise Delavaud, Mustafa Erdik, P. J. Stafford Selection of a Global Set of GMPEs for the GEM-PEER Global GMPEs Project
M. L. Carreño, Omar Cardona, Alex H. Barbat Holistic Evaluation of the Seismic Risk in Barcelona by Using Indicators
Vladimir Sigmund, D. Penava Experimental Study of Masonry Infilled R/C Frames with Opening
A. Lessi-Cheimarios, S. Kontoe, P. J. Stafford Comparison of the Total Uncertainty Associated with Alternative Approaches to Site Response Analysis
T. Akazawa, M. Araki, Sumio Sawada, Y. Hayashi, Muneo Horike Establishment of New Low-Cost and High-Resolution Real-Time Continuous Strong Motion Observation Network by CEORKA
H. Augusto, C. Rebelo, L. Simões da Silva, J. M. Castro Modelling of the Dissipative Behaviour of Partial-Strength Beam-to-Column Steel Connections
L. Morillas, Amadeo Benavent-Climent, David Escolano-Margarit A Shake table test of typical Mediterranean reinforced concrete structures
Anna Bosi, Fabio Taucer, Pierre Pegon Distributed data bases, data communication and access, distributed testing and PsD transnational access test campaigns within the SERIES Project
Melina Bosco, Edoardo M. Marino, Pier Paolo Rossi Design of steel frames with buckling restrained braces
H. Sun, Takashi Kashiwazaki, H. Noguchi Analytical Study on Seismic Performance of RC frames with Concrete Block Wall
Mizuo Inukai Response Values of Earthquake Waves and Structural Assessment of Cultural Heritage
A. Tzu-Kang Lin, E. Chih-Shiuan Lin, B. Rih-Teng Wu, C. Kuo-Chun Chang, D. Yu-Chi Sung Application of Fractal Theory on Bridge Health Monitoring System
Bubis A. Alexander, Yun Y. Andrey Some results of theoretical and experimental studies of the seismic isolated regional bank "Sberbank" building with rubber bearing supports in Irkutsk city, Siberia, Russia
M. A. Hube, P. Vizcaíno, D. Lopez-Garcia, J. C. de La Llera Study on Partial Collapse of a Five Story Reinforced Concrete Building during the 2010 Chile Earthquake
Carlo Cauzzi, Donat Fäh, V. Pessina, Ezio Faccioli, Chiara Smerzini Topographic amplification from recorded earthquake data and numerical simulations
Elena Oliver-Saiz, Amadeo Benavent-Climent, Ana Luisa Ramírez-Márquez Buckling instability of Web Plastifying Dampers: analytical and numerical approach
V. B. Zaalishvili, D. A. Melkov, O. G. Burdzieva, B. V. Dzeranov,I. L. Gabeeva, A. S. Kanukov, V. D. Shepelev, A. F. Gabaraev Seismic Microzonation of Vladikavkaz City: Historical Review and Modern Techniques
Melina Bosco, G. Ferrara, A. Ghersi, Edoardo M. Marino, Pier Paolo Rossi Predicting displacement demand of multi-storey asymmetric buildings by nonlinear static analysis and corrective eccentricities
Pierre Jehel, R. Cottereau On Damping Created by the Heterogeneity of the Mechanical Properties in RC Frame Seismic Analysis
M. Papaspiliou, S. Kontoe Ground Motion Selection for the Integration of Site Response in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses
Z. F. Alemdar, A. B. Matamoros, J. Browning Modeling Surface Deformations and Hinging Regions in Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
Katrin Beyer, A. Dazio Developing force-deformation characteristics of brick masonry spandrels in historic buildings
M. J. Falcão Silva, Alfredo Campos Costa, L. M. C. Guerreiro Assessment of the performance of tuned liquid dampers for vibration mitigation in structures
Chiara Smerzini, R. Paolucci, C. Galasso, Iunio Iervolino Engineering ground motion selection based on displacement-spectrum compatibility
F. Bozzoni, C. G. Lai Seismic risk assessment of Italian seaports using GIS technology: The ports of the Calabria Region
Solveig Thorvaldsdóttir, Asthildur Elva Bernhardsdottir, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson, Gaetano Zonno Dissemination of information on hazards and risks: The Icelandic experience
Chiara Smerzini, Manuela Villani, Ezio Faccioli, R. Paolucci 3D numerical simulations in complex near-field geological configurations during the MW 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake
R. Sever A Disaster-Management Lacuna: People with Disabilities
L. E. Yamin, A. I. Hurtado, Alex H. Barbat, G. A. Bernal, Omar Cardona Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings for Catastrophic Risk Analysis in Urban Areas
Fengming Ren, Yun Zhou, Hongwey Wang, Yi Wu Study on damping effect of CFST frame – core wall structure with different  dampers 
A. B. Acevedo, R. L. Bonett-Diaz, O. Carmona Experimental Analysis of the Lateral Resistance of a Shear Critical Reinforced Concrete Frame
D. Lombardi, Subhamoy Bhattacharya Shaking table tests on rigid soil container with absorbing boundaries
J. A. Valcárcel, G. A. Bernal, M. G. Mora Lorca earthquake May 11 2011: A comparison between disaster figures and risk assessment outcomes
F. Pavel, Dan Lungu Frequency content indicators of strong ground motions
B. Bessason, J. Sólnes, J. Ö. Bjarnason, A. Guðmundsson, S. Steedman Vulnerability curves for low-rise shear wall buildings based on observed data
C. Fonseca Ferreira, Dina D'Ayala Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of Peruvian Earthen Churches by Means of Numerical Modelling
F. Freddi, L. Ragni, Enrico Tubaldi, Andrea Dall'Asta Component-based Probabilistic Methodology for the Vulnerability Assessment of RC Frames Retrofitted with Dissipative Braces
A. Belejo, Rita Bento, Carlos Bhatt Comparison of different computer programs to predict the seismic performance of SPEAR building by means of Pushover Analysis
Alfredo Reyes-Salazar, J. O. Rivera-Leyva, A. Haldar, D. de Leon-Escobedo, Dagoberto López-López Ductility, interstory and displacement of steel buildings with perimeter and spatial moment frames
B. Bosco, J. M. Thiry, Maria Rota, A. Penna, Guido Magenes, G. Senfaute A methodology for measuring the quality of probabilistic seismic hazard predictions in the SIGMA project framework
Carlos Bhatt, Rita Bento A Comparison Between American and European Codes on the Nonlinear Static Analysis of RC Buildings
M. C. Gómez-Soberón, M. Jara-Díaz, J. Álvarez-Sereno Comparison of the seismic fragility of common Mexican simple-supported highway bridges
B. Bessason, J. Sólnes, J. Ö. Bjarnason, A. Guðmundsson, S. Steedman Comprehensive damage analysis of buildings affected by the 2008 South Iceland earthquake
J. A. Gatscher, R. E. Bachman Elements of 2012 IBC / ASCE 7-10 Nonstructural Seismic Provisions: Bridging the Implementation Gap
Alfredo Reyes-Salazar, J. L. Rivera-Salas, F. Valenzuela-Beltrán, E. Bojórquez, A. López-Barraza Accuracy of combination rules for MDOF and SDOF Systems
David Escolano-Margarit, Amadeo Benavent-Climent, L. Morillas Shaking table tests of a RC frame structure equipped with hysteretic dampers
Gokhan Ozdemir, U. Akyuz Performance of a Multi-Story Isolated Building Subjected to Bidirectional Excitations in Protection of Critical Equipments from Earthquake Hazard
Danny Arroyo, Amador Téran-Gilmore, Mario G. Ordaz Seismic Loss Estimation Including Environmental Losses
S. A. Mitoulis, M. D. Titirla, I. A. Tegos A new earthquake resistant abutment as means to reduce the seismic demand of a railway bridge
M. A. Parisi, C. Chesi, C. Tardini The Role of Timber Roof Structures in the Seismic Response of Traditional Buildings
H. Mostafei A New Testing Capability for Seismic Resistance Assessment of Structures Damaged due to a Fire
Themistoklis S. Stefanakis, Frédéric Dias, Nicolas Vayatis, Serge Guillas Long-Wave Runup on a Plane Beach Behind a Conical Island
D. N. Ristic, J. D. Ristic New Integrated 2G3 Response Modification Method for Seismic Upgrading of New and Existing Bridges
N. Upreti, Amod Mani Dixit, Surya Narayan Shrestha Raising Earthquake Awareness in Kathmandu Valley: A Comparative Analysis of Achievements during 1999-2009
L. Alcántara, D. Almora, C. Pérez, M. A. Torres, M. A. Macías, L. Ramirez-Guzman, C. Valdés, J. Pérez Over 100 Years of Seismic Observation at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Qiyun Zhu, Xilin Lu, Huanjun Jiang, Bin Zhao Shaking Table Test and Numerical Analysis on a Shear Wall High-Rise Structure with Huge Podium
Daniel Stoica The Tribute to the Former Romanian Aseismic Design Codes. Retrofitting or Demolition?
F. Bozzano, C. Esposito, S. Martino, A. Prestininzi, G. Scarascia, Guido Martini, Dario Rinaldis A spectrum-compatibility method for deriving earthquake-induced displacements of unstable slopes
C. Spyrakos, A. Francioso Shaking Table Test and Pushover Analysis on a Scaled Masonry Building
L. Lenti, J. F. Nicolas, Luis Fabian Bonilla, J. F. Semblat, S. Martino, A. Rovelli Fractional derivatives: an alternative approach to model seismic wave attenuation and amplification
M. Hosseini, Y. Mirzaaghaee, B. Ebadi Tabrizi A Two-Ring Energy Dissipating Device with Similar Behaviors in Tension and Compression to Create Buckling Resistant Braces
L. Lenti, S. Martino, Dario Rinaldis LEMA_DES equivalent signals derived from the accelerometric records of the European database
Paula Teves-Costa, I. N. Rodrigues, Mariano García-Fernández, M. J. Jiménez Ambient-noise surveys to characterize soils in the Lower Tagus Valley for the evaluation of earthquake scenarios
B. D. Carey, R. P. Clarke Fragility Functions for a Pervasive Unique Form of Construction in a Region with Very High Potential for Social Losses
Aurelio Braconi, Francesco Morelli, Walter Salvatore Seismic protection of structures through an innovative steel-based self-centering hysteretic device: numerical analysis and tests.
S. Martino, A. Prestininzi, R. W. Romeo An upgrade of the Italian catalogue of earthquake-induced ground failures CEDIT
M. Daei, S. H. Mirmohammadi Structural damage identification based on continuous ant colony optimization for cantilever-type structures
J. W. Baker, Yousef Bozorgnia, C. Di Alessandro, Brian Chiou, Mustafa Erdik, P. G. Somerville, W. Silva GEM-PEER Global GMPEs Project Guidance for Including Near-Fault Effects in Ground Motion Prediction Models
F. Bozzano, S. Martino, A. C. Giacomi, L. Lenti, Guido Martini, M. P. Santisi D’Avila Numerical modeling of nonlinear dynamic shear strains in heterogeneous soils by 1D-3C finite element SWAP_3C
A. Zona, Andrea Dall'Asta, L. Ragni Influence of brace over-strength distributions on the seismic response of steel braced frames
T. Mahdi, A. Mahdi Sliding Fragility of Restrained and Unrestrained Block-Type Nonstructural Components
L. Schwan, Claude Boutin Depolarization and Modified Conversions of Seismic Waves by Site-City Effects : A Theoretical Model
Yu Jiao, Shoichi Kishiki, S. Yamada Loading protocols employed in evaluation of seismic behavior of steel beams in weak-beam moment frames
Paula Teves-Costa, I. M. Almeida, I. N. Rodrigues Distribution of peak and spectral frequencies in Lisbon. Application of geological and geotechnical data
A. Simões, M. Lopes, Rita Bento, Antonio Sousa Gago Characterization of Lisbon Old Buildings
E. Arellano-Méndez, O. M. González-Cuevas Punching Shear in Waffle Slab, Seismic Design
C. Di Alessandro, Yousef Bozorgnia , N. A. Abrahamson, D. Sinan Akkar, Mustafa Erdik GEM - PEER Global Ground Motion Prediction Equations Project: An Overview
A. Simões, Antonio Sousa Gago, M. Lopes, Rita Bento Characterization of Old Masonry Walls: Flat-Jack Method
M. Ghasem Vetr, A. Riahi Nouri, Afshin Kalantari Efficient Application of Rocking Motion in Design of Steel Structures
M. Arabpanahan, Mohammad Sadegh Marefat, Mohammad Khanmohammadi, E. Norouzzadeh Tochaei Numerical Modeling and Seismic Assessment of Columns Reinforced by Smooth Rebars
Amador Téran-Gilmore, Jorge Ruiz-Garcia How to Promote Self-Centering Behavior of Buildings Having a System of Buckling-Restrained Braces and Flexible Gravitational Frames
A. Simões, Rita Bento, Antonio Sousa Gago, M. Lopes Seismic Vulnerability of Old Masonry ‘Gaioleiro’ Buildings in Lisbon
Tomás Castillo Cruz, Sonia E. Ruiz Damping factors for seismic design of structures with energy hysteretic dampers, located in the valley of Mexico.
E. Norouzzadeh Tochaei, Mohammad Khanmohammadi, M. Arabpanahan Prediction of Nonlinear Behavior of Steel Coupling Beams under Seismic Loads Based on Experimental Results
H. L. Xing, T. Jiang, S. T. Xue, C. Z. Geng Calculation of Response Spectrum Directly from Bedrock to Free Field using Equivalent Linear Method
L. Al Atik, N. A. Abrahamson Investigation of the Evidence of Inhibition of Very Strong Ground Motion
D. Y. Kwak, S. J. Brandenberg, J. P. Stewart, A. Mikami Groundwater Level Evaluation for River Flood Control Levees and its Effect on Seismic Performance
Andrey Y. Yun, Alexander A. Bubis The Comparative Analysis of Methods for Calculation of Buildings with Rubber Bearings
R. Magaña, A. R. Hermosillo, M. Pérez Fractional chaotic oscillators
Silvena S. Reshotkina, David T. Lau Modeling Damage-Based Degradations in Stiffness and Strength in the Post-Peak Behaviour in Seismic Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Structures
T. A. Majid, A. Yousefi Prioritization of Highway Bridges for Seismic Retrofitting Using Multi Criteria Decision Making
Oliver Ubando Franco, Manuel E. Ruiz Sandoval Hernández Proposal of Isolated Basis for Low-Rise Buildings.
