
Sun, Sep 30, 2012


1) Dr. Varghese Kurien Known as a Milkman of India Died on 09th September 2012 started his Career with AMUL. What is the full form of AMUL?

2) What does word cherry Picking means in terms of bargaining?

3) Which Smartphone operating system is also known as ‘ ice cream sandwich”

4) Hub and spoke distribution strategy is effectively used by the companies to cater to the rural and semi urban market. Name the Leading Automobile Indian car manufacturer who is using this strategy to supply his one of the car model to the semi urban and rural part of India. Also specify the name of the car

5) Identify which company does below logo represent?

6) Name the celebrity who endorses Fast track, Flying Machine jeans, Herbalife, Fair and lovely for men, Sangam suitings

Unscramble/Rearrange the above letters for a two word name of a global financial institution.

8 ) Which Indian Logistic company takes care of the distribution of a Popular Global processed-food brand Baskins-Robbins?

9) Brantly, Kaman, Hiller and MD are companies that make what?

10) What type of products are Cerenia, Palladia and Simplicef (all Pfizer brands)?

11) Identify the person

12) Name the term used for depreciating a company's intangible assets?

13) This term is derived from the Greek word 'Oikanomia' means "House Management". What is it?

14) What are "Blind Ads" in HR parlance?

15) Identify the Logo

(Hint: it is an advertising company)

Compiled By,

Team Avant Garde,

IME, IIT Kanpur

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