Prabandhan’15 – Annual Management Conclave

Mon, Aug 31, 2015

Campus Update

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur is one of the premiere science and engineering schools in the world and undoubtedly the most respected educational institute in India. Over the years it has been consistently ranked among the top schools by several national and international surveys.

PRABANDHAN is the Annual Management Festival of IME Department, IIT Kanpur and definitely the greatest exponent of exuberance, creativity and managerial know how of its students. ‘Prabandhan’ has grown into one of the biggest and the most zestful student management festivals in India. Witnessing huge and active participation from all over the country, this management fest has become a much awaited event in the business calendar of the student community. The participation is from almost all the prestigious colleges within the country like IIMs, IITs, FMS, MDI, S.P Jain and many more.

‘Prabandhan’, now into its 6th year has evolved into a brand and a publicity paradise. Prabandhan has in the past played host to several corporate giants, electronic & print media icons like HP, Dell, ITC Infotech, IBM, Infosys, Snapdeal, KPMG, Capgemini, ACC Ltd, L&T Infotech, Makemytrip, Business Standard to name a few. The marketing team at Prabandhan continues to find novel ways to ensure brand visibility for the sponsors and give them unique platforms to connect with the very best youth of the nation.

This year Prabandhan is set to break all records and grow bigger than ever before with wide variety of events from all business fields. As in past years events like Analytics Case Study and Symposium (ACCS), Business Simulation Game, Cognition the IT conclave, and  Optima the Operation and Marketing delight and many others will see participation of students from the entire country.

Overall Coordinators:

Kshitij Sareen  +91-9953210473

Rajan Chauhan +91-9716267647

Shelbin Devassy +91-9453835510


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