Somesh K. Mathur


Professor, Economics Group, Department of Economic Sciences


Research Interest



  • PhD, JNU, New Delhi, 2005.PhD thesis title: Perspective of Economic Growth in Selected South Asian and East Asian Countries. PhD thesis supervisor: Professor S K Das(JNU)
  • M.Phil, JNU, New Delhi, 1997
  • M.A., Jamia Millia Islamia Univ., New Delhi, 1994
  • B.A., Delhi University, 1990


Econometric Methods, Econometric Practices, Indian Economic Problems and Practices, Panel data analysis and procedures, International Economics.

  • Trade in Climate Smart Goods, Prometeo Project, Government of Ecuador Jan- May, 2012 . Trade in Climate Smart and Other Specialized Products of Ecuador, E book,, Denmark and UK.

  • Narayan Murthy Funds for short project (Jan-April, 2011) entitled 'IIT Kanpur Budget using DEA Analysis'. Completed Successfully in April, 2011

  • NPTEL Project of the Ministry of Human Resource and Development-Video Lectures on International Trade (44) developed for University Teachers and Docents under the NPTEL Project of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, 2012 Project completed under the aegis of the IIT Kanpur

  • Mathur, Somesh K and Archana Srivastava(2013), "Relative Prices, Trade, Technology and Wage Inequality - Evidence from India", Foreign Trade Review, June, 2013

  • Mathur, Somesh K, Archana Srivastava and Rahul Arora(2013),"Industrial Heterogenity and Trade Flows of India: A Fixed Effect Vector Decomposition Approach, The Journal of Industrial Statistics, Volume 2, Number 1, March 2013.

  • Mathur, S.K. and Abhishek Gaurav(2015)," DETERMINANTS OFTRADE COSTS AND TRADE GROWTH ACCOUNTING BETWEEN INDIA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION DURING 1995-2010", forthcoming in World Economy, UK.

  • Trade in Climate Smart and Other Specialized Products of Ecuador, An E book by, Denmark and UK. Available at: With Luis Barreno, Maria Isabel and Rene Vasconez(2012), El Commercio De Bienes Amigables Con El Ambiente Y Otros Productos Especializados Del Ecuador(2012), UTE Press, UTE, Quito, Ecuador in Spanish.

  • Perspective of Economic Growth and Convergence in Selected South Asian and East Asian Economies, E-Book published by, London. Growth and Convergence (, 2006. Global Economic Trends and South Asia, ICFAI Press, Hyderabad, India, 2007. Indian IT Industry: A Performance Analysis and a Model for Possible Adoption, E- Book by, London, 2007. Economic Growth and Convergence in Selected South Asian and East Asian Economies: A Data Envelopment Analysis, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, 2007.

  • Mathur, S K &Archana Srivastava (2014)," Validity of Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Hypothesis – A Complete and Partial Test Approach" Korea and the World Economy, Chungbuk National University,Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763,South Korea December issue of 2014.

  • Mathur, S K (2014),” Trade in Climate Smart Goods of Ecuador: Quantitative Analysis using Trade Indices, SMART and Gravity Analysis,” Journal of International Economics, Hyderabad, Volume 5,Issue 1, Jan-June

  • Abhishek, S and S K Mathur(2014),” The Impact of the Golden Quadrilateral Project on the Performance of the Indian Manufacturing Firms”, in the edited book entitled “Socio-Economic Sustainability, Regional Development and Spatial Planning, European and International Dimensions and Perspectives, Mytiline, Greece, 2014, ISBN Number 978-960-93-6040-1

  • Mathur,Somesh K and Archana Srivastava(2013),"Relative Prices,Trade, Technology and Wage Inequality - Evidence from India", Foreign Trade Review,June,2013

  • Mathur,Somesh K,Archana Srivastava and Rahul Arora(2013),"Industrial Heterogenity and Trade Flows of India: A Fixed Effect Vector Decomposition Approach,"The Journal of Industrial Statistics,Volume 2,Number 1,March 2013,CSO,Industrial Wing,Government of India

  • Mathur,Somesh K, Archana Srivastava and Bikash Ranjan Mishra(2012),"Firm Heterogenity and Trade Barriers",Taylors Business Review,Volume 2,Issue1,February ,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

  • Mathur,Somesh K(2012)," Trade of CSG by ESCAP Nations: A Gravity Analysis, Journal of International Economics, Hyderabad, India, volume 3, issue 2, July-December

  • Mathur, Somesh K and Shweta Sharma(2012), " A Modified Index of Economic and Social Well Being Using Multivariate Factor Analysis:An Indian Case", Paper prepared for the 32 General Conference of International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Boston, US, August 5,2012.The paper is posted at

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2011),`Trade Analysis of CSG subcategories for Regional Groups and Some Selected Member States of ESCAP in 2002-2008`,Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 2011, vol. XI, issue 1, pages 1264-1279.

