Fluid Mechanics and Complex Fluids
R. P. Chhabra and J. F. Richardson, Non-Newtonian Flow and Applied Rheology, Second Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (2008).
R. P. Chhabra, Bubbles, Drops, and Particles in Non-Newtonian Fluids, Second edition, CRC Press, BocaRaton, FL(2006).
V. Gupta and S. K. Gupta, Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, First Edition, Wiley Eastern/New Age Intl. Pub., New Delhi (1984).
P. J. Carreau, D. De Kee and R. P. Chhabra, Rheology of Polymeric Systems: Principles and Applications, Hanser, Munich (1997).
S. K. Gupta, Momentum Transfer Operations, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1979).
Mathematical Methods
S. K. Gupta, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Second Edition, New Age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi (2010).
A. K. Ray and S. K. Gupta, Mathematical Methods in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Cengage Learning, Singapore (2004).
Polymer Science and Engineering
A. Kumar and R. K. Gupta, Fundamentals of Polymer Engineering, Marcel Dekker, New York (2003).
S. K. Gupta and A. Kumar, Reaction Engineering of Step Growth Polymerization, Plenum, New York (1987).
A. Kumar and S. K. Gupta, Fundamentals of Polymer Science and Engineering, Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1978).
Process Design
J. P. Gupta, Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger and Pressure Vessel Technology, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, reprinted (1990).
J. P. Gupta, Computer Programs for Mechanical Design of Heat Exchangers and Pressure Vessels, Milwaukee, USA: A. E.T. Inc. (1984).
A. Kumar, Chemical Process Synthesis and Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill, New York (1982).
Y. V. C. Rao, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Universities Press, Hyderabad (1997).
Y. V. C. Rao, Theory and Problems of Thermodynamics, Wiley Eastern/New Age International, New Delhi (1994).
Y. V. C. Rao, An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi (1993).
Y. V. C. Rao, Postulational and Statistical Thermodynamics, Allied Publishers, New Delhi (1994).
Y. V. C. Rao, Engineering Thermodynamics through Examples, Khanna Book Publishing Co., New Delhi (1999).