Applications are invited on plain paper for a temporary position
in a project on "Design and Development of Visually
Guided Autonomous Quadrotors: Application in Surveillance and Disaster
Management" (Project No. INS/
EE/ IITK /20130334) Institute project.
The qualification and experience requirements for the above mentioned post are the following.
1. Project Associate (one):
• Qualification: Master of Science and should be familiar with usage of computer hardware & software packages.
• Desirable: Knowledge of office management with 2 years experience
• Salary: Salary will be in the range of Rs. 10000-1000-20000 consolidated and will be fixed based on qualifications and experience.
Duration will be up to 02-02-2015 (which may be extended).
Last date for receipt of application: April 29, 2014
Application on plain paper, along with a summary of bio-data may be sent to the undersigned by post or by email. Please note that no TA/DA will be given to the candidates for attending interview.
Dr. Laxmidhar Behera
Project Investigator
Department of Electrical Engineering
I.I.T Kanpur -208016.
Office location: Wl-213
Tel: +91-512-2597854