  • Mathur, Somesh K (2011), Contribution to UNESCAP (2011), Climate Smart Trade and Investment in Asia and the Pacific: Towards a Triple Win Outcome, Bangkok, Thailand.

  • Mathur, Somesh K with Archana Srivastava(2011), Rising Wage Inequality in India: A Translog Cost Function Analysis, abstract and proceedings of the 12th international Symposium on Econometrics Operations Research and Statistics, Turkey, May in Journal of Business and Policy Research, Volume 6, Number1, July 2011, World Business Institute, Australia

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2011), "Trade of CSG by ESCAP Members: A Gravity Analysis"(Revised with theoretical justification), Conference Proceedings, The Indian Econometric Society 47th Annual Conference, Indore,Jan6-8,2011

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2011), "Trade of CSG by ESCAP Members and Some Regional Groups" Conference Proceedings, The Indian Econometric Society 47th Annual Conference, Indore,Jan6-8,2011

  • Mathur Somesh K(2011)with Archana Srivastava(2011),"Rising Wage Inequality in India: A Translog Cost Function Analysis", Conference Proceedings, The Indian Econometric Society 47th Annual Conference, Indore,Jan6-8,2011

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2010),Trade Performance in CSG of ESCAP Member Nations and Some Regional Groups in the Regions,Published in the Conference Proceedings, 9th International Conference Organized by the Japan Economic Policy Association , Waseda University,Tokyo, November 27-28,2010.(

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2010), South Asian Integration Process and Asian Regionalism in BOAO Report published by Boao forum for Asia

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2009), Financial Analysis of the ICT Industry: A Regulatory Perspective, Journal of Infrastructure Development, Volume 1, No1, June 2009, sage publication

  • Mathur,Somesh K(2009). Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Enhancing Cooperation in South Asia in MS Bhat and A Illian edited book entitled Information Technology in the Indian Economy,New Century Publications, Delhi

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2009),"Financial Analysis of the ICT industry in Handbook for Research on E-Goverment Readiness for Information and Services Exchange, (IGI Global Publications, Hershers, PA, USA

  • Mathur, Somesh K(2008),"TRIPS and Safeguard Mechanism: Impact of Mailbox Applications on Affordability and Accessibility of Essential Medicines in Post 2005 Phase",1 November 2008, Issue 26, South Bulletin, South Centre, Geneva, Switzerland


  • Mathur, Somesh K(2008),"Globalization and South Asia", in KR Gupta edited book, Liberalization & Globalization of Indian Economy, Atlantic Publisher, New Delhi.

  • Mathur, S.K.(2007), Review article of the book entitled : ICTs and Indian Economic Development: Economy, Work and Regulation by Ashwani Saith and M Vijayabhaskar, Indian Economic Journal, Volume 54, No 4, Jan- March ,2007

  • Mathur, S.K,(2007), Indian IT Industry: A Model for Possible Adoption, MPRA Paper no 2368,March, Munich

  • Mathur ,S.K.(2007), "TRIPS:ISSUES, IMPACT AND THE WAY FORWARD FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES INCLUDING INDIA" (April 2007). American Law & Economics Association Annual Meetings. American Law & Economics Association 17th Annual Meeting. Working Paper 7.


  • Mathur, S.K(2006),"Understanding of the Dispute Settlement Process of the WTO, Lahore Journal of Economics, December Issue

  • Mathur,S.K.(2006),"Indian Information Technology Industry: Past, Present and Future and a Tool for National Development", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, August 2006,Volume 2,No 2

  • Mathur, S.K.(2006)," Growth Accounting for Some Developed, Developing and Newly Industrialized Countries: from 1966 to 2000:A Data Envelopment Analysis"(paper culled out of my PhD thesis submitted at JNU,2005) ,Conference Proceedings International Conference of Korea Development Institute jointly organized by Korean Development Institute and Korean-American Economic Association. Published in Journal of European Economy, Volume 4,NO. 4,December 2005,Ternopil Economic University

  • Mathur ,S.K. with Dr Shahid Ahmed(2006),"Industrial Sector Growth Accounting for the Indian States and the Union Territories: A Data Envelopment Analysis", Foreign Trade Review, Indian Institute for Foreign Trade, Delhi, Volume XL, No 4, January-March.

