Mohit Law

PhD (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering


Research Interest



  • PhD in 2013, University of British Columbia, Canada. PhD thesis title: Position-dependent dynamics and stability of machine tools. PhD thesis supervisor: Prof. Yusuf Altintas and Dr. A. S. Phani
  • MSc - Michigan Technological University, U.S.A
  • BE - Pune University, India



  • Machining processes, Machining dynamics, Manufacturing practices, Structural control of machine tools 

  • Law, M., Wabner, M., Colditz, A., Kolouch, M, Noack, S. and Ihlenfeldt, S., "Active Vibration Isolation of Machine Tools Using an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator", CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 10, 2015. 

  • Law, M. and Ihlenfeldt, S., "A frequency based substructuring approach to efficiently model position-dependent dynamics in machine tools", Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2014

  • Law, M., Phani, A. S. and Altintas, Y., "Position-Dependent Multibody Dynamic Modeling of Machine Tools based on Improved Reduced Order Models", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 135, 2013.

  • Law, M., Altintas, Y., and Phani, A. S., "Rapid evaluation and optimization of machine tools with position-dependent stability", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 68, 2013.

  • Law, M., Ihlenfeldt, S., Wabner, M., Altintas, Y., and Neugebauer, R, "Position-dependent dynamics and stability of serial-parallel kinematic machines", Annals of the CIRP – Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 62, 2013

  • Manufacturing Science; Solid Mechanics and Design 

  • Research Associate - Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU, Chemnitz, Germany. 2013 - 2015. 

  • Machine Tool Design Engineer - TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. (TATA), Pune, India. 2006 - 2007.

  • Machine Tool Design Engineer - Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd., Bangalore, India. 2004 - 2005.

  • CIRP Research Affiliate. 2015 - present

  • SME Member. 2012 - present

  • International Partial Tuition Scholarship, The University of British Columbia, 2009 - 2013. 

  • Graduate Scholar, Sustainable Futures Institute, Michigan Technological University, 2007 - 2008

  • Reading; Writing; Tennis; Mountaineering


Room No.
NL 103 (Northern Laboratory)
IIT Kanpur-208016, Uttar Pradesh, India

Office Phone: 0512-259-6897 (O)

Mobile Phone: 09717103329 (M)

Email: mlaw[AT]

  • Manufacturing; Machining; Machine tools; Vibration; Damping; Control; Isolation; Design; Robot; Structures; Metal cutting; Modelling; Finite element analysis 

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