Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Unified synthesis of linkages with flexible and rigid links

Our focus is to analyze and comprehend diverse designs in nature that are time-tested and robust, and to implement assimilated concepts for optimal form design in engineering problems. Product design, precision instrumentation, sensing and actuation, MEMS/NEMS, humanoid robotics, automated highway systems, formation flight control, exploration, surveillance, search and rescue, transportation, and in prosthetic, orthotic and exoskeletal devices are some of the relevant areas of applications. We develop novel engineering solutions by utilizing mechanical compliance in design, undertake research to create knowledge, understanding, methods and tools to improve the design process.

Research Areas
  • Domain Mapping for surface modelling, motion planning and protein docking.
  • Protein docking through shape complementarity of molecular surfaces.
  • Multimodal optimization: Recursive Perturbation Approach (RePAMO).
  • Multi-objective optimization: Fourier series parameterization of Pareto-sets.
Research Laboratories:

Compliant and Robotics Systems (CARS) Lab

Associated Faculty

Bhaskar Dasgupta, PhD (IISc Bangalore): Robotics, CAD, Mechanisms, Machine Dynamics, Engineering Computation.

Anupam Saxena (PhD, University of Pennsylvania, USA): Compliant Mechanisms, Topology Design, CAD, Robotics, MEMs, Optimization, Large Deformation Systems

Nachiketa Tiwari, PhD (Viriginia Tech): Acoustics and Noise Control, Solid Mechanics, Composite Structures, Vibrations, Product Design, Automotive Systems, MEMS.