Keri L. Ryan, N. D. Dao, E. Sato, T. Sasaki, T. Okazaki NEES/E-Defense Base-Isolation Tests: Interaction of Horizontal and Vertical Response
Hugo Ferrer-Toledo, Julio Rojas-Palacios, Araceli Aguilar-Mora, Francisco Chávez-García, Julio C. Cuenca-Sánchez Soil Periods for Center of Puebla City, Mexico
A. Masroor, J. Sanchez, G. Mosqueda, Keri L. Ryan Dynamic Stability of Elastomeric Bearings at Large Displacement
B. A. Olmos, J. M. Jar, M. Jara Force demands on circular piles subjected to the passage of seismic waves
K. Kolozvari, Thien Tran, J. W. Wallace, Kutay Orakcal Modeling of cyclic shear-flexure interaction in reinforced concrete structural walls
Y. F. Dong, D. K. Kim, S. G. Cho Nonstationary Frequency Content of Ground Motions From the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in Japan
Sheri Molnar, Carlos E. Ventura, W. D. Liam Finn, Madhi Taiebat, S. E. Dosso, J. F. Cassidy Probabilistic site characterization based on Bayesian inversion of ambient vibration array recordings in SW British Columbia, Canada
L. Lou, A. Zerva Sensitivity of the Nonlinear Seismic Response of a Short RC Bridge to Numerical Modeling
I. Okawa, Toshimi Satoh, T. Sato, T. Nishikawa An Empirical Evaluation of Long-Period Earthquake Motion for Building Design
A. J. Malaver, D. R. Rodríguez Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Building Damaged by Tucacas Earthquake, Venezuela
F. Bakhti, Robert Tremblay, Colin A. Rogers Revisiting the SDI and ECCS methods for in-plane shear flexibility of metal roof deck diaphragms using 3D non-linear finite element analysis
E. Botero, M. Romo, A. Ossa, V. Giraldo, L. Sierra Ground subsidence influence on the seismic response of soil deposits in Aguascalientes City, Mexico
Juan S. Carmona, Nora C. Sabbione Motion Perception in the Tall Buildings of Buenos Aires City Caused By the Great Chilean Seismic Event and its Kinematic
S. Sriskandakumar, Dharma Wijewickreme, P. M. Byrne Multiple Cyclic Loading Response of Loose Air-Pluviated Fraser River Sand
M. Hadzima-Nyarko, D. Morić, H. Draganić, E. K. Nyarko New Direction Based (Fundamental) Periods of RC Frames Using Genetic Algorithms
G. L. Molas, H. Aslani, Nilesh Shome, C. M. Cabrera, Shahram Taghavi, Jason Bryngelson Impacts of Earthquake Hazard Uncertainties on Probabilistic Portfolio Loss Risk Assessment
M. A. Jamali Golzar, M. Azharian, M. A. Jamali Golzar Effect of Isolation Systems on a Steel Box Girder Bridge in Tabriz
P. Vaziri, M. L. Zoback, T. H. P. Tabucchi, C. M. Cabrera Comparative Analysis of Economic and Human Casualty Seismic Risk for South American Andean Capital Cities
Lauren K. Fedak, Rigoberto Burgueño, Pedro F. Silva Evaluation of Analysis Methods in Predicting Limit States for Performance-Based Seismic Design
G. C. Clifton, H. Nashid, G Ferguson, M Hodgson, C Seal, Michel Bruneau, Gregory A. MacRae, S Gardiner Performance of Eccentrically Braced Framed Buildings in the Christchurch Earthquake Series of 2010/2011
Arash Sangtarashha, Pedro F. Silva, Rigoberto Burgueño P-Delta Mass Rig System for Shake Table Tests of Slender Cantilever Columns
A. C. Tanyeri, J. P. Moehle, Takuya Nagae Seismic Performance and Modeling of Post-Tensioned, Precast Concrete Shear Walls
K. Duerr, Solomon Tesfamariam Comparison of optimization methods for retrofit placement in a non-code conforming reinforce-concrete structure
B. Sungay, E. Cakti, Mustafa Erdik Discussing Vulnerability, Capacity and Resilience of the Community in the Face of Earthquakes at a Microscale
L. R. Terec, Carol Enyedi Infill Precast Panels as Retrofit System of Reinforced Concrete Frames
E. Botero, E. Ovando, A. Ossa, V. Giraldo, L. Sierra Model for the determination of seismic interaction between tunnel and underground station
H. Noh, A. S. Kiremidjian Development of Fragility Functions for Seismic Damage Assessment Using Kernel Smoothing Methods
D. García, R. T. Mah, K. L. Johnson, Michael Hearne, K. D. Marano, K. W. Lin, D . J. Wald, C. B. Worden, Emily So ShakeMap Atlas 2.0: An Improved Suite of Recent Historical Earthquake ShakeMaps for Global Hazard Analyses and Loss Model Calibration
H. Moeindarbari, Touraj Taghikhany Optimum Design of Triple Friction Pendulum Bearing Subjected by Near-Field Ground Motions
Y. Rong, J. Park, D. Duggan, M. Mahdyiar, P. Bazzurro Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Pacific Island Countries
B. B. Bishaw, L. F. Ibarra Optimization of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Durability Characteristics for Seismic Applications
S. Hashemi, E. Jaberzadeh A Finite Strip Formulation for Nonlinear Free Vibration of Plates
D. J. Carson, E. Oldershaw, S. Copp, K. Cryer Reconstructing Schools in Post-Earthquake Haiti
H. Magistrale, Y. Rong, W. Silva, E. M. Thompson A Site Response Map of the Continental U.S.
C. E. Magna, S. K. Kunnath Simulation of Nonlinear Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls
A. Asgarian, Ghyslaine McClure Impact of seismic retrofit and presence of terra cotta masonry walls on the dynamic properties of a hospital building in Montréal, Canada
G. Barrios, E. Sáez, C. Ledezma Influence of desiccation cracking on the liquefaction Potential of Thickened Tailing Deposits
J. Kaklamanos, Brendon A Bradley, E. M. Thompson, L. G. Baise Bias and Variability in Site Response: Analysis of Residuals at 100 KiK-net Stations
G. Pardo, E. Sáez, C. Ledezma Seismic response of a pile-supported excavation on Santiago gravel
M. Monroy, Dharma Wijewickreme, Doug Honegger Effectiveness of Geotextile-Lined Pipeline Trenches Subjected to Relative Lateral Seismic Fault Ground Displacements
N. A. Abrahamson, J. C. Hollenback Application of Single-Station Sigma Ground Motion Prediction Equations in Practice
H. Zargar, Keri L. Ryan, Taylor Rawlinson, J. D. Marshall Exploring the Gap Damper Concept to Control Seismic Isolation Displacement Demands
J. D. Morales Ramirez, L. Tirca Numerical Simulation and Design of FrictionDamped damped Steel Frame Structures
K. S. Jaiswal, D . J. Wald Improving PAGER’s Real-time Earthquake Casualty and Loss Estimation Toolkit: Challenges
Daniel Torrealva Seismic Design Criteria for Adobe Buildings Reinforced with Geogrids
J. K. Whittle, M. S. Williams, Anthony Blakeborough Performance of Structural Members in Seismic Retrofitted Frames with Viscous Dampers
J. Sherstobitoff, P. Cajiao, Perry Adebar Analysis and Repair of an Earthquake-Damaged High-rise Building in Santiago, Chile
Benedikt Halldorsson, A. S. Papageorgiou The effects of earthquake source complexities on far-field source spectra
S. Rezaeian, Nicolas Luco Example Applications of a Stochastic Ground Motion Simulation Methodology in Structural Engineering
J. F. Rave-Arango, C. A. Blandón-Uribe Structural response of buildings on mountain slopes subjected to earth pressure under seismic conditions
M. D. Petersen, C. S. Mueller, K. M. Haller, M. Moschetti, S. C. Harmsen, E. H. Field, K. S. Rukstales, Y. Zeng, D. M. Perkins, P. Powers, S. Rezaeian, Nicolas Luco, A. Olsen, R. Williams, A. D. Frankel, O. S. Boyd 2014 Update of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps
K. M. Twigden, R. S. Henry, Q. T. Ma Dynamic testing of post-tensioned rocking walls
M. A. Shayanfar, R. Zare Bidokib, B. Farhadi Assessment of Various Modeling Parameters and Their Influence on Seismic Behavior of Braced Steel Frame Structures
C. A. Whyte, Bozidar Stojadinovic Hybrid Simulation of the Seismic Response of Squat Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
Gabriele Guerrin, José I. Restrepo, Milena Massari, Athanassios Vervelidis Self-Centering Precast Concrete Dual-Shell Steel Columns
J. P. Stewart, E. Seyhan, D. M. Boore, Kenneth W. Campbell, Mustafa Erdik, W. J. Silva, C. Di Alessandro, Yousef Bozorgnia Site Effects in Parametric Ground Motion Models for the GEM-PEER Global GMPEs Project
B. Westenenk, J. C. de La Llera, R. Jünemann, M. A. Hube, J. J. Besa Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Concepcion During the 2010, Maule Earthquake
D. S. Park, B. L. Kutter Dynamic Stability of Artificially Sensitive Clay Slopes By Centrifuge Modeling
M. J. Levi, D. H. Sander, I. G. Buckle Seismic Response of Columns in Horizontally Curved Bridges
M. Lou, Y. Tang Uniform Response Spectrum Method for Seismic Travelling Responses Analysis of Long-span Arch Bridges
L. Yu, X. Kong, B. Xu Seismic Response Characteristics of Earth and Rockfill Dams
M. Ramírez-Centeno, Danny Arroyo, J. J. Guerrero.  Experimental Study of the Variation of the Damping and Natural Period of a Full Scale Steel Frame
T. Nakazawa, Shoichi Kishiki, Z. Qu, A. Wada Safety Margin Ratio-Based Design of Isolation Gap Size for Base-isolated Structures
Hiroto Kato, T. Mori, N. Murota, S. Suzuki, M. Kikuchi A New Hysteresis Model Based on an Integral Type Deformation-History for Elastomeric Seismic Isolation Bearings
Benedikt Halldorsson, S. Jónsson, A. S. Papageorgiou, R. A. Green, I. Kalogeras, H. Avery, Símon Ólafsson, S. Remseth, Carlos Sousa Oliveira, O. Polat, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson ICEARRAY II: A new multidisciplinary strong-motion array in North Iceland
Qiaoling Xian, Fulin Zhou, Yaojian Long Response Spectrum Analysis of the Floorslab Isolating and Energy Dissipating Structural System
A. Surahman Energy Based Earthquake Load and Resistance Design
Yousef Bozorgnia, N. A. Abrahamson, Kenneth W. Campbell, Badie Rowshandel, T. Shantz NGA-West2: A Comprehensive Research Program to Update Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Active Tectonic Regions
Toshimi Kabeyasawa, Y. S. Kim, M. Sato, H. Hyunseong, Toshikazu Kabeyasawa, Hiroshi Fukuyama Evaluation on Deformability of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Wing Walls
Y. W. Wang, Q. Ma, W. Li Structural Damage Detection by Multi-objective Intelligent Algorithm
T. Asai, Y. Nakano, T. Tateno, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Koji Fujima, Takahiro Sugano, Y. Haga, T. Okada Tsunami Load Evaluation Based on Field Investigations of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
G. Sun, H. Li, Z. Yang A Study on Multi-level Control System for Unseating Failure Prevention of Concrete Girder Bridges during Earthquake
N. Li, Z. X. Li, L. L. Xie Flexure-Shear Coupling Fiber Model for the Nonlinear Analysis of Rectangular Hollow Section R/C Piers
K. Tajima, N. Shirai, A. Nishio, K. Imai Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings by Damage Spectrum Method
T. Kabeyasawa, K. Kusunoki, Akira Tasai, T. Ichinose, Daisuke Kato Damage Survey on Reinforced Concrete School Buildings in Fukushima after the 2011 East Japan Earthquake
