How About Becoming A Good Person First?

Mon, Aug 31, 2015

Social Issues

Recently a friend was discussing about her cousin how well-to-do he has become over time. He did his engineering, and then MBA from a reputed B-school and now earns a handsome salary in 7 digits but then has left his parents to their plight- the ones who struggled in all their lives to help him attain this position in life. On the contrary, the newly appointed CEO of Google, Mr. Sundar Pichai, in his recent speech dedicated all his success to his parents for the pain they took in sending him to study management at Stanford.

Carefully pondering over the two cases, it is hard to say if the difference in attitudes of two similarly aged people exists due to difference in personality and evolution in due course of time or the childhood learning which their own parents provided them with.

It is not uncommon of parents to focus entirely on the educational learning of their child and totally ignoring value-based growth. If a fair survey could be conducted on the number of parents who have constantly taught their children to become good persons in life first rather than doctor, engineer, IAS and so on, the results won’t be too surprising. The problem of this situation is in-depth.

Inculcation of values in a person is a long-term process that needs to be started during childhood itself. Children who have been exposed to the core values of humanity not just become good persons but great decision makers as well because of their clarity of thought. The values help in developing respect people should have for one another in society personally and professionally. Children who have been made to understand the core values are not only more co-operative with others but also more active in taking responsibilities and initiatives in life. Value centric person is more mentally sound and carries high moral integrity.

Hence, these value carrying people are not only doing good to themselves but also to the society at large. For instance, since in these days organizations have become more people centric and have been acting as social systems, it has become rather more important for them to have people


Pallavi Lohia

MBA 2015-17

One Response to “How About Becoming A Good Person First?”

  1. Manpreet Singh Says:

    Very nice article,
    Sometimes its really important to reflect on the life’s long term path(True meaning of Life) while running to achieve our short term goals of fame and material success.

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