Solid Mechanics and Design

Research covers all aspects of dynamics and vibration, nonlinear dynamics, rotor dynamics, continuum and granular mechanics, plastic instability, robotics, intelligent control systems, microsensors and actuators, CAD, machine dynamics, smart structures, active and passive vibration control, composite materials, non-destructive testing, finite element method, multiscale modelling of solids, acoustics and noise control, mechanics of fracture, functionally graded composites, mechanics of biological membranes, mechanics of nanomaterials, mechanical behaviour of polymers.
The entire research in Solid Mechanics and Design stream is divided into the following four tracks.

Acoustics, Dynamics and Vibration

Mechanics of Solids

CAD and Optimization
Research facilities:
Applied Solid Mechanics
Computing facility
Compliant and Robotics Systems (CARS) Lab
Compliant Mechanisms and Robotic Systems
Computational Mechanics Group
3 large clusters
USIP-12 Omniscan Phased Array, Power Laser Nd-Yag, Heterodyne He-Ne Detector
Nonlinear Mechanics Lab
Shaker, Accelerometers, Force Transducers
Smart Materials, Structures & Systems Laboratory
3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer, dSpace ACE 1103, 1104, Multi channel SMA amplifiers, d33 meter, Magnetic Levitation Control