Technology Day Celebration
National Technology Day is celebrated in India on May 11 to mark the technological advancement in the country. Every year, the day is commemorated at IITK with a series of a invited lectures and an exhibition of the innovations. Students from different schools of the city participate to gain exposure in the domain of advance technology.
Technology Day 2019
IIT Kanpur celebrated National Technology Day 2019 with a thematic program titled "Space Technologies & ISRO" organized by Space Technology Cell, IITK. A couple of popular talks were delivered by scientists from the ISRO. In keeping with this theme, STC invited two well-known scientists in the field of space technology for presentation. The first talk was delivered by Dr. B.S Munjal, Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO. Dr. Munjal spoke on "Technology Applications in Space/Ground Segment of SATCOM Domain". This was followed by a talk by Dr. Mehul R Pandya, SAC, ISRO, who spoke on "Eye in Space for Earth and Planetary Observations". It was followed by the demonstration/display of technologies developed at IIT Kanpur. A group of school children from the city participated in the event.

Technology Day 2018
Technology day 2018 was organised by the National Centre of Flexible IElectronics (NCFlexE), IIT Kanpur. Prof. Siddhartha Panda, Coordinator of NCFlexE, delivered the welcome address in the event describing the vision and achievement of the centre. Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director IIT Kanpur, addressed the audience and elucidated about the technological needs of the country and the appropriateness to have a theme on an emerging technology that can shape the future. Prof. Y.N. Mohapatra delivered a popular lecture titled, “What if Electronics is Flexible”. He mentioned that the emerging flexible electronics based technologies have the potential to impact all aspects of our life and this was enabled by the aspects of printability and flexibility. He described many such novel applications, demonstrated several technologies developed in the Centre including silver filled pens and conducting textiles and described several other technologies being developed such as organic solar cells, organic light emitting diodes, sensors, and thin film transistors. Over 250 school children from the city participated in the event.

Technology Day 2017
Theme of the Technology Day 2017 was "From Tinkering to Technology." Dr. Shailesh Nayak Distinguished Scientist from the Earth System Science Organization, Ministry of Earth Sciences, was the chief guest. The event included talks on technology and its application, talks by young entrepreneurs on their journey, and display/demonstration of technologies developed at IIT Kanpur. Besides the institute community, the event was attended by a large of number of school children.

Technology Day 2016
In 2016, IIT Kanpur organized the technology day at the Outreach auditorium. Former president of Atomic Energy Department and former director of the BARC, Dr. R. K. Sinha was the chief guest in this programme. Dr. R. K. Sinha delivered a very thoughtful speech on “Transforming Vision into reality through science and technology”. In this occasion, Mr. Vishnu Agarwal from Technical Associates Limited, Lucknow (also former student of the institute) along with the CEO of HAL Accessories, Mr. Rajeev Kumar were invited as special speakers. Mr. Vishnu Agarwal delivered a talk on the True Economic Growth of technology and Innovation. Mr. Rajeev Kumar talked on Enabling Technology for Aircraft Manufacturing. The faculty and students of the institute arranged a great exhibition of the technologies currently being developed at the institute. A poster exhibition was organized at the Hall of Fame of Outreach auditorium, where an exhibition of products developed at IIT Kanpur was also displayed. In addition, SIDBI Innovation and incubation centre displayed information on New Start-Up endeavors.