  • Mathur, S.K.(2006),"Efficiency of Delhi International Airport Using Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case of Privatization and Deregulation" in the proposed executive reference book entitled, Infrastructure Financing: An Overview The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI), INDIA

  • Mathur, S.K.(2005),"Absolute Convergence and Economic Growth: Its Speed for Selected Countries for 1961-2001 ",Journal of Korean Economy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Fall 2005), 245-273.

  • Mathur, S.K.(2005),"Economic Growth and Conditional Convergence "Its Speed for Selected Countries for 1961-2001", Indian Economic Review, Delhi School of Economics, JUNE-December Issue.

  • Mathur,S.K. with Dr.S.Ashraf (2005),"Globalization and Development: Some Issues and Empirical Facts", in the felicitation volume of Professor Ashok Mathur ( JNU) entitled "Industrialization, Economic Reforms and Regional Development", Shipra Publications, Delhi.

  • Mathur, S.K.(2004) Absolute Convergence: Its Speed for Selected Countries for 1961-2001 ",Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Pune , India, Volume 16,No1,Jan-March,2004

  • Mathur, S.K.(2004)," Intellectual Property Rights in the Developing Countries, Review of International Economics, May, Blackwell Publishers, USA(Book Review)

  • Mathur, S.K.(2003),"Trade Liberalization and the Poor: A Framework for Poverty Reduction Policies With Special Reference to Some Asian Countries including India" ,Indian Development Review, Volume 1,No.2,Serial Publication, New Delhi. Revised Paper available in Professor MS.Bhatt edited book entitled "Poverty and Food Security in India", Aakar Publications, India.

  • Mathur, S.K.(2003),"Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property and Copyright Provisions: Some Conceptual Issues", Journal of World Intellectual Property Rights, January issue, Volume 6,No.1,Geneva.

  • Mathur, S.K.(2002),"Multilateral Trading System: Doha Round and Beyond", The Institute for Chartered Financial Analyst of India(ICFAI) Journal of International Business Law, Hyderabad, India. November

  • Mathur, S.K.(2002),"Policies and Markets", Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai, India. Volume 37,No 13.,March,30(Book Review)

  • Mathur, S.K.(2002),"Prudential Practices and Financial Stability: Some Conceptual Issues" ,Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, J uly issue, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, U.K.

  • Mathur, S.K.(2001),"Multilateral Trading System and Developing Countries: Prospects and Perspectives with Special Reference to India" Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Volume 1,No2,December,New Delhi, India. Paper available at the Harvard University web site or

  • Mathur,S.K.(2001),""Casualties of Militarization in the Contemporary World: Democracy and Development" in the Journal of Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, Cornell University, New York, US.Paper available at the journal website address:

  • Mathur,S.K.(2001),"Domestic Challenges and the TRIPs Agreement: The Way forward for India", Journal of World Intellectual Property Right,Geneva,Vol.4 No 3, May.

  • Mathur,S.K.(2000) "Information and Communication Revolution: Impact and Strategies for Development" Scientific Journal of Economic Research, Croatia (Europe),February.

  • Mathur,S.K(2000), " Pattern of International Trade, New Trade Theories and Evidence from Gravity Equation Analysis" April -June issue, Volume 47,No.4,Indian Economic Journal. Available at the Indian Economic Journal web site: .

  • Paper title "Sustainable Development, Growth, Trade and Income Distribution & Poverty: Some Issues and Relations" available at the website

  • Paper titled "Multilateral Trading System: Doha Round and Beyond"available at the Centre for International Trade and Development-Harvard University, US website

  • Paper titled "Child Labour: Some Issues,Correlates and Cures" available at the Centre for International Trade and Development-Harvard University, US website: Used as essential reading at the Department of Economics, Brandeis University, USA.

