• Capturè : The Photography Competition

This year, Inter IIT is providing the enthusiastic photographers a platform to showcase the power of their shutters. So you, Monets and van Goghs, pick up your cameras right now and walk to the stadium to capture the legendary events in your reels (oops! memory cards).

Criteria for judgement are thoughtful attention to lighting, eye-catching color; balanced composition; sharpness; correct exposure; and a host of other elements like- Overall effectiveness of the photo to 'Capture the Moment' Completeness in coverage of all the events

The prizes for the competition are
    1st prize  :  Rs. 1000
    2nd prize  :   Rs. 600
    3rd prize  :  Rs. 300
    4th prize  :   Rs. 100

Uploading Closed
Results to be out soon

Upload your images here. Compress all your images in one zip or rar file and then upload.
Upload limit for a file is 100MB.

Name* :

Institute* :

Roll No./ P.F. No.* :

Institute Email-ID* :

Mobile No. :

Choose your file(only .zip and .rar allowed)* :

* marked fields are mandatory.

The deadline for submission is 2:00 pm on 20th December.