
Organic Solar Cells

The goal is to ensure a practical and reliable photovoltaic (PV) device and sub-module technology available for implementation on flexible substrates. The peripheral circuits to extract and deliver power could also be built along with the PV sub-module on the flexible electronics platform as per needs of the final product, preferably with an integrated monolithic process of fabrication. Our immediate target is to build and demonstrate functional PV sub-modules on paper substrate which can operate small portable electronic gadgets.

Current Specialisation

1) Organic solar cell on steel substrate for rooftop application
2) High efficiency organic solar cell sub-modules on glass and flexible substrate
3) Organic solar cell on paper using mass printing techniques

Current Capabilities

On Glass Substrate

Sub-modules of size 10 cm x 10 cm

On Steel Substrate

Small area device 3 mm x 3 mm

Working Towards

Sub-modules on steel substrate

Sub-modules on paper & PET substrate

High throughput printing process

Target Aplications

Light weight power generation source

Portable solar PV device on flexible substrate

Vision and Objectives

Vision: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics that serves as a foundation for development of domestic industry in this field.

Objective: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics by developing partnership with industry and with a view that potentially leads to manufacturing.

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