
List of PG Courses

Course Name L-T-P-C)*
SEE-601A: Thermo-Fluid Engineering 3-0-0-9
SEE-602A: Physics of Energy Materials 3-0-0-9
SEE-603A: Basic Electrical Engineering 3-0-0-9
SEE-604A: Thermodynamics of Energy Systems 3-0-0-9
SEE-605A: Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems and Technologies (with Laboratory) 2-0-3-9
SEE-606A: Electrochemical Energy Systems 3-0-0-9
SEE-607A: Hydrogen Energy: Production, Storage and Utilization 3-0-0-0
SEE-608A: Bioenergy 3-0-0-9
SEE-609A: Computational Methods in Engineering 3-0-0-9
SEE-610A: Introduction to Materials Modelling and Simulations 3-0-0-9
SEE-611A: Energy Systems: Process Analysis and Modelling 3-0-0-9
SEE-612A: Manufacturing of energy systems 3-0-0-9
SEE 613A: Solar Photovoltaics 3-0-0-9
SEE-614A: Wind Energy 3-0-0-9
SEE-615A: Solar Thermal Engineering 3-0-0-9
SEE-616A: Essential Electrical Engineering for Renewables Integration 3-0-0-9
SEE-617A: Introduction to Sustainable Energy Policy 2-0-0-6
SEE-618A: Energy Efficient Building Design 3-0-0-9
SEE-619A: Finite Volume Methods for Engineers 3-0-0-9
SEE-620A: Heat Driven Cooling Systems 3-0-0-9
SEE-621A: Biomass Conversion and Biorefineries 3-0-0-9
SEE-622A: Sustainable Energy-Enabling Net Zero Emissions 3-0-0-9
SEE-623A: Fuel Cell Electrical Energy Systems 3-0-0-9
SEE-624A: Design Strategies for Net-Zero Energy Buildings 3-0-0-9
SEE-625A: Structural, Microstructural and Spectroscopic Characterization of Materials 3-0-0-9
SEE-***: Ecological Principles and Biodiversity for Sustainability 3-0-0-9
SEE-627A: Electric Vehicles 3-0-0-9
EE698D: Smart Grid Technology 3-0-0-9
EE630A: Simulations of Power Systems 3-0-2-11
EE660A: Basics of Power Electronic Converters 3-0-0-9
EE631A: Advanced Power System Stability 3-0-0-9
MSE673A: Fundamentals and Applications of Electrochemistry 3-0-0-9
CHE642A: Numerical Methods 3-0-0-9
ME685A: Applied Numerical Methods 3-0-0-9
AE603A: Introduction to Scientific Computing 3-0-0-9
CHE622A: Molecular Simulations 3-0-0-9
ChE626A: Practical Introduction to Quantum Mechanical Methods for Scientists and Engineers 3-0-0-9
ME743A: Fuel Cells 3-0-0-9
*L: Lectures, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, C: Total credits

Other Institute Electives

  • EE698B: Smart Grid Technology Application
  • CHE636A: Numerical simuation of fluid flow through porous media
  • AE696A: Instrumentation, Measurements And Experiments In Fluids
  • CHE622: Introduction to molecular simulations
  • ME686: Energy Storage Systems
  • IME709A: Productivity And Efficiency Analysis: Theory And Benchmarking Applications
  • MBA677: Project Financing
  • MBA681A: Energy and Carbon Markets: Economics, Policy and Regulation
  • MBA782A: Renewable Energy - Economics, Policy and Regulation
  • MBA683A: Power Sector Reform & Reform and Regulation
  • MSE604: Science and Technology of Thin Films and Device Fabrication
  • MSE624A: Energy Materials and Applications
  • MSE624A: Electronic Devices and Characterization
  • ME648A: Design of Thermal Systems
  • ME613: Thermal Environmental Control
  • ME639: Liquid-Vapour Phase Change Technologies
  • ME742: Thermal Phase Change Systems
  • EE662: Control Techniques in Power Electronics
  • EE632: Economic Operation & Control of Power Systems
  • ME681A: Mathematics for Engineers
  • AE603: Introduction to Scientific Computing
  • AE602A: Mathematics for Aerospace Engg.