  • Paper titled "Globalization and National Development:Some Issues and Empirical Facts" available at the Harvard University web site Network: , January,2002

  • Paper title "Prudential Practices and Financial Stability:Some Conceptual Issues" presented at the 17th PROGRES Seminar organized by the Geneva Association,Geneva 13-14 September,2001.Paper will be published in the working paper series "Etudes et Dossiers" of the Geneva Association.The revised version of the paper is scheduled to be published in the international journal Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Blackwell Publishers,Oxford,UK in January,2002.

  • Paper titled "Agenda for Future Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Traditional and New Issues and Implications for India " presented(deemed) at the ASARC(Australian National University South Asian Centre, Canberra, Australia) Conference on Ten Years of Economic Reforms in India,November 18-19,2001.Paper available at the ASARC Web site Address:

  • Paper titled "Prominence and Economics of Internet and Wireless Technologies" presented at the International Conference on Electronic Commerce organized by the Vienna Government, Vienna(Hofburg City Centre), Austria from 31.10.2001 through 04.11.2001. Paper published in the Proceedings of the ICEC,2001 and available in CDROM.

  • Association for Environment and Development(JNU)

  • Indian Econometric Society

  • Indian Biometric Society.

  • Worked as a Lecturer in Economics at Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi from 1996 to 2006.

  • RIS fellow from 2006-2008.

  • Worked as the P3 Economic Affairs officer at the UNESCAP office in Bangkok in 2010 on the project on Trade in Climate Smart Goods.

  • Worked at the ITT, UTE, Quito under the Prometeo Project of the SENESCYT for first four months of 2012.

  • Working as an Assistant Professor of Economics from 2008 through 2012 and Associate Professor of Economics since 2012 till date.

  • Life Member of Indian Econometric Society.

  • National Knowledge Commission on TRIPS October, 2006 -2008.

  • National Working Groups on Patents, International Peace Science Congress, Cornell University since June 2001.

  • Prometeo Researcher in UTE, under the Prometeo Project of the SENESCYT, Ecuadorian Government, January through April 2012

  • Fellow, RIS, Ministry of External Affairs, GOI, April 2006 through April 2008

  • P3 Economic Affairs Officer at the Commission for Asia and Pacific, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand, June-July, 2010

  • Life Member, Indian Econometric Society

  • National Knowledge Commission on TRIPS October, 2006 -2008

  • Member International Biometric Society.

  • Participated in the first and second World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE)-Europe both held in Paris in June-1999 and June 2000 respectively in collaboration with Council for Economic Analysis, French Ministry of Industry, Economy and Finance.

  • Participated in the seminar on "Macroeconomic Management: New Methods and Current Policy Issues" organized by WBI,World Bank in New Delhi,India,March 15-25,1999.

  • Participated in the seminar on Managing Capital Flows in a Volatile Financial Environment organized by WBI,World Bank in Bangkok, Thailand, February 22-25,1999.

  • Participated in the seminar on "The New Trade Agenda, the WTO and India" jointly organized by ICRIER,New Delhi, WBI,World Bank and WTO from December,7-11,1998.

  • Participated at the workshop on "Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction" held at Colombo from October, 19-23,1998 jointly organized by World Bank Institute(WBI), World Bank, National Planning Division-Sri-Lanka and FASID, Japan.

  • Mathur, S.K. and Kanak Agarwal(2015), "Does Domestic Energy Consumption affect GDP of a Country? A Panel Data Study", poster presented at the GLAD Conference, University of Gottingen, Germany, May 11-12th,2015

  • Mathur, S.K. and Abhishek Gaurav(2015)," DETERMINANTS OFTRADE COSTS AND TRADE GROWTH ACCOUNTING BETWEEN INDIA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION DURING 1995-2010", paper presented at the Trade Research Group(Troup) Seminar, University of Gottingen, May 13th,2015. Mathur, S.K and Abhishek Shekhawat(2015)," Non Linearities in India's Exports to the US," paper presented at the Trade Research Group(Troup) Seminar,University of Gottingen, May 13th,2015.


  • Regular member Faculty Cricket Team ,IIT K Chairperson, Udghosh 2010, 2015.

  • Students advisor on games, member staff sports council.

  • Warden Hall II 2009-2013.

  • DCF Chairman, 2013, IIT Kanpur.

Office: Room Number- 651,6th Floor
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016

Office Phone: 0512-259-7155 (O) / 0512-259-8491 (R)

Lab Address: New Core Economics Lab(311)

Fax: 0512-259-7510

Email: skmathur[AT]


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