Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The Department maintains the following laboratories for instruction and research: Experimental Stress Analysis, Vibration and Control, Material Testing, Machines and Mechanisms, Fluid Mechanics, Energy Conversion, Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Manufacturing Science. Besides this, the faculties are actively involved in many advanced research laboratories.

Laboratory NameLaboratory Coordinator(s)Information Flyer
Engine Research Laboratory Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal ME-Lab-1
Smart Materials, Structures and Systems (SMSS) Laboratory Dr. Bishakh Bhattacharya ME-Lab-2
Energy Storage Systems Laboratory Dr. Jishnu Bhattacharya ME-Lab-3
Gas-Hydrate Research Laboratory Dr. Malay K. Das ME-Lab-4
Combustion and Energy Conversion Systems Laboratory Dr. Santanu De ME-Lab-5
Centre for Mechatronics / Robotics Laboratory Dr. Ashish Dutta ME-Lab-6
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Laboratory Dr. Anurag Gupta ME-Lab-7
Non-linear Mechanics Laboratory Dr. Shakti S. Gupta and Dr. Pankaj Wahi ME-Lab-8
Advanced Nano-engineering Materials Laboratory Dr. Kamal K. Kar ME-Lab-9
Phase Change Thermal Systems Laboratory Dr. Sameer Khandekar ME-Lab-10
Solidification Laboratory Dr. Arvind Kumar ME-Lab-11
Experimental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Dr. K. Muralidhar ME-Lab-12
Micro-scale Transport Laboratory Dr. P. K. Panigrahi ME-Lab-13
Gas Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory Dr. Arun K. Saha ME-Lab-14
Compliant and Robotics Systems (CARS) Laboratory Dr. Anupam Saxena ME-Lab-15
Biomedical Research Laboratory Dr. Niraj Sinha ME-Lab-16
High speed Experimental Mechanics Laboratory Dr. P. Venkitanarayanan ME-Lab-17
Condition Monitoring Laboratory Dr. N. S. Vyas ME-Lab-18