Vortex Previous Editions

The eighteenth Vortex-2021 Conference shall continue the tradition of holding a focused meeting around Vortex Matter in Superconductors, which began in 1994 in Palaiseau, France. The international vortex workshop/conference (IVW) series was initiated with the purpose of exchange of ideas to assess the progress in the science and technology relating to vortices in high temperature superconductors, and promoting international collaborations. The meetings were organized annually for first seven years, thereafter every one and half years for next five occasions and then settling down to biennial events. The commemorative tenth event (IVW-10) in 2005 was held in TIFR Mumbai. After a span of 15 years this event will be returning to India in 2021. We are seeking its inclusion as a part of commemorations planned for Diamond Jubilee Year of IIT Kanpur and Platinum Jubilee year of TIFR, Mumbai.

VORTEX workshops to date: