SID India Chapter

  • SID India Chapter co-sponsors Display and Lighting Symposium of International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductors 2011 (IWPSD 2011) being held at IIT Kanpur, India from December 18-22, 2011. (
  • SID India Chapter co-organizes  ICLA-2012 , the 4th International Confernce on Luminescence and its Applications, to be held Inidan Instituet of Chemical Technology at Hyderabad India from February 07-10, 2012 (Contact :Prof. K. Somaiah ; Dr. R.P. Rao ).


Seminars in 2010

These following technical was co-sponsored by SID India Chapter

1.      "Development of conductor materials for printable electronics: A Unipixel perspective"

by Dr. E S Ramakrishnan, Unipixel displays, Texas, USA.

On 16th December, 2010 at IIT Kanpur

2.      Ion and Electron Activated Plasma Etching Process

By Dr. Gangadhara S. Mathad

Semiconductor Tech Consulting, Poughkeepsie, NY,  USA
Date: 27th October, 2010 (Wednesday)

3.      "Trials and tribulations of a "strained" transistor -- process innovation
driven device enhancements"
by Dr. Sadanand Deshpande

IBM-SRDC, Bangalore from

On  25th October (Monday),from 3 to 4 PM



Regular Seminars were organized alongwith SCDT, IIT Kanpur;

These lectures are attended by most members in Kanpur

Title: "Electrical impedance spectroscopy study of Pentacene based MIS structure"

Name: Mr. Tapendu Mandal

Dated: 2nd February, 2010


Title of seminar

Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells Based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Name: Mr. Arun Tej Mallajosyula

Dated: 23rd March, 2010


Title of seminar
"Study of optical and morphological properties of thin films in CuPc/C60 solar cells"
Name: Mr. Debjit Datta
Date: 26th March 2010


Title of seminar (open):
Photo-electronic Properties & Localized States in Polymeric Semiconductors
Name: Mr. Awnish Kumar Tripathi
Date: 7th May, 2010l;;;;"p
Mr. Prasenjit Ghosh Title: "Temperature and humidity sensing applications of nanostructured  polyaniline films", a Date: 13th May, 2010 
Mr. Raghav Goel
Thesis Title: "Characterisation and modelling of organic devices using impedance spectroscopy"
Date: 14th May, 2010 
Mr. Deepak Bansal 
 Title: "Pentacene based organic thin film transistors: optimization and transient analysis"
Date: 14th May, 2010 


Mr. Piyush Bhatasana (Y8104045) Thesis Title: "Organic think film transistors: fabrication and temperature dependence characteristics"