About Us
One of the founding departments of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, the Department of Mechanical Engineering played a leading role in evolving the "Engineering Science" based curriculum and served as a model for many engineering institutes in the country. Over the years, industrial interactions and emphasis on applied engineering and research has also increased manifold. The current streams of study are: Solid Mechanics and Design, Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Manufacturing Science, Mechatronics, Nulcear Technology.
Inclusive Pedagogy
Our research-active faculty members take a real interest in providing the best education possible and getting to interact with every individual student. The department offers degrees at all levels, including a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (hyperlink ME B. Tech. program), a Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. We also run dual degree programs for both B. Tech. - M. Tech. and M. Tech.
A Myriad of Research Opportunities

In our world-class research community, we have a good track record of garnering support, affording researchers the opportunity to contribute engineering and scientific advancements and knowledge to the society—with a reach that extends throughout the nation, the world, or even beyond. Research opportunities are not limited to faculty and graduate students; a myriad of opportunities exist for undergraduates to be involved alongside many faculty members in our advanced labs, which feature cutting-edge equipment—from lasers, sensors, actuators, high-speed cameras, and robots to spray visualization chambers, micro machining device, high-performance computing, anechoic chamber, and many more. Student-led enterprises under the guidance of faculty members, are always seeking opportunities from industry to collaborate on research and projects.
Top-notch Faculty

Faculty members, 38 in number at present, have excellent academic credentials and are highly regarded. They have been conferred awards at national and international levels. The fellowships received by the faculty members include, Boyscast, Swarnajayanti, Bhatnagar, Humboldt and JSPS. Many of the faculty members have membership in one or more professional societies and a few are elected Fellows of various professional bodies such as INAE and INSA. Several serve on the editorial boards of international and national journals, review technical articles for journals on a regular basis and are technical and organizing committee members of international symposia and conferences. Others have excelled in teaching and have been conferred suitable awards. The faculty has authored quite a few texts, some of them becoming classics in their respective domains. Publication statistics reveal 3 good papers per faculty per year, the new trend is towards patents and technology development.
Diverse Research Area
Our experienced faculty members stay current in their fields through various research and consulting activities, as well as through membership and appointments in professional societies. Faculty members within the department are involved with numerous organizations in their professional activities. Over the years, the department has also developed excellent collaborative relationship leading to work on several advanced projects of national importance with a large number of leading establishments, including AR& DB, CSIR, DAE, DBT, DST, DRDO, HAL, MHRD, MNRE, NRB, Boeing, GE, Indian Railways, Indo-French Center for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA), Space Technology Cell (STC). The expert faculty has designed and delivered various engineering and scientific projects encompassing a broad spectrum of mechanical engineering, smart prosthetic limbs, fabrication of microchannels with nanofinish, CO2 sequestration in marine hydrate, formation of micro droplets on textured surfaces during condensation, emission reductions of a laser fired hydrogen engine, electrical characterization on nano-composites, humanoid robot for hazardous applications, tomographic imaging, to name a few.