Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Number of Faculty

Our faculty are engaged in teaching and research in the areas of Biomechanics, Computational Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Systems, Mechanics of Materials, Micro- and Nanomechanics and Thermal Sciences and Energy Conversion. Learn More


Number of Undergraduate students (B.Tech)

Our undergraduate program has a strong flavor on design and hands-on experience. The program includes a deeper study of a number of engineering sciences to which students are introduced at the core curriculum level, theoretical and experimental solution of physical problems, and design of systems relevant to the contemporary industries. Learn More


Number of dual degree students (B.Tech-M.Tech)

This is a five year programme. A student recieves combination of two degrees, a bachelor's and a master's degree.


Number of M. Tech. Students

The M. Tech. program in Mechanical Engineering at IIT Kanpur offers a multi-disciplinary approach to research and learning that strikes a unique balance of trend-setting research, challenging coursework and real-world impact that is highly respected around the world. Learn More


Number of M.S. by research Students

The MS program is a research predominant masters that has been recently introduced at the IIT-K and students enrolling are expected to take up challenging research projects as their thesis.


Number of PhD Students

Doctoral students in our department work in close relation to our faculty in the pursuit of timely, relevant research in all areas of mechanical engineering. We are at the forefront in preparing students by providing research opportunities in emerging and interdisciplinary areas that are fuelling exciting advances in technology. Learn More


Undergraduate Student-to-Faculty Ratio

The size of our faculty allows for working with students on a one-on-one basis. Students are not just a face in the crowd, and get to know their professors well by the time they graduate, allowing for better advising, learning and collaboration. Learn More


Affiliated Centers and Research Laboratories 

Centers and laboratories affiliated with the ME departments span across all departments at IIT Kanpur and foster collaborations across different departments throughout the university. Learn More


Books/Monographs Published (2009 – 2020)

Our faculties regularly publish books and monographs, and actively participate in other scholarly activities such as development of online courses. Learn More


New Courses Floated (2009 – 2020) 

Our faculty members develop new courses based on their research. The faculty also have the freedom to modify existing courses to include content related to their research. The faculty benefit from the dedicated PhD students of IITK, who is a key to the success of research at IITK. At IITK, young faculty can start teaching early in their career, and this enhances their ability to do challenging research. Learn More


Short Courses Offered (2009 – 2020) 

The department is involved in several other activities that include holding regular seminars, short-term courses, workshops and conferences. Apart from that, the faculties also actively participate in the scholarly activities such as development of online courses (NPTEL, MOOC, etc.). Learn More


Journal Publications (2020) 

Our faculties and research scholars publish in reputed peer-reviewed national and international journals. The journal articles have co-authors within and outside department, and also within and outside India. Learn More

60 Crore

Research Expenditures (2009 – 2020) 

Our projects span the entire spectrum of mechanical engineering and related engineering and science disciplines, utilizing analytical, experimental and numerical techniques. Our faculties are in the forefront of cutting-edge research, and receive funds from sponsored and consultancy projects. Learn More