Kumar Amit, Bose Pratima Rani Economic Assessment of Seismic Retrofitting of Non-Engineered Buildings - Case Study from India
S. Takahashi, T. Ichinose, N. Izumi, Yasushi Sanada, S. Matsubara, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Haruhiko Suwada Experimental Verification on Flexural Drift Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Wall with Limited Confinement
Yun Chen, Xilin Lu New Replaceable Coupling Beams for Shear Wall Structures
Takaya Nakamura, Manabu Yoshimura Simulation of Old Reinforced Concrete Column Collapse by Pseudo-dynamic Test Method
Ankit Sachan, Durgesh C. Rai Aluminium Shear Yielding Damper (Al-SYD) as an Energy Dissipation Device in Truss Moment Frames (TMFs)
Yuanmiao Zhang, Jiangtao Yu, Zhoudao Lu, Lei Tao, Hui Sun Seismic Performance of RC frame Retrofitted by Epoxy Injection Technique Tested on Shaking Table
Masaki Maeda, Kota Miura Post-Earthquake Damage Evaluation for Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Various Collapse Mechanism
Y. Nogami, Yoshitaka Murono, H. Morikawa Nonlinear hysteresis model taking into account S-shaped hysteresis loop and its standard parameters
Masaki Maeda, Kanako Takahashi, Hamood Al-Washali, Akira Tasai, Hitoshi Shiohara, Kazuhiro Kitayama, Susumu Kono, Tetsuya Nishida Damage Survey on Reinforced Concrete School Buildings in Miyagi after the 2011 East Japan Earthquake
H. Choi, Y. Nakano, Yasushi Sanada, Hiroshi Kuramoto, T. Tomonaga, Maidiawati, Y. Hayati, J. Tanjung Analytical Estimation of Seismic Response of a Typical R/C Building Damaged by the 2009 West Sumatra Earthquake in Indonesia
S. Halim, T. Kawai, G. Kotani, S. Takahashi, T. Ichinose, T. Ogawa, Masaomi Teshigawara, H. Fukushima, T. Kabeyasawa,Haruhiko Suwada Experimental Study on Beam-column Joint of Soft-first-story in RC Building
Xinzhi Duan, Yan Xu, Leying Jia, Ying Lin Seismic Design Strategy of Cable Stayed Bridges Subjected to Strong Ground Motions
M. Sugino, Noriko Takiyama, Y. Onish, Y. Hayashi, H. Takahashi Study on Evaluation of Seismic Pounding Behavior of Adjacent Traditional Wooden Houses
Carlos Cortés Salas, H. Sánchez Sánchez Structural Behavior of Process Steel Towers Submitted to Seismic Actions
Huma Kanta Mishra, Akira Igarashi, Hiroshi Matsushima, Aiko Furukawa Experimental and analytical study of unbonded and bonded scrap tire rubber pad as base isolation device
W. Kambe, T. Ito A Study on Structural Performance of Steel Foundation- wooden Column Connection for Temporary Houses
H. S. Lee, S. J. Hwang, K. B. Lee, C. B. Kang, S. H. Lee, Sang-Hoon Oh Earthquake Simulation Tests on a 1:5 Scale 10- Story RC Residential Building Model
X. G. Lin, K. Asada Calculation of Initial Stiffness of Semirigid Connections with Consideration of Rotational Constraint on Angle from Beam Contact Surface
Masato Motosaka, Tsoggerel Tsamba, Kazuya Mitsuji, Toshihide Kashima Amplitude Dependent Dynamic Characteristics of a Damaged 9-story Building During the 2011 off the Pacific Coast Tohoku Earthquake
N. Inoue, N. Kitada, K. Takemura Blind fault Configuration in Osaka, Japan based on 2D gravity inversion
Yuya Takase, T. Ikeda, Y. Yagisawa, Toshimi Satoh, K. Imai, A. Onaka, H. Itadani, T. Abe, M. Kubota Development of Shear-key Consisted of Steel Disk and Anchor Bolt for Seismic Retrofitting
T. Hiwatashi, Hideo Fujitani Fundamental study on simple quantitative approach of damping performance for semi-active damper
K. Kobayash, K. Inoue, Baris Binici Collapse prevention of infill-brick wall of RC frames with FRP Stitching Technology
Yu Feng Jia, Shi Chun Chi Application of rockfill dynamical characteristic statistic curve in mid-small scale concrete face dam dynamic analysis
Diptesh Das, Tushar Kanti Datta, Alok Madan ANN-cum-Fuzzy Control of Seismic Response using MR Dampers
Jiulin Bai, Jinping Ou Plastic Limit-State Design of Frame Structures Based on the Strong-Column Weak-Beam Failure Mechanism
I. Giongo, M. Piazza, A. Rizzardi, C. Rodegher, R. Tomasi Seismic evaluation of URM buildings with flexible diaphragms. Proposal of a simplified “ENT” method
Chung-Hsien Shih, Chen-Yu Nien, Ja-Shian Chang Seismic Assessment and Strengthening Design of Masonry Wall with Arch Opening
Sun Tian, Chen Guo-Xing, Zhou En-Quan The dynamic shear modulus and the damping ratio of deep-seabed marine silty clay
K. Minagawa, S. Fujita, G. Tanaka, H. Simosaka Floating Type Isolation System Using Earthquake Early Warning
Y. Nagano, R. Numata, N. Ohno, T. Sato, M. Hashimoto Simulations of damage on architectural structures due to unexpectedly great earthquakes
K. Minagawa, S. Fujita Cumulative Damage Evaluation based on Energy Balance Equation
Susumu Yasuda, Keisuke Ishikawa, Naoki Ozawa Damage to houses in Urayasu due to liquefaction by the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean earthquake
F. Mazza, M. Mazza, A. Vulcano Nonlinear Dynamic Response of RC Buildings with Different Base-Isolation Systems Subjected to Near-Fault Earthquakes
S. Fujita, K. Minagawa, A. Yamaguchi, T. Takata, K. Kurisaka Seismic Response of Isolated Nuclear Power Plant Considering Nonlinear Restoring Force Characteristics of Rubber Bearings
R. Numata, Y. Nagano, N. Ohno, T. Sato, A. Anjyu Simulations of damage on architectural structures due to an unexpected tsunami disaster
Naoki Kano, Haruhiko Kurino, J. Tagami, T. Kaneko Feasibility Study of Response Controlled Structure with Eccentric Core and Damper Tube System
Susumu Yasuda, S. Yokota, H. Nakamura, K. Inou Reduction of static and dynamic shear strength due to the weathering of mudstones
M. Mahdavi, Mohammad Reza Davoodi, A. Mostafavian Determination of Joint Stiffness of a Three Story Steel Frame by Finite Element Model Updating
A. Kawasaki, K. Meguro, M. Henry Comparing the disaster information gathering behavior and post-disaster actions of Japanese and foreigners in the Kanto area after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
C. W. Huang, K. W. Chou, G. Y. Liu, L. L. Chung, C. H. Yeh, T. J. Lin, H. Y. Hung Analysis on a Crossing-Fault Buried Segmented Pipeline with Flexible Joint Behaviors from Experimental Tests
A. Lago, Timothy J. Sullivan, Gian Michele Calvi Deformed Shapes of Structures equipped with Viscous Dampers
C. H. Cuadra, T. Saito, Carlos Zavala Dynamic characteristics of traditional adobe-quincha buildings in Peru
Z. L. Yang, H. N. Xu, Y. Yang Ground Motion of Arbitrary Inclusion and a Crack in Half Space under Incident SH-waves
Susumu Yasuda, Keisuke Ishikawa, Shungo Hagiya Remarkable liquefaction-induced damages along Tokyo Bay during during the 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean earthquake in Japan.
Xiang Wen, Takahashi Toru, Katada Masaki Damage Scenario and its Reduction for Nishi-Chiba Campus, Chiba University due to Tokai, Tonankai, Nankai Earthquake and the Capital, Tokyo Inland Earthquake
T. Matsuo, A. Furukawa, K. Nishikawa Damage Identification Technique based on the Spectral Element Method using High-Frequency Excitation
A. P. Tang, Y. J. Liu, K. T. Liu, A. P. Zhao Lifeline System Earthquake Damage in Yushu, Qinghai Earthquake (ML=7.1, 14th, April, 2010)
Hiroshi Dohi, K. Yoshida, S. Matsuda, M. Kawano A Study on Characteristics of Ground Motion during the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
S. Caprili, Walter Salvatore, F. Braga, R. Gigliotti, A. Braconi Influence of low-cycle fatigue and corrosion phenomena on the structural behaviour of steel reinforcing bars
Akihiko Tasaka, Akira Tasai, Koichi Kusunoki Study on evaluation method of non-engineered constructions in earthquake prone countries
X. W. Yin, H. J. Jiang, W. S. Lu, X. L. Lu Shaking Table Model Test of a Super High-Rise Building with CFT frame and Core Wall
S. Hamzehei Javaran, Naser Khaji Inverse Multiquadric (IMQ) function as radial basis function for plane dynamic analysis using dual reciprocity boundary element method
M. Hosseini, M. Karimiyan, Salman Karimiyan An Innovative Idea for Controlling the Seismic Response of Structures Based on the Use of Inertia Forces
Hideharu Sugino, Yoko Iwabuchi, Katsumi Ebisawa, Makoto Nemoto, Mariko Korenaga Investigation of mechanisms causing ground motion and tsunami due to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake at Nuclear Power Plant sites
Gerardo Alguacil, Francisco Vidal, Mercedes Feriche Site response estimation at Granada city (Southern Spain) based on deep earthquake records
Morimasa Watakabe, Shinsuke Inai, Taku Ishioka, Shinichi Iizuka, Shigemitsu Takai, Motoi Kanagawa A Study on the Behavior of Seismically Engineered Ceiling Systems of Large Open Structures Subjected to Earthquake Excitations
K. Masaki, Susumu Kurahashi, T. Ochiai Development of Emergent Alarm System using the Earthquake Early Warning by Japan Meteorological Agency
N. Kara, Zekai Celep Nonlinear seismic response of structural systems having vertical irregularities due to discontinuities in columns
Experimental investigation on Seismic Resistance Recycled Concrete in filled Steel Columns - Taguchi’s approach
T. Naga Manikanta, O. R. Jaiswal Effect of Diagonal Modes on Response Spectrum Analysis
Davoud Nezamolmolki, Ahmad Aftabi Sani A Comparison of Closed-form and Finite-Element Solutions for the Free Vibration Analysis of a Sloping-frame
K. M. O. Hicyilmaz, T. Wilcock, C. Izatt, J. Da-Silva, R. Langenbach Seismic Performance of Dhajji Dewari
Z. Zembaty Rotational ground motion effects from body waves decomposition at a site
Yoshihiro Sawada, Shunji Sasaki, Shutaro Sekine, Shintaro Abe, Yoshihiro Tazawa Dense Seismic and GPS Observation around the Nagaoka Plain Western Margin Fault Zone
H. Matsuzaki, Y. Kumagai, K. Kawashima Effect of Strong Vertical Excitation on the Seismic Performance of RC Bridge Columns
A. I. Stefancu, M. Budescu, F. Paulet-Crainiceanu, L. M. C. Guerreiro Numerical and experimental analysis of a passive multilayer friction damper for seismic energy dissipation
Chen Qingjun, Yang Yongsheng Analysis and Simulation of Strong Motion Records from Different Sites and Structure Based on HHT
Ana Luisa Ramírez-Márquez, Amadeo Benavent-Climent, Elena Oliver-Saiz, Santiago Pujol Low-Cost Retrofitting Solutions for RC Frames Using Masonry Infill Panels
Ali Naghshineh, Erfan Alavi, Mohammad Reza Rezaee Seismic Behavior of Column-supported and Innovative Fixed-base Cooling Towers with Ring Beam
T. Bogdan, Hervé Degée, André Plumier, C. Campian A simple computational tool for the verification of concrete walls reinforced by embedded steel profiles.
