Department of Electrical Engineering
Applications are invited for the post of Project Associate, Which is a temporary Project Position, and involves working on the project “BSNL Cellular Network Optimization ”.

No. of Post: One

Qualification: BTech in : Electronics and Communication Engineering
Skill Set Required: Background in 2G GSM, 3G UMTS Wireless Communications, Experience simulating Digital and Wireless Communications systems, Probability Random Processes, Bit-Error Rate in Commnications Systems, Concepts of Blocking Probability, Telecommunication Traffic, cognitive radio and detection theory scenarios in MATLAB. Prior programming experience in MATLAB, C, C++, PERL, PYTHON, Familiarity with RF testing tools (TEMS), Software Development and testing

Salary: Rs: 10000-1000-20000 depending on qualification and experience. The Position is purely temporary and the project duration is one Year.

Address: Applications along with your resume and supporting documents send

Aditya K Jagannatham
205 D, ACES
Department of Electrical Engineering.
IIT Kanpur-208 016

Last date for application February16th, 2014. Please provide your telephone No. So that you may be called on short notice.

Aditya K Jagannatham
Principal Investigator