Total plinth area of buildings added / in progress : 4,85,000 Sq ft.

           Plan Work : 1549 Lacs
           Non Plan Work : 467"
           Project Account : 795"
                           Total 2811 crore

           · Biological Science & Bio Engineering
           · Lecture Hall Complex (Phase-I)
           · Samtel Centre for Display Technology
           · SIDBI Incubation & Innovation Centre
           · Hall No. - VII
           · Media Lab.
           · Railway Reservation
           · Hall No.- VIII
           · 12 nos. residences for Visiting Faculty
           · Dormitory for Security Guards.
           · Augmentation of stand-by power supply.
           · Park - 67
           · 24 Km. length of bituminous road resurfaced & widened.
           · 3 Km. of new roads developed.
           · 1.2 Km long RCC Boundary Wall constructed beyond airfield.
           · Water supply augmented by erection of 3 KL capacity overhead tank, 3 nos. deep tube wells &                       modification of network.
           · 1500 saplings of different varieties planted.

           i) Supply, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of 5K EPABX Telephone Exchange.
           ii) Asset Management Contract for comprehensive services in Hall No.-VII.
           iii) Privatization of mess for Hall No. - VII.
           iv) AMC for stand-by power supply system.
           v) Sanitation & Horticulture.
           vi) Internal Security.