Analytical facilities at the department of Earth Sciences
Please direct your queries for accessing the facilities and related charges to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Further analytical instruments can be found with their respective project in-charge. Visit for more details.
Sample preparation

Lathe machine, GNM-1, Nagmati Om Agencies

Rock core drill, CB700, Gemini enterprises

Jaw crusher, BB100, Restch Gmbh Germany

Jaw crusher, BB100, Restch Gmbh Germany

Low speed diamond saw, EQ-SYJ-150, MTI Corporation

Thin Section preparation unit, PetroThin, Bhuler USA

Deformation table, A2, 160613, MA Laxmi

Longitudinal wave transducers, Blue Star Engg

Water purification system, Direct Q-3, Supereme Chemicals and Instruments, Kanpur

Rock Cutting Machine, Abrismet 250, Bhuler USA

Microwave sample preparator, Titan MPS, Parkin Elmer, Singapore

Dual blade rock saw PSM RC-6

Primary rock cutter 152993 MK-101

Table top precision cutting cum Grinding machine, Bain-Thin Geo, METCO

Rock grinder with VFD control system PSM/RG-1

Desktop precision diamond wire saw with touch screen control NST-202A

Double disc fully automatic grinder/polisher Bainpol PMV037, MATCO

Hot plate, Bain Geo Heat, METCO

12 ton press, CARVER

Automatic lapping machine, CHENNAI METCO BAINPOL–AUTO

Automatic Rock Cutting Polishing Machine, BUEHLER

High precision CNC PROXXON

Diamond abrasive saw, BARRANCA DIAMOND 169201-BD-10 TRIM SAW

Drill Press (dry)

High-Temperature Furnace, LABTRO

Grinder, BOSCH

High-speed diamond abrasive saw, BUEHLER

Hydraulic Hot Mounting Press, METCO

Low speed diamond saw, MIT CORPORATION

Miniature precision lathe, PROXXON

Mounting Press

Precision cutter, PROXXON

Semi-automatic Precision lathe, GEDEE WEILER

Sanders, FERM


Surface grinding machine, SAI MACHINE TOOLS

Vaccum Impregnation Unit

Ultra sonic cleaner, LMUC-3

Vibratory polisher, BUEHLER VibroMet 2

Vacuum oven Max temp. 300°C., LABTRO INC
Physical/mechanical characterization

Gas Pycnometer, PYC-10A, Porus Material Inc.

Porosimeter-Permeameter, LP100A-GP101A, Porus Material Inc.

Digital oscilloscope, PicoScope 4824, Analytical Electronic Service

Compression Testing machine, Heico Engg

Pulse generator Machine, 5058PR-40-P, Olympus Science solutions

Grain Size analyser, Sedigraph III-5120, Micromerits Instruments

30 MPa pressure vessel (triaxial cell)

Gas medium deformation rig

He-gas Pycnometer

High pressure temperature Adsorption Desorption setup

Pulse decay permeameter

Triaxial load frame, WILLE GEOTECHNIK

SYSCAL Junior R1 Plus Switch-72 Resistivity meter, SYSCAL Junior R1 Plus Switch, Iris Instrument, France

SYSCAL SWITCH Pro-48 Resitivitymeter(EXTENSION UNIT), SWITCH Pro 48, Iris Instrument, France

Direct reading digital resistivitymeter( DDR3), DDR3, Integrated Geo Instrument, Hyderabad India

CG6AUTOGRAV™ GRAVITY METER(Scintrex), Scintrex Limited, Canada

GSM-19T Proton Precession Magnetometer, GSM-19TW, Gem Systems Inc, Canada

T-VLF RECEIVER, VLF, Iris Instrument, France

ESS1000 WITH 950-1000 Pound hammer (seismic energy source)

GEOPHONES, SG-10, Sercel S.A. France


Portable magnetic Susceptibility meter SM30, ZH Instruments

Portable magnetometer, MagDrone R3, SENSYS

VLF Instrument, GSMV 19 GEM Systems Inc. Canada
Remote sensing and mapping

Drone, Phantom 4 Pro, DJI

Terrain Mapping Image rower system, R10-V10, Trimble Europe

Fixed wing drone. UX5 Arial Imaging rover, Trimble Europe

TX 8 scanner, Trimble Europe



MOVE suite software program, Petroleum Experts Limited

Matric 600 Pro Hexacopter


Thermal, multispectral, hyperspectral sensors
Chemical/mineralogical/petrographic characterisation

Nutrient Analyser, XY-2 Sampler, M/s Seal Analytical

Vertical Laminar Airflow Fume Hood, NU-164-424E, Medispec Limited

Polypropylene Fume Hood, Polypropylene, Nano Clean Contamination control solutions

Revolving Centrifuge, R-24, Associated Traders, Kanpur

Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer(LGR), LWIA-45-EP, Los Getos Research, CA

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, AAYLST 400, Parkin Elmer, Singapore

Scanning Electron Microscope EM, JSM-6010PLUS/LA, JEOL Asia Pte

X Ray Diffraction, Panlytical X-PERT3, Panalytical

UIC Coulometer, CM 5017 Coulometer, UIC

Cathode Luminscence MK5 electron gun, CITL MK5, Cambridge Image tech

ICPMS, iCAPQc, ThermoFisher Scientific

Research grade polarising microscopes from Leica and Zeiss

Microscopy lab with student grade polarizing microscopes from Leica

Scanning optical microscope, Leica DM 04

Agilent® 8900 Triple Quad ICP-MS

Ion Chromatography, 930 Compact IC Flex, Metrohm

Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Agilent

Stereo microscope Leica S APO

Petrological microscope Leica

Sunlight simulator, Honle Evacube

Gamma Spectroscopy ORTEC DSPEC jr 2.0

Magnetic separator FRANTZ MODEL LB-1


Reflecting microscope, METZER