Prof. Harutoshi Ogai

Prof. Harutoshi Ogai

IPS-Waseda University, Japan


Prof. Harutoshi Ogai is Doctorate of Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Before joining the IPS-Waseda University, he had worked as one of the Chief Executives with Nippon Steel Company for about two decades and had seminal contribution in the field of Modelling and Optimal Control of Complex Systems like Blast Furnace. He has developed Process modeling and Java-based process simulator for some very large scale processes or complex processes and developed strategies for optimal control. A Typical Example: a blast furnace is a complicated and nonlinear system. The process analysis and operational guidance for such systems are researched by ICA (Independent Component Analysis), LOM (Large scale data on-line modeling), and SOG (Simulation based on-line guidance). Prof. Ogai and his team have developed many such hardware in loop systems for industrial applications.


  • Complex Process Modelling and Control
  • Design and Development of Autonomous Electric Vehicle
  • Process Analysis and Simulation
  • Bridge Damage Diagnosis and
  • Automotive Control
