Department of Physics

Applications are invited for the post of Post-doctoral Fellow (Project Scientist) under a DRDO entitled "Metamaterials and plasmonic structured materials for controlling radiation". The position is tenable for one year and extendable by two more years upon satisfactory performance.

The Post-doctoral fellow will conduct experimental work on the development of Plasmonic (metallic) nanostructures by lithographic methods and their optical characterizations.

Essential qualifications: Fresh Ph.D. in experimental physics with a reasonable publication record in good professional journals. Candidates whose Ph.D. work was on optics and nanostructure fabrication and lithography will be preferred. Basic computer skills for interfacing are essential.

NET /GATE scores are desirable.

Salary will be in the scale 22000-2200-44000 with medical facilities and housing facilities as permissible under rules. Minimum emoluments will be Rs. 26,400/- per month.

Applications on plain paper, with the curriculum vitae and at least two references (mandatory), should be sent to the undersigned by 28th Feb. 2014. Applications sent by Email / FAX are also acceptable.

Prof. S.A. Ramakrishna
Department of Physics,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur - 208 016
Tel: 0512-259 7449; FAX: 0512-259 0914