From the Editor’s Desk

Thu, Oct 1, 2015

From the Editor's Desk

Welcome to a very special edition of Avant Garde brought to you by Prabandhan! This month’s edition just like the previous one, is a special one featuring articles from both our junior and senior batch. But it’s a special one because of Prabandhan. Prabandhan, the annual management festival of the IIT Kanpur MBA program, was held from 25th to 27th of September this year seeing great participation from management students from all across the country. Also present were professionals from the industry who provided valuable knowledge and insights to students and scholars alike with their engaging and interesting talks. This year Prabandhan served as an umbrella under which Optima, Cognition and ACCS took place as a single combined event. The report for each of these events is included in this special edition. But there is more. “Konichiwa” says Gaurav Girdhar and describes his internship experience in Japan. One of our new editorial team members K Prakash Raju has an article on Business Communication-a very important area. And finally with the Olympics just a year away, it seems apt to include Himanshu Negi’s article on importance of sports to management students. We hope you enjoy this edition and provide us with your valuable feedback. Happy reading.

Team Avant Garde

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