SOP FOR Weighing Balance: Basic weighing function: 1). Turn on the balance scale. 2). Place the container on balance. 3).TARE the balance. 4).Place the sample in container and note down the weight. Dont’s: 1). Don’t move the weighing balance in any case. 2). Don’t change the configuration of the instrument. 3). Don’t subject the table carrying weighing balance to severe vibrations or shocks, because it can affect the calibration. Do’s: 1). Clean your hands before using the instrument. 2). Clean the container and wipe down its outer surface before placing it on the weighing pan. 3). Put off the fan in the vicinity of the instrument. 4). Ensure that the instrument is not subjected to a draft of air. 5). Do all the procedures carefully and ensure that weighing pan remains clean during the usage. 6).Put off the ac power supply when you have finished your work. Student incharge: Miss Deepa Singh Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Mr. Arjun Singh Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |