/* * This relies on having the Java Look and Feel Graphics Repository * (jlfgr-1_0.jar) in the class path. You can download this file * from http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/techDocs/hi/repository/. * Put it in the class path using one of the following commands * (assuming jlfgr-1_0.jar is in a subdirectory named jars): * * java -cp .;jars/jlfgr-1_0.jar ActionDemo [Microsoft Windows] * java -cp .:jars/jlfgr-1_0.jar ActionDemo [UNIX] * * I needed to put quotation marks around the path, since I use a * UNIX-emulating shell on Win32: * * java -cp ".;jars/jlfgr-1_0.jar" ActionDemo [UNIX shell on Win32] */ import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ActionDemo extends JPanel implements ItemListener { protected JTextArea textArea; protected String newline = "\n"; protected Action leftAction, middleAction, rightAction; protected JCheckBoxMenuItem[] cbmi; public ActionDemo() { super(new BorderLayout()); //Create a scrolled text area. textArea = new JTextArea(5, 30); textArea.setEditable(false); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); //Lay out the content pane. setPreferredSize(new Dimension(450, 150)); add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); //Create the actions shared by the toolbar and menu. leftAction = new LeftAction( "Go left", createNavigationIcon("Back24"), "This is the left button.", new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_L)); middleAction = new MiddleAction("Do something", createNavigationIcon("Up24"), "This is the middle button.", new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_M)); rightAction = new RightAction( "Go right", createNavigationIcon("Forward24"), "This is the right button.", new Integer(KeyEvent.VK_R)); } /** Returns an ImageIcon, or null if the path was invalid. */ protected static ImageIcon createNavigationIcon(String imageName) { String imgLocation = "toolbarButtonGraphics/navigation/" + imageName + ".gif"; java.net.URL imageURL = ActionDemo.class.getResource(imgLocation); if (imageURL == null) { System.err.println("Resource not found: " + imgLocation); return null; } else { return new ImageIcon(imageURL); } } public JMenuBar createMenuBar() { JMenuItem menuItem = null; JMenuBar menuBar; //Create the menu bar. menuBar = new JMenuBar(); //Create the first menu. JMenu mainMenu = new JMenu("Menu"); Action[] actions = {leftAction, middleAction, rightAction}; for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { menuItem = new JMenuItem(actions[i]); menuItem.setIcon(null); //arbitrarily chose not to use icon mainMenu.add(menuItem); } //Set up the menu bar. menuBar.add(mainMenu); menuBar.add(createAbleMenu()); return menuBar; } public void createToolBar() { JButton button = null; //Create the toolbar. JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar(); add(toolBar, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); //first button button = new JButton(leftAction); if (button.getIcon() != null) { button.setText(""); //an icon-only button } toolBar.add(button); //second button button = new JButton(middleAction); if (button.getIcon() != null) { button.setText(""); //an icon-only button } toolBar.add(button); //third button button = new JButton(rightAction); if (button.getIcon() != null) { button.setText(""); //an icon-only button } toolBar.add(button); } protected JMenu createAbleMenu() { JMenu ableMenu = new JMenu("Action State"); cbmi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem[3]; cbmi[0] = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("First action enabled"); cbmi[1] = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Second action enabled"); cbmi[2] = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Third action enabled"); for (int i = 0; i < cbmi.length; i++) { cbmi[i].setSelected(true); cbmi[i].addItemListener(this); ableMenu.add(cbmi[i]); } return ableMenu; } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { JCheckBoxMenuItem mi = (JCheckBoxMenuItem)(e.getSource()); boolean selected = (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED); //Set the enabled state of the appropriate Action. if (mi == cbmi[0]) { leftAction.setEnabled(selected); } else if (mi == cbmi[1]) { middleAction.setEnabled(selected); } else if (mi == cbmi[2]) { rightAction.setEnabled(selected); } } public void displayResult(String actionDescription, ActionEvent e) { String s = ("Action event detected: " + actionDescription + newline + " Event source: " + e.getSource() + newline); textArea.append(s); } public class LeftAction extends AbstractAction { public LeftAction(String text, ImageIcon icon, String desc, Integer mnemonic) { super(text, icon); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, mnemonic); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { displayResult("Action for first button/menu item", e); } } public class MiddleAction extends AbstractAction { public MiddleAction(String text, ImageIcon icon, String desc, Integer mnemonic) { super(text, icon); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, mnemonic); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { displayResult("Action for second button/menu item", e); } } public class RightAction extends AbstractAction { public RightAction(String text, ImageIcon icon, String desc, Integer mnemonic) { super(text, icon); putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, desc); putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, mnemonic); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { displayResult("Action for third button/menu item", e); } } /** * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety, * this method should be invoked from the * event-dispatching thread. */ private static void createAndShowGUI() { //Make sure we have nice window decorations. JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); //Create and set up the window. JFrame frame = new JFrame("ActionDemo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Create/set menu bar and content pane. ActionDemo demo = new ActionDemo(); frame.setJMenuBar(demo.createMenuBar()); demo.createToolBar(); demo.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque frame.setContentPane(demo); //Display the window. frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread: //creating and showing this application's GUI. javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); } }); } }