Office of International Relations

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

On March 18, 2024 IIT Kanpur warmly received Prof. Deepak Vashishth, the distinguished Director, Shirley Ann Jackson Ph.D. Center for Biotechnology & Interdisciplinary Studies, Associate Director, Rensselaer-Icahn School of Medicine Center for Engineering and Precision Medicine, Yamada Corporation Chaired Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Prof. Vashishth's visit included fruitful discussions with Prof. Dhirendra S. Katti, Dean of International Relations, focusing on strengthening existing ties between the institutions. With an established MoU facilitating exchange and research intern programs, the prospect of a Joint Degree Program (JDP) in PhD is now on the horizon, promising further collaboration and academic advancement. Prof. Deepak Vashishth also presented as part of the MFCEM Dialogues series a talkon Loss and Modulation of Bone and Brain Health in Diabetes and Alzheimer’s.