Editorial (Jun’11)

Sun, Jun 19, 2011

From the Editor's Desk

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the latest edition of Avant Garde! The month gone by has given us many significant incidents. The world celebrated the death of Osama bin Laden, India was and continues to be stormed by anti graft agitations and we in IIT Kanpur, bid adieu to our seniors. A year has passed since we were welcomed by the 2011 batch and now it’s our turn to take the baton ahead. As we prepare for the alumni meet and to welcome the 2013 batch next month, it is an absolute pleasure to bring out this latest issue of AG.

In this edition, Manu Agrawal of 2011 batch brings us the second part of his work on Anti Money Laundering while Nabarun Sengupta of 2012 batch continues from where he left us in the last edition with the “Role of Markets as a growth engine” as a 2nd part in a 3 series analysis of Developing/Emerging Economies. Vijay Kibe of 2012 batch in his essay India braved the recession better than many other countries highlights how India managed to steer itself away from the perils rest of the world fell for. Harshad Nimje of 2012 batch in his essay Media Revolution Triggered by Mobile Phones brings to our glaring attention the changes this small and powerful device has brought to our lives.

As the nation hopes for peace to prevail, we continue our endeavor to build a strong relationship with our distinguished alumni to form a cohesive entity representing the MBA program of IIT Kanpur.

Happy reading.

Team Avant Garde

One Response to “Editorial (Jun’11)”

  1. Pavan Chhabada Says:

    First of all let me congratulate you for bringing such a nice edition.

    I have a suggestion as well:

    The newsletter seems to have loaded with very serious things.
    As an alumni, we are keen to hear about current happenings at IME & IITK, casual Katta Gossips etc.. I could not find these anywhere. :)
    Pl see if you can add a section with pictures.

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