
Sanjay Mittal Chair

Mr. Sanjay Mittal (BT/EE/1975) is the Founder and CEO of Predictika. He is a highly successful entrepreneur and an accomplished AI technologist. Mr. Mittal started his career as a research scientist at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) with notable work in Artificial Intelligence and Constraint Reasoning. He was the President and CEO of Selectics Inc., a pioneer in internet sales and configuration solutions for large enterprises using AI constraint-reasoning technologies, where he built the company from scratch to a very successful $5B IPO in 2000. He was the co-founder and CTO of Spotzot, the leader in location-based delivery of retail offers over mobile devices. Mr. Mittal has had an illustrious career as a seasoned executive and has managed relationships with some of the largest companies in manufacturing, retail and insurance.
Mr. Sanjay Mittal and his wife, Priti Mittal instituted the Sanjay Mittal Chair that is open to all the departments of sciences and engineering working in the areas of innovative computational algorithms.

Current Occupant

Prof. Shalabh

November 2022 - November 2025

Prof. Shalabh, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, specializes in Statistics & Econometrics. His research interests include Linear Regression Models, Econometric Modelling, Measurement Error Models, Missing Data Models, Panel Data Models. He earned his doctorate in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Lucknow in 1996.

Former Occupant

Prof. Mahendra Verma

Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2020

Prof. Mahendra Verma, Department of Physics, specializes in Nonlinear Physics, Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Astrophysical Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, and Turbulence. He is the recipient of Swarnajayanti Fellowship by the Department of Science and Technology, India (2006) , and the Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Cray HPC Award (2018), which honors high-performance computing contributions from India. He is also an elected fellow of the Indian National Science Academy and the Indian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Verma earned his doctorate from the University of Maryland in 1994.