Contact Angle Goniometer

Procures in the Financial Year: 2011-12

The machine "Contact Angle Goniometer" is designed to investigate interfacial properties (surface free energy, wettability, surface/interfacial tension) of solid-solid, solid-liquid and liquid-liquid interface. The machine is designed with four software controlled dosing unit (electronic syringes) to eject controlled amount of various liquids on a solid surface. The machine has normal as well as high speed imaging capability to explore static and dynamics of interfacial properties. It also has an environmental chamber to manipulate environmental conditions e.g. temperature, humidity, gas and study its effect on interfacial properties.


Southern Lab 20,
IIT Kanpur


Prof. Krishnacharya
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User Charges

For a 2 hour slot:
Contact angle/surface tension measurement (ambient condition) INR. 200/-
Interfacial tension (between two fluids) measurement (ambient condition) INR. 500/-
Surface free energy of solid measurement (ambient condition) INR. 1000/-
Measurement involving environmental chamber (variable temp, humidity) INR. 2000/-
Measurement involving high speed camera (upto 1000 fps) INR. 2000/-
(Service tax is applicable for outside IITK users)