
Dr. Amit Prakash

( BT /EE/ 1998)

Dr. Amit Prakash is the Co-founder and CTO at ThoughtSpot since 2012. He has extensive experience in building large scale analytics systems.


Dr. Prakash did his B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur in 1998. Subsequently, he went on to obtain his PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004. Dr. Prakash started his career as a Software Engineer at Microsoft in 2004 where he was responsible for building the distributed system that could load web graphs and do PageRank like computations. He also developed spam resistant version of PageRank (an algorithm used by Google Search to rank web pages in their search engine results.) at Microsoft . In 2007, he joined Google as a Tech Lead where he led multiple teams responsible for improving analytical algorithms for AdSense, contributing $50M+ quarter-on-quarter growth to the business.

For the last eight years, Dr. Prakash has worked on Engineering problems related to High performance scalable systems, Machine Learning,Data Mining, Advertising and Data Analytics. Dr. Prakash is also co-author of books on “Elements of Programming Interviews” and “Algorithms for Interviews”.