
All accepted papers will be distributed to the participants in a CD at the time of the conference. In addition, a printed book of abstracts will be brought out.
Selected papers out of the total accepted papers will be published by Springer as a book after
the conference, around April-May 2015. Please note the following additional points:
Authors of such papers will have to transfer their copyright to the publisher.
The softcopy of the book would be made available to all registered participants of the conference.
Authors will have the option of being considered (or otherwise) for inclusion in the Springer proceedings at the time of full paper submission.
Only those papers orally presented at the conference will be considered for the Springer publication.
All submitted manuscripts will be pre-assessed in numerical terms during review. Papers will then be selected for publication in the Springer proceedings on the basis of a cut-off that will be decided by a larger committee.
Such papers must abide by all the referee recommendations to the satisfaction of the Session Chairs.
Post conference, authors will have an opportunity to improve their respective manuscripts based on suggestions received from the audience and specific comments from the Session Chairs.
The revised manuscript typed as per the template provided on the conference page and with a page limit of 8 (eight) will be due on 1st February 2015.