Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Course Summary:

Combustion and Fuels: Combustion process in SI and CI engines, Petroleum based liquid fuels and refining; Liquid alternative fuels such as vegetable oils, biodiesel, and emulsified fuels, lubricating oils composition and effect of alternate fuels; Gaseous alternative fuels such as hydrogen, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, dimethyl ether, and hythane; Modern developments in IC Engines such as EGR, MPFI, GDI, HCCI and Turbo-charging; Optical measurement techniques and tools: Particle image velocimetry, 3D and Holographic PIV, spray visualization, phase doppler interferometry for spray characterization, Optical engines and engine endoscopy; Pollution monitoring instruments and techniques, Control measures such as DOC, DPF, SCR and LNT.

Lecture wise Breakup
S. No. Topic/s
1. Course contents, Renewable energy sources, pollutants (regulated and unregulated emissions), effect on human health, Alternative fuel for transportation sector.
2. Introduction to fuel propertiescalculation of air- fuel ratio.
3. Petroleum refining processes.
4. Important qualities of SI and CI engine fuels.
5. Combustion in SI engines, Different phases of combustion.
6. Thermodynamic analysis of SI engine combustion, combustion efficiency and various losses.
7. Abnormal combustion in SI engines, Fuel factors responsible for knocking.
8. Combustion in CI engines.
9. Design of engine combustion chamber for IDI and DI engines.
10. Characteristics of common diesel combustion systems.
11. Ignition delay, chemical delay, factors affecting delay period.
12. Swirl, Combustion DI engine and heat release analysis, comparison of DI and IDI engine combustion chambers.
13. Alternative fuels: environmental implication of using fossil fuels, alternative fuel factors.
14. Introduction to biofuels, Chemistry of vegetable oils, Advantages/ Disadvantages of vegetable oils as fuels, Transesterification for biodiesel production.
15. Performance and emission test of biodiesel, emulsified fuels.
16. Functions of lubricating oil, Types of lubrication, Formulation of lubricating oils, Additives.
17. Lubricating oil tribology for alternative fuelled engines, Maintenance philosophies.
18. FTIR working principle and evaluation procedure, Causes of additive depletion, test for fuel dilution, wear measurement.
19. CNG, Advantages/ Disadvantages, Properties, Various CNG induction techniques.
20. CNG performance, emissions, maintenance, LNG, unregulated emissions, Storage systems, leak detection systems and safety instrumentation.
21. Hydrogen fuelled vehicles, Hydrogen generation processes.
22. Combustion properties & design of Hydrogen engines based on induction methods.
23. LPG, Di-methyl ether, Hythane.
24. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), Classification of EGR systems, EGR ratio, Internal and external EGR systems.
25. HCCI, Comparison with SI & CI, Combustion in HCCI, Fuel induction strategies. 
26. MPFI Systems, Speed density electronic multi point port fuel injection system (DJetronic).
27. Air mass flow meter system (L-Jetronic) and K-Jetronic systems.
28. Turbocharger, various systems and turbocharger controls.
29. GDI engine, Key technical features, Two-stage mixing.
30. Two-combustion modes, Compliance with emission standards.
31. Optical diagnostic techniques: Fundamentals of PIV, types of LASER. 
32. PIV working principle, components and general aspects, applications, advantages, 3D and holographic PIV.
33. Spray visualization, Phase Doppler interferometry for spray characterization.
34. Optical engine and engine endoscopy.
35. Exhaust gas emission analysis, FID and NDIR. 
36. Chemiluminescense technique, smoke opacity. 
37. Exhaust gas after-treatment, Three Way Catalysts, DOC.
38. DPF, CRT.
39. LNT and its working, LNT issues.
40. Urea SCR catalyst system.
Recommended Text Books:
  1. Internal Combustion engine fundamentals: J B Heywood, Mc-Graw Hill Publications.
  2. Fundamentals of internal combustion engines: Gill, Smith and Ziurys, Oxford and IBH.
  3. The Internal combustion Engine in theory and practice: C F Taylor, MIT Press, Cambridge.
  4. Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution: E F Obert, Intext Educational Publishers, NY.
  5. Hydrogen Fuel for Surface Transportation: Joseph Norbeck, SAE Publications, 1996
  6. Alternative Fuels Guidebook, Properties, Storage, Dispensing, and Vehicle Facility Modifications, Richard L. Bechtold, SAE Publications 1997.
  7. Alternate Fuels, Reda Moh. Bata, SAE Publications, 1995.
  8. Alternative Cars in the 21st Century, Robert Q. Rile, SAE Publications 1994
  9. Fuels and Engines, J.C. Guibet, SAE Publications 1999.
  10. Emission from Combustion engines and their control, Patterson D J and Henein N A: Ann Arbor science publishers.
  11. Advanced Engine Technology: Heinz Heisler ISBN 0340568224, SAE Publications.