
DoRA Annual Reports :

The Annual Report published by the DoRA office is entirely focussed on the alumni and their continued support and loyalty towards the Institute. It outlines all the alumni reunions and conventions held, new Faculty Chairs and fellowships announced, distinguished lecture series held, major achievements made, research facilities built using donors’ money, new scholarships announced and winners of existing ones, etc. In other words, it is a compilation of the contributions that alumni continue to make from time-to-time in taking the institute to the next level of success.

Golden Jubilee Reports :

The year 2009 served an important milestone in the journey of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur as it marked the completion of 50 glorious years of the institute. To celebrate the occasion, yearlong activities were organized ranging from science conferences, workshops, lectures by eminent people including Nobel laureates to sports events, cultural programs and department days. The Golden Jubilee report details out all the activities held under its ambit and shares some colourful moments experienced.