Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The alternate fuels and internal combustion engine area aims to develop state-of-art experiments related to Internal Combustion Engines and vehicles apart from Emission and engine related Tribological Investigations. The dedicated engine research laboratory paves the way for a balanced development of this front-line area of research, which has several fully instrumented single and multi-cylinder engine test benches for different types of engines/dynamometers. Current research topics include Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for in-cylinder flow visualization, Phase Doppler Interferrometry (PDI) for spray characterization, combustion visualization and optical diagnostics, Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI), HCCI/PCCI of gasoline and diesel like fuels, Engine Noise and vibration, Laser Ignition of CNG and hydrogen.

Research Areas
  • Engine Combustion
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Biodiesel Research
  • Direct/Port Injection of CNG/Hydrogen
  • Primary Alcohols and Bio-Butanol Research
  • Straight Vegetable Oil Utilization
  • Field Trials with Alternative Fuels
  • Engine Endurance and Durability Studies
  • Lubricating Oil Characterization
  • Particulate Characterization and Emission Control
  • Regulated/Unregulated Emissions
  • Exhaust Gas After-Treatment
  • Gasoline Direct Injection
  • HCCI/PCCI of Gasoline and Diesel like Fuels
  • Engine Noise and Vibration
  • Laser Ignition
  • Combustion Visualization and Optical Diagnostics
  • Particle Image Velocimetryfor In-cylinder Flow Visualization
  • Phase Doppler Interferrometry for Spray Characterization
  • Micro-Sensors (Capacitance Sensors and Fiber Optic Probes)
  • Large-Bore Engine Research
Research Laboratories:
  • Engine Research Laboratory (Flyer)
Associated Faculty

Avinash Kumar Agarwal, PhD (IIT Delhi): IC Engines, alternate fuels, vehicular pollution, laser diagonostic techniques, micro- sensor development and lubricating oil tribology