- NAME :
Indian Academy for Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
The Head Quarters of the Academy shall be located at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur(U.P.).
The present address of the Academy is the “Indian Academy for Mathematical Modelling and Simulation, :
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-208016, India
The area of operation of the Academy shall be in India.
- To promote the applicable of mathematical modeling and computer simulation in all branches of knowledge.
- To organize conferences, symposia, seminars and training programmes on all aspects of mathematical modeling and computer simulation.
- To publish books, monographs, bulletins, proceedings of conferences and journals on mathematical modeling an computer simulation.
- Collaborate with institutions, industries and professional bodies engaged in mathematical, modeling and computer simulation, both at national and international levels.
- To institute award/prizes for outstanding contributions in mathematical modeling and computer simulation.
- To take necessary steps for the development of teaching and research in mathematical modeling and computer simulation and its applications in branches of knowledge.
The Academy will confer ‘Fellowship’ on its Members/Associate Fellow if they have made outstanding contributions in the field of Mathematical
Modeling/Computer Simulation. The relevant procedure is described in the Bye-Laws.
The financial year of the Academy will be from Ist January to 31st December of each year. The annual subscription for a year will be payable in advance before January of that year. The rates of subscription for different categories of membership and the privileges of members are given in the Bye-Laws.
Application for “Member/Associate Fellow”, duly nominated by at least two members of the respective category of the
Academy, shall be submitted to the Academy Office on the prescribed form. The Executive Council (EC) shall invite organizations interested in Mathematical
Modeling and Computer Simulation to become institutional Members. Student members shall be nominated by one Member or Associate Fellow of the
Membership in any category may be discontinued with effect from the year in which subscription is not paid by 31st January of that year.
- General Body
- Executive Council
The general Body shall consist of all the Members. Associate Fellows, and Fellows of the
The General Body shall meet at least once a year. One of these meetings shall be called the ‘Annual General Meeting’ (AGM). A meeting of the General Body shall be called Secretary on a date, time and venue as approved by the EC.
A notice of 15 days is to be given for all general body meetings. However, the President is empowered to call a meeting at shorter notice.
Twenty five members shall form the quorum of a general body meeting of the
Academy. In a meeting adjourned for lack of quorum, the members present shall form the quorum.
The President shall call a ‘Requisitioned Meeting’ if it has been requisitioned in writing by a least twenty five General Body Members of the
Academy to discuss specific issues.
The members of the General Body can propose amendments to the constitution, discuss various proposals to the Executive Council for consideration. They can also take part in the Elections of the Executive Council of the
Academy as described in the Bye-Laws.
The Academy shall be managed by the Executive Council (EC) with the assistance of such Zonal Executive Committees (ZEC, see Bye-Laws) as Council may decide from time to time.
- The EC shall comprise of the following office bearers:
- President 1
- vice-president (Two) 2
- General Secretary 1
- Treasurer 1
- Overseas Liaison Secretary 1
- Managing Editor 1
- Members 10
- Zonal President (maximum two) 1
- The EC, except for the Managing Editor and the overseas Liaison Secretary shall be constituted by election as described in the Bye-Laws with the following provisions:
i) Elections for President, both vice-presidents and five members of the EC will be held every year.
ii) The elections for General Secretary, Treasurer, and Zonal Committee members will be held every two years.
iii) General Secretary and Treasurer shall be from amongst the members of the General Body stationed at Kanpur.
- The EC shall meet as an when required but at least once in a year. A meeting of the EC shall be called by the General Secretary on a date, time and venue as approved by the President.
A notice of at least 15 days shall be given for all the EC meetings. However, the President is empowered to call a meeting at shorter notice.
Five members of the Executive Council shall from the quorum for any of the EC meetings.
The Executive Council shall have the right to nominate positions that may fall vacant in the EC, except those of President and vice-president after the election.
In the event of the position of president falling vacant before the end of the term. EC shall elect one of the vice-presidents to the position till the next election is held.
The EC shall have all powers in the direct management and promotion of objectives of the
Academy to any limitation imposed on its functioning by the General Body. The EC can assign additional duties to its Members as may be required from time to time.
The terms of the office of the EC members shall be as follows:
President 1 year
Vice-President 1 year
Outgoing President 1 year
Zonal President 1 year
All other members and office bearers 1 year
No office bearer shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
- The President shall preside over all General Body Meetings, Ec Meetings and the Annual Convention.
- The President shall provide overall guidance and direction of furthering the aims objective of the
- The two Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in performing his duties and enhancing the objectives of the
Academy. In the absence of the President,. The senior Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the President. In case of non-availability of the President and Vice-President the President can nominate any member of the EC to perform his duties. In the absence of such a nomination by the President, the members attending the meeting may elect one amongst themselves to chair the meeting.
- The General Secretary shall be the administrative in-charge of the office of the
Academy at the Head Quarters and shall be responsible for the implementation of EC decisions, the preparation, maintenance and circulation of minutes of meetings, correspondence etc.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the
Academy’s funds in accordance with the directives of the EC.
- The Overseas Liaison Secretary shall be responsible for the promotion of the activities of the
Academy abroad.
- The Managing Editor shall be responsible for bringing out all the publications of the
- At the time of the ‘Annual General Meeting’ the Treasurer will present the audited annual accounts of
the Academy as approved by the EC. The General Secretary will present the annual report and an account of the activities of the
Any amendment of the Constitution/Bye-Laws can be initiated by the EC and/or in a General Body Meeting if supported
by a least two thirds of the members present. The approval of amendment to the Constitution will be obtained through
ballot from all the Members, Associate Fellows and Fellows and should be supported by 60% of the valid ballots received.
However, any amendment to the Bye-Laws can be carried out by the approval of two thirds of the EC members.
The Academy shall raise funds for pursuing the stipulated objectives through
- Subscription form the members.
- Grants from government and other organizations.
- Any other source approved by the EC.
- The Academy shall maintain its accounts in one (or more) of the nationalized banks at Kanpur into which subscriptions and other funds collected shall be credited and the account shall be operated jointly by the Treasurer and the General Secretary.
- The EC will partially support the activities of each zone financially. For this purpose 20% of the funds raised as the membership fee of the particular zone will be made available to the Secretary of the Zonal Executive Committee. The Zonal Executive Committee can also raise funds for its activities. The zonal accounts will be operated by the Zonal Secretary.
The accounts of the Academy will be audited annually by a competent auditor/chartered accountant as identified by the EC.
The Academy may sue or be sued in the name of the President/General Secretary in the name of such person as shall be nominated or appointed by the EC.
All records such as membership register, stock register, cash book etc. shall be maintained at the office of the
Academy at the Head Quarters.
The Academy may be dissolved if a proposal for dissolution of the Academy is approved by at atleast three fourths of the General Body Members of the
Academy. All necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of the property of the
Academy and its claims and liabilities as decided by the EC.