Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering


Applications are invited for one post of Project Associate for a sponsored project of the DBT entitled Structure & Biochemical investigation on M. tuberculosis N-acetyl- glucosamine-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GlmU)- a novel substrate of PknB at BSBE Department, IIT Kanpur.

Minimum Qualification : M.Tech in Biotechnology related areas with Ist division Experience in cloning, expression, protein purification, site-directed mutagenesis, protein characterization, protein crystallization and structure determination is necessary.

Salary Range : Maximum 12,000 per month + HRA, if eligible.

The post is purely temporary for three months and can be extended for one year on the basis of performance.

Interested candidates may apply on a plain paper or by e-mail giving full details of qualifications, experience with copies of relevant certificates by 12th May ’2011

Applications may be sent to the following address:

Dr.Balaji Prakash
Structural Biology Lab
Department of Biological Sciences & BioEngineering,
IIT Kanpur 208016