Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Nuclear Engineering and Technology is an interdisciplinary postgraduate program offering M. Tech. and PhD degrees. The interdisciplinary nature of the program is reflected in the eligibility of students for admission to M. Tech./PhD program. Graduates in engineering, primarily Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Chemical, and M.Sc. in Physics are usually admitted. Some of the ongoing research are nonlinear reactivity interactions in low order fission reactor dynamical systems, simulations of Fukushima type accident, development of gamma-ray mobile CT system, X-ray micro-focal CT in material applications.


Prabhat Munshi, PhD (IIT/K): Radiation imaging and tomography, safety analysis.
Shikha Prasad, PhD (Univ. of Michigan): Radiation measurements, shielding, reactor physics.
S Qureshi, PhD (U.C. Berkeley): Radiation detectors, VLSI.

Associated Faculty Members:

Jaleel Akhtar, PhD (University of Magdeburg): Microwave imaging, characterization and non-destructive testing
S. N. Tripathi, PhD (Reading University, UK): Atmospheric science
P. Wahi, PhD (IISc Bangalore): Nonlinear dynamics

Emeritus Faculty:

M. S. Kalra, Sc.D. (MIT): Nonlinear dynamics, fusion plasmas, boundary element & meshless boundary methods.
A. Khanna, PhD (IITK): Nuclear chemical engineering.

Visiting Faculty:

Om Pal Singh, PhD (IIT Delhi): Reactor physics, risk analysis

Research Laboratories:
  • DivyaDrishti X-ray micro-CT
  • Radiation Measurements Laboratory
Key Research Areas:
  • Radiation Detection and Measurements, Transport Theory
  • Image Reconstruction in Tomography
  • Fusion and Plasma Physics
  • Reactor Safety Analysis
  • Nuclear Reactor Dynamics
  • Multi-phase Flow Measurements
  • Nondestructive Testing