Design and Development of Autonomous Robot for Crop-Monitoring and Localized Pest Neutralization
Sustainable and profitable farming is essential for economic growth. Automation and AI/ML-based technologies can help farmers increase their productivity. It has the potential to increase agricultural yields and reduce losses. Farming is a major source of income in our nation’s economy. As a result, raising agricultural output is essential. The use of pesticides must be minimised, and disease-related losses must be prevented. Keeping these goals in mind, our lab has accepted the challenge of developing new technologies to help solve this critical issue.
Autonomous Robot development for:
- Monitoring local conditions (temperature, humidity etc.) in the farm
- Autonomous navigation (manual override option available)
- Smart sensors (high resolution camera) and algorithms (AI/ML based) to detect local infestation of crops
- Efficient deterrence by localised pesticides delivery mechanism to the affected area
- Advance precision farming technique
- Display for real-time image feeds from inaccessible regions on the farm
Experimental Fields for Potato and Tomato Crop

AgroTech Robots
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KriPaN - Agricultural Environmental Observator
कृषि पर्यावरण निरीक्षक (Krishi Pariyavaran Nirikshak)
Agricultural Environmental Observator
The first line of technology which we have developed is KriPaN (Krishi Parayavaran Nirikshak, Agriculture Environment Observator). It is an robot/observator to monitor field conditions and collect field data. It can scan the entire field autonomously and can collect required data. It is one of the unique kinds of system and patent has been applied.

SaRP – Plant Disease Investigator
सस्य रोग परिवेक्षक (Sasya Rog Parivekshak)
Plant Disease Investigator
The proposed developed robot is able to identify the plant disease in potato and tomato field. It roams in the field and observes the plant which are disease prone or diseased. It keeps that information and shares with KriPaN or SUrYa.
