
Tutors & TAs





Mark System

ESC101 : Fundamental of Computing

Lectures :

Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4
Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Lecture 8
Lecture 9 Lecture 10 Lecture 11 Lecture 12
Lecture 13 Lecture 14-15 Lecture 16-17 Lecture 18
Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Lecture 21 Lecture 22
Lecture 23 Lecture 24 Lecture 25 Lecture 26
Lecture 27 Lecture 28 Lecture 29 Lecture 30
Lecture 31 Lecture 32 Lecture 33 Lecture 34
Lecture 35 Lecture 36-37 Lecture 38

Programs Discussed in the Class :

Program Link
Code to Computes nth Fibonacci number using different methods Link
Code to generate random sequence of length m (command line input) Link
Code to generate random sequence of length m (scanf input) Link
Strings sorting Link
Computes the determinant of size n matrix Link
Better Multiplication Implementation Link
Bad Multiplication Implementation Link
Extended GCD Implementation Link
Addition and Subtraction of two numbers Link
Addition of two numbers Link
Printing machine code of a program Link
Printing ASCII code of a symbol in decimal Link
Printing ASCII code of a symbol in octal Link
Printing ASCII code of a symbol in hexadecimal Link
Printing ASCII code of a symbol in binary, without loop Link
Printing ASCII code of a symbol in binary, with loop Link
Printing ASCII code of a symbol in numerical form Link
Calculating PI Link
1-Add large numbers Link
2-Add large numbers Link
Compute GCD Link
Compute factorial Link
Generate Prime number Link
To Dimensional matrix Link
Compute the Determinant Link
Matrix Multiplication Link
Test Scanf Link
String Test Link
Sort Link
Computes the determinant of matrix using recursion. Link
Header File for Matrix Operations Link
Functions to read a matrix and to print a matrix Link
Calculates determinant of a permutation matrix and arbitrary matrix. Link
This file contains functions for computing inverse of a square matrix:
  • A function for lower triangular matrix
  • A function for upper triangular matrix
  • A function for permutation matrix
  • A function for general matrix
  • A function for computing LUP decomposition of a matrix.
This file defines a number of matrix operations:
  • Matrix multiplication
  • Find a column whose first row is non-zero
  • Find a row whose first column is non-zero
  • Swap two columns
  • Set a matrix to identity
  • Copy a matrix to another
  • Add a row to another after multiplying with a constant
  • It also includes a function to check if a floating point value is very close to zero.
Main function for matrix operations. Link
  • Compute Large size Fibonacci sequence Fib_large.c
  • Compilation command file Fib_compile
  • Header file numbers.h numbers.h
  • Converts the given number to its representation modulo 2*10^{SIZE}
    Adds the two numbers modulo 2*10^{SIZE} number-add.c
  • Reads a number with up to SIZE many digits. Stores the number
    modulo 2*10^{SIZE} with least significant digit first.
    Returns error if number has more than SIZE digits. numbers-io.c
  • Memory space operation for large size number. numbers-space.c
Matrix operation with dynamically allocate space. rar
large sequence of numbers. link
Link List. list.h
Binary Search Tree. tree.h