
Please read the below points before sending an email

We strongly encourage you to read the Information brochure. Because of high volume of emails received everyday, we may not be able to reply on time. Also, you will not be replied if your query is addressed here.

  • Accept and retain option can be chosen twice for any program XYZ from any Institute ABC. If you get an upgraded offer from the same Institute ABC in the next round, then you will be offered only the upgraded offer from that Institute ABC, not the original offer XYZ which you retained in the last round. However, you may get other offers from other Institutes at the same time. 
  • After retaining one offered program for two times (round X and round X+1), if you chose some other program in the round X+2, then you can retain this new program for another 2 times (upto round X+2 and round X+3). However, in the last main round (Round 5), you can’t retain any offer. 
  • If you choose ‘retain and wait’ option for a program in one round (say round X) and in the next round (round X+1), if you don’t take any action, your offer for that program will be considered to be rejected. And therefore, in the next round (round X+2), you won’t be offered that program again. However, you have the possibility to get an upgraded program (according to the preference of choices you have filled for that Institute), if exits, from the same Institute. 
  • If you accept and freeze an offer, you will no longer be given any more offer in COAP. 
  • After choosing ‘accept and freeze’ option in COAP, if you are not getting any offer letter from the Institute, please write to the respective Institute. COAP has no information about this. 
  • Before choosing any option in COAP, please think twice. We won’t entertain any of your requests to change your option later. 
  • We have no data about rank list/cut off score of any program at the end of each round as the offers are given by the Institutes. Please don’t email us asking the last rank/cut off score of any round. 
  • In the round 5, you have only two option - accept and reject. There is no retain option. 
  • For additional round, no seperate registration is required. You will be offered your choice like the main rounds depending on vacancy. However there won't be any retain and wait option in the additional rounds.