The course work consists of a set of required courses covering the basic concepts of nuclear science and engineering, experimental techniques and a set of electives that may be taken from within or outside of the Programme. Some of the courses are listed below
- NT 612 Reactor Physics
- NT 602 Nuclear and Reactor Physics
- NT 611 Nuclear Power Engineering I
- NT 614 Nuclear Power Engineering II
- NT 615 Nuclear Power Engineering III
- NT 621 Nuclear Measurements Laboratory
- NT 631 Neutron Transport Theory
- NT 632 Radioisotope Application in Engineering
- NT 633 Nuclear Fusion
- NT 634 Nuclear Reaction and Interaction of Radiation with Matter
- NT 641 Introduction to Computerized Tomography
- NT 642 Nondestructive Evaluation
- NT 651 Fast Reactor Technology
- NT 652 Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Contents)
- NT 661 Nuclear Reactor Safety
- ME 681 Mathematical Methods in Engineering