Email: anandh[AT]
Office Phone: 0512-259-7215
Lab: (0152) 259-7147, 6125
Research Interest
Nanocrystals and Nanostructures
High Entropy Alloys (Disordered structures)
Simulations at the Nanoscale using Finite Element Method
Hydrogen storage in Hybrids
The Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, June 2004- May 2005.
Research Fellowship, Max-Planck Society, Jan-May 2004
The Shri Ram Arora International Award for Materials Science and Engineering Education, The Minerals Metals and Materials Society (TMS), USA, 2000.
Young Research Award, International Union of Materials Research Societies- International Conference in Asia, (IUMRS), 1998
Award for Academic Excellence (as the best student of The Department of Metallurgy, IISc, on the Golden Jubilee of Indian Independence), 1997.
WL210B, (Western Labs 210B), Materials Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kalyanpur, Kanpur- 208016
Office Phone: (+91) (512) 259 7215
Email: anandh[AT], anandh.subramaniam[AT]