Vasudeo Chaudhari, Venkata Dilip Kumar Pasupuleti, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla 3D Nonlinear Modeling of Buried Continuous Pipeline Subjected to Ground Compression
T. Zhang, Q. J. Chen, Z. H. Chen, Y. S. Yang The Non-uniform Random Seismic Response Analysis of Long-span Bridge Structure Based on Pseudo-excitation Method
Taichi Matsuoka, Michi Kudo, Yasuo Okazaki Aseismic Performance of an Arc Shaped Spring Damper for Strengthening at Corner of Structure
S. Fujita, I. Nakamura, O. Furuya, T. Watanabe, K. Minagawa, M. Morishita, T. Kamada, Y. Takahashi Seismic damage of mechanical structures by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
P. Tan, C. J. Fang, W. R. Tu, F. L. Zhou, Y. Wang, M. Jiang Experimental Study on the Outrigger Damping System for High-Rise Building
Yoe Masuzawa, Yoshiaki Hisada Current State of Retrofitting Buildings by Seismic Isolation in Japan
K. Urano, T. Nishimura, Y. Adachi, M. Kawamura A study on earthquake-resistant reinforcement using ground solidification body for underground structure
A. R. Roldán Abellán, Timothy J. Sullivan, Stefano Pampanin Adapting DDBD for the design of Frame-Wall Structures with Hybrid-Rocking Joints
C. A. Cruz-Noguez, David T. Lau, E. Sherwood Analytical Modeling of FRP-Reinforced Shear Walls Including Intermediate Crack Debonding Mechanisms
Emil-Sever Georgescu Synergy and outreach within the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement (EUR-OPA). Case Study of ECBR - Romania
L. Li An Experimental Study on Full-scaled Steel - Wooden Hybrid Shear Walls
L. M. Matias, M. A. Baptista, R. Omira, A. Annunziato, G. Franchello, Fernando Carrilho Third Generation Tsunami scenario matrix for the Portuguese Tsunami Early Warning System
Chen-Yu Nien, Yu-Chun Lin Influence of the 1999 Chi-chi Earthquake on the Cultural Heritage Conservation System in Taiwan
C. A. Cruz-Noguez, David T. Lau, E. Sherwood Testing and Anchor System Performance of RC Shear Walls Repaired and Strengthened with Externally Bonded FRP Sheets
Keiichiro Suita, Yoshiki Manabe, Kouhei Takatsuka, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Takaaki Tsukada Prediction of Fracture of Steel Moment Connection by Cyclic Loading with Various Deformation Amplitude
O. A. López, Angelo Marinilli, Gustavo Coronel, R. Bonilla, J. Domínguez, R. Vielma Improving Seismic Safety in Venezuelan Schools
J. J. Aguirre, J. L. Almazán Seismic Performance of Optimally Passive-Controlled Nonlinear Asymmetric Structures
F. Miura Development of a simultaneous safety conformation system for impaired persons at the time of earthquake occurrence
A. Osman Seismic Hazard Analysis and Development of Ground Motion Parameters for Makkah Region in Saudi Arabia
A. Zona, Graziano Leoni, Andrea Dall'Asta, C. Braham, T. Bogdan, Hervé Degée Behaviour and design of innovative hybrid coupled shear walls for steel buildings in seismic areas
Masanori Tani, Hiroshi Fukuyama, Susumu Kono Study on Deformation Capacity of R/C Bearing Walls with Rectangular Cross-section Based on Experimental Database
Liyu Xie, Jue Tang, Hesheng Tang, Qiang Xie, Songtao Xue Seismic Fragility Assessment of Transmission Towers via Performance-based Analysis
C. F. Oliveira, P. Estrela Seismic Vulnerability Assessment: An Elementary School Case Study in Barreiro, Portugal
D. Sinan Akkar, John Douglas, C. Di Alessandro, Kenneth W. Campbell, P. G. Somerville, F. Cotton, W. Silva, J. Baker Defining a consistent strategy to model groundmotion parameters for the GEM-PEER Global GMPEs Project
Jingbo Liu, Wenhui Wang, Xiaobo Zhang, Dongdong Zhao Influence of the Soil–Structure Interaction on the Fundamental Period of Large Dynamic Machine Foundation
Katsuhiko Nakano, Yasuhiro Matsuzaki, Tomoaki Sugiyama Outline of Japanese Guideline for influence of the embedment length and the edges on tensile resistance of post-installed bonded anchor
I. Gavric, Giovanni Rinaldin, Claudio Amadio, M. Fragiacomo, Ario Ceccotti Experimental-numerical analyses of the seismic behaviour of cross-laminated wall systems
Keng-Chang Kuo, Z. Y. Lin, H. W. Chiang, P. Y. Lin, F. R. Lin, Juin-Fu Chai Experimental Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Hospital Sprinkler Systems
P. Mahrenholtz, T. C. Hutchinson, Rolf Eligehausen, Jan Hofmann Shake Table Tests: Seismic Performance of Anchors Connecting Suspended Nonstructural Components to Concrete
Marco Massa, Sara Lovati, S. Barani Seismic amplification in presence of topography and their consequences for ground motion predictions and seismic code for building: The case of Italy
Mehran Esfahanaizadeh, Mohammad Reza Davoodi, Ebrahim Haghshenas Determination of Shear Wave Velocity Structure using Array Method; Case Study of a Site in Tonkabon City
Jingbo Liu, Xiaobo Zhang The Research on Storey Rigidity Ratio Control of Masonry Structure with Framework at the Bottom
Fan-Ru Lin, Jenn-Shin Hwang, Min-Fu Chen, Shiang-Jung Wang, Jenn-Shin Hwang, Jing-Wen Jeng Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Equipment with Vibration Isolation Devices
L. Wieb, Constantin Christopoulos, Robert Tremblay, Martin Leclerc Modelling Inherent Damping for Rocking Systems: Results of Large-Scale Shake Table Testing
A. Gh. Pricopie, D. Cretu Rehabilitation of Existing Structures Using Optimal Viscous Damper Placement in the Seismic and Soil Conditions of Romania
Non Linear Global Numerical Modeling of Pile Group under Seismic Loading
Yosuke Ohya, Eiji Kohama, H. Takahashi, T. Ise, M. Yoshida Underwater Shake Table Test for Seismic Response of Caisson Type Seawall with Sloped Seabed
Fan-Ru Lin, Juin-Fu Chai, Zih-Yu Lai , K. C. Chang, W. I. Liao, Pai-Fang Chou, Chin-Cheng Huang Experimental Study of Seismic Qualification of Incabinet Equipment in NPP
M. El-Assaly, S. El-Kholy, M. Gomaa, O. Mokhtar Seismic Assessment of Retrofitted RC Structures Using Traditional and New Repair Techniques
A. T. da Silva, C. Rebelo, L. S. da Silva, M. D’Aniello, Raffaele Landolfo, L. Lima Seismic performance of dual steel Concentrically Braced frames
Marie-José Nollet, Mohammed Mestar, Jean Proulx, Ghyslaine McClure, Helene Tisher A three-tier procedure for the seismic evaluation of school buildings in Eastern Canada
Hossein Kazem, Homayoon Khadem Seismic Retrofitting Water and Wastewater Facilities in Metropolis
Y. Shi, Ryuta Enokida, E. Sato, M. Nakashima Development of Hybrid Floor Isolation System with Semi-active Control
Anatoly Petukhin, K. Miyakoshi, Takao Kagawa, Kazuki Koketsu, H. Miyake, T. Masuda Construction and Waveform Testing of the Crustal and Basin Structure Models for Southwest Japan
J. Wu, Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio, M. Villagrán Spatial Quantification of Lifeline System Interdependencies
Wang Lanmin, Wang Qian, Yuan Zhongxia, Wang Nai Study on loess liquefaction potential evaluation based on physical indexes and the depth limit
G. S. Papavasileiou, D. C. Charmpis Design Optimization of Steel - Concrete Composite Structures with Requirements on Progressive Collapse Resistance
Lanmin Wang, Zhijian Wu, Tuo Chen Study on the Site Effects on Ground Motion during the Wenchun Ms8.0 Earthquake,China
Amit Kumar, Nmsi Arambepola, Reinhard Mechler, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler Approach for National Scale Earthquake Risk Assessment: Case Study from Nepal
Ahmet Yakut, Taylan Solmaz Performance based Displacement Limits for Reinforced Columns under Flexure
Mojdeh Zargaran, A. Ansari Empirical Equations for the Predicting Duration of Earthquake Ground Motion in Iranian Plateau
F. Mazza, M. Mazza, G. Viscomi Nonlinear Seismic Response of Medium-to-High Rise R.C. Framed Buildings Located in a Near-Fault Area
F. Mazza, M. Mazza, A. Vulcano Displacement-Based Design of Hysteretic Dissipative Braces for the Seismic Retrofitting of R.C. Framed Buildings  
Dimitrios Vamvatsikos Accurate application and higher-order solutions of the SAC/FEMA probabilistic format for performance assessment
A. Medjahed, M. Matallah, S. Ghezali, M. Djafour, A. Loukili A Performance Modeling Strategy based on Multifiber Beams to Estimate Crack Openings in Concrete Structures
S. Ali Razavi , S. R. Mirghaderi , A. Hosseini, M. E. Shemshadian Reduced length buckling restrained brace using steel plates as restraining segment
E. A. Godínez-Domínguez, Arturo Tena-Colunga, Luis E. Pérez-Rocha Seismic Behavior of Chevron-Braced RC Framed Buildings
Ali Guney Ozcebe, C. G. Lai, Vincenzo Fioravante, D. Giretti, Chiara Prearo Numerical and Physical Modeling of Slope Stabilization with Large Diameter Shafts
T. Kitahara, Yukihide Kajita, Y. Kitane Investigation on the damage cause of the bridge rubber bearings in the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
T. Kanno, J. Takeda Study on Constraint Condition for Spectral Inversion Technique
M. Yoshida, Masayuki Kohiyama, M. Takahashi Comparative Study Between Centralized and Decentralized LQR Controls of a Building–Elevator System
P. Xiang, Akira Nishitani Hybrid structural control based on the combination of tuned mass damper and variable slip-force level damper
H. J. Hwang, H. G. Park, T. S. Eom Energy Dissipation of RC Interior Beam-Column Connections and Hysteresis Model
M. Mashayekhi, H. E. Estekanchi Investigation of Shaking Characteristics of ET Excitation Functions Using Effective Number of Cycles of Motion
R. Mitomi, K. Takahashi, T. Ito, W. Kambe, K. Fujii An experimental study on connection joints of composite mixed structures consisting of existing R/C buildings retrofitted with exterior steel frames
D. K. Kim, S. G. Cho, Y. F. Dong Generation of Non-Stationary Ground Motions for Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants
C. Michel, Philippe Guéguen Seismic vulnerability assessment based on vibration data at the city-scale
Ö. Kale, D. Sinan Akkar A Method to Determine the Appropriate GMPEs for a Selected Seismic Prone Region
Panagiotis Carydis, Antonios Pomonis, K. Goda Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: A Retrospective Evaluation
Y. Murakoshi, Akira Igarashi, J. Dang, T. Ito Bi-Directional Experimental Hybrid Simulations of Elastomeric Isolation Bearings for Validation of Hysteretic Modeling
S. Santagati, D. Bellotti, Davide Bolognini, Emanuele Brunesi Seismic Response Comparisons between RC Precast Structures with Dissipation Devices on Beam-Column Connections
M. Zaré Development of Seismic Hazard Zoning Map for Iran, Based on New Seismic Source Determination
M. J. Falcão Silva, Alfredo Campos Costa, L. M. C. Guerreiro Numerical simulations of the behavior of tuned liquid dampers subjected to seismic actions
Mohsen Kohrangi, Timothy J. Sullivan, Gian Michele Calvi Seismic Assessment of a 15-Story Building Damaged in the Chile Earthquake of February 27th 2010
M. J. Falcão Silva, Alfredo Campos Costa, L. M. C. Guerreiro Assessment of the performance of rectangular shaped tuned liquid dampers for vibration mitigation in a building without seismic design
Maria Gabriella Castellano, Gian Paolo Colato, Samuele Infanti, R. Borella Seismic isolation of continuous bridges through curved surface sliders combined with shock transmission units
Alireza Mahdizadeh, Morteza Raissi, J. Borzouie Report on Retrofit Procedure of School Buildings in Islamic Republic of Iran
J. Borzouie, Mohammad Yekrangnia, Alireza Mahdizadeh, Hamed Seyri, Morteza Raissi Financial analysis of retrofitting projects and its role in decision making
Alireza Mahdizadeh, J. Borzouie, M. Raessi New Approach to seismic Rehabilitation of Masonry School Buildings
H. A. Meireles, Rita Bento, Serena Cattari, Sérgio Lagomarsino Formulation and validation of a macro-element for the equivalent frame modelling of internal walls in Pombalino buildings
H. A. Meireles, Rita Bento, Serena Cattari, Sérgio Lagomarsino Seismic assessment and retrofitting of Pombalino buildings by fragility curves
G. E. Thermou, V. K. Papanikolaou, Andreas J. Kappos Cyclic Response of R/C Jacketed Columns Including Modelling of the Interface Behaviour
Naghdali Hosseinzadeh, Mina Hosseinzadeh On the Vibration Mechanism of Historical Menar-Jonban Monument in Iran
M. J. Falcão Silva, Alfredo Campos Costa, P. Coelho, L. M. C. Guerreiro Assessment of the performance of circular shaped tuned liquid dampers on the behavior of an existing building
M. Stehman, Narutoshi Nakata Experimental Investigation of Inertial Force Control for Substructure Shake Table Tests
H. Chaulagain, Hugo Rodrigues, Enrico Spacone, Humberto Varum Reflection on the Seismic Vulnerability Associated to Common RC Buildings in Nepal
C. F. Oliveira, Humberto Varum, J. Vargas Earthen Construction: Structural Vulnerabilities and Retrofit Solutions for Seismic Actions
S. Senna, Y. Inagaki, H. Matsuyama, Hiroyuki Fujiwara Examination of Integrated Velocity Model of Shallow and Deep Structure in Fujisawa City in Japan
L. Eads, E. Miranda, H. Krawinkler, D. G. Lignos Improved Estimation of Collapse Risk for Structures in Seismic Regions
Fjola Gudrun Sigtryggsdottir, Jonas Thor Snaebjoernsson, P. R. Palmason On the Seismic Design History and Analysis of the Desjararstifla Dam in Iceland
A. H. Olsen Demand Surge Following Earthquakes
S. M. Hussain, M. H. Alhamaydeh, N. E. Aly Jakarta’s First Seismic-Isolated Building a 25 Story Tower
H. Castellanos, A. Gustavo Ayala Trends in the Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures, Comparison of Two Current Methods
V. Contreras, R. Boroschek Strong Ground Motion Attenuation Relations for Chilean Subduction Zone Interface Earthquakes
J. F. Barradas, A. Gustavo Ayala A Displacement-Based Multi-Level Seismic Design Method for Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures
Hiroyuki Tamai, Akeo Hattori, Yoshiyuki Ozawa, Tokuji Haitani, Takao Takamatsu Design Formula for Rehabilitated Angle Steel Member Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Plates
S. T. Song, W. H. Huang, Y. L. Tan Earthquake Damage Potential of Bridges Subjected to Flood and Seismic Hazards
T. Ito, Atsuhiko Shintani, C. Nakagawa Study on Sliding Base Isolation System Utilizing High Viscous Liquid with Large Damping Effects
R. Kliukas, M. K. Leonavicius, G. Petraitis, R. Stonkus The investigation of high-cycle loading from the perspective of seismology
Seyedamin Mostafavian, Mohammad Reza Davoodi, Javad Vaseghi Amiri, Siroos Gholampoor Experimental determination of the natural frequencies of a full scale double layer grid with ball joint system
Yves Mondet, Bernard Braun, Katrin Schmahl, Pierino Lestuzzi Pushover Analysis for Unreinforced Masonry Buildings subjected to Torsion    Comparison of Numerical and  Analytical Calculations
E. Chioccarelli, Simona Esposito, Iunio Iervolino Implementing Conditional Hazard for Earthquake Engineering Practice: The Italian Example
Iunio Iervolino, C. Galasso, E. Chioccarelli REXEL 3.3: Closing the Loop of Computer Aided Record Selection
Rami Ibrahim, Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroe Miyake, Hongjun Si Estimates of Spectral Acceleration Amplification of Observation Stations in the Iwate-Miyagi and Niigata Regions, Japan
Filipe L. A. Ribeiro, Luís C. Neves, André R. Barbosa Seismic Robustness Assessment of Code Compliant Steel Moment Resisting Frame Under Seismic Triggered Sequences of Events
Shuji Tamura, Takenori Hida Evaluation of Pile Stress Based on Response Displacement Method Considering Earth Pressure and Sidewall Friction Acting on Embedded Footing - Case of Dry Sand Layer on Liquefied Soil -
Rajesh Rupakhety, Sigurður Unnar Sigurðsson, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson Baseline adjustment scheme for near- and far-fault records
B. Richard, F. Ragueneau Nonlinear Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Mock-Up Under Seismic Loading
Iunio Iervolino, E. Chioccarelli, M. Giorgio Time-Dependent Seismic Reliability of Damage-Cumulating Non-Evolutionary Bilinear Systems
