Deepu Philip

PhD (MSU Bozeman)

Professor, Department of Management Sciences

Research Interest



  • PhD , MSU Bozeman, USA.
  • M.Tech, IME,MSU Bozeman, USA
  • B.Tech, Industrial Engineering, College of
    Engineering, Trivandrum (Kerala University), 2000



  • Development of a virtual simulation laboratory for production shop simulation – completely web- based system – funded by National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT) of MHRD.

  • Virtual Reality Business Simulation Workbook for teaching, research, and training of innovation and entrepreneurship - called Strategic Innovation Game (SIG) – in collaboration with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA.

  • An efficient local search for minimizing completion time variance in permutation flow shops", Mehta, P., Pandit, P., Philip, D., and Sharma, P., Computers & operations research, Vol. 39, Issue 5, May 2012, pages 1000-1009 (Rating: A- journal).

  • Development of Small Sized Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial System – Funding for Rs. 168 Lakhs from Prabhu Goel Foundation and IIT Kanpur – in collaboration with Prof. A. K. Ghosh (AE), Prof. J Ramkumar (ME), Prof. Satyaki Roy (Design), and Prof. Nischal Verma (EE).

  • Decision support system to enhance safety of railway track workers (ICGTARD11- 002) – Funding from DST GITA program for Rs. 90 Lakh – with Prof. B. V. Phani.

  • Most promising paper award, Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, 2011 (with Profs. William Tracy, Dmitri Markovitch, Lois Peters, B. V. Phani).

  • Innovation Awards, 2012: Embedded and Critical Systems award winners (From: Innovation Awards, 22 November 2012, London – for TrackSafe: Decision Support System to Enhance Safety of Railway Track Workers – part of Bombardier Transportation project jointly funded by ISTP Canada, Bombardier, and GITA India. (with Prof. Loutfy, R., Mr. Sood, P., Prof. Phani, B.V.).

  • Class of 1970 research fellowship from IIT Kanpur – for three years (From June 2013).

  • Honorary lifetime member of Alpha-Pi-Mu, Industrial Engineering honor society.

  • Commendation for teaching from Chairman Senate, IIT Kanpur – 2010.


Department of Management Sciences
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016

Office Phone: 0512-259-7460 (O)

Email: dphilip[AT]

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