Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering (SPASE)

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Details of courses

SPA 201: Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics

SPA 401: Galaxies and Observational Cosmology

SPA601: Introduction to space & astronomical instrumentation

SPA602: Mathematical methods in space sciences & engineering:

SPA603: Solar system processes and space missions

SPA604: Numerical methods in space sciences & engineering

SPA 610 Fundamentals of Astronomy and Astrophysics

SPA611: Radio astronomy

SPA612: Radio astronomy laboratory

SPA 613: Observational Techniques & Telescopes

SPA614: Introduction to Celestial Mechanics

SPA615: Observational Techniques & Telescopes

SPA617: Space Instrumentation Laboratory

SPA618: Introduction to radiative processes in space

SPA620: Solar system mechanics

SPA 621: Planetary Surface Processes

SPA622/ES683: Planetary geomorphology - Processes & products

SPA623: Numerical Techniques in Space Sciences & Engineering

SPA625: Space data acquisition & analysis

SPA660: High Energy Astrophysics of Binary star systems

SPA661: Stars and Stellar Evolution