O. Prodan, N. Chira, I. Lădar, P. Alexa Spatial steel structures with passive seismic protection.
F. Parisi, N. Augenti, Andrea Prota, Gaetano Manfredi Full scale testing of unreinforced masonry walls with openings
N. Augenti, F. Parisi, E. Acconcia MADA: online experimental database for mechanical modelling of existing masonry assemblages
F. Parisi, N. Augenti Experimental data analysis for mechanical modelling of existing brick masonry structures
Tahir Mehmood, Pennung Warnitchai Impact of Coupled Axial-flexure-shear Modeling on Seismic Demand of High rise Walls
J. J. Perez-Gavilan, A. Manzano Shear-moment interaction of earthquake resistance confined masonry walls
P. M. Mai, L. A. Dalguer Physics-based broadband ground-motion simulations: rupture dynamics combined with seismic scattering and heterogeneous Earth crust
Christian Málaga-Chuquitaype, Ahmed Y. Elghazouli, X. Ban Experimental cyclic response of ductile partially-encased composite members
Manuel Ruiz Sandoval, L. B. Ugarte, Billie F. Spencer-Jr.  Study of Structural Control in Coupled Buildings
Farzad Naeim Real-Time Post-Earthquake Performance Evaluation and Damage Detection for Buildings
K. Mori, T. Ito Proposal of hysteresis model and damage evaluation method of steel beams subjected to inelastic cyclic loading
T. Kabeyasawa, Y. Hosokawa, Y. Kim Static and Dynamic Loading Test on Base Foundation in a Reinforced Concrete School Building
X. Lin, K. Hayashi, M. Nakashima, T. Okazaki, Y. L. Chung Combined Compression and Bending Behavior of Built-Up Columns Using High-Strength Steel
V. K. Papanikolaou, G. E. Thermou, Andreas J. Kappos Moment-Curvature Analysis of R/C Jacketed Rectangular Sections Including Interface Slip Under Cyclic Loading
R. Crambuer, B. Richard, N. Ile, F. Ragueneau Experimental characterization and modeling of energy dissipation in reinforced concrete beams subjected to cyclic loading
Tadaharu Nakachi, R. Tokunaga Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Precast Reinforced Concrete Core Walls
Fariborz Nateghi Alahi, N. Parsaeifard Analytical Study of Seismic Progressive Collapse in one-Story Steel Building 
Gaetano Della Corte, R. De Risi Abutment Reactions and Higher Modes of Transverse Vibration of Continuous Bridges
M. Shakya, Humberto Varum, R. Vicente, A. Costa Structural Vulnerability of Nepalese Pagoda Temples
Matija Gams, Miha Tomaževič Experimental simulation of seismic response of masonry walls
D. I. Narkhede, Ravi Sinha Shock Vibration Control of Structures using Fluid Viscous Dampers
L. Zanaica, F. Caobianco Seismic Approach Design Comparison Between IBC and Italian DM2008
Seyed-Ehsan Fereshtehnejad, Mehdi Banazadeh A Combination of the IDA-based Bayesian Probability Network and the Response Surface Method in System Reliability Assessment of Steel Frames
V. Shendova, Z. Bozinovski, M. A. Garevski, B. Stojanoski, E. Gjorgjievska Reconstruction and Seismic Strengthening of the Blown Up Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity in Mostar
Z. Bozinovski, V. Shendova, G. Necevska Cvetnovska, Roberta Apostolska, E. Gjorgjievska, G. Jekic Seismic Strengthening of the Parliament Building of Republic of Macedonia: Necessity, Solution and Construction
Ravi Sinha, S. R. Shiradhonkar Seismic Damage Index for Classification of Structural Damage – Closing the Loop
Kenneth W. Campbell, Yousef Bozorgnia 2012 Update of the Campbell-Bozorgnia NGA Ground Motion Prediction Equations: A Progress Report
A. Okur, Murat Altuğ Erberik Adaptation of Energy Principles in Seismic Design of Turkish RC Frame Structures. Part I: Input Energy Spectrum
D. N. Ristic, V. Micov, Marija Vitanova Innovative Bridge Information System (BIS) Applied in Structural Categorization and Advanced Seismic Upgrading of Existing Bridges in R. Macedonia
Z. Gülerce, B. Kargıoğlu, E. Akyüz Comparison of the NGA-W1 Vertical-to-Horizontal Spectral Acceleration Ratio Prediction Equations with Turkish Strong Ground Motion Database
D. V. Oliveira, G. Grecchi, A. Mccall, J. Noh, E. Speer, M. Tohidi Seismic analysis of the Roman Temple of Évora, Portugal
A. Orduña, C. Tula, R. Licea Assessment of a type of post-tensioned masonry walls system for dwelling construction in seismic prone areas
S. D. Tegou, I. A. Tegos Improvement of the Earthquake Resistance of Incrementally Launched Concrete Bridges
S. D. Tegou, I. A. Tegos An Innovative Earthquake Resistant System with Concrete Walls for Bridges
Pedro F. Silva, Majid T. Manzari Seismic Evaluation of Pile Foundation Systems Subjected to Rocking
Jianxing Chen, Lianjin Bao Energy Dissipation Design with Viscous Dampers in High-Rise Buildings
Kenneth W. Campbell, Yousef Bozorgnia Use of Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) in Damage Assessment
Alessandra Longo, Rosario Montuori, Vincenzo Piluso Failure Mode Control and Displacement Based Design of Dissipative Truss Moment Frames: Seismic Performance Evaluation
Yen-Po Wang, Yi-Ting Lin, Gang Huang Damage Localization of Output-Only Systems by DLV Method
Ivan Wong, Mark Dober, Silvio Pezzopane, Patricia Thomas, Fabia Terra Seismic Hazard Above the South America Subduction Zone in Southern Peru
R. C. Lo, Y. Wang Some Recent Developments of Post-Earthquake Restoration and Pre-Earthquake Preparation
B. E. Kehoe, A. K. Tureyen Seismic Evaluation of Concrete Wall Buildings
Al. G. Ercusi, D. I. Creţu, I. R. Răcănel, T. Labis Creţu Improvement of the Dynamic Response of a Concrete Bridge using Special Bearings and Passive Control Devices
Manuel Ruiz Sandoval, R. Moreno Experimental Damage detection in Planar Frames
Fei Wang, Tao Wang, Lutong Ding Numerical and experimental study on seismic behavior of base-isolated nuclear power plant
Ravi Sinha, A. Goyal, R. M. Shinde, M. Meena An Earthquake Risk Management Master Plan for Mumbai: Risk Assessment and its Mitigation
Masayuki Yoshimi, Takumi Hayashida, Takashi Sugiyama Microtremor Array Survey in Active Fold Area Niigata Japan – Using SPAC and V-method
Baki Ozturk, H. Eren Sahin, Caner Yildiz Seismic Performance Assessment of Industrial Structures in Turkey Using the Fragility Curves
I. Safkan Comparison of Eurocode 8 and Turkish Earthquake Code 2007 for Residential RC Buildings in Cyprus
A. R. Shokrzadeh, M. Miri Study on Nonlinear Static Analysis of R/C Frames Retrofitted with Steel Plate Shear Wall
A. Imanpour, Robert Tremblay, Ali Davaran Seismic Evaluation of Multi-Panel Steel Concentrically Braced Frames
Simona Esposito, Iunio Iervolino Spatial Correlation of Acceleration Spectral Ordinates from European Data
Simona Esposito, Iunio Iervolino, Francesco Silvestri, A. D’Onofrio, A. Santo, Francesco Cavalieri, P. Franchin Seismic Risk Analysis of Lifelines: Preliminary Results for the Case-Study of L’Aquila ENEL Rete Gas.
Luigi Di Sarno, A. S. Elnashai Assessment of Structures Subjected to Multiple Earthquakes
Michael N. Fardis Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies (SERIES)
Pedro Rojas, Diana Suárez, James Ricles, Richard Sause Seismic evaluation of an eight story building with self- centering steel moment resisting frames and flange friction devices.
Vincenzo Arcidiacono, Gian Paolo Cimellaro, John A. Ochsendorf Collapse Analysis of the Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio, L’Aquila, Italy, 2009
Jing Zhou, Guobin Bu, Kangning Li Calculation Methods for Inter-Story Drifts of Building Structures
Lenser Aghalovyan The Research of Lithospheric Plates Tectonics of the Earth on the Base of Data of Seismostations, GPS Systems, the Solutions of Problems of Elasticity Theory and the Earthquakes Prediction
Paolo Clemente, Franco Bontempi, Antonio Boccamazzo Design and Optimization of Base Isolated Masonry Buildings
Meghdad Hajibabaee, Kambod Amini Hosseini, Mohammad Reza Ghayamghamian A New Method for Assessing the Seismic Risk Index of Urban Fabrics
Atsushi Wakai, Atsushi Nozu Variability of synthetic waveforms caused by the selection of small earthquake in stochastic Green’s function method
Hosseyn Hamzehloo, Mohsen Farokhi, Gholam Javan, Malihe Houshmand A study on Seismicity of Eastern Alborz from October, 2009 to Jaunary, 2010 based on local network
Hosseyn Hamzehloo, Ali Alikhanzadeh, Mohsen Rahmani, Anooshiravan Ansari Seismic Hazard Maps of Iran
Antonio Sousa Gago, Jorge Miguel Proença, Miguel Villar Seismic strengthening of masonry buildings with reinforced concrete floor slabs: The schools D. João de Castro and Sá da Bandeira - Portugal
Luca Furgani, Stefania Imperatore, Camillo Nuti Seismic assessment methods for concrete gravity dams
Mathieu Causse, L. A. Dalguer, Martin Mai Fracture-energy scaling in dynamic models of past Earthquakes as a constraint for physics-based ground-Motion simulations
Athanasios A. Markou, Anastasia Athanasiou, Giuseppe Oliveto Recent Advances in Dynamic Identification and Response Simulation of Hybrid Base Isolation Systems
Aurore Laurendeau, F. Cotton, Luis Fabian Bonilla Nonstationary Stochastic Simulation of Strong Ground-Motion Time Histories: Application to the Japanese Database
Tomaso Trombetti, Stefano Silvestri, Giada Gasparini, Dora Foti, Salvador Ivorra Chorro Pressure profiles exerted by grain-like material on the silo walls in accelerated conditions
Stefano Silvestri, Luca Landi, Giada Gasparini, Michele Palermo, Tomaso Trombetti Force Reduction Factors for Building Structures Equipped with Added Viscous Dampers
Tomaso Trombetti, Michele Palermo, Stefano Silvestri, Giada Gasparini Period Shifting Effect on the Corner Displacement Magnification of One-Storey Asymmetric Systems
Ilaria Ricci, Giada Gasparini, Stefano Silvestri, Stefano Gagliardi, Tomaso Trombetti, Michele Palermo First-Storey Isolation Concept for Multi-Performance Seismic Design of Steel Buildings
Michele Palermo, Stefano Silvestri, Giada Gasparini, Tomaso Trombetti, Luca Landi Seismic Design of Moment Resisting Frame Structures Equipped with Viscous Dampers
Atsunori Numata, Hiroshi Motoyama, Hikaru Kubo, Masaho Yoshida Log Piling Method to Mitigate Liquefaction Damage
Bilal Laib, Nasser Laouami, Abdennasser Slimani Evaluation of Soil Heterogeneity Effects on the Coherency Function of Seismic Motions.
Leonardo Chiauzzi, Angelo Masi, Marco Mucciarelli, J. F. Cassidy, K. Kutyn, J. Traber, Carlos E. Ventura, Felix Yao Estimate of fundamental period of reinforced concrete buildings: code provisions vs. experimental measures in Victoria and Vancouver (BC, Canada)
Peyman Shademan Heidari, Roohollah Ahmady Jazany, Hossein Kayhani, Pouya Shademanheidari Analytical study of connection detailing role in seismic behaviour of SMRF: case of unequal beam depth
Mary Saldivar, Lucas Garino Libardi, Gustavo Navarta Navarro Seismic Performance of Existing Residential Buildings
Mary Saldivar, Osvaldo Albarracín Structural Evaluation Method for Self-made Houses in High Seismic Hazard Regions.
J. Luz Rivera, Sonia E. Ruiz, Alfredo Reyes-Salazar Uniform Annual Failure Rate Spectra for Friction Pendulum Isolated Structures
Ravi Sinha, Ashish Sapre, Atul Patil, Ankur Singhvi, Mukund Sathe, Vivek Rathi Earthquake Disaster Simulation in Immersive 3D Environment
Nilanjan Mitra Binomial logistic regression model for probabilistic assessment of failure of reinforced concrete beam column joints subjected to seismic action
Yasamin O. Izadkhah, Mahmood Hosseini, V. Heshmati Training Teachers on Disaster Risk Reduction in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
Keita Araki, Masaki Wakui, Jun Iyama An Investigation on the Pre- and Post- Repair Vibrational Characteristics of Two Gymnasiums Damaged subjected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Heisha Wenliuhan, Fang Yu, Wang Shuai, Wang Guo-Xiang, Huan Shi Research on the Design Approach of Displacement Restriction Device of Function-variable Seismic Isolation Bearing of Seismic Isolation Bridge
Jack English, Jamie Goggins Nonlinear Seismic Response of Concentrically Braced Frames using Finite Element Models
Yiannis Tsompanakis, Prodromos Psarropoulos, Ioanna Tzavara, Varvara Zania A comparison of analytical approaches for the assessment of seismic displacements of geosynthetically reinforced geostructures
Prodromos Psarropoulos, Panos Karvelis, A. A. Antoniou Geohazard assessment for onshore pipelines in areas with moderate or high seismicity
Carmine Lima, Annalisa Napoli, Roberto Realfonzo, Enzo Martinelli, Ciro Faella Seismic Upgrade of Exterior RC Beam-to-Column Joints with CFRP Jacketing: Experimental Investigation
Mirko Corigliano, C. G. Lai, Maria Rota, Andrea Penna Automatic definition of hazard-compatible accelerograms at non-rocky sites
Terufumi Inoue, Yusuke Shimoda Residual seismic resistant performance of damaged braced steel frames after inelastic behavior
Yu-Lei Bai, Jian-Guo Dai, Jin-Guang Teng Experimental Study on the Buckling Behaviour of Reinforcing Bars in FRP-confined RC Columns
Célia Marreiros, Fernando Carrilho The ShakeMap at the Instituto de Meteorologia
Ioannis Psycharis, Harris Mouzakis Monotonic, cyclic and shaking table tests on pinned beam – column connections
Elia Terzi, Andrea Polastri, Ario Ceccotti Experimental and Theoretical Assessment of the Seismic Behaviour of a Medium-Rise Hybrid Wood Construction System
Mahda Mortazavi Zanjani, Abbas Soroush, Roya Solhmirzai Effect of Mechanical Soil Parameters on Fault Rupture Propagation through Granular Soils
Richelle Zafra, Kazuhiko Kawashima, Tomohiro Sasaki, Koichi Kajiwara, Manabu Nakayama Effect of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites for Enhancing the Seismic Performance of a Full-Scale Bridge Column Based on E-Defense Excitation
Tao Wang, Qisong Miao, Wenfeng Li, Xi Chen, Lutong Ding, Dongdong Ge Seismic Performance Evaluation of Masonry Buildings Retrofitted by Pre-Cast RC Walls
Tao Wang, Xun Guo, Xiongke He, Yufeng Du, Chengshou Duan Seismic Behavior of High-Rise Concrete Shear-Wall Buildings with Hybrid Coupling Beams
Ariane Ducellier, Hiroshi Kawase, Shinichi Matsushima Velocity structure inversion from H/V spectral ratios of earthquake data: Application to the Tohoku region, Japan
Ayako Maeshima A Study on the Regional Customize of Modern Construction Methods in Urbanizing Developing Countries
Marco Domaneschi, Maria Pina Limongelli, Luca Martinelli Structural Damage Localization in a Suspension Bridge Under Seismic Excitation
Dietlinde Kober, Dan Zamfirescu Issues concerning general torsion in code provisions
Masoud Mohajeri, Mohsen Ghafghazi Ground Sampling and Laboratory Testing on Low Plasticity Clays
Dietlinde Kober, Dan Zamfirescu Influence of nonlinearity on general torsion
Jia He, Bin Xu, Xiaozhe Zhang Substructural parameters and excitation identification for a high-rise frame model structure
Paulo Alves, Célia Marreiros, Fernando Carrilho New Developments on Automatic Macroseismic Evaluation Based on Internet Questionnaires at I.M., I. P.
