Programmable Electrometer


The Partial Discharge Detector and Analyser is available at Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. This facility is currently installed in High Voltage Laboratory. Keithley’s 51/2 – digital Model 6517A Electrometer /High Resistance Meter offers high accuracy and sensitivity. With reading rates of up to 125 readings/second, the Model 6517A offers quick, easy way to measure low level currents.

Important features of Electrometer (Model 6517A):

Exceptional sensitivity and accuracy for voltage, current, charge, and V/I resistance and resistivity measurements. Relative humidity and external temperature can be measured.

The internal 1000V V-source can be configured with the ammeter to make V/I resistance/resistivity measurements, and to force voltage, measure current.

Readings and set up data can be stored and recalled from memory. Over 15,000 readings can be stored in the buffer and up to 10 instrument setups can be stored in memory.

Built–in tests for the following applications: device characterisation, resistivity, high resistance/resistivity (alternating polarity method), surface insulation resistance and voltage sweeps.


High Voltage Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering
IIT Kanpur


Prof.Nandini Gupta

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