IITK REACH Symposium 2010

REACH-2010 is being held at IIT Kanpur during 10-12 October, 2010.



Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur has been organizing Research Challenges (REACH) symposia with an idea to develop interdisciplinary research thinking as well as to provide impetus to research activity being carried out in frontier areas a this institute.

In the past, two such symposia were held in 2007 and 2008, REACH-2010 is being held at IIT Kanpur during 10-12 October, 2010.

The themes identified for this symposium are:

High Performance Computing: Applications in Science and Engineering - A. Chandra (Convener), K. Deb

Innovation and Design - B. V. Phani (Convener), J. Chatterjee and Deepak Gupta

Environment, Health and Life - D. Chowdhury (Convener), S. Panda

Creating a Research Vision for IIT Kanpur - Ashutosh Sharma (Convener), K. Muralidhar and D. Kunzru

Under each of these themes there will be 6-7 lectures by eminent invited speakers from within and outside the institute. In addition there will be a poster session on October 10th and 11th which will given an opportunity to young researchers to present their work. Participation in this symposium is by invitation as well as registration.

For Correspondence:

V Chandrasekhar
Department of Chemistry
IIT Kanpur - 208016
Emai: vc@iitk.ac.in
Phone: +91-512-2597259

2007 | 2008