Fabio Petruzzelli, Gaetano Della Corte, Iunio Iervolino Seismic Risk Assessment of an Industrial Steel Building Part 1: Modelling and Analysis
Xiang Zeng, Bin Xu, Xiaozhe Zhang Experimental Study on Axial Compression Behavior of RC Columns Under Rapid Loadings
Fabio Petruzzelli, Iunio Iervolino, Gaetano Della Corte Seismic Risk Assessment of an Industrial Steel Building Part 2: Fragility and Failure Probabilities
Bing Li, Bin Xu, Xiaozhe Zhang Interface Debonding Defect of a Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Using PZT Technology
Claudio Amadio, Maria Rosaria Pecce, Fernando Rossi, Giovanni Rinaldin Non-Linear Behaviour of Steel-Concrete Composite Moment Resisting Frames
Afifa Imtiaz, Mathieu Causse, F. Cotton On the magnitude – and distance dependency of the ground-motion variability: comparison between numerical simulations and real data analysis
Payam Tehrani, Denis Mitchell Seismic Performance Assessment of Bridges in Montreal Using Incremental Dynamic Analysis
Hongjun Si, Kazuki Koketsu, Hiroe Miyake, Rami Ibrahim High attenuation rate for shallow, small earthquakes in Japan
Gerardo De Canio Marble devices for the Base isolation of the two Bronzes of Riace: A proposal for the David of Michelangelo
Étienne Desjardins, Frédéric Légeron, Ehsan Ahmed Performances of Ductile Fuses in Reducing Seismic Demand on Connections of Concentrically Steel Braced Frames
Indranil Kongar, Tiziana Rossetto A framework to assess the impact of seismic shocks on complex urban critical infrastructure networks
Sahin Caglar Tuna, Selim Altun 1-D Stochastic Site Response Analysis of Soil Deposits with Random Parameters
Sahin Caglar Tuna, Selim Altun Simulation of Ground Motions for the City of Izmir
Yuanbo Zhao, Jiayong Tian, Hui Qi Numerical Simulation on the Elastic-Plastic Wave Propagation in Framed Structures
Takasuke Saito, Masaru Kikuchi A New Analytical Model for Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Cyclic Loading
Abhijeet Kashliwal, Kaustubh Dasgupta Parametric Study on Seismic Behaviour of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Column Connection
Sreedhar Rao Gentela, Kaustubh Dasgupta Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction on Seismic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Integral Bridge Piers
Mao Liu, Masae Kido, Keigo Tsuda Basic Experimental Study on the Flexural Strength of the Beam Web at Square CFT Column - H Shaped Beam Connection
Ramazan Ozcelik, Baris Binici, Ozgur Kurc Seismic Retrofitting of Deficient RC Structures with Internal Steel Frames by Using Pseudo Dynamic Testing Procedure
Manuel Pellissetti, Gerben Dirksen PSA-based seismic margin assessment of a NPP with advanced passive safety features
Aslam Faqeer Mohammad, Sarosh Hashmat Lodi Assessment of Infill Framed Building Constructed after 2005 Earthquake in Muzzafrabad
Sarosh Hashmat Lodi, Aslam Faqeer Mohammad Nonlinear Static Analysis of an Infill Framed Reinforced Concrete Building
Aydin Mert, Yasin Fahjan, Ali Pinar, Lawrence Hutchings EGF Simulation of High Frequency Ground Motion. A Case Study for Mw=5.0 Central Marmara Fault Earthquake
Peyman Shademan Heidari, Roohollah Ahmady Jazany, Hossein Kayhani Panel zone detailing influences on SMRF cyclic behaviour considering unequal beam depth
Fang Ming, Wang Tao, Li Hui Dynamic behavior of turbine foundation considering full interaction among facility, structure and soil
Martin Williams, Alejandra Albuerne, V. Lawson, F. Yip Model Scale Shaking Table Tests on Masonry Barrel and Cross Vaults
Susana Vilanova, J. F. B. D. Fonseca, Carlos Sousa Oliveira Constraints on Ground Motion Models for Seismic Hazard Assessment in Active and Stable Regions of Western Iberia
J. F. B. D. Fonseca, Susana Vilanova Overview on current seismic hazard disaggregation studies for Western Iberia and consequences for ground shaking scenarios for Lisbon
Marisa Pecce, Fabio Antonio Bibbò, Francesca Ceroni Seismic behavior of RC buildings with large lightly reinforced walls
Mary Comerio, Thalia Anagnos Los Angeles Inventory: Implications for Retrofit Policies for Nonductile Concrete Buildings
Gian Michele Calvi, Matteo Moratti, Antonio Villani, Dario Pietra, Rui Pinho Seismic Design of cable-stayed bridges. The South Crossing Bridge in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Jing Zhou, Xin Feng, Tong Zhu Investigation of Seismic Failure for High Arch Dam with model test on shaking table
Xiangxiong Kong, Tiehua Shi, Shaoge Cheng, Libin Sun, Zhensheng Zhang, Yuqin Hu Study on Shaking Table Test and Simulation Analysis of Graphite Dowel-Socket Structure
Guiqiu Shi, Masae Kido, Keigo Tsuda Basic Experimental Study on Flexural Strength of Beam Web Connected to Circular CFT Column
Hari Ram Parajuli Determination of mechanical properties of the Kathmandu World Heritage brick masonry buildings
Keiichi Katori, Yoshio Matsushita, Koichi Matsuno Direct Shear Transfer Mechanism Between Concrete and Glued Laminated Timber
Yusuke Sato, Tomomi Ishikawa Earthquake Resistance of Transmission Steel Towers
J. P. Narayan, Vinay Kumar Numerical Study of Effects of Synclinal Basement Topography on Ground Motion Characteristics
J. P. Narayan, Kamal Kamal 3D Numerical Simulation of Basin Effects on the Characteristics of Basin-Transduced Rayleigh Waves
J. P. Narayan, Darakhshan Sahar Development of 3D Staggered Grid Fourth Order Finite Difference Algorithm for Strong Ground Motion
Marco Mezzi, Walter Cecchini, Riccardo Vetturini Base Isolation for the Seismic Protection of Historical Buildings
Marco Mezzi, Enrico Tomassoli Assessment of an Energy-Based Method for Pushover Analyses
Hamid Reza Vosoughifar, Seyed Kazem Sadat Shokouhi, A. Dolatshah Provisions for Numerical Investigation of Utilizing Simultaneous Performance of Supplementary Concrete on Steel Structure Connections Retrofitting
Mercedes Feriche, Francisco Vidal, Gerardo Alguacil, Carolina Aranda, J. Pérez-Muelas, Manuel Navarro, A. Lemme Performance of cultural heritage of Lorca (Spain) during the two small earthquakes of May 11th, 2011
Hamid Reza Vosoughifar, Seyed Kazem Sadat Shokouhi, A. Dolatshah Numerical Analysis of Stiffness Changes on Fire Resistance of Steel Connections Using Supplementary Concrete
Mohsen Amjadian, Afshin Kalantari Influence of Seismic Pounding on Dynamic Response of Skewed Highway Bridges
Daniel Torrealva, Erika Vicente Experimental Evaluation of Seismic Behavior of Quincha Walls from the Historical Centre of Lima – Peru.
Nader Hoveidae, Behzad Rafezy Local Buckling Behavior of All-Steel Buckling Restrained Braces
Nilesh Shome, Nirmal Jayaram, Mohsen Rahnama Uncertainty and Spatial Correlation Models for Earthquake Losses
Gang Li, Larry A. Fahnestock, Hong-Nan Li, Su-Yan Wang Nonlinear Cyclic Modeling of Concentrically Braced Frames
Sheri Molnar, Carlos E. Ventura, W. D. Liam Finn, Madhi Taiebat, S. E. Dosso, J. F. Cassidy Evaluation of shear-wave velocity profiles from ambient vibration array recordings in SW British Columbia, Canada
Oreste S. Bursi, Giuseppe Abbiati, Bin Wu, Guoshan Xu Partitioned time integration methods for hybrid simulators
Oscar Zuñiga, Guillermo Coeto, Amador Téran-Gilmore, Jose Antonio Alonso Acceleration-Based Design of Low-Rise Based-Isolated Buildings
Silvia Garcia, Efraín Ovando-Shelley, Jose Luis Gutierrez, Julio Garcia Liquefaction Assessment through Machine Learning Approach
Hiroko Koumoto, Kishie Shigekawa, Satoshi Tanaka Assistance from Unaffected Municipalities in a Disaster – a Case Study: The Great East Japan Earthquake
Toru Takahashi, Shinya Watanabe, Hiroka Nakaizumi, Taiki Saito Shaking Table Test for Evaluation of Human Loss by Furniture during Strong Motion
Masatoshi Yamazoe,Joji Sakuta, Kazuya Mitsuji, Masaki Maeda Field Investigation and Dynamic Analysis of Damaged Structure on Pile Foundation during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
Shigeru Miwa, Hirosi Motoyama, Atsunori Numata Countermeasure for slope failure by wooden pile
Abolhasan Banisheikholeslami, Farhad Behnamfar Seismic Behavior of New Visco Plastic Device Equipped with Steel Cores and Viscoelastic Solid
Abhishake Munipala, Venkata Dilip Kumar Pasupuleti, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla Structural Dynamics Virtual Laboratory: A Learning Toolkit for Young Engineers and Practicing Professionals
Ali Bakhshi, Jalal Aslani Study on Response Modification Factor for Stiffened Steel Shear Wall Systems
Jia-Ying Tu, Jheng-Ying Jiang A Numerical-Substructure-Based Approach for the Synthesis of Substructurability and Exact Synchronisation Controllers
Jia-Ying Tu, Jheng-Ying Jiang A Output-Based Approach for the Control of Dynamically Substructured Systems with Real-Time Finite Element Substructures
Mark Klyachko, Andrey Ponomarev, Anton Frolov, Enrique Simbort, Daniiar Iusupov 25 Years of EQ Preparedness in the Russian Federation
Farhad Behnamfar, Saeed Hagholahiy Collapse Performance Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Frame Systems Considering Soil– Structure Interaction
Angel San Bartolome, Daniel Quiun, Krishan Barr, Cesar Pineda Seismic Reinforcement of Confined Masonry Walls made with Hollow Bricks using Wire Meshes
Nisrine Makhoul Performance - Based Seismic Strengthening of RC Building Structures
Masahiro Wada, Hiroshi Matsuda, Ryohei Ishikura, Yoshinori Shinya Self-Restoration Characteristics of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as an Earthquake Resistant Material
Vahab Besharat The Methods of Remediation of Existing Underground Structure Against Liquefaction
Rouzbeh Davoudi, Mohammad Khanmohammadi, Mehdi Ghassemieh, Sahand Rafiee Application of Shape Memory Alloy to Seismic Design of Multi-column Bridge Bents Using Controlled Rocking Approach
Atilla Ansal, Gokce Tonuk, Asli Kurtulus, Barbaros Cetiner Effect of Spectra Scaling on Site Specific Design Earthquake Characteristics Based on 1D Site Response Analysis
Kazuki Takahashi, Takumi Ito, Kenjiro Mori Vertical elastic limit strength of damaged low-rise moment-resisting frames after inelastic seismic response
Emre Toprak, F. Gülten Gülay, Ihsan Engin Bal Numerical Evaluation of Plastic Region Propagation in Coupled Wall Systems
Paolo Gamba, Davide Cavalca,K. S. Jaiswal, Charles Huyck, Helen Crowley The GED4GEM Project: Development of a Global Exposure for the Global Earthquake Model Initiative 
Michalis Fragiadakis, George Stefanou Seismic risk assessment of frame structures with stochastic properties
Amir Abas Fatemi, Abdollah Bagheri, Gholamreza Ghodrati Amiri, Zahra Tabrizian Generation of Design Basis Earthquake Accelerograms
Reo Kimura, Munenari Inoguchi, Keiko Tamura, Takashi Furuya, Haruo Hayashi A Methodology for the Standardization of Information Processing following the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011
Keiko Tamura, Munenari Inoguchi, Reo Kimura, Takashi Furuya, Haruo Hayashi Supporting Life Recovery Process with the Management System Based on the Victims Master Database - a study of Crisis Management Following Tokyo Metropolitan Near Field Earthquake Disaster-
Mohamed Elassaly Seismic Hazard Evaluation of Regular and Vertical Irregular R.C. Buildings in EGYPT, for Different Ground Motion Characteristics
Tzu-Ying Lee, Kun-Jun Chung Experimental and Analytical Study on the Pounding Effect of Bridges with Inclined Decks
Ryuta Enokida, Takuya Nagae, Michitaka Inami, Masayoshi Nakashima, Masahiro Ikenaga Development of Free Standing Steel Structure Using Kinematic Friction of Steel-Mortar
Horita Yoji, Yasuhisa Tagawa, Hayato Asada Push-out test of headed stud in composite girder using steel deck -An effect of stud length of projecting part from steel deck on shear strength
Tetsuo Yamashita Seismic Performance of X-Braces of Steel Equal-leg Angle
Francesco Graziotti, Guido Magenes, Andrea Penna Experimental cyclic behaviour of stone masonry spandrels
Osamu Tsujihara, Yuya Shirakase, Hiroyuki Nakashima, Terumasa Okamoto Development of LED Display System of Earthquake Ground Motions
Vincenzo Fioravante, D. Giretti, Chiara Prearo, C. G. Lai Static and dynamic centrifuge modeling of landslide stabilization with large-diameter shafts
Osamu Tsujihara, Hidemi Gawa, Hirofumi Hayashi Development of Easy-to-use Simulation System of Earthquake Induced Urban Spreading Fire with Presentation through 3D Animation
Christis Z. Chrysostomou, Evaggelia Georgiou, N. C. Kyriakides, Anastasis Kounoudes, Andreas J. Kappos Seismic Retrofitting of School Buildings of Cyprus
Sara Broglio, Helen Crowley, Rui Pinho Bayesian Network Framework for Macro-Scale Seismic Risk Assessment and Decision Making for Bridges
Shehata E. Abdel Raheem, Elsayed M. Abdel Aal, Aly G. A. Abdel Shafy, Fayez K. Abdel Seed Nonlinear Analysis of Offshore Structures under Wave Loadings
Mohammad Taghi Kazemi, Seyed Babak Momenzadeh, Masoud Hoseinzadeh Asl Study of Reduced Beam Section Connections with Web Opening
Zhen Zhao, Guoxin Wang, Wei Li Determination of Design Earthquakes based on the Dynamic Properties of Structures
Fariborz Nateghi Elahi, Karim Tarbali Reliability Analysis of the Steel Moment-Resisting frame Equipped with Tuned Mass Damper under Earthquake Excitation
Karim Tarbali, Fariborz Nateghi Elahi An Innovative Response Surface Procedure to Estimate the Seismic Reliability of the Steel Moment-Resisting Structures
Anand Arya, Teddy Boen, Yuji Ishiyama Revision of IAEE Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-Engineered Construction
Georgios Tsionis, Michael N. Fardis Seismic Fragility of Concrete Bridges with Deck Monolithically Connected to the Piers or Supported on Elastomeric Bearings
Elisa Poletti, Graça Vasconcelos Assessment of the Seismic Behaviour of Unreinforced Traditional Half-timbered Walls
Luiz Mendes-Victor, Carmen Diego Gonçalves Risks: Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation
X. H. Wu, B. Zhang The Transformation of Nonlinear Structure Analysis Model From NosaCAD to ABAQUS and PERFORM-3D
Manjae Lee, Go Kobayashi, Yasuhisa Tagawa Comparative Study on Effect of Powder Actuated Nail and Stud Welding on Steel Member
Carlos A. Blandón Sensibility of Non Linear Time History Analysis of a RC Column Using Large Scale Shaking Table Results as Benchmark
S. Moreira, D. V. Oliveira, L. F. Ramos, Paulo B. Lourenço, R. P. Fernandes, J. Guerreiro Experimental study on the seismic behavior of masonry wall-to-floor connections
Tiago Ferreira, Romeu Vicente, Humberto Varum Vulnerability assessment of building aggregates: A macroseimic approach
Noemi Graciela Maldonado, Pablo Enrique Martin, Ignacio Maldonado Structural Rehabilitation Studies of Masonry Building Heritage Under Near Fault Earthquake: A Case Study
Iago Ferreira, Romeu Vicente, Humberto Varum, A. Costa, T J. A. R. Mendes da Silva Seismic vulnerability assessment of the old city centre of Seixal, Portugal
Yoshihisa Okada, Yoshimi Ogawa, Takahiro Iwatate The Dynamic Effect of Viscous Damping Factor of Yielding Domain on Bridge Pier
Aïssa Mellal, Anton Tzenkov Seismic safety assessment of a weir dam and appurtenant structures 3D static and dynamic analyses
João Magalhães, Romeu Vicente, Tiago Ferreira, Aníbal Costa, Humberto Varum, Sérgio Lagomarsino, Emanuela Curti Seismic vulnerability of churches in Faial and Pico islands, Azores
Nirmal Jayaram, Nilesh Shome A Statistical Analysis of the Response of Tall Buildings to Recorded and Simulated Ground Motions
Marjorie Greene, Andrew Charleson The World Housing Encyclopedia: A Global Resource on Construction Technologies
Florea Dinu, Dan Dubina, Cristian Neagu, Cristian Vulcu, Dragos Marcu Experimental calibration of numerical models for short coupling beams of a multi-story frame structure
Mihailo D. Trifunac, M. I. Todorovska Earthquake Design Spectra for Performance-Based Design
Alpa Sheth, V. Thiruppugazh Seismic Risk Management in Areas of High Seismic Hazard and Poor Accessibility
Vlado Gicev, Mihailo D. Trifunac, M. I. Todorovska Reduction of Seismic Wave Energy of SH Pulse By Nonlinear Soil
Jean Roger, Yanni Gunnell Potential for landslide-related tsunami in the Dover Strait area (English Channel) based on numerical modeling.
Hamid Haddadi, Anthony Shakal, Moh Huang, John Parrish, Christopher Stephens, William Savage, W. K. Leith Report on Progress at the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data (CESMD)
Jean Roger, Narcisse Zahibo, Bernard Dudon Tsunami hazard mitigation by coral reef protection for the French Caribbean Islands
Nurdan Memisoglu Apaydin, Yavuz Kaya, Can Zülfikar Introduction of Bogazici Suspension Bridge Structural Health Monitoring System
Myrto Anagnostopoulou, Andre Filiatrault, Amjad J. Aref Vertical Seismic Response of a Precast Segmental Bridge Superstructure
Adriana Guisasola How Base Isolation benefits the Architectural Design of Hospital buildings
Ardeshir Deylami, Mohsen Tehranizadeh, Mohammad Gholami Seismic Performance of Flange Plate Connections to Built-up Box Columns
Mohsen Tehranizadeh, Ardeshir Deylami, Mohammad Gholami, Hamed Moazemi Validation of Cyclic Void Growth Model for Fracture Initiation in the Flange Plate Connection Between Beam and Box Column
Moochul Shin, Bassem Andrawes Experimental Testing and Modeling of Seismically Rehabilitated RC Bridge Piers Using Shape Memory Alloys
Tea Visnjic, Marios Panagiotou, J. P. Moehle Seismic Response of Two 20-Story Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Frames Designed with Current Code Provisions
Ardeshir Deylami, Mohsen Tehranizadeh, Mohammad Gholami The Effect of Beam Depth on the Seismic Behavior of Flange Plate Connections Between Steel Beam and Box Column
Adeel Zafar, Bassem Andrawes Seismic Behavior of Shape Memory Composite Bars in RC Moment Frames
Qiwen Chen, Bassem Andrawes 3D Finite Element Modeling to Study the Behavior of Shape Memory Alloy Confined Concrete
Anton Zaicenco, Iain Weir-Jones Lessons Learned from Operating an On-site Earthquake Early Warning System
Mohamed Talaat, R. O. Hamburger Reliability of Acceptance Criteria in Nonlinear Response History Analysis of Tall Buildings
Silvia Bolanos, Damian N. Grant Calibration of Nonlinear Response History Analysis Results with Observed Structural Damage in an Apartment Building in Chile
Tetsuya Hanzawa, Kazuhiko Isoda Vibration Control By a TMD Using a Rotating Inertial Mass
Jui-Pin Wang, Duruo Huang On the use of a hyperbolic model in calibrating earthquake magnitude distributions
Avik Samanta, Kusnowidjaja Megawati Duration-dependent inelastic response spectra and effect of ground motion duration
Manoj Madurapperuma, Anil Wijeyewickrema Columns in Reinforced Concrete Buildings Impacted by Tsunami Water-Borne Massive Objects
Chris Poland Guidlines for Creating Disaster Resilient Communities
Zeinab Bayati, Masoud Soltani Mohammadi Ground Motion Selection and Scaling Approach for Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Frames against Sideway Collapse
Ken Miyakoshi, Toshimitsu Nishimura, Tsutomu Sasatani, Katsuhiro Kamae, Kojiro Irikura Investigation of predominant area of the directivity effect for strong ground motions near faults
Hyeong Jae Yoon, Minehiro Nishiyama Behavior of Pretensioned Concrete Beams Using Steel-Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Han-Saem Kim, Nam-Gyu Cho, Choong-Ki Chung Real-time LPI-based Assessment of the Liquefaction Potential of the Incheon Port in Korea
Bushra Islam, Raquib Ahsan Optimization of Tuned Mass Damper Parameters Using Evolutionary Operation Algorithm
Alireza Khaloo, Armita Mohammadian Computational modeling of concrete with internal (steel spirals) and external (FRP) confinement
Nouredine Bourahla, Malika Berediaf Bourahla, Brahim El Djouzi, Hiba Meddah, Naouel Allal Post elastic modeling techniques and performance analysis of cold formed steel structures subjected to earthquake loadings
A Bali, M Zare, A Andalib Detection of Seismic Dual-Zones with Application to Earthquake Prediction
Min Li, Hongnan Li Effects of Loading Rate on Reinforced Concrete Beams
Bilel Ragued, Liam M. Wotherspoon, Jason M. Ingham Vulnerability of New Zealand Ports to Natural Hazards
L. A. Dalguer, Martin Mai Prediction of near-source ground motion exceeding 1g at low frequencies (<2Hz) from Mw~6.5 deterministic physics-based dynamic rupture simulations
Saeed Alighadr, Abdolhossein Fallahi, Junji Kiyono, Nabilashuada Rizqi Fitrasha, Masakatsu Miyajima Emergency Evacuation during a Disaster, Study Case: “Timche Muzaffariyye –Tabriz Bazaar”
Andrea Penna, Martina Mandirola, Maria Rota, Guido Magenes Enhancement of the seismic performance of AAC masonry by means of flat-truss bed-joint reinforcement
Manohar Viladkar, A. M. S. Al-Assady Nonlinear Analysis of Pine Flat Dam Including Base Sliding and Separation
Deepak Pant, Anil Wijeyewickrema Pounding of Seismically Isolated Reinforced Concrete Buildings Subjected to Near-Fault Ground Motions
Deepak Pant, Anil Wijeyewickrema On Modeling Viscous Damping in Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Base-Isolated Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Takuya Okamura, Masahiro Kurata, Masayoshi Nakashima Development of Slitted Steel Shear Walls Capable of Detecting Damage States
Claudio Amadio, Vanessa Bertoni, Lorenzo Macorini Seismic performance of semi-continuous steel frames with nonlinear viscous dampers
Kouhei Takatsuka, Keiichiro Suita, Yoshiki Manabe, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Takaaki Tsukada Effect of Beam-to-Column Connection Details on Deformation Capacity of Cyclic Loading
 Hesham S Aldaikh, Nicholas A. Alexander, Erdin Ibraim Discrete Model for Dynamic Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction
Eisuke Ikuta, Sachi Ito, Tadashi Doi, Takayoshi Takahashi, Hiroyuki Kitamoto, Yusuke Kawakatsu, Kazuyo Kamita Evacuation Behavior and Evacuation Sites in Miyako after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Ady Aviram, Andreas Schellenberg, Bozidar Stojadinovic Seismic Design and Performance of Two Isolation Systems Used for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Construction
Tianxin Zheng, Yong Lu, Asif Usmani, Amar Seeam, David Laurenson Characterization and Monitoring of Seismic Performance of Post-Tensioned Steel Modular Structures
Shi Yan, Lufeng Shao, Yueguo Zhang, Jinzhi Fu, B. H. Qi, F. X. Liu Nonlinear Seismic Analysis on Joint of Concrete-filled Square Steel Tube Column and H-shaped Steel Beam
Baohui Qi, Jinzhi Fu, Shi Yan, F. X. Liu Numerical Simulation on Concrete Pouring Process of Self-Compacting Concrete-Filled Steel Tube
Andrea Acciai, Raffaele Nudo Seismic vulnerability of the ‘Palazzo degli Uffici Statali’ a public building realized in Italy at the beginning of last century
Ersin Aydin, Baki Ozturk, Osman Furkan Kilinc Seismic Response of Low-Rise Base Isolated Structures
Samuele Biondi, Valter Fabietti, S. Sigismondo, Ivo Vanzi 2009 Abruzzo Earthquake Reconstruction Plans: A multidisciplinary approach
Osmar Penner, K. J. Elwood Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Diaphragm Flexibility on Out-of-Plane Dynamic Stability of Unreinforced Masonry Walls
Francisco Santos Marques, Jaime Alberto Santos, Rui Carrilho Gomes Coimbra Sand – Influence of Non-Plastic Fines in Liquefaction Resistance
Abbas Mahdavian, Shiro Takada, Sepand Shabdis Fujinuma Dam Performance during 2012 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan and Failure mechanism by FEM
Mehdi Sadeghi, Mahmood Hosseini, Naghmeh Pakdel Lahiji Developing Fragility Curves for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Tubular Steel Power Transmission Tower Based on Incremental Dynamic Analysis
M. Jawad Arefi, Misko Cubrinovski, Brendon A Bradley A Model for Nonlinear Total Stress Analysis with Consistent Stiffness and Damping Variation
Anil K. Chopra, Jinting Wang Comparison of Recorded and Computed Earthquake Response of Arch Dams
Daniel Bedoya-Ruiz, Diego A. Álvarez, Gilberto Ortíz-García, J. E. Hurtado, Alberto García Fergusson Cyclic Behaviour of Precast Concrete Modules with Post-tensioned Unbounded Bars
Daniel Bedoya-Ruiz, Carlos A. Bermúdez, Diego A. Álvarez, Gilberto Ortíz-García, Juan V. Escobar Sáenz Cyclic behaviour of prestressed precast concrete walls
Jingjuan Li, Erik Lofthus, Adam Slivers, Claudio Osses, Genmiao Chen Displacement-Based Seismic Analysis of a Mixed Structural System
Jessica Buritica, Solomon Tesfamariam, Mauricio Sanchez-Silva Seismic vulnerability assessment of power transmission networks using complex-systems based methodologies
Menzer Pehlivan, Ellen M. Rathje, Robert B. Gilbert Influence of 1D and 2D Spatial Variability on Site Response Analysis
Santiago Brunet, Juan Carlos de La Llera Performance of Port Facilities in Southern Chile during the February 27, Maule Earthquake
Yuxin Liu, Richard Chen, Yimin Jiang, Wei Liu Lumped-Mass Stick Modeling of Building Structures with Mixed Wall-Column Components
L. E. Pérez, L. E. Manjarrez, M. A. Fernández, D. Maldonado, J. Avilés Dynamic Response of Deeply Embedded Shafts
Heshan Dantanarayana, Gregory A. MacRae, Rajesh P. Dhakal, Trevor Zhiqing Yeow, S. R. Uma Quantifying Building Engineering Demand Parameters in Seismic Events
Hisato Hotta, N. Nishizawa Experimental Study on Influence of Arrangement of Main Bars on Stress Transmission in Reinforced Concrete Beam-column Knee Joints
Fumio Yamazaki, Shoichi Nakai, Shunichi Koshimura, Taiki Saito, Saburoh Midorikawa, Carlos Zavala, Zenón Aguilar, Miguel Estrada, Tadahiro Kishida Progress of JST-JICA Project on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Peru
Y. T. Yen, C. T. Cheng, K. S. Shao, P. S. Lin, K. F. Ma, Y. C. Wu, C. W. Chang A hybrid method of simulating broadband ground motion: A case study of the 2006 Pingtung earthquake, Taiwan
Faezeh Mahichi, Mahmood Rahimian, Hidekazu Sugihara, Takahisa Enomoto Local Governments’ Preparedness State for Chemical Related Disasters Prior to Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011.
Suhee Kim, Hitoshi Shiohara Dynamic Response Analysis of a Tall RC Chimney Damaged during 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake
Xin Wang, Kazuaki Masaki, Kojiro Irikura Quantitative Damage Criteria of Severely-Damaged Masonry Buildings during the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Extracted from Microtremor Records
Yoshihisa Maruyama, Ken Kitamura Estimation of Tsunami-Inundated Areas in Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture, after the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake based on Satellite Images and Numerical Simulation
Kenichi Nagao, Jun Kanda Deviation of Phase Difference and Frequency Dependent Energy Attenuation in Japan
Virote Boonyapinyo, Prakit Chomchuen Seismic Retrofitting for Non-Seismic Designed Reinforced Concrete Bridges in Low Seismic Zone
Tomoya Tsunei, Freddy Duran, Junji Kiyono Strengthening of Deteriorated Small-Diameter Sewage Pipes for Increasing their Service-Life and Seismic Resistance
Yoshikazu Araki, Kshitij Shrestha, Yuji Koetaka, Nao Maekawa, N. Yoshida,Toshihiro Omori, Yuji Sutou, Ryosuke Kainuma, Kiyohito Ishida Cu-Al-Mn Super-elastic Alloy Bars as Dissipative Brace System in Structural Steel Frame
Kazuhiro Matsuda, Kazuhiko Kasai, Hiroyasu Sakata Analytical Study on Passively Controlled 2-Story Wooden Frame by Detailed Frame Model
Mahdi Faraji, Junji Kiyono Infrastructure Performance Oriented Reliability Assessment Using Weighed Stochastic Petri Net
Akira Murata, Shohei Nakashima, Masakatsu Miyajima, Toshikazu Ikemoto Experimental study on seismic collapse of road embankment considering infiltration of water and condition of compaction
Akira Murata, Masakatsu Miyajima, Toshikazu Ikemoto Predicting Damage of Wooden Houses Considering the Characteristic of Earthquake Response Spectra and the Frequency Characteristic of Wooden House
Alexander Iliev, Kiril Apostolov, Anton Andonov, Stoyan Andreev, Marin Kostov, Georgi Varbanov Seismic Evaluation and Post-earthquake Safety Assessment of Gravity Dam Based on Numerical Simulation
R. Murata, Sho Masumoto, Asami Sawahara, K. Harada, Minoru Yamanari Knowledge-based Structural Design System of Steel Deck Slab for Beginners
 Mohamadreza Shafieifar, S. Vahid Khonsari Studying the Behaviour of Base Plates with High Degree of Rigidity
Cedric Desprez, Jacky Mazars, Panagiotis Kotronis Seismic Vulnerability of RC Structures: Assessment Before and After FRP Retrofitting (Case Study)
Shirin Esmaeili Niari, Behzad Rafezy, Karim Abedi Numerical Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of Steel Sheathed Cold-Formed Steel Shear Walls
Selim Cambazoglu, Haluk Akgün, Mustafa Kerem Koçkar Preparation of a Line Source Model for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses of Düzce Province, Turkey
Ozgur L. Ertugrul, Aurelian C. Trandafir A Physical Modeling Study on the Dynamic Response of Flexible Retaining Walls with Deformable EPS inclusion
Bhubaneswari Parajuli, Ganesh Kumar Jimee, Ramesh Guragain Developing and Implementing Emergency Response Plan of a Zonal Hospital in Nepal
Ignacio Valverde-Palacios, Ignacio Valverde-Espinosa, Francisco Vidal Spatial variability of liquefaction susceptibility in the Metropolitan area of Granada (Spain)
Ignacio Valverde-Palacios, Francisco Vidal, Ignacio Valverde-Espinosa, Maria Martín-Morales Evaluation of seismically induced ground settlements in four towns near the city of Granada (Spain)
Tsutomu Hirade Earthquake Behavior of Concrete-Block Retaining Wall and Effect of Simple Reinforcement Method
Mukesh Kumar, P. J. Stafford, Elghazouli Ahmed Assessment of Strength Demands in Moment Resisting Frames
Sassan Eshghi, Behrang Sarrafi Effects of Construction Methods on Seismic Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls - An Experimental Study
Liu Weiqing, Wang Hai, Wang Shuguang, Du Dongsheng The influence of soil-structure interaction on damage spectra of passive energy dissipating structures
Bekir Özer Ay, D. Sinan Akkar Scaling and Selection of Ground Motion Records for Nonlinear Response History Analysis of Structures
Wang Shuguang, Sun Zhen, Liu Weiqing, Du Dongsheng Seismic Behavior Analysis and Isolation Story Optimum Design of Mid-Story Isolation Building
Noriko Takiyama, Yasuhiro Nambu, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Toshiyuki Tai Evaluation of Out-of-plane Vibration Characteristics for Walls of Historic Masonry Constructions
Sérgio Oliveira, Margarida Espada, Romano Câmara Long-term dynamic monitoring of arch dams. The case of Cabril dam, Portugal
Enrica Verrucci, Tiziana Rossetto, John Twigg, Beverley Adams Multi-disciplinary Indicators for evaluating the Seismic Resilience of Urban Areas
Taichiro Okazaki, Tsuyoshi Hikino, Koichi Kajiwara Out-of-Plane Stability of Buckling-Restrained Braces
A. Phani Teja, A. Murali Krishna, Subhamoy Bhattacharya, Barnali Ghosh Seismic Design of Pile Foundations for Different Ground Conditions
James Beavers, M. R. Eatherton, Ramon Gilsanz, James Ricles, Ying-Cheng Lin The August 23, 2011 Magnitude 5.8 Virginia Earthquake in the Eastern United States an Engineering Perspective
Daniele Losanno, Mariacristina Spizzuoco, Giorgio Serino Application of Modal Testing Techniques to a Monitored Building Structure
Philip Wilkinson, Oren Lavan, Avigdor Rutenberg Modal Displacement Based Seismic Design of Asymmetric-Plan Structures
Jianyun Chen, Xuelei Li, Shuli Fan Study on seismic resistance of concrete gravity dam retrofitted with UHTCC
Edmund Booth, Zygmunt Lubkowski Creating a vision for the future of Eurocode 8
Bilge Siyahi, Kemal Onder Cetin, Berna Unutmaz, Eren Uckan, Hayrullah Karabulut, Bülent Akbaş, Yasin Fahjan, E. Altunel The Effects of Site and Soil Conditions to the Earthquake Damage: Oct, 23 2011 Van-Tabanlı Earthquake (Mw=7.2)
Crescenzo Petrone, Gennaro Magliulo, Giuseppe Maddaloni, Vittorio Capozzi, Gaetano Manfredi Plasterboard Partitions Seismic Performance Evaluation Via Shake Table Test
Shake Table Tests on Plasterboard Continuous Ceilings
Hamid Reza Tavakoli, Hamed Gilani, Gholamreza Abdollahzadeh Comparative Evaluation of Seismic Parameters for Near-Fault and Far- Fault Earthquakes
M. Boujary, A. K. Ghorbani-Tanha, Mahmood Rahimian, H. Rahami Two Degrees of Freedom PID Control for Active Vibration Control of Structures
Carlo Castiglioni, A. Drei, Alper Kanyilmaz, Luis Calado, Ioannis Vayas, Benno Hoffmeister, Roberto Gonçalves Numerical and Experimental Results of Project FUSEIS (Seismic Resistant Composite Steel Frames)
Oreste S. Bursi, Md Shahin Reza, Anil Kumar, Fabrizio Paolacci Seismic Performance of Bolted Flange Joints in Piping Systems for Oil and Gas Industries
Carlo Castiglioni, Alper Kanyilmaz A new approach for the Seismic Isolation Methods for Ancient Statues Displayed in Base Isolated Museums
Mulyo Harris Pradono, Yozo Goto, Rusnardi P. Rahmat, Akio Hayashi, Kazuhiro Miyatake Strong Ground Motion by September 30, 2009 Pariaman Earthquake and Damage to Large Scale Buildings
Muzailin Affan, Yozo Goto, Agus Sabti Tsunami Evacuation Simulation for Disaster Awareness Education and Mitigation Planning of Banda Aceh
Gholamhosein Tavakoli Mehrjardi, Seyed Naser Moghaddas Tafreshi, Andrew Dawson Influence of Geocell Reinforcement on Damping Properties of Trench with Pipe
Seyed Naser Moghaddas Tafreshi, Andrew Dawson Laboratory Tests of Footing Supported on GeotextileReinforced Sand Under Repeated Loading
Seyed Naser Moghaddas Tafreshi, Mohammadyar Rahimi A Simplified Pseudo-Dynamic Method of Reinforced Retaining-Wall Subjected to Seismic Loads
Ali Reza Manafpour, Vahid Moradi Movafagh Investigating Conventional FE Modelling for Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction under Horizontal and Vertical Ground Motions
Ádám Zsarnóczay, László Gergely Vigh Capacity Design Procedure Evaluation for Buckling Restrained Braced Frames with Incremental Dynamic Analysis
Manuel Navarro, Antonio García-Jerez, Francisco Alcalá, Francisco Vidal, Carolina Aranda, Takahisa Enomoto Analysis of site effects, building response and damage distribution observed due the 2011 Lorca, Spain, Earthquake.
Sushil Gupta, Surendra Kumar, Hans Raj Wason, Ranjit Das A Statistical Analysis of Completeness of Earthquake Data around Dehradun city and its Implications for Seismicity Evaluation
Satwant Rihal, Hisham Assal A Database Integration Approach to Support Earthquake Hazard Assessment and Seismic Retrofit of Buildings
Alireza Lavaei, Alireza Lohrasbi Dynamic Analysis of Structures Using  Neural Networks
Wei Huang, Peter Behnam, John Gavan, Jordan Terry, Judsen Williams Performance Based Design of a New Hospital Building in California, U.S.
Olivier Gauron, Olivier Girard, Patrick Paultre, Jean Proulx Evaluation of Seismic Performances of Flexible Chevron Braced Frames with Fibre-Reinforced Natural Rubber Dampers
Marco De Biasio, Stephane Grange, Frederic Dufour The role of model calibration in seismic FE analysis: The case study of an old reinforced concrete structure by using ambient noise modal analysis
Ana Araújo, Paulo B. Lourenço, D. V. Oliveira, João Leite Post-earthquake numerical assessment and reinforcement of St James Church, New Zealand
Serena Cattari, Sérgio Lagomarsino, Daria Ottonelli Mechanical models for the vulnerability assessment of existing reinforced concrete buildings
Serena Cattari, Daria Ottonelli A methodology for the seismic risk mitigation based on mechanical models: The case of reinforced concrete schools in Genoa (Italy)
Shideh Dashti, Kenneth Gillis, Majid Ghayoomi, Y. M. -A. Hashash Sensing of Lateral Seismic Earth Pressures in Geotechnical Centrifuge Models
Sheri Molnar, J. F. Cassidy, Jiangheng He, Kim Olsen, S. E. Dosso Effects of 3D basin structure on long-period ground motions in SW British Columbia, Canada, for large scenario earthquakes
James McInerney, John Wilson NLTHA and Pushover Analysis for Steel Frames with Flag-shaped Hysteretic Braces
Deniz Ayhan, B. W. Schafer Moment-Rotation Characterization of Cold-Formed Steel Beams Depending on Cross-Section Slenderness
Ioannis Gidaris, Alexandros Taflanidis Design of fluid viscous dampers for optimal life cycle cost
Matthew Leblanc, Kenneth Stokoe, Allen Branco, Richard Lee Field Determination of Linear and Nonlinear Constrained Moduli of Soils Using Large Mobile Shakers
Francesco Sarti, Alessandro Palermo, Stefano Pampanin Simplified Design Procedures for Post-Tensioned Seismic Resistant Timber Walls
Shima Esmailzadeh Toloui, Javad Vaseghi Amiri, Christma Karimi Performance of Steel Moment Resistant Frame Whit Friction Pendulum System Under Static Nonlinear Analysis
Ioannis Gidaris, Alexandros Taflanidis Parsimonious modeling of hysteretic structural response earthquake engineering
Vimala Anthugari, Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla Displacement Based Damage Estimation of RC Bare Frame Subjected to Earthquake Loads: A Case Study on 4 Storey Building
Kutay Orakcal, Sharmin Reza Chowdhury Bond Slip Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Deficient Lap Splices
Kutay Orakcal, Denizhan Ulugtekin, Leonardo M. Massone Constitutive Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Panel Behavior under Cyclic Loading
Bishnu Pandey, W. D. Liam Finn, Carlos E. Ventura