
New Opportunity School Building

The contributions by Prof. Chandralekha Singh and Prof. Jeremy Levy helped in the construction of the New Opportunity School on IITK campus. The school, which was inaugurated in February 2020, is equipped with science laboratory, library, computer laboratory and a multi-purpose activity room for art & craft and music. The school currently has nine classrooms, a staff room and a principal's room. The new building was inaugurated by Shri Devendra Singh 'Bhole', MP, Lok Sabha. Prof. Chandralekha Singh and Dr. Jeremy Levy named it in the memory of Dr. Singh's father, Shri Harihar Prasad Singh.

IITK extends its heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Singh, who is an Indian-American physicist and a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh and the Founding Director of the Discipline-Based Science Education Centre. She is an alumna of IIT Kharagpur.

Dr. Jeremy Levy is a Distinguished Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Pittsburgh in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Founding Director of the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute. He is a Class of 2015 Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellow, a Fellow of the APS and AAAS, a recipient of the 2008 Nano50 Innovator Award, and the NSF Career Award. He has received the University of Pittsburgh’s Chancellor’s Distinguished awards for research (2004, 2011) and teaching (2007).