Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Design of Machine Elements

2L-0T-2P-0A (8 Credits)


ESO 202.

Course Content:

Introduction to design of systems and machine elements; Modes of failure, strength, stiffness and stability; Failure theories; Fatigue failure; Probabilistic approach to design; Design of Bolted and Welded joints, Helical compression springs and leaf springs, Spur and Helical gear sets; Selection of Rolling contact bearings; Design of shafts. Lab sessions: Detailed design of the above machine elements starting functional specifications to final sizing; Design of a subsystem involving multiple machine elements. Introduction to use of techniques like FEM for design.

Lecturewise Breakup

I. Introduction to design of systems and machine elements, Modes of failure: (1 Lecture)

II. Yield criteria: Tresca, von-Mises, Mohr and modified Mohr, Stress concentration: (3 Lectures)

III. Failure by instability: Euler and Johnson Columns: (1 Lecture)

IV. Fatigue failure: SN-diagram, Modification factors, Fluctuating loading, Modified Goodman, Combined loading: (3 Lectures)

V. Probabilistic approach to design: (2 Lectures)

VI. Design of bolted joints and welded joints : (4 Lectures)

VII. Helical compression springs, Leaf springs: (4 Lectures)

VIII. Spur and Helical gears: (4 Lectures)

IX. Rolling contact bearings: (3 Lectures)

X. Shafts: (2 Lectures)

IX. Introduction to use of techniques like FEM for design: (1 Lecture)

Laboratory sessions:

I. Design based strength consideration (ductile and brittle material).

II. Design based on stability and yield consideration.

III. Design involving both yield and fatigue failure.

IV. Design involving material selection and probabilistic approach.

V. Design of bolted and welded connections.

VI. Design of springs.

VII. Design of Spur gear set.

VIII. Design of Helical Gear set.

IX. Selection of rolling element bearings.

X. Design of shafts (considering both yield and fatigue).

XI. Design of shafts (considering deflection).

XII. Design project involving multiple machine components: The project should expose the students to some aspects of system design such as selection and configuration of the machine elements involved considering different alternatives to developing a final system with dimensions.

  1. Mechanical Engineering Design by J.E. Shigley, C.R. Mischke & R.G. Budynas, McGraw Hill.
  2. Machine elements in Mechanical Design by R.L. Mott, Prentice Hall.
  3. Mechanical Design by P. Childs, Elsevier.
  4. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design by R. C. Juvinall  & K. M. Marshek, Wiley.
  5. Machine Design by